Article archive
Ali Baba And The Cave Sura
03/07/2014 16:52
Ali Baba and The Cave Sura
During the Gulf war (2003-11) to depose Saddam Hussein, Iraq`s dictator, after he announced his support for Al Qaeda, the terrorist group trained by the misogynist Taliban regime in Islamic fundamentalist Afghanistan for `Jihad`, that is, `holy war`, against...
Hey Presto
01/07/2014 11:52
Hey Presto
Transferring cartoon figures from a clear plastic sheet onto which they`d been painted by the simple expedient of placing a Letraset company`s `Instant Pictures` (1964-) sheet over a picture and rubbing over the top of each figure with a pencil to transfer them and so...
Parasites And Cannibals
01/07/2014 11:47
Parasites And Cannibals
The human infant is being eaten, as was foretold in the Bible, when the serpent of Eden grew to full size, as the dragon that `waits in vain` to devour the child of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, as she gave birth to he who...
No Other Gods Before Me
01/07/2014 11:46
No Other Gods Before Me
In the Garden of Eden, God explains to Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` (Gen: 3. 15) with the serpent and its `seed` because it’s a poisoner, `You shall be as gods.` Eve is tempted to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`,...
American Beauty Roses
07/06/2014 08:22
American Beauty Roses
The American Dream and Manifest Destiny is understandable as a mythos built upon Christianity, because the dream is of a return to innocence, which is the paradise of Eden in the Bible, while the spear of the Roman centurion, Longinus, who pierced the side of...
Living A Liar`s Lie
07/04/2014 04:39
Living A Liar`s Lie
The paradigm of the 21st century is the virus, that is, the HIV/AIDS virus, which is an incurable `killer disease` spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of human sexual reproduction. In ancient Greece homosexuality was the...
She`s Circus
02/03/2014 11:27
She`s Circus
The image of the beautiful woman is most familiar in Western democracies because of nudity and sex films, or at least the simulation of sexual intercourse between humans in mainstream movies such as 9 ½ Weeks (1986) in which Mickey Rourke and Kim Bassinger are depicted...
The Seed and the Garden of Eden
11/02/2014 13:55
The Seed and the Garden of Eden
Adam and Eve are the original man and woman, according to the Bible, where God created man, and then Eve from the rib of Adam. God told the pair not to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, but to eat of the `tree of life`, which...
Hungry Mouths
10/02/2014 10:49
Hungry Mouths
In Wales it`s usual for people to be known by their trade, for example, Evans `the baker`, or Jones `the builder`, whereas in Hungary, a nascent economy of the European Union, it`s more common for people to be known as Hungary, because `nem Magyar,` that is, `not Hungarian,` is...
Jesus Christ`s Political Truth And Judas Iscariot`s Political Correctness
01/01/2014 01:40
Jesus Christ`s Political Truth And Judas Iscariot`s Political Correctness
Jesus Christ was betrayed by Judas Iscariot as a dissident who was teaching the Jewish population of Palestine occupied by the Roman legions of the Empire to rebel against their enslavement as the indigenous...
Items: 141 - 150 of 212