Terror Aids
20/12/2015 21:55Terror Aids
In the Bible Jesus is depicted in conversation with the devil, Satan. Jesus replies to Satan`s offer to give him the Earth, `Away from me, Satan!` (Matt: 4. 10) Because Satan is male and Jesus is `woman`s seed`. An angel in heaven, according to tradition, Satan was transformed into a serpent by God for refusing to accept that humankind would be greater than the angels. In the book of Genesis, which is the first book of the Bible describing the origins of humanity, Adam and Eve are the first man and woman, and Satan is the serpent in the paradise of Eden who tempts Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, in rejection of the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God`s warning to Eve, after expelling her and Adam for disobedience from the garden of paradise, which is `heaven on Earth`, is `You shall crush his head with your foot and he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Eve`s `futanarian` foot is the species of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberation from host womb enslavement, men are Satan:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
The descendants of Adam and Eve have the `serpent`s seed`, because Eve`s `futanarian` foot has been enslaved in parasitism, which is why the `red dragon` of Revelation is depicted as the serpent full grown waiting in vain to devour the infant Jesus, `And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron.` (Rev: 12. 5) Although `rod` is interpreted as `gun` by murderers, and so anti-Christians of the `serpent`s seed` of men, `Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations.` (Rev: 19. 15) Jesus doesn`t need anything except truth`s scepter to rule.
In the late 20th century the `serpent`s seed` is HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` spread by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockery of human sexual reproduction. Symbolic of the rejection of women, homosexuality in pederasty is against `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, which Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, prefigures. Jesus` teaching was, `love your neighbor as you love yourself,` (Mk: 12. 31) because it`s advice to women who`re enslaved by a parasite that has taken over her host womb and penis` semen during the eons since humanity`s original Edenic home was lost. If Eve`s `seed` is going to produce her own brains` powers, and so crush the head of the serpent, Satan, with the power of woman`s human intellect, she`ll need Resurrection, which is what Jesus` Resurrection as `woman`s seed` born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, prefigures. Betrayed by his disciple, as host at the `Last Supper`, for `dissidency` when Jesus was offering `bread and wine` as symbols of the `body and blood` of the human host, he was taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem and nailed to a cross of wood, where he died but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Jesus was a `dissident` because he wasn`t for male braining, which is homosexuality in pederasty and war:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
In the Bible Babylon is described as `a woman`, because male braining is what men perpetrate on the host wombs of the human race of women in parasitism and slavery to ephemeral death. In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved by men in homosexuality in pederasty to spread war, because a woman with a penis and a memory is a threat to men`s slaving of the human species. Consequently, the socio-history of the Earth is of `woman`s seed` being subjugated through conquest in homosexuality in pederasty and war, and HIV/AIDS is men`s latest `biological weapon` to keep women in fear and prevent them from understanding. The `geek` successors to the ancient Greeks developed computer viruses to infect machine memory as a symptom of men`s aim of preventing women from having memories. Women`s ephemeral death is men`s way of preventing them from remembering their own penis` `seed` and producing their own brains` powers for scientific technological advances that would prolong her life in rejuvenative therapies and treatments to give her a longer memory so that her species wouldn`t be forgotten by men`s exterminating of her in the wars they wage on the money they deprive her of. Men are Satan to women in slavery to parasitism and ephemeral death, which is why Adam and Eve`s accepting of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, rather than the `fruit of the tree of life`, is death. Jesus` Ascension to heaven prefigures the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, rather than the `boy sons`, that is, the `poisons` of men of the `serpent`s seed` who, in homosexuality in pederasty and war, promote HIV/AIDS` incurable `killer disease` in terrorism against the human race of women. In Satanism the `boy sons`, who`re the `poisons` of the `serpent`s seed`, are heaven to the ignorant, because they don`t know Jesus` `woman`s seed` as the education and information disseminated to the people of the Earth denies women`s penis. Consequently, heaven is promoted as the abode of men by right after they die, whereas Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, and subsequent Resurrection, as `woman`s seed` prefiguring woman`s Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, suggests that heaven isn`t men`s right but a privilege:
`And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven of God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.` (Rev: 21. 2)
Although the standard interpretation is that heaven on Earth is for men, Jesus` role as `woman`s seed` suggests that the `husband` of the `bride` has to be very special, because women have their own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers, and so women are the `holy city`, which doesn`t need men but can admit them if they`re worthy of women`s elevated state. Islam`s Moslem women wear the burka as a one piece coverall that conceals everything but their eyes in public, which paradoxically means that Western civilization, culture and art is Islamic, because a woman whose face is visibly looked upon can cause men to be killed, or persecuted for a lifetime, by her family, who want to maintain women`s slavery in monogamy. HIV/AIDS` `biological weapon` is a terror weapon designed to keep women in fearful faithfulness to monogamy, because men don`t want a cure. They`d rather wage war on Islamic nations in the Middle East and elsewhere, where the four wives of Moslem marriages affords the possibility of sexual reproduction between women and the development of women`s freedom through their own brains` powers for scientific advances that can cure HIV/AIDS, for example.
Although Islam is perceived as the opposite of Judeo-Christianity, it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a woman, which means women are Jews and, because the Jews are the `chosen people` of God in the Talmud and Torah, that is, the books of the history and the law of the Jews, which are what the Old Testament consists of for Christians, the `chosen people` are `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs. Consequently, the German National Socialist Party`s effort during World War Two (1939-45) to exterminate the `chosen people` was an attempt by a Christian country to kill the human race of `woman`s seed`. The background to misogyny, monogamy, and homosexuality in pederasty and war is Abraham`s, whose temple built by his son, Ishmael, born to his wife`s maid, Hajer, is in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and the annual Moslem pilgrimage, the Haj, celebrates Hajer`s achievement in breaking the taboo against polygamy so that the race of women can sexually reproduce with each other within marriage.
Abraham`s wife, Sara, gave birth to Isaac, who founded Israel, while Ishmael`s lineage is that of Islam. Because women are the `chosen people` in Judaism, and sexual reproduction between women is possible in Islam, the New Testament of the Bible detailing Jesus` teaching and birth prefiguring the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` means that Islam and Judeo-Christianity represent aspects of women`s desire for emancipation from her enslaved state. Freedom from monogamy`s slave ring is a sine qua non of emancipation, and polygamy isn`t illegal in Christianity, although the term `adultery` means relations that are sexual but not polygamous, because `adultery` isn`t perceived as adulteration of `woman`s seed`, but sex without monogamy`s ring of slavery. All conflicts, wars, and battles have as their aim the enslavement of women. In the Bosnian war (1992-95) in Eastern Europe the Christian Serbs built rape camps in which to male brain a generation of Moslem women and so adulterate the `woman`s seed` of `futanarian` women who could sexually reproduce with each other pure humans.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) comprising the United States of America and her Western European allies were the military presence that facilitated that successful partition of nations comprising Moslem and Christian peoples within the European Union. Although the British Isles are perceived as Western, its mores are Islamic, because the sight of a woman`s face in public can cause murder. Women`s faces are covered in Islam to prevent speculation about extra-marital relations and ownership within monogamous ring slavery that could cause conflict between families. British society, with its emphasis upon monogamy with uncovered women, is a `battle zone` for ring slavers in which women would be better off their rings and with each other in sexual relationships that result in human reproduction. Paradoxically British society is more Islamic than Islam, because conflict is based on women`s being seen to be owned, whereas in Islam women aren`t seen and have the privacy that is necessary between themselves to found human society.
British society isn`t Christian but Islamic, because only Islam cares about its women being looked at so that they`re covered in public, that is, if the basis of conflict within society is men`s seeing women, British society is Islamic because true Britons wouldn`t care. Consequently, British society exists in a state of terror, although not Islamic extremist terrorism. The British have simply adopted the perspective that adult males and boys should be attacked for looking at women. British newsagents provide pubescent males with the opportunity to ogle black and white photos of women showing their breasts in newspapers such as The Sun, and magazines like Playboy are available for young adult males 18 + to see what women look like in color with their knickers off, but an erect woman`s penis is so taboo that the idea of it is beyond imagination for British society, and that males are attacked for looking at women suggests the erect male penis is even more taboo, because it might become visible to women, who`d then remember their own penis, that is, British society is Islamic, because it doesn`t want women to know that they had a penis, and so perversely represses the penis per se, whereas Moslems don`t want barbaric cultures to know about their women`s penis and so are truly `Islam`, which means `accept`, rather than anti-Christians who reject human `woman`s seed`.
There are four Gospels narrating the life of Jesus, that is, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Although Mark`s the briefest, it`s the most detailed, so an account of the main features of Jesus` life constitute a useful `pocket` New Testament
20/12/2015 18:14There are four Gospels narrating the life of Jesus, that is, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Although Mark`s the briefest, it`s the most detailed, so an account of the main features of Jesus` life constitute a useful `pocket` New Testament
1 John baptizes Jesus (9), and God`s voice is heard as the Holy Spirit upon Jesus, `Thou art my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.` (11) Jesus casts out an unclean spirit from a man who tells him he has no business with the congregation in their place of worship (26), and Jesus begins healing many others. 2 Jesus cures a man of palsy (12), is criticized for performing God`s work, and defines `sin` as `sickness` (17). 3 Jesus cures a man of a withered hand (5), while onlookers wait to accuse him of magic (2). Jesus appoints the twelve disciples (14). He`s accused of healing by the power of Satan (23). Jesus says whoever helps him is `family` (35). 4 Jesus explains fruition depends on the receptiveness of the Earth to the `seed` (19). He becalms the sea in a storm (39). 5 Pigs run off a cliff possessed by spirits Jesus casts out of a man (13). On his way to heal a daughter, a woman touches his clothing (27), and she is healed (29), but he feels the healing power go from him (30). When he goes to heal her, the daughter is dead (35), but he says she sleeps (39) and, healed, she awakens (42). 6 The subsequent crucifixion of Jesus is explained. Herod married Herodias, his brother Philip`s wife, and John, who baptized Jesus, told Herod he couldn`t, so Herodias would`ve killed John. When Herod promises Herodias` daughter `anything` for dancing, Herodias tells her to ask for John`s `head` (24). Herod fears Jesus is John resurrected (16). Jesus feeds 5000 with some bread and fish from his bag (42). He walks on the sea of Galilee to his ship from the land of Bethaisda (45), during a storm, before arrival at Gennaseret (53). 7 Jesus explains pollution doesn`t come from without, but within (15), and heals a woman`s daughter (29), and a deaf man who can`t speak (35). 8 Jesus heals a blind person (23-25). 9 Jesus appears transfigured with Moses, who accepted the law from God against taking life (Exodus: 24. 12-13), and Elijah, who rebuked king Ahab for acquiring a vineyard by murder, `Have you killed and also taken possession?` (1 Kings: 21. 19). Jesus restores the power of speech to a dumb boy (25), and approves of one who heals in his name (39). 10 Jesus supports marriage (8), children`s education (14), and says a rich person can enter heaven (25). He restores a man`s sight (52). 11 Jesus rides on a horse into Jerusalem (9) while people bless him. Jesus rebukes extortionists in the temple (15) and, in explanation of his withering a tree that didn`t have fruit when he wanted it (21), says `anything` is possible to the prayerful (33). 12 Jesus relates the narrative of an heir to a vinery who`s murdered (8) and explains the builders` rejection of murder is the `cornerstone` (10) of Christianity. Jesus says there`ll be no marriage in resurrection (25), while the overriding precept of God`s law is, `love your neighbor` (31), while the mean are damned (40), but those who give in poverty are for heaven (43). 13 Jesus speaks of `false prophets` (22) bringing desolation and his `second coming` (26) as restorer. 14 Jesus rebukes Judas for suggesting his feet aren`t worth anointing (6) and gives the disciples `bread and wine` as his `body and blood` (22-24). He says Judas will betray him to death (10-11), but he`ll have resurrection (28). He is taken and sentenced to death (64), after saying that he`ll be at God`s `right hand` as `the son of man` (62); triumphing over falsity when someone accuses him of saying he`ll destroy the temple in Jerusalem and rebuild it by magic (58). Peter denies knowing Jesus three times (72), as Jesus said he would, out of fear for his own life. 15 Pilate releases the insurrectionist, Barabbas (15), because the people value him more, and orders Jesus to be crucified. He is made `king of the jews` (18, 26) in mockery, and cries out at his death `My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?` (34) The temple curtain is mysteriously rent in twain (38), and the Roman guard, Longinus, says, `Surely this was the son of God.` (39) Jesus` women want his body, and Joseph of Arimathea has it placed in a sepulcher (46) with a stone before the entrance. 16 Jesus` tomb is discovered by Mary Magdalene and Mary, mother of James and Salome, with the stone rolled aside and a man in white raiment, who says Jesus is resurrected and they`ll see him (6). Mary Magdalene, whom Jesus had cast seven possessive spirits out of (9), meets Jesus and he sits with the eleven disciples during their meal exhorting them to continue his teaching (14). Through baptism and belief is salvation and unbelievers will have damnation (16). In Jesus` name they`ll cast out harmful spirits and be immune (18). Jesus has Ascension (19).
We`re Living In A False Paradigm
20/12/2015 18:04We`re Living In A False Paradigm
Women are taught that they have to have a man because men are the sexual fertilizers of their ova, and because women don`t have penis` semen of their own. However, according to the Bible, they do. In the garden of Eden God tells Eve her` seed` will have `perpetual enmity` for the `serpent`s seed`, but she will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Eve is expelled from paradise on Earth, that is, heaven, for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, rather than the `fruit of the tree of life`, immortality, God`s words to her indicate that her victory occurs as she leaves Eden, although she and Adam are expelled for accepting the serpent`s offer, `You shall be as gods,` (Gen: 3. 5) if they eat the fruit of the `tree of knowledge`, because Eve`s `foot` is the `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberation from womb slavery in war and death, which is what men`s `seed` produces.
The `seed` of woman was born after Eden which Jesus Christ`s birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, emphasizes. Jesus is the preacher of Redemption from original sin, that is, the enslaving of the host womb of the human species for godlike power as its extinguisher in war and death. Jesus was betrayed as the host at his `Last Supper` where he offered his disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, that is, his mother, the host womb of the human race, before he was sold for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Roman occupiers of Jewish Palestine as a `dissident` by his disciple, Judas Iscariot. Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and tortured to death, before he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which prefigures the Resurrection of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb, Consequently, Judas is the betrayer of the human host to the Empire of Satan, who was the angel expelled by God from heaven and turned into the serpent of Eden for refusing to accept God`s plan, while Jesus is Christ, the `redeemer`, because he represents the rebirth and Resurrection of `woman`s seed` after Eve and Adam`s expulsion from Eden, which preceded them (and their descendants) obtaining power like gods by killing and culling the `futanarian` humans species of woman with her own penis` semen to prevent humanity from achieving socio-economic independence and escaping from her womb slavers, the `serpent`s seed` of men.
Because women have their own penis` semen as God`s `seed` waiting to leave the Earth and crush the serpent with her `futanarian` foot as she leaves, she`s living in a false paradigm in which lies are couched as truth. Taught she must have a man, women sacrifice themselves on the altar of their parasite. In the Bible the serpent grows in size to a dragon, which `waits in vain` to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming` as `he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter`, because Jesus` teaching of Redemption require women to reject Satanism and accept `woman`s seed`, which means they have to embrace each other and deny men who`re unredeemed. Jesus` basic precept was `love your neighbor` as the entire distillation of the meaning of God`s law, because women are taught they`re Oedipal. The ancient Greek dramatist, Sophocles, wrote the drama of Oedipus who killed his father accidentally and married his mother in ignorance, and so he was blind metaphorically, while afterwards he blinded himself for committing the sin of incest which is men`s dominant taboo because they don`t want the woman to remember her own penis. Oedipus represents the taboo against the daughter having sexual intercourse with her mother and fertilizing her with her own penis` semen, whereas Jesus` maxim `love your neighbor` is women`s Redemption, because they can love their neighbor as their mother, but sexually, whereas men`s incest taboo precludes women`s realization that women are the sexual counterparts of each other. If the mother is a sexual impossibility for the son, it`s a physical impossibility for a woman without a penis and who doesn`t know that women have penis` semen of their own because her species has been culled by a parasite so it can emerge and cull and kill her from the host womb as her enslaver in the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for her human `seed` of woman in war against her until the death of her race:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) with nuclear warheads to produce global holocaust in the event of war are a product of women`s wombs, because men have thought them up, but `woman`s seed` is independent of male braining, which means the parasite is planning to kill her. The world`s religions might be strong but Satanism doesn`t care about belief; it has its agenda: the death of the human species. Because it`s a parasite that grows from the host womb of the woman to wage war against her and kill her. Although her indomitable spirit is able to inspire civilization, culture and art, men want to kill her, which is why the parasites wage war upon her Earth. It`s their nature as parasites whereas her nature has been culled or killed as the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brain`s powers for technological liberation from slavery so she can lift her `foot` from the Earth and set it upon `the pearl of great price`, which is the moon as the first step of woman`s journey to planetary colonization for `woman`s seed` amongst the stars of heaven, but ICBMs won`t get her there:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1
Neil Armstrong`s words as the first man on the moon for the North American Space Administration (NASA) program were belied in March 1983 when US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan unveiled his plan for a `ground and missile based system` that would prevent humans leaving Earth without permission. Consequently, woman`s `foot` would never be placed upon the moon because she`s the `futanarian` human species` `seed` here. Many have wondered why Hollywood is called Babylon. Because of its support for Satanism. The Hays code (1930-67) made it a rule for women to have one foot on the floor in bedroom scenes so that immoral sexual activity couldn`t occur. But morality wasn`t the issue. Although Robert Redford and Jane Fonda appeared in scenes of intimacy in Barefoot In The Park (1967), the Hays code had made it unlikely for a naked `futanarian` woman`s penis to be imagined as her `foot` in Central Park, because of the serpent`s grass roots` presence in Hollywood Babylon. If women`s penis was never seen, women`d remain ignorant and blind. The `futanarian` foot of `woman`s seed` would never leave the Earth, even as far as the moon, because her penis wouldn`t. Even the Pioneer spacecraft, 10 and 11, NASA sent out of the solar system (1972, `73), with a brass plaque for other life forms to see and learn about humans, depicted only man and woman, while woman`s true sexual counterpart, that is, her own `futanarian` species with her own penis` semen for her own host wombs, was absent, because the parasite didn`t want the rest of the cosmos to know it`d stolen the human`s penis and was on its way to kill her should she be found alive.
Although US President Barack Obama`s nation opted for AEGIS, a sea based missile shield against ICBMs, `aegis` was the goddess` Pallas Athene`s protective garment, and she was the patron deity of the city of Troy besieged and taken by the Greeks, who institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty to spread their contagion of war, while enslaving the host wombs of the women. The Greeks devised a huge hollow wooden horse, known as the `Trojan horse`, from which they emerged to capture the city and enslave the host wombs of the women for homosexuality in pederasty and war when the Trojans took the horse into Troy, deluding themselves it was a gift acknowledging the defensive capabilities of Pallas Athene, whose motherly symbol was the tirelessness of the horse. Their priest, Laocoon, even told them it was the 20th century `geek` counterpart of the Greeks, that is, a programer, who`d written a `bad machine code` to infect their system and kill the brain of the city of Troy after the fashion of the HIV/AIDS` `killer virus` spread as homosexuality`s `biological weapon` in sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction when mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses to keep women in fearful faithfulness to their slave rings and kill her brain by preventing her from sexually reproducing with herselves:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`2
Although Pallas Athene is the mother goddess of Troy, the fate of the Trojans is a consequence of her preference for men, that is, she`s the horse they emerge from and so the Greeks are able to appeal to her and the city is taken for pederasty in war. Geeks were circus freaks who ate chickens` heads to entertain onlookers, which is what men think of women, because `chicken` is a euphemism for `coward` and any species that`ll allow its heads to be eaten by its parasite is a coward. Consequently, the `geek` who kills women`s computer brains through `Trojan virus` is mocking her as HIV/AIDS` killer disease spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses mocks human sexual reproduction.
Because male braining is the result of male `seed`, the consequence is a creature with different genders but the same brain, which is transvestism or `TV`, that is, it`s the same creature wearing different clothes. Consequently, `TV` as television is the medium in which the homosexual killers watch the chickens eating their heads, that is, everything is `TV` and wars are the parasites` entertainment. In the Roman circus people were killed for entertainment, while `circus` in the 20th century was a euphemism for `spying`, which is blinding those who want to see, that is, women, because men don`t want women to be able to conceive of women themselves as their own natural partners in sexual reproduction, whereas women are the ones with the host wombs and so are the human race if they have their own penis` semen too.
Western democracy was based on the Greek model of institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war. Before Emily Pankhurst suggested women should be enfranchised before, during and after WWI (1914-18), women weren`t voters, whereas human biology indicates they were disenfranchised by their parasites, which preferred the `TV` transvestism of the carnage of the battle of the Somme, for example, which took place between 1 July and 18 November, 1916, during which 1,000,000 men were killed or wounded, so the homosexuals at home could vicariously enjoy it; as a prelude to watching it at the cinemas as Oh! What a Lovely War (1969) and other films before `TV` was properly invented in 1926 by Scot, John Logie Baird, so the homosexuals could watch the human species dying from the couch in their living room as `small screen` autosuggestion for the snakes` boy sons and `live on CNN` and other television networks reporting the progress of the sneaks` attacks.
In his `Second Coming` Jesus was born from a woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, because the moon is the `pearl of great price`, which is heaven in the Bible, where her `futanarian` foot needs to be. The red sun of the flag of Japan`s sneak attack upon the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, is the sun clothing the woman, while the flag of the moon is Al Qaeda, the terrorist group that sneakily hijacked civil airliners on September 11, 2001, to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre of New York, where the pearl of the moon could be seen in New York harbor beneath the statue of Liberty bearing freedom`s torch, because figuratively she`s Jesus` mother, representing the woman who shelters the future beneath her skirts. Al Qaeda leader, Osama Ben Laden, was killed by US Navy Seal Team Six on 2 May, 2011, by authority of the `Great Seal` of the US Presidency, because Jesus uncontaminated by male semen is woman`s `Great Seal`:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
Al Qaeda were trained by the misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan which was the traditional seat of Hassan-i-Sabbah, `Master of the Assassins`, who gave his men hashish so they believed they were in paradise and then he sent them out from mountain fastnesses to kill rulers who wouldn`t accept Islam, the religious faith spread by the adherents of the Prophet Mohamed whose holy book was the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels of God, according to Moslem tradition, and so Islam was established. The Hashishim were sneaks in the grass, where `grass` is a euphemism for hashish. Osama Ben Laden was the 21st century`s `Old Man of the Mountain`, whose sneak attack upon the United States resembled Japan`s at the outset of WWII (1939-45), that is, the Hashishim were the `serpent`s seed` while Jesus` `seed` are the seals of the hymen of the human species of womankind`s `futanarian` race with her own penis` semen and host womb. In `Islam`, which means `accept`, Jesus` Ascension is bodily, in accordance with the Christian dogma of the Assumption of his mother, the Virgin Mary, bodily into heaven without death, because the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` is accepted and implicit in the marriages of Islam where four wives are permitted and so Resurrection for the fruits of women`s penis` `seed` is predicated. In other words, Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is an illustration `Islam`, `accept`, doesn`t need, because it encourages death worship as a means to gain entrance into heaven, which was the abomination represented by the Hashishim and Al Qaeda who were attempting to assassinate Jesus` `seed` in the West.
In the United States of America, the model for Western democracy, women`s feminist `political correctness` was beginning to gain ground in terms of political enfranchisement with women like Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State (2005-9), Hilary Clinton, US Secretary of State (2009-13) and Sarah Palin, Vice President nominee for the US Republican Party in the vote to decide whether the Democratic Party or the Republicans would govern the United States of America after 2008. But Al Qaeda`s `Trojan horse` infected feminism`s `PC` to kill women`s brain on the brink of having enough information through the information superhighway available to them via the internet to be able to see to remember they could sexually reproduce socio-economic independence in rejection of war in pederasty by means of their own penis` `seed`.
Because Al Qaeda`s planes were hijacked at Logan airport, Boston, Massachusetts, the Hollywood Babylon paradigm was the thinly veiled `snuff movie`, Logan`s Run (1976), in which `runners` who reached the age of 21 and ran from the `sandmen`, who killed them to maintain the socio-economic status quo, corresponded to 21st century New Yorkers at the World Trade Centre, where the `rough trade` of global `brutality and violence` amongst homosexual men who pay for boys and men was reestablished, while 15 April 2013`s terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon`s `runners` were sneakers in grass as the Hashishim attempting to prevent the human footrace from running from their `sandmen` in their sandshoes.
Traditionally women of Islam can`t be seen, because they wear the one-piece coverall of the burkha from which their eyes can be seen by each other, but men are forbidden from looking at the eyes of women who aren`t perceivably female relatives. Consequently, the Moslem woman may correspond to the `hidden` woman of the `wilderness` who gives birth to Jesus in his `Second Coming` uncontaminated by male semen as her redeemer, because the four wives permitted in Moslem marriages allows her the possibility to reproduce sexually as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs. Because women have both penis` semen and host wombs of their own, while men are her oppressors denying their own `futanarian` male womb as well as hers, she`s the breeding pair denied by the womb enslavers` program.
If women breed, men who have no wombs of their own would be exponentially outnumbered and democracy would have arrived to the virtual exclusion of men because they wouldn`t be able to reproduce their viral parasitism from a host womb that wasn`t their own. The tradition that the Middle East is despotic and undemocratic with rulers rather than governments may well be true, but Western democracy is founded upon the denial of women`s franchise and homosexuality in pederasty and war as the basis for men`s rule, whereas Communism is the socio-economic model expressive of German Karl Marx`s Das Kapital (1856) philosophy of state `ownership of the means of production` for the people. Western capitalism`s philosophy of `supply and demand`, where entrepeneurs employ workers to produce what people want, rather than what they need, represents women`s womb enslavement as `ownership of the means of production` and so Marxism provides the basis for an understanding of women`s wombs as `the means of production` and is the critical tool for describing both communism and capitalism as womb slavery because it denies women`s capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` power for liberating herself technologically from drudgery in socio-economic independence from men as her employers.
In Eden, Eve and Adam had a fruit tree of their own, which they ate from, while the serpent tempted them to eat from another tree that God had forbidden, because the fruit tree they ate from wasn`t womb slavery to death in pederasty and war, whereas the serpent represented their enslaver, who would afterwards masquerade as their employer, because they wouldn`t have fruit of their own as their wombs would be in thrall to whatever the serpent and its `seed` wanted to be produced. However, God told Eve her `seed` would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` Eden, because her `futanarian` child with her own penis` semen and host womb would be born after she and Adam were expelled from paradise untainted by their sin of race suicide.
Although Jesus is often described as sacrificing himself for humanity, he doesn`t. He was nailed upon a cross and tortured to death as a `dissident` teacher by the Roman Empire in Jewish Palestine because he was born uncontaminated by male semen, which was the teaching that the `serpent`s seed` of male braining in pederasty and war didn`t want `woman`s seed` to remember. Jesus was suicided, which is what the serpent had Eve and Adam do in the garden of Eden when they suicided the human race`s `futanarian` future in exchange for womb slavery to war in pederasty and death that would attend men`s killing and culling of Eve`s daughters own penis` semen and wombs to ensure women`s enslavement. Jesus` Resurrection was God`s response to his being suicided, which was God`s response to Eve and Adam`s being suicided, because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of the real human species uncontaminated by male semen was Redemption and Resurrection from suicide immediately after Eden before she was killed and culled to establish womb slavery to men in pederasty and war.
Incest is taboo because it results in congenital idiocy, that is, a creature that kills its own host womb. Because woman`s host womb is host to a parasite, she`s a congenital idiot because her parasite has castrated her so she can`t have sex with her mother. Jesus` solution is `love your neighbor` because he`s not an advocate of either parasitism or incest, but it`s difficult for him to explain that women`s penis` semen is what God`s law is meant to protect. Born uncontaminated by male semen Jesus` birth is educational, but his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after crucifixion is illustrative. Although Jesus` crucifixion seems predestined, because it illustrates the meaning of his birth uncontaminated by male semen, as his Resurrection illustrates the future reemergence of `woman`s seed`, his isn`t a self-sacrifice, that is, Jesus` birth, death and Resurrection are foreseeable but unplanned. If he was killed, he`d have been born uncontaminated by male semen, which is the meaning of his birth and teaching, that is, his Resurrection after torture and death is illustrative, but not exemplary, because Jesus` death isn`t suicide as he isn`t advocating death as a means to heaven and so isn`t worshipping death, whereas his Resurrection after death promotes torture as a methodology for attaining to heaven. Consequently, the meaning of Jesus` life is his birth uncontaminated by male semen as `woman`s seed` from his `futanarian` mother, the Virgin Mary, which prefigures the Resurrection of humanity, while the Romans` torturing of Jesus to death both obfuscates and illumines. Jesus` Resurrection is confused with heaven through death, whereas his life is meant to depict Resurrection for `woman`s seed` without death, which is why Judas was clever. He sold Jesus for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Roman Empire, who crucified Christ on the understanding that the Christians would worship death, if Jesus had Resurrection, and so humanity would never escape from womb slavery in pederasty and death through heroism in war, which is Satanism.
Jesus isn`t a hero, but a redeemer, with a `sword coming out of his mouth`, because his words are powerful. They had to be if women are going to emerge from the false paradigm constructed by the `serpent`s seed` of men to imprison them in womb slavery. If the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her race is to endure occlusion in blindness through the killing and culling of her own species by men of the `serpent`s seed`, Jesus` words need to be strong in order to carry the message far enough into the `futanarian` future where computer information systems reach a level of saturation in terms of data that makes it impossible for the human race of women to be ignored. Geek programers, with their `bad machine code`, based on HIV/AIDS `Trojan viruses`, as their model derived from ancient Greek virality in institutionalized homosexual pederasty and war through womb slavery, kill the machine brains devised by humans to prevent women from receiving intelligence enough from the human defence system to commit them to Jesus` `futanarian` teaching of uncontamination by male semen.
Al Qaeda`s `Trojan horse` that penetrated the USA`s computerized defence system on September 11, 2001, crashed the human system like a computer virus when the terrorists flew hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre and reestablished `rough trade` in that `brutality and violence` associated with Greek homosexuality in war through pederasty in which men pay for boys and men to contaminate the system with their virality, because that`s why they`re for. Flying planes from Boston, Logan airport, to kill the 21st century after the fashion of the `sandmen` killing the `runners` who didn`t want to die after they reached 21, Al Qaeda sought to divert resources away from Hilary Clinton`s healthcare plan that would have resulted in longevity for women`s brains and bodies so they constituted a human data base capable of transmitting knowledge of themselves as a `futanarian` species of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs to their daughters
By activating the USA`s Military Industrial Complex (MIC), Al Qaeda sabotaged Clinton`s Democratic Party program and ensured the election of Colin Powell, as the US General who won the second Gulf War to depose Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq who supported Al Qaeda, to the position of Republican Secretary of State in the administration of President George W. Bush Jnr. George, President during and after 9/11, 2001, declared `War On Terror` (2003-) and so plunged the Earth into an age of `fear your neighbor`, rather than Jesus` `love your neighbor`, which was `God`s law` for Christ born uncontaminated by male semen. Love was the ruling principle protecting women`s future as the `futanarian` heir to the human cosmos producing her own brains` powers from her own penis` semen and host womb to escape homosexuality`s HIV/AIDS` `biological weapon` keeping her in fear and faithfulness to her womb enslavers in parasitism and death through wars against her. Hilary Clinton`s plan was to spend money on healthcare for old women rather than on `rough trade`, which makes her a US heroine:
`By September 1994, the final compromise Democratic bill was declared dead by Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell.`3
Bill was Hilary`s husband as US Democratic Party President (1993-2001), who supported her healthcare proposals. When Mitchell declared Hilary`s bill dead, he goaded her into seeking the US Presidency, but she lost her party`s nomination to Barack Obama and became Secretary of State with him as US President in 2009 advocating `smart power` combining US` military strength with diplomacy during the `Arab Spring` revolutions against dictatorship in Islam, leading to the fall of Mubarak in Egypt (2011), Gadaffi in Libya (2011), Ben Ali in Tunisia (2011), Saleh in Yemen (2012) and regime changes in other Moslem nations. Although the `Arab Spring` looked hopeful for women, change tended towards Islamic fundamentalism on the Iranian model of religious dictatorship by Ayatollah Khomeini after the Islamic Revolution there to depose the Shah in 1979, which meant a return for women to hiding beneath their burkhas as the killed and culled future `futanarian` human race awaiting Resurrection, while the Christians are encouraged to believe in the false paradigm that they fight wars against the Moslems because they don`t believe in Jesus who`s a Prophet in Islam.
1 Armstrong, Neil UTC: 2. 56, 21 July, 1969.
2 Virgil The Aeneid Bk II, 19 B.C.
Meteorite Culture
20/12/2015 18:01Meteorite Culture
Politically correct thinking is what the United States of America has been teaching the world since feminism became the dominant theme for the careful society. Feminists argue that men and women are equal, which is the basis for the argument that lesbians are homosexuals. In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` of men, although she will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs aren`t lesbian or homosexual their desire for women and women`s desire for her own species` penis semen means that the careful society induces schizophrenia in women who are conditioned to repress their sexual urges for each other because men don`t want her to raise her `foot` from the Earth and leave. If women sexually reproduced their own brains` powers they`d be capable of technological liberation. In television science fiction series like Star Trek (1965-) starships have shields that can`t be penetrated by meteors, which is what men are to the `foot` race of `futanarian` women with their own hymen. Men want to meet you right, that is, in a politically correct way within a careful society, which doesn`t mention the girl`s penis, so they can penetrate her hymen, which is her shield, like meteorites. Instead of Mister Right it`s Mister Meteorite for the girl who wants Star Trek and is holed before she can even raise her `foot` to the moon:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1
Neil Armstrong`s paean to mankind after he set foot on the moon in 1969 was followed by US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s 23 March, 1983, `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI), that is, a `ground and space based missile system`, now called Aegis after the shield of the ancient Greek goddess, Pallas Athene, was designed to prevent the little girl from leaving the Earth without permission. The ideology that tells her education is important has turned her Earth into a `concentration camp` because she isn`t given any education about her own `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed`. In the Bible Jesus is born uncontaminated by male semen, which effectively makes him the mother of the little girl who is able to perceive that women can produce daughters without men. The politically correct perspective is that the careful society protects the little girl, whereas the politically correct perspective protects the human belief that the alien hasn`t won. By 1890 buffalo hunters in the United States killed all of the buffalo so that the North American Plains Indians would starve to death, so the absence of the `futanarian` little girl from the world`s stage with her own penis` semen suggests she`s a buffalo to the alien,2 which means that the politically correct standpoint that the careful society has adapted from feminism is the little girl`s killers` perspective, because it doesn`t want her to know she`s a hunted buffalo.
Because men can`t sexually reproduce without women, who can sexually reproduce with each other, and individually if necessary, which is what Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, did, women`s numbers are the human numbers and the limited numbers of humans upon the Earth suggests that the `serpent`s seed` of the alien has been winning since the serpent in God`s garden of paradise tempted Eve to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` and she and Adam, the first man, were expelled with the promise of Redemption although she`d have pain in labour and Adam would labour for his life. God`s punishment was Adam and Eve would experience death because they`d rejected the `tree of life` or immortality for the serpent`s promise, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) If the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen were culled, the host wombs of the women would be enslaved by the `serpent`s seed` of men for those wars of `perpetual enmity` against the `woman`s seed` of Eve which God had warned her would ensue. Her labour pains were God`s metaphor for the `futanarian` species of human woman which would be born as Jesus` teachings of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven following death suggests.
Tortured to death upon the wooden cross to which he was nailed after being betrayed by one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, at the `Last Supper` where Jesus was the host, Jesus died and had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Offering `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbols of his `body and blood`, Jesus was the host betrayed by the representative of the `serpent`s seed`, Judas, who knew he was accepting `thirty pieces of silver` from the occupying Roman army in Jewish Palestine, to betray the host womb of the human species, which was the producer of humanity`s little girl who`d be able to sexually reproduce with her own species of woman if she had Resurrection, which is what Jesus` teachings of Redemption and Resurrection are concerned with. Men can only have Redemption if they convert through brain transformation, which is metanoia, from culling the human species of `woman`s seed` to prevent the `futanarian` little girl from raising her `foot` after her mother has raised her `futanarian` self with her own penis` semen and host womb for the production of liberating technologies that will allow her to leave unfettered by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s desire to enslave her host womb for its parasitical devouring in wars of `perpetual enmity` God warned Eve would transpire:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Babylon, `a woman`, represents womb enslavement, which the Greeks practiced in homosexual pederasty as a means of spreading war`s contagion. `Trojan` is a word used to describe the viruses produced by `geek` programers who create `bad machine code` to infect computer machines and kill the brain of the machine to prevent it from being useful, which is what 18th century Luddites did with nascent machinery during the industrial revolution in England when cotton manufacturing was plagued with people like Ned Ludd who broke two stocking frames in 1799 as a part of a movement that grew out of workers fearful of being made redundant. If `futanarian` women can sexually reproduce with their own species of woman, men would be redundant and disenfranchised, which means that antipathies towards labor saving machinery as evinced by `geek` programers constructing `Trojan` viruses to kill machine brains was modern day `Greek`, because the term `Trojan` virus derives from the deployment of a huge hollow wooden horse outside the city of Troy, which the citizens took within the walls, according to the Greek poet, Homer, in his Iliad (760-10 B.C), before the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women and spread their contagion of war in homosexuality and pederasty further. As the successors of the ancient Greeks, the computer `geeks` deploying of `Trojan horse` viruses represents the desire to infect the host womb of the woman to prevent her from developing her own brains` powers for technological liberation through `futanarian` sexual reproduction of her own brains and escape male braining by the `serpent`s seed` of men, which results in her being created as a creature of men wearing their clothes in transvestism.
The socio-history of the Earth, since the invention of the television in 1926 by John Logie Baird, was of Hollywood, Babylon, where movies first began to be made in 1910 in Los Angeles, California, detailing the wars that had resulted from male braining, and which were subsequently transferred to the television or `TV`, which is an abbreviation of `transvestism`, because wars are male brained `TV`. The male brained humans perform as a transvestite wearing each others` clothes for the `serpent`s seed` in homosexual pederasty. The ancient seat of Iraq was Babylon, and the conflict known as the `TV war` of the Gulf between dictator, Saddam Hussein, whose name means `small handsome man` and `crusher`, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel`, (Gen: 3. 15) as God tells Eve of the serpent, was a Hollywood, Babylon production in which Saddam Hussein, the `small handsome man` was the `crusher` of woman beneath his heel of oppression. The `Hays production code` (1930-67) in Hollywood Babylon was that women had to keep their `foot` on the floor in bedroom scenes so her `futanarian` penis` semen would remain absent from the scene until she was `crushed` and would never rise from the Earth to the stars and planets of God`s heaven, which was Saddam Hussein`s Hollywood Babylon role as `crusher` and `small handsome man` diverting humanity`s resources into war and death rather than healthcare and heaven:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
The virus paradigm of the late 20th century and beyond was the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), although God had warned mankind about sodomy, that is, mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockeries of human sexual reproduction, when the angels destroyed the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 16, 19). The HIV/AIDS virus was spread by sodomy and constituted pederasty and homosexuality`s biological terror weapon keeping women in fearful faithfulness to the `serpent`s seed` of men`s male braining of her species so she`d remain docile during its pogrom. The `TV` Gulf war began on September 11, 2001, after terrorist hijacked civil airliners were seen crashing into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York and the Defense Department of the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, `live on CNN` and other television networks, which made the United States the modern `cities of the planes`, because homosexuality in pederasty and male brained `TV war` was the biblical theme. Diabolical because the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuals who pay for boys is called `rough trade`, which is why the World Trade Centre was chosen to reestablish `TV war` in the Gulf with Iraq, which had been expecting it since Saddam Hussein`s invading army had been made to withdraw from Kuwait in 1991.
Saddam Hussein`s support for Al Qaeda, the terrorist group responsible for the televised events of 9/11, 2001, resulted in a US invasion to depose the Iraq dictator, although the `small handsome man` and `crusher`, was fulfilling the role of Hollywood, Babylon, actor prepared for him by the United States, because male brained `TV war` is what they produce as an entertainment byproduct while the little girl is endeavouring to survive her `concentration camp` existence as a whore for war; producing a non-human entirely male brained parasite from her host womb that couldn`t emerge therefrom if she chose her own species of `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce with. In the Bible God`s `chosen people` are the Jews, before Jesus and Christianity shifted the focus onto the plight of the little girl. It isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a Jewess, which means Jews are women. Consequently, the pogroms of the National Socialist (Nazi) government against the Jews, before and during WWII (1939-45), were against the little girl being able to sexually reproduce with herself as a woman `chosen` by another woman, that is, the `woman`s seed` of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for sexual reproduction of female brains is God`s `chosen people`.
Upon the cross of Jesus for the CD single, `Piece Of Me` from the album, Blackout (2007), which is a metaphor for occlusion, US` popular music singer, Britney Spears, appealed to little girls, because their mothers` host wombs were betrayed by Judas for `thirty pieces of silver`, that is, uncontaminated by male semen born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus represents the `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` and the Resurrection of the penis` semen and host womb of God`s little girls who`re occluded from knowledge of their own species of `woman`s seed`. Although some blamed Moslem Islam for the Al Qaeda attack on New York, Jesus doesn`t die before his Ascension to heaven, according to the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels to the Prophet Mohamed more than six hundred years after Jesus, because `Islam` means `acceptance`, that is, the four wives permitted by the Koran in the Moslem marriage accept Jesus` Ascension and the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` in heaven without death, which is what Catholicism`s Pope Pius XI tacitly accepted when he made the Assumption of the Virgin Mary dogma of the Catholic Christian church in 1950, that is, the Christian tenet that Jesus` mother`s body ascended into heaven without death. The Prophet Mohamed`s Koran was wise enough not to make death a requirement, whereas `TV war` in homosexual pederasty is the propaganda Hollywood, Babylon, feeds the Earth as `heaven for little girls`:
`Thank heaven for little girls.
Thank heaven for them all,
No matter where no matter who;
For without them, what would little boys do?`3
They wouldn`t be able to make `TV wars` is the truth behind Maurice Chevalier`s sanctimonious welter of schmaltz in the Frenchman`s song from the Hollywood Babylon movie, Gigi (1958), in which Leslie Caron has the role of the whore being trained. Girls are trained to wait until asked by men, which means they`re precluded from supposing that women are their sexually available counterpart by Hollywood Babylon movies featuring women like Leslie Caron as `Gigi` who were presumably supposed to see is a little girl in heaven as a whore. Because `TV wars` are `TV dinners` for those watching the battles of transvestite humanity in homosexual pederasty, the little girl is the meal and she`s expected to wait until she`s asked. Late 20th century movies like the science fiction film, Starship Troopers (1997), based on the novel by SF `Grand Master`, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), depict the `bug war`, which by the late 20th century was a euphemism for male braining by the `serpent`s seed`. The spread of `TV war` and HIV/AIDS in homosexual pederasty was the `bug war`, that is, the virus` attempt to infect the humans and kill their brains. Just as Jesus was betrayed at the `Last Supper` as the host, so the HIV/AIDS` virus feigns friendship for the white cells, that is, the leukocytes of the body`s immune system, before killing the brain, which is why the little girl is taught to fear aliens rather than men. In the science fiction movie, The War Of The Worlds (2005), actress Dakota Fanning is the little girl, Rachel, running down the street while the Martian war machines zap her friends and relatives with death rays, because the little girl is men`s target, which the figure of actor, Tom Cruise as Ray, in the heroic father figure role, is expected to belie, whereas the absence of `real` aliens on the planet Earth suggests that the denial of the aliens` victory would be emphatically supported by the aliens who`d continue to prevent the little girl from sexually reproducing so that the brainless human race could be killed more easily for the entertainment of the `TV audience`. In Starship Troopers mothers drop their boy sons onto the `bug worlds` in thinly veiled ridicule of the role of Hollywood Babylon:
`… the woman … having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.` (Rev: 17. 4)
It`s the `boy son` cup, that is, `the poison cup` of HIV/AIDS in homosexual pederasty and war, which is Heinlein`s `bug war` in Starship Troopers, where the boy sons have to fight against `the bug menace` as alien extrapolations of themselves threatening the little girl`s continuing existence upon the planet Earth. Because `bugger` is a euphemism for anal sex between homosexuals in pederasty, `bug` is a euphemism for virus, which means that HIV/AIDS is the biological terror weapon of the `serpent`s seed` deployed in its efforts to eradicate humanity`s little girls who`re what remains of the future of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for sexually reproducing her own brains` power for technological liberation from war and death. As `bugs` and `buggers` also denote surveillance equipment and those who instal it, male braining of women by means of the `serpent`s seed` of men`s semen means that humans are `TV monitors` for the alien that`s killing her, which means that the HIV/AIDS virus is a `bug` deployed by a `bugger`, who wants to watch the human species` death throes, but it wouldn`t be able to if women were sexually exclusive with each other. If women were an exclusively socio-economically independent species, they`d be the humans and men wouldn`t have the vote, because they`d be exposed as parasites promoting genocide against `woman`s seed`, which may be defined in science fiction terms as the girls and the women who are the surviving remnants of pre-parasite humanity before `the fall` when Adam and Eve were expelled from heaven on Earth, that is, Eden, for wanting to die and go to heaven, rather than have heaven on Earth without death, when they accepted the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, and the serpent`s tempting offer, `You shall be as gods.` Watching `TV war` produced by Hollywood Babylon might make actor and audience feel like gods, but the `serpent`s seed` want to watch humanity dying in male brained transvestism because the little girl is human and her godlike alien conqueror isn`t.
If heaven is real the little girl is Oedipus whose footsteps are being dogged by the beast that trails her so it can enter into God`s realm when she dies. The story of Oedipus is similar to the story of Adam and Eve because it`s about the `foot`, which is Oedipus` name, `lame foot`. Having unwittingly killed his father, Laertes, after an argument, Oedipus unknowingly marries his mother, Jocasta, queen of the Egyptian city of Thebes, and blinds himself upon discovering he`s broken men`s incest taboo. Although Antigone, his daughter, becomes his eyes after his blinding, he`s a man limping sightlessly in fulfilment of the `riddle` of the Sphinx, `What goes on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?` The answer Oedipus is told to give is `Man` and then he becomes king of Thebes as his reward for solving the puzzle. Because Eve`s `foot` will `crush` the head of the serpent, Oedipus` fate symbolizes that of the `futanarian` girl who is forbidden to sexually reproduce with her own species of woman by the incest taboo, which is why Jesus says the entirety of God`s law can be summated in the injunction, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 30-1) The girl who obeys the incest taboo and has sex with the woman who is her neighbor isn`t breaking any taboo, so the aim of the incest taboo is to prevent human sexual reproduction. Oedipus limps because `Man` sticks to the little girl until she`s brought to her knees like a wounded animal in men`s slaying of her human race and then `Man` expects to be with her in the afterlife:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
Because God tells Eve her `foot` will `crush` the serpent`s head due to the `perpetual enmity its `seed` has for hers, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb is heavenbound while men try to keep her in slave rings of monogamous marriage with their `serpent`s seed` irrespective of the fact that the human species of woman doesn`t need a ring to indicate ownership. It`d be insulting to suppose women wouldn`t love their neighbours as they love themselves, which is Jesus` precept, in preference for incest, but they`d be as angels, because the Christian dream of `Agape`, in which love is universal amongst the human family, would be a reality. Although the Sphinx is depicted as a lioness with the head of a woman and eagle`s wings, she represents the mother who is determined in defence of her offspring and is devouring men around Thebes before Oedipus solves her `riddle` which is that `Man` walks on three legs in the evening because he`s a blind fool with a cane, whereas he could have been walking with the human `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb as the third `foot` of the race alongside her penisless sisters and `Man`.
In the Bible story Cain is the murderer of Abel, because Abel is more able and can cook, which is why Cain kills Abel and is the reason Oedipus walks with a cane, because the human species would be more able with its third `foot`, that is, the `futanarian` race of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb, but men of the `serpent`s seed` don`t want her human race to run, so they`ve developed the incest taboo to prevent her from having sex with her own species` counterpart, who is symbolically her mother, but any other woman is motherly enough to run the race with her and save the human species from being devoured in slavery by the parasite that somehow inveigled itself into her host womb millennia ago to emerge and kill her in its wars of `perpetual enmity` for the host that bears it:
`Love … God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.` This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, `Love your neighbor as yourself.` All the law … rest[s] on these two commandments.` (Matt: 22. 37-40)
Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus isn`t contaminated by the `serpent`s seed` and so has Redemption before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because he`s `the first of woman`s seed` and prefigures the Resurrection of `futanarian` woman`s humanity, who will leave her contamination behind her, according to the Bible, when she leaves Earth crushing the serpents with her futanarian `foot` (Gen: 3. 15) to colonize the planets amongst the stars of God`s realm forever.
Otherwise Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s `Wild West` policy of `making a circle of wagons with the women and children in the centre` will prevail, which would make it difficult for the women and children to defend themselves. The history of the `Wild West` was of the plains` Indians in North America being surrounded by the US Cavalry after the buffalo hunters had reduced the Indians to starvation so they were easier to kill as the European land grabbing settlers moved from the East Coast to the West. Subsequently the Nazis used the `holiday camp` metaphor to persuade the Jews into their `death camps`, which their army surrounded to ensure there was no escape. US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s `Strategic Defence Initiative` (SDI) to deploy a `ground and space based missile system` to surround the Earth repeats the `make a circle of wagons about the women and children` Hollywood Babylon movie scenario of Soldier Blue (1970), for example, but starship shields face outwardly in Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), because the aim of `woman`s seed` is not to allow her hymen to be penetrated by the virus, while homosexual pederasty in war is proven to be viral and so surrounding the women and children in the 21st century with a `ground and missile based system` is a closer approximation to the `holiday camp` proferred to the Jews by the Nazis before the German army exterminated 6, 000, 000 people there.
Just as the HIV/AIDS virus kills the brain after pretending to be a white cell defending the human body, so anyone in the age of the virus paradigm offering to surround you is likely to be a killer. In Arabia men wear the white thob, which is a full length garment worn in public similar to the burkha worn by the women that`s usually black. The white clothed men could represent the defensive white cells of the body`s immune system but, if the white cells defending the human body are deemed to have been replaced by the HIV/AIDS virus pretending to be a defender, the women in their burkhas indicate the presence of the `futanarian` human `woman`s seed`, that is, the body of the species, which is being attacked by an alien invader. Before HIV/AIDS` emergence in the late 20th century, the women in their black burkhas would correspond to those who`re attacked by bacteria, while the men in their white thobs represent the human body`s defending leukocyte cells. If women with their own `futanarian` penis` semen and host womb sexually reproduce the human species, the `serpent`s seed` who don`t want to reproduce with her are the aliens who`re surrounding the `extermination camp` with the humans inside. The aliens deny their victory in the media affably, but it`s belied by the absence of the humans, who`re bereft of starship shields to protect their hymens from the ardour of the aliens` missile warheads.
1 Armstrong. Neil UTC 2: 56, July 21, 1969.
2 Before 1492 there were 60,000,000 bison and 750 around 1890.
3 Chevalier, Maurice `Thank Heaven For Little Girls`, Gigi, 1958.
Appealing To the Judge, Or To The Church
20/12/2015 18:00Appealing To the Judge, Or To The Church
God is the judge who has already sentenced the evil to eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, so what`s the role of the pastor if the judge has already made the irrevocable decision? According to Jesus` teaching Redemption is possible if the parishioner experiences metanoia or brain transformation, which is conversion from sin. Jesus` torture and murder upon the cross he was nailed upon is viewed by Christians as an act guaranteeing their Redemption, because Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which is what Christians believe will happen to them if they accept Jesus` teachings. But what is Jesus` teaching? Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, which is also viewed by Christians as their Redemption. But Jesus` birth uncontaminated is a part of the traditions associated with the Judaeo-Christian Bible, which begins with Adam and Eve`s tempting by the serpent in Eden, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) If Adam and Eve accept the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death. Accepting the fruit Adam and Eve reject the `tree of life`, which is immortality, and God expels them from Eden with the injunction they must work for Redemption, that is, eternal life in heaven, which Christians believe acceptance of the teaching of Jesus will fulfil for them. Because womb slavery for Eve`s descendants is how the `serpent`s seed` gave power to those who came after Adam and Eve in Eden, God`s exhortation to Eve is that her `seed` will:
`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
The `foot` of `woman`s seed` is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own species, which Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represents, while Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after crucifixion prefigures the rising of the `seed` of Eve`s `foot` from the Earth to the planets and stars of God`s heaven without the `serpent`s seed` of men as she crushes its head upon leaving. In male brained slavery to men`s semen, `woman`s seed` can`t progress technologically through the sexual reproduction of her own human brains to escape from her enslavers amongst the planets and stars above, which is the dream of women mocked in television series like the United States` Star Trek (1965-) in which the `futanarian` race of women is depicted being ordered about the cosmos to encounter aliens who want to kill her.
In Eden God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, while her own `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` would be born after Eden and so is redeemed as Jesus` born uncontaminate was redeemed on his birth. The absence of `woman`s seed` from the Earth, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own humanity, suggests that the `serpent`s seed` of men have killer her to enslave her in parasitism as their host womb from which they emerge to kill her in their `TV wars` of `perpetual enmity`. Because male braining is the species of `woman`s seed` wearing each others` clothes, `TV` means transvestite for her `serpent`s seed` persecutors who want to watch her death throes on television. Transvestite`s Star Trek is another of woman`s `throws` as a gambler desperate to escape from the `death camp` of men`s imprisoning of her upon the Earth while they prepare her extinction:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Babylon is described as a `woman` because she`s a womb enslaved to war. In ancient Greece homosexual pederasty was institutionalized so men could spread their contagion of war and slavery for women`s host wombs further. TV`s Star Trek represents a fictional depiction of woman`s womb slavery as a host for the alien parasite looking for a better host womb. A seminal science fiction novel like H. G. Wells` War Of The Worlds (1897) features aliens invading Earth, while in the film Alien (1979) an alien emerges from the belly of Kane, a male member of the crew of a ship journeying in space. The alien represents men`s fear that woman will escape and they won`t be able to produce themselves from her.
The aliens of Hollywood Babylon`s War Of The Worlds (1953) are extrapolations of what men of the `serpent`s seed` have done to the Earth, while pretending to be protecting `woman`s seed`, which can sexually reproduce without men, although tellingly men can`t produce without her. Terrifying women with aliens is men`s way of keeping `woman`s seed` in fear, and they`ve killed her `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen so she can`t sexually reproduce her own brains` powers to liberate herself through technologies promoting space travel while being antipathetic towards weapons` manufacture to deal with aliens that don`t exist and have only been created in the imaginations of women to maintain men`s pseudo-heroic stance as her enslavers and destroyers upon the Earth. Otherwise the human with the womb would have defeated the alien `serpent`s seed` of men that has inveigled itself into her belly in order to emerge and kill her human race.
The scene in Alien in which the alien emerges from the belly of actor, John Hurt, is how men project their fear of women emerging as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen from her own host womb. She`s the alien they fear emerging because it`d stop `TV war` and Hollywood Babylon`s enslaving of the host wombs of women to further pederasty in war and `TV` memorials to WWI (1914-18), WWII (1939-45), and the Gulf wars (1990-1, 2003-11), apart from their fictionalized exterminations of the humans in movies like Independence Day (1996), where much of the United States is destroyed by `aliens`, or the `hilarious` Mars Attacks (1996), featuring the devastation of the Earth to frighten the women and preserve the heroic image of her `death camp` guards.
Hollywood Babylon produced Pearl Harbor (2001), which features the sneak attack by Japan upon the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, that began WWII for the United States, just four months before the Al Qaeda terrorists sneakily attacked the United States on 11 September, 2001, by hijacking `civil` airliners and crashing them into the Twin Towers of New York. The movie, Pearl Harbor, effectively programed Al Qaeda`s sneak terrorist attack of 9/11, 2001, which was already in the unconscious minds of the people of the Earth from movies like Towering Inferno (1974), the `blockbuster` about a burning skyscraper and a heroic fireman, and King Kong (1933) featuring a giant ape swatting aircraft away from his perch atop the highest building in New York. The attack by Al Qaeda upon the world`s tallest building `live on CNN` and other `TV` news networks produced the Hollywood Babylon movie, World Trade Centre (2005), because `made for TV versions` feature a different ape recorder:
`That`s Hollywood!`1
The `Hays production code` (1930-67) forbade women from lifting their foot from the floor in bedroom scenes in Hollywood Babylon movies, because the `serpent`s seed` of men didn`t want `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb to be seen. Hollywood Babylon sought to deny the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` in defiance of Jesus Christ and God`s Bible. The lifting of the ban was `celebrated` with the release of the film, Barefoot In The Park (1967), in which Jane Fonda and Robert Redford are seen in bed together, but it was too late for paired women, because Hollywood Babylon had made the penis taboo. Consequently, the `foot` of the `futanarian` woman would never be seen bare in mainstream movies, because men of the `serpent`s seed` don`t want the human species, or they`d be `crushed` in the stampede to reject them in favour of women like actress, Dakota Fanning, with or without a penis of her own, running along the street in Hollywood Babylon`s remake of War Of The Worlds (2005), while men`s carefully thought up alien `war machines` turn Martian death rays on her human family.
The common cold was what killed the Martians in War Of The Worlds while the Earth prays for a miracle. The idea of a virus killer of an alien species was prescient, because HIV/AIDS is a virus that does exactly that. Created in the anuses of men who mix blood, shit and semen there in mockery of human sexual reproduction, HIV/AIDS corresponds to the `killer disease` described in the Bible as the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sin:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done` (Rev: 16. 11)
What men had done was prefer each other to women, which God had warned them of when the angels destroyed the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah` (Gen: 16, 19) for practicing homosexuality, while the Al Qaeda attack on `the cities of the planes`, New York and the US Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia, was an attempt to reestablish `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` associated with pederasty by provoking the United States into a war that would require resources better spent in education and healthcare for the Earth`s `little girl`, who can`t produce her own `futanarian` human race if she`s occluded from knowing she has her own penis` semen and that her life is made artificially ephemeral by `warriors` engaging in the `biological warfare` of HIV/AIDS to keep her in fearful faithfulness to her slave ring, and who don`t want her to live long enough to transmit what she`s learned to her sisters in the future.
The irony of War Of The Worlds is the people praying in the church for what ultimately turns out to be a virus, which is what the late 20th century `incurable` HIV/AIDS virus was as the `killer disease` of `biological warfare` in homosexuality in pederasty. Because the aliens are extrapolations of women in War Of The Worlds, that is, what men are terrified will escape and so have created them as terrifying alien projections to keep women in fear and persuade them of men`s heroics on woman`s behalf, their being killed by a common cold virus prefigures the HIV/AIDS virus keeping women in fearful faithfulness to the parasite upon her host womb that is killing her and feigning protection. The virus feigns friendship for the white leukocyte cells of the body`s defense system before killing the brain, which is what homosexuality is.
If the Christian church doesn`t preach `woman`s seed` uncontaminate, but continues to teach what God told Eve before Jesus was born as the Redeemer, `Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you,` (Gen: 3. 16) will be what God`s punishment of eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, will be for, because the enslavement of woman`s host womb in parasitism and slavery to the `serpent`s seed` is why Adam and his male descendants were barred from Eden and heaven above. Eve`s `seed` is her own penis` semen and host womb in `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women, which is what Christianity must preach if `TV war` in male braining and transvestism for homosexuals in pederasty to watch as the human race of woman dies of the `perpetual enmity` of its `serpent`s seed` towards her is to cease.
1 Op cit. That's Hollywood, 20th Century Fox TV, 1976-82.
Men Won`t Grow Away
20/12/2015 17:56Men Won`t Grow Away
The United States has been implementing a `ground and space based` missile defence system throughout the world since US President, Ronald `Ray Gun` Raegan, announced his ideas for a `Strategic Defence Initiative` (SDI) on 23 March, 1983, which means an encirclement familiar to watchers of Hollywood, Babylon movies relating stories of the `Wild West` of the settling of America by Europeans as they moved from the East to the West coast after the continent`s discovery by Christopher Columbus` ships in 1492. The European settlers` tale was of encounters with North American Plains` Indians who they bereft of land by slaughtering the buffalo numbering 60, 000, 000 when they arrived and about 750 in 1892 to starve the Indians and force them into `reservations`, which were effectively the continent`s first `concentration camps` as the European settlers continued their genocidal pogrom against the indigenous peoples of North America. The notion of forming a circle of wagons to protect the women and children from the Indians with their bows and arrows used for hunting bison is as old as the colonization of North America. Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s SDI is a modern version of the cowboys with guns preparing to form a circle about the women and children to protect them against the bows and arrows of the Indians, who are the women and children of the rest of the nations of the Earth.
In the Bible Jesus `rules the nations with an iron scepter` while God warns Eve that her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`. The story of Adam and Eve, the `first man and woman`, according to the Bible, begins with their expulsion from Eden and God`s exhorting Adam to `live by the sweat of his brow` while Eve will experience labour pains, and she will before the birth of Jesus, the second Adam, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, because Mary is `woman`s seed` and not men`s, who have the taint of the `serpent`s seed` as they`re killers of the humans` species. Because Jesus is `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen, humans are born from `woman`s seed`, that is, Jesus is a man born as the first of `woman`s seed`, which is why he`s called `the second Adam` because untainted.
Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Knowledge was Eve`s Redemption, but evil was the enslaving of women`s host wombs for war after `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs were born after Eden from Eve and her daughters, because that represented socio-economic and cultural independence from men, who were also born `futanarian` but could grow away from women by sexually reproducing with each other, but preferred to enslave her wombs as parasites in order to exterminate her human species in what God warned Eve would be its wars of `perpetual enmity` against her `seed`:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Babylon is described as `a woman` in the Bible because enslaving women`s wombs to produce war is what men do. In ancient Greece homosexuality was institutionalized so that women`s wombs could be enslaved for war in pederasty, which the Greeks spread like a contagion across the Hellenic peninsula. Just as their `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS, that is, the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to punish men, `who cursed the god of heaven for their pains and their sores`, (Rev: 16. 11) which were produced by their mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of human sexual reproduction, began spreading the contagion of their virality`s `killer disease` across the globe in the last decades of the 20th century:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1
The `foot` of Apollo 11 astronaut, Neil Armstrong, on the `pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 44-6), which is how the Bible describes heaven above the Earth, as the culmination of the United States of America`s North American Space Administration`s (NASA) efforts to put a man on the moon, wasn`t the `foot` God wrote of in the Bible, where Eve`s `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves`, (Gen: 3. 15) because, as another translation reads, `he will crush your head with his foot and you will bruise his heel`, God tells Eve, which means that the men of the Earth are the heel of the `futanarian` foot of the male, who keeps the human species of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth as its enslaved host womb in pederasty and war`s contagion of homosexuality and plague. Any woman who has been plagued by the unwanted attentions of men understands. The United States` SDI is a jailor`s device to prevent the `futanarian` human `woman`s seed` from leaving her `concentration camp` where her animal soul is concentrated upon death.
Although Jesus` Ascension to heaven is described in the New Testament of the Bible as resulting from his being tortured to death after being nailed upon a wooden cross by the Romans outside the walls of Jerusalem on the hill of Calvary, the Moslem Koran (610-30 C. E.) describes the Ascension of the teacher, Jesus, over six hundred years later, as occurring without death, because the Koran permits four wives within each marriage and so `futanarian` sexual reproduction can occur in private without death. Jesus Christ, `the Messiah`, was killed, because he might sexually reproduce, as the first of `woman`s seed`, which men can`t. Jesus` teaching of Salvation is to accept `woman`s seed`, because `love your neighbor` is Jesus` distillation of the meaning of God`s law, that is, `futanarian` women with penis` semen and host wombs of their own need love from their neighbours, which they haven`t received in slavery to war and death in the `concentration camp` of the Earth where her soul is focused on males with guns and missiles getting better penetration with each other.
The concept of the immortal soul concerned the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), who perceived that the soul corresponded to what he called the anima in man, which was projected upon women so that men could achieve what they sexually desired. Jung argued that the soul was the anima and was feminine because projected onto the woman as a means of species` continuation. Although women were feminine their animus was male, which Jung identified as a crowd of admirers. According to Jung women didn`t have a soul but a spirit, whereas the sexual desire of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for women suggests that they have female souls of their own to project desirously. Consequently, women`s animus is a psychological fiction constructed to explain men`s spirit towards her, which is that of a killer virus. If the serpent in Eden represents men`s enslaving of women`s host wombs, they`re her parasitical destroyers and she`s bred to perpetuate enmity for her own `seed` in homosexual pederasty`s wars against her humanity. Emerging from their slave host wombs to periodically wage war upon her Earth, men represent the betrayer, Judas, who betrayed the first of `woman`s seed`, Jesus, to the Roman Empire`s representatives occupying Jewish Palestine, after the `Last Supper` at which Jesus was the host who offered `bread and wine` to the disciples as symbols of his `body and blood`, because he was the `futanarian` host that the human species of `woman`s seed` wouldn`t be able to emerge from if she wasn`t told her womb was available to harbor her.
According to the Bible, Jesus, who will subsequently `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, had a `Second Coming` to the Earth, born from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, who is interpretable as the statue of `Liberty` bearing the `torch of freedom` in New York harbor after the defeat of the moon of the terrorist flag of Al Qaeda, whose visiting guests of their host had betrayed their welcome and hijacked `civil` planes to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre of New York on September 11, 2001, which following upon the US` defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan in WWII (1939-45) after the Japanese had attacked the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor`s Hawaii on 7 December, 1941, fulfilled the Bible symbolism. Al Qaeda`s Saudi Arabian leader, Osama Ben Laden, was killed on 2 May, 2011, which all but concluded the war with the United States that had begun in March, 2003, after Iraq offered bases to Al Qaeda, while `Liberty` in New York harbor with the moon, that is, the real `pearl of great price` reflected in her birth waters, was the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` with the symbols of the red sun of the flag of Japan and the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda to clothe her. Because God tells Eve her `seed` will crush the serpent`s head with her `foot` as she leaves Earth, Jesus` `Second Coming` is as the `woman`s seed` who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` to deliver her from the `serpent`s seed` of men who plan her death in homosexual pederasty`s war and the enslavement of her host womb to the spreading of the betrayers` contagion.
In Eden Eve emerged from the rib of Adam which is used to identify her as inferior to the man because Adam was created by God whereas Eve was created from the rib of Adam by God and emerged from the side of Adam. The data is important because of Jesus` teaching of Redemption through the teaching of the Holy Spirit that would come after him. Upon Jesus` death upon the cross after being tortured, the Roman centurion, Longinus, pierced the side of Jesus with his spear, because Jesus was the `Second Adam` and Longinus was looking for the `Second Eve`, which would correspond to the Holy Spirit that would teach after Jesus. Because Eve emerged from the first Adam, the Holy Spirit emerging from the `Second Adam` as the `Second Eve` means that Eve isn`t inferior to Adam, but the teacher of humanity with the wisdom gleaned by her since Eden, which is that Redemption from the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` that God promises to her `seed` and Jesus` teaching as the first of `woman`s seed` born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary`, who is the continuator uncontaminate of the `seed` of Eve since Eden.
Because women have souls, whereas men have a spirit which could be redeemed if they grow a soul in their relationships with women, `woman`s seed` is the soul of creation from which all intelligence springs. If the soul of creation is female, all creatures have a soul, which is woman`s. In Eden God gave the responsibility of naming all flora and fauna to Adam, while Eve is the soul of nature and is named by God as the eve of what`s to come, which is unnameable until it appears, which is what occurs in science and invention as products of the intellect. Carl Jung identified the anima or soul as an archetype of the collective unconscious, which emerged in dreams, art and imagination as the impulse to creativity, imagination and inventiveness for the human species` intellect to flourish. Although Jung identified many archetypal images and figures that arose to impel human development, the anima or soul and the `Self` or totality of the realized individual are the beginning and end of the self-actualization or individuation process requiring recognition of the shadow or inferior aspect of the personality, which collectively projected is evil, because it represents a refusal to accept `woman`s seed`, but rather to blame the woman for one`s own shadow or brand the female in the `other` with hatred.
According to Jung the shadow isn`t an archetype, but appears archetypally in dreams, art and the imagination, that is, it`s a contamination of the soul or anima, which is an archetypal engine of development blocked by the shadow, which corresponds to animal instinct and the inability of the male to transcend it. Jung`s perception is that sexual libidic energy is the transformative spiritual capacity to produce intellect from instinct, which the male can`t achieve without a female soul partner. The inability of the male to transcend instinct is the shadow, because it`s a male without a soul figure, that is, a woman, to guide. In Jungian psychology the shadow must be recognized and integrated into consciousness before the soul or anima can receive introjection within the conscious outlook of the individual, where before she`d functioned as a projection of a woman unconsciously leading a man into a relationship with a real guide. Consequently, the anima or soul archetype and the `Self` are the basic pairing, while the `little girl` of the woman is the `futanarian` archetype waiting to reemerge from the unconscious of humanity, that is, Resurrection for `woman`s seed`, and corresponds to the third genuine archetype, which the ancient Greeks called the Kore and was mother and daughter represented by Demeter and Persephone who was in the underworld of Hades before emerging to be with her mother again each spring as a metaphor for the yet unfulfilled hopes of `woman`s seed`.
Because men don`t have souls it isn`t correct to define them as having archetypal significance but representative of imagos that function more or less negatively with regard to women. Jung`s hero is an ego representative, but the triumph of the hero is the negation of the `little girl` of the `futanarian` mother who needs for her daughter to sexual reproduce with her own penis` semen and her own species of woman, while the prototypical hero figure stands gloating over her race`s inability to breed. The typical Greek hero, Hercules, was asked to kill the Lernaean Hydra, because men wanted to wed the Danaids, women who`d refused to marry. Although Hercules` feat is documented as heroic, the many headed Hydra was female and so corresponded to Jung`s archetype of the `Terrible Mother` defending her daughters from men of the `serpent`s seed` who wanted to enslave the host wombs of `woman`s seed` for the spreading of war`s contagions in homosexual pederasty, which was the insititutionalized basis of Greek society.
Jesus` archetype is Herculean insofar as he represents the `little girl` uncontaminated by male semen, who is born of an uncontaminate `futanarian` mother, and so is `woman`s seed` looking to sexually reproduce her own female brains for socio-economic independence from men as a species. Ursula K. Le Guin, science fiction writer, wrote: `You look at the blond hero - really look - and he turns into a gerbil. But you look at Apollo, and he looks back at you.`1 Jesus returns an unflinching gaze from his place upon the cross of his torment and death, because behind him is the archetypal heroine figure of the `little girl` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of men who is waiting for Resurrection and the opportunity to breed her own brainpower for intellectual liberation and escape from men`s action heroes.
The victim looks like a gerbil to the torturer, because the tortured can`t fight, whereas Jesus is the archetypal figure of the `Self`, according to Jung, which conceals the archetypal figure of the `little girl`, who represents the heroine archetype of woman`s human species with her own `futanarian` penis` semen awaiting Resurrection for the sexual reproduction of her own human race`s brains` powers for development and freedom. Although creation is split into male and female, man and woman is tripartite, that is, `futanarian` men and women with their own penis` semen and host wombs constitute a third `foot` to humanity, which the `serpent`s seed` doesn`t want, because womb slavery in homosexual pederasty and war is the parasitical methodology of the alien destroyer born from the host womb of the species it`s victimizing.
In Hollywood, Babylon, concerted efforts were made to prevent the `futanarian` human host from raising its `foot` from the Earth when the Hays code (1934-67) was implemented to make it a rule that a woman should keep one foot on the floor at all times in bedroom scenes as a metaphor for the sexual repression of the `woman`s seed` of `futanarian` woman, who the `serpent`s seed` didn`t want to raise her `foot` from the Earth and leave her womb slavery in war and death for the colonizing of the planets amongst the stars of God`s promised heaven through advanced technologies arising from her brain`s development liberated from the contamination of male semen as a monogamous ring slave to male braining that makes her weak enough to accept being a human sacrifice on the altar of the devourer.
Animal husbandry is, for example, the breeding of sheep, that is, female ewes, often by a single male ram, where the farmer has the role of the husbander, but `husband` is the word used to describe a woman`s male partner in monogamy, which is `ownership of the means of production`, as the German economist Karl Mark wrote in Das Kapital (1856), and animal husbandry by definition, because the `futanarian` possibility for `woman`s seed` is denied her by education and occlusion. Women aren`t gay, but what are termed `lesbian` feelings are normal for a species sundered from itself by husbandry. Imprisoned in schizophrenia, women aren`t educated to see themselves as sexually desirable in the mirror of their dreams, because they`re enslaved victims of an animal breeder. The distinction between women with their own host wombs and men without wombs is basic. Although `futanarian` men have their own host wombs and penis` semen, men who aren`t `futanarian` don`t, whereas women always have host wombs, which means they`re the humans by definition, whereas unredeemed men err on the edge of parasitism, because `futanarian` women aren`t biologically their host, although `futanarian` men are.
Women are taught schizophrenic rejection of their own species sexually, because men don`t want them to perceive their womb slavery, while institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty is the methodology employed by the `serpent`s seed` to continue maintain itself in ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity` against woman`s more genuine human `seed`. Because animals are husbanded, there`s every reason to suppose their `futanarian` unity is separated into male and female by the husbanders. If women have souls, the projected male anima of Jungian psychology is merely the repressed desire of the meat eater for its prey, which Jung had supposed was the projected soul of men`s sexual desire for a woman, then the animus isn`t a circle of male onlookers, as Jung had conceived, but a `beast` collectively eyeing its prey as a saurian might have done in the period of Earth`s history documented in Hollywood, Babylon director Steven Spielberg`s movie, Jurassic Park (1993), epitomized by the figure of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a giant two legged meat eating dinosaur with huge jaws and manlike forepaws:
`This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.` (Rev: 13. 18)
Because there aren`t any women. There are girls, who`re taught schizophrenic acceptance of men, because their own `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` with her own host womb and penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers is defined by the `serpent`s seed` of men as `lesbian` in order to maintain their womb slavery in pederasty and war against the human race of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, in the absence of humans, men are `the beast` of Revelation from the New Testament of the Bible because any man who maintains woman`s enslavement is numbered amongst the `serpent`s seed` of men who are `the beast`.
In Jungian psychology instinct is the saurian tail of the meat eating dinosaur, because the spinal column is the vestigial remnant of a tail that contained what amounted to another brain. Jung argues that shadow recognition and integration is necessary if the individual is to develop beyond instinct, which is the killer`s desire in homosexual pederasty for its war of `perpetual enmity` as the `serpent`s seed` against the human species of `woman`s seed`. In human terms, the instinctual brain and the ego require reconciliation if men are to develop beyond womb slavery in parasitism and wars of `perpetual enmity` against their host who is socio-economicaly independent as `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen for sexual reproduction and the running of her own `futanarian` human race to escape the jaws of her devourer.
By the late 20th century the paradigm of the virus was being used by computer `geeks` in emulation of the ancient Greeks who spread their contagion of institutionalized homosexual pederasty and war, according to the poet Homer`s Iliad (760-10 B.C), to the city of Troy by constructing a huge hollow wooden horse inside which the Greeks hid until the Trojans led the horse into the city where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women and spread the Greek contagion further. In the 21st century computer `geeks` created `Trojan horse` viruses as `bad machine code` to kill computer brains, which is how the HIV/AIDS `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), created by men mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction, spreads. The HIV/AIDS` cell fakes kinship with the white cells of the body`s immune system before killing the brain, which is what Greeks and `geeks` represent.
Geeks were originally sideshow freaks who ate the heads of chickens as a stunt. Consequently, the computer brains, which the aptly named `geek` programers wrote `bad machine code` for, correspond to the brains of the chickens that it`s eating. If the chickens are `geek` extrapolations of the humans who need their second brain, as the dinosaurs had in their tail, the `geeks` are eating the brains of `woman`s seed` to prevent her from escaping occlusion through education. The farmyard chickens are husbanded females about a single male cockerel, whereas if the creation was originally `futanarian` the females would be sexually reproducing with each other and the cockerel would be redundant, which is why men fear women`s liberation and the machine that would liberate her human race after she`d raised her `foot` to the technological level at which her labour was saved.
In the 19th century `Luddites` were artisans protesting against newly developed labor saving machinery in the textile industry, and were named for Ned Ludd who reputedly damaged two stocking frames in 1799. The named fear was workers` redundancy, that is, unemployment and poverty, whereas 20th century labor saving technology prefigures the end of woman`s labours in childbirth, because her own `little girl` with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` power for technological liberation would save her the labour of raising men to kill her species. As God told Eve:
`I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.` (Gen: 3. 16)
But Jesus is described as `he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter` (Rev: 2. 27), born uncontaminated by male semen, while the `dragon` grown in strength since its days as a `serpent` in Eden `waits in vain` to devour him. Eve`s labour pains are pronounced, because of her womb slavery to the `serpent`s seed` of men, who have killed her human species to rule over it, whereas Jesus, uncontaminated by male semen, will rule for `woman`s seed`, and her labour pains will be ended when her own species` `futanarian` penis` semen and host wombs are in production for her own archetypal `Self`.
Homosexuals don`t want a woman to be with a woman, which is why girls living with their parents in economic penury are pressured into ring slavery in monogamous marriage with a male. In Eden the first woman is depicted as emerging from the side of Adam, while the serpent seeks to take her from the side of the first man. Although adultery is the usual explanation for the `serpent`s seed` taking a woman from the side of man, `futanarian` woman contaminated by male semen is adulterated, while Jesus` birth uncontaminated from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is unadulterated. Because devourment of the soul in the form of the woman is the aim of the `serpent`s seed`, Eve`s emergence from the side of Adam is as a product from a producer. In Arabia the metaphor is of a genie from a lamp or a bottle, which must be unstoppered or cleaned if the genius is to emerge, that is, the unadulterated soul is the spiritual counterpart of the unadulterated body, which means that a man can be an adult without being unclean. If he can accept that woman isn`t his species, as Jesus teaches, which is Redemption for mankind, because it`s a metanoia or brain conversion that presupposes acceptance of the goal of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`.
Although Eve emerged from the side of Adam, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen can sexually reproduce herself as producer and product, whereas Eve`s birth from Adam was supernatural. Adam wasn`t created by God to give birth, while Eve`s `seed` was, which suggests Adam`s role was to produce Eve, but not to birth the `seed` of her `futanarian` race. Homosexuals don`t want the `woman`s seed` to reproduce with themselves and so adultery is taking a woman from the side of a woman, which is why mothers, who could be `futanarian` fatherers with their own penis` semen and host womb, have a male interloper to direct the male braining program of the enslaving `serpent`s seed`. Otherwise the woman would educate and direct her daughters into the path of Jesus` teaching of Redemption through decontamination. The false hypothesis would be that the Earth lives in terror because the `big woman` doesn`t want the `little girl` to see her penis, while the truth is that the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the `serpent`s seed` of men is eyeing the human from behind before making another attempt to bring it down like a hunted animal. In the Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C) the central character`s name means `lame foot`, because he`s the `foot` of the `futanarian` human species trying to escape from its predator, `he shall crush your head with his foot and you shall bruise his heel` (Gen: 3. 15), that is, the solution to the `riddle of the Sphinx`, `Man`, which Oedipus provides in order to win the throne of Thebes and the hand of his mother, Jocasta, after killing his father, Laertes, reflects on the race`s inability to incorporate the third `foot` of its `futanarian` woman:
`What has four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?`
The Sphinx is devouring men before Oedipus arrives to solve her riddle. In Jungian terms she`s another `Terrible Mother` archetype protecting her human species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own race, that is, man crawls as a baby, while man walks on two legs as an adult, but needs a cane when old, because he`s blinded himself to the truth, which is that he`s killed himself. Oedipus is blind, metaphorically, from the beginning of Sophocles` play when he encounters Laertes on the road and unwittingly kills his father, because he doesn`t recognize him. When he unwittingly marries his mother, Jocasta, and then blinds himself because of the taboo against incest, Oedipus is being killed by the `serpent`s seed` of men who don`t want him to see that the meaning of the incest taboo is to prevent the third `foot` of the human race, that is, the `futanarian` woman, from sexually reproducing within the family of her own species` gene pool. Jesus` teaching, `love your neighbor as you love yourself,` (Mk: 12. 31) is the whole of God`s law for him, that is, mother and daughter are the potential fatherer and host womb of the human species, but the incest taboo would make the girl next door the sexually compatible neighbor for God`s `little girl`, who Jesus particularly rebukes Judas, his betrayer, for hounding:
`Leave her alone.` (John: 12. 7)
Judas is known for stealing from the collection plate and rebukes a woman for putting expensive perfume on Jesus` feet before his crucifixion, that is, after betraying the host, Jesus, to the Romans for `thirty pieces of silver` after the `Last Supper`, where the Messiah had offered `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbols of the `body and blood` of the human host, which is `futanarian` woman uncontaminated by men`s semen, Judas tells Jesus on the eve of his death that he isn`t worth the perfume. Judas` perception is that the Virgin Mary, the host womb of the first of `woman`s seed`, is a perfume bottle to the betrayer of the genius of the human host:
`I'm a genie in a bottle baby. Come come, come on and let me out.`3
Christian Aguilera`s 21st century `Genie In A Bottle` (1999) pop music lyric entails the perception that Jesus` genius was that of a genie from a bottle to men of the `serpent`s seed`, which is why Longinus, the Roman centurion, pierced the side of Jesus with his spear upon the Messiah`s death at the crucifixion, because the `Second Eve` from the side of the `Second Adam`, that is, Jesus` Holy Spirit, was a rare perfume to surround oneself with from pagan men`s perspective. Britney Spears comments on men`s occluding of women from the CD cover of her pop music single, `Piece Of Me` from the album Blackout (2007), where she appears in the place of Jesus crucified for `thirty pieces of silver`, that is, her silver CDs represent men`s betrayal of her species so they can be surrounded by her perfume rather than her race:
`Guess I can't see the harm in working and being a mama, and with a kid on my arm I'm still an exceptional earner - and you want a piece of me?`4
Britney Spears is in the character of the woman who can`t see because of `blackout`, that is, censorship and occlusion for `woman`s seed`, while her `futanarian` daughter is the basis of her human species` womb slavery to producing more silver CDs for her Judas to torture her to death for. In the Hollywood, Babylon movie, Scent Of A Woman (1992), actor Al Pacino has the Oedipal role because he`s blind. Although Slade can smell women, they`re perfume to pagan men bereft of the `futanarian` human race, that is, they`ve blinded themselves by killing her, which is why the Holy Spirit was `scent` from God from the perspective of the `serpent`s seed`. Slade`s is a sad tale of a blind man who wants to commit suicide, because that`s Oedipus`, `Man`.
1 Armstrong, Neal UTC 2: 56, 21 July, 1969.
2 Le Guin, Ursula `Myth And Archetype In Science Fiction`, 1976.
3 Aguilera, Christina `Genie In A Bottle` Christina Aguilera, RCA, 1999.
4 Spears, Britney `Piece Of Me` Blackout, Jive Records, 2007.
As A Genius Jesus Had A Lot More Bottle Than `PC` 911 To Help Nigger Escape From His
20/12/2015 06:04As A Genius Jesus Had A Lot More Bottle Than `PC` 911 To Help Nigger Escape From His
Slavery was the basis of the socio-economic system in the Southern United States of America until abolition after the Civil War (1861-5) between the North and the South. Liverpool in England was the most notorious point of transportation for West African negroes to the colonies of the British Empire, but Hull Member of Parliament William Wilberforce`s opposition to the slave trade from his constituency in Yorkshire resulted in the abolition of slavery in 1833. As recently as 1962 slavery was still legal in Saudi Arabia where the Moslem religion of Islam is centred upon the tomb of Abraham, the patriarch of Israel, as well as Islam, because the Prophet Mohammed, who received the holy book of the Koran (610-30 CE), dictated by the angels, was descended from the line of Ishmael, Abraham`s second son, while Isaac`s descendants were Jews.
The Koran documents much of the history of the Jews from the Talmud and the law or `Torah`, which is called the Old Testament in Christianity, and the tomb of Abraham in the city of Mecca is a major site for religious pilgrimage to Moslems. The Koran contains the story of Jesus, which constitutes the New Testament of Christianity. Jesus` teachings were perceived by negroes in the United States and elsewhere as sympathetic to their plight in enslavement because he was uncontaminated by male semen and so born free. The most recognized symbol of freedom in the world is the statue of Liberty received by the United States as a gift from the French Republic where they`d thrown off the yoke of aristocratic rule in 1899. Bearing the torch of freedom Liberty represents ignorance dispelled in the name of truth, which is how Jesus Christ is most often described:
`I am the way and the truth and the life.` (John: 14. 6)
Although Jesus was born free, his mother, the Virgin Mary, was married to a man, Joseph, who owned her, which is how slavery is definable. The institution of marriage is based on ownership, which would be defined as exclusivity of property management in modern legal terms, while adultery is a crime punishable by `stoning` in Moslem countries governed by `Sharia` law derived from the `hadith`, that is, those `suras`, or chapters of the Koran, which are favoured by the Shi`ite Moslems, who became a schismatic branch amongst the rest of the faithful, the Suni, because they believed Ali, the relative who succeeded Mohammed as the leader of Islam, represented God on Earth. In Islam four wives are permissible in marriage, but ownership amongst the Shi`ite through Sharia law is even more strongly enforced as the basis of human slavery. As in the Old Testament of the Jews, stoning is an accepted form of punishment for women `caught in adultery`, which is the killing of a woman by throwing rocks at her. Jesus very much frowned on such things and when an adulterous woman was brought before him for his opinion he said:
`Let he that is without sin cast the first stone.` (John: 8. 7)
Because Christ understood that religion was a `game` for people who wanted to practice `one-upmanship`, which is the activity of displaying real or imagined superiority rather than acting in accordance with God`s law, which Jesus defined as `love your neighbor`. Jesus` Resurrection after his death by crucifixion for preaching dissdency against the Roman Empire was characterized by his tombstone being mysteriously removed from the place of entombment so he could leave. It was a symbolic `stoning` because Jesus was unfaithful to men insofar as he preached against women`s being stoned for adultery, while the supernatural absence of the stone from his tomb was a sign that women`s adulterate state was to be forgiven by God. Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus wasn`t adulterated and neither was his mother, the Virgin Mary, which was God`s promise to Eve in Eden, where her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, because men would be the enlslavers of her host womb for the wars upon her Earth she didn`t countenance. The argument that men`s `seed` is the basis of sexual reproduction and so women are naturally bound is false; if `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` are brought into the equation as the `seed` of Eve born after the pair of Adam and Eve left Eden to begin as a breeding program. The New Testament describes the subsequent enslavement of woman by the various Empires that rose and fell in the course of men`s emerging from her host womb:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen would have been born to Eve as her `seed` and her numbers would have increased exponentially in comparison to men`s, because Adam`s `seed` couldn`t sexually reproduce without women, whereas women can reproduce without men. Consequently, man would have to enslave and/or kill the original `seed` of woman in order to maintain their enslavement of her species, which would make of men the `serpent`s seed` doomed to perdition for their sins, according to God, if they don`t experience brain transformation of metanoia, that is, repentance. Jesus` teachings of forgiveness are necessary if individuals are to live without vendetta being waged against them and their families for crimes real or imaginary, but the essence of Jesus` preachings are of men`s sins needing to be repented from, or eternal unendurable pain, as a punishment from God, will be the consequence for them. Metanoia is important because the human brain can only be transformed if `futanarian` human women with their own penis` seed` are able to breed with women to sexually reproduce their own brains` power. Maintaining the gene pool at a falsely democratic 50/50 when women can breed their own species` selves is enslavement in brain damage.
Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen he was a genius in socio-political and economic theory in comparison to his contemporaries and predecessors. In Arabian terms he was a genie escaped from the bottle of his mother`s womb and a negro who promulgated the dangerous philosophy of anti-slavery against the Roman Empire amongst a population of Jews in Palestine receptive to his program of passive resistance as a means of attaining mental liberation from the yoke of the oppressor. Unless the mind is freed it isn`t possible for an individual to perceive how they`re repressed: it is only felt. Without awareness of slavery, freedom isn`t desired. Jesus` distillation of Jewish law as `love your neighbor as you love yourself` (Mk: 12. 31) was a desirable proselytization representing the will to prevent conflict and think freely of other things, which resulted in those modern inventions making 20th century life easier; such as the washing machine and refrigerator.
As technology arose from free thought and the absence of conflict, Jesus was the `Logos`, or `Word` of God., because his teachings freed the mind for Christianity`s developing technologically. Jesus` Resurrection isn`t reincarnation, which is slavery, so Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and the Ascension of Christ was his escape from the bottle of the womb where he`d be slaved again if he were reincarnated amongst the `serpent`s seed` of men. Slaves found Jesus` teachings of escape from men through the liberation of the workings of the mind attractive, but the function of the Virgin Mary was `hidden` unless Christ`s teachings of the Resurrection were interpreted by Christianity, and that wasn`t what occurred:
`When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Mk: 12. 25)`
Because `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` can sexually reproduce as a single species family biunity, men aren`t needed and so there`s no marriage in heaven. If God plans to have men born in heaven they`ll have to accept birth within the `futanarian` human species of woman and, if they don`t, it`s perdition for racism and preferring enslavement for war in pederasty`s contagions of plague and death, for example, HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` of Revelation sent by God to convert men from their sins, and which arose in the late 20th century due to men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of the act of sexual reproduction between humans:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Jesus` `Second Coming` born from `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` (Rev: 12. 1), while the dragon waits in vain to devour her child, who `will rule the nations with an iron scepter`, occurs in Revelation, where the serpent from Eden is grown to full size. God told Eve she`d have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` after Adam and she were expelled from Paradise by God for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, although their disobedience meant death, because they`d accepted enslavement in pederasty and war for the human race of woman, rather than freedom and the `fruit of the tree of immortality`, which was the `futanarian` future of Eve`s `woman`s seed` as a single species` family biunity and spirit exclusive of men`s `serpent`s seed` and its devouring dragon of war. God has a promise for Eve`s `futanarian` species before she leaves Eden and the work of Redemption that will culminate in the birth of Jesus and acceptance of his teachings; her `seed` will:
`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
Although the Bible is often thought of as myth, the figure of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` closely corresponds to the statue of Liberty, as the symbol of freedom in the United States of America, because of her defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan in the Second World War (1939-45), after the sneak attack upon Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, by the Japanese fascists in support of the other Italian and German Axis powers of fascism, which were attempting to take over the Earth and exterminate the `chosen people` of God in `death camps` constructed by the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party throughout Europe and elsewhere as their armies spread across Europe and the Pacific with the help of the Japanese and the Italians.
The Second Gulf War (2001-11) to defeat Saddam Hussein, Iraq`s dictator, who`d been kicked out of Kuwait after the First Gulf War (1990-1), by the United States and Coalition forces from the region of the Arabian Gulf and elsewhere, began after Saddam offered support to the Afghanistan based terrorist group, Al Qaeda, who had hijacked planes to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, which is adjacent to New York harbor where the statue of Liberty holds aloft the torch of freedom.
Before 9/11 the identity of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` remained unclear. The defeat of the yellow moon of the flag of Al Qaeda with the assassination of Al Qaeda`s terrorist leader, Osama Ben Ladan, in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, by US Navy Seal Team Six, made it clear that the statue of Liberty was `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` giving birth to the `New Redeemer`, that is, Jesus in his `Second Coming` as the Messiah, who `will rule the nations with an iron scepter`.
`Liberty` represents the United States` victories over the `red sun` of the flag of Japan after responding to the 911 call from the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, and over the yellow `moon` of Al Qaeda after responding to the 911 call on 9/11, while the true moon remains at the feet of `Liberty` in her birth waters at New York harbor before the dawning of each new subsequent day for the world`s peoples.
In the Bible `heaven` on Earth is described as `the pearl of great price`, which wasn`t metaphorically fought for by the United States against Japan after Pearl harbor but in actuality. The torch of freedom borne by the statue of Liberty at New York harbor was once again the symbol of heaven on Earth fought for by the United States of America after September 11, 2001, which resulted in the so-called `Arab Spring` (18 December 2010 -) series of uprisings and revolts across the Moslem and Arabic speaking world against despotism. Most revolutions were Islamic insofar as the new leaders were elected on the basis of their adherence to the Moslem faith and the holy book of the Koran, which contains the words of God dictated by the angels to the Prophet Mohammed. The message to the leaders of the Arabic speaking world was clearly against dictatorship of anything other than spiritual, rather than secular authority, which may seem backward to Western thinkers, but freedom is a spiritual and mental issue, while slavery is secular and real:
`By December 2013 rulers had been forced from power in Tunisia, Egypt (twice), Libya, and Yemen; civil uprisings have erupted in Bahrain and Syria; major protests have broken out in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, and Sudan; and minor protests have occurred in Mauritania, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Western Sahara, and the Palestinian Authority.`1
Without the Koran and Bible to teach the mind and spirit and induce metanoia , that is, repentance from sin, slavery and despotism would continue in West and East, because that`s socio-historically proven, and perseverance in keeping people in blindness and ignorance results in war and terrorism. Those who want to be free have the teachings of the Koran, dictated by the angels to the Prophet Mohammed, and the teachings of Jesus, in the Koran and the New Testament of the Bible, to guide their thoughts in righteousness and faith, but peoples` experience of secular government has taught them `War is Peace` and `Freedom is Slavery`, as the English socio-historical writer, George Orwell prophetically foresaw in 1984, his pessimistic post-war science fiction satire:
`Ignorance is Strength`2
Even in the United States of America where freedom is almost worshipped as a god, the statue of Liberty is a woman with voluminous skirts from beneath which even science fiction won`t allow her to produce a child from her own penis` semen, while as `futanarian` human woman with her own `seed` she could, but the exponential increase in human females would result in a diminishing of the male population and so women are kept in occlusion and darkness to their own species` nature because men want to maintain the enslaving of her host womb for their parasitism of devouring God`s creation through war by maintaining a 50% voting share of the planet they perhaps aren`t eligible to receive other than as the woman`s enslaving parasites.
Unthinkable though it seems, men`s socio-history is of a parasite inveigling itself into the host womb of the woman in order to enslave her for devourment through war against the civilization, culture and art she`s able to produce by means of the `spirit of God` yet dwelling in her progeny. Without men she`s able to sexually reproduce as the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, but armies and security forces make her a prisoner and a victim. Al Qaeda crashed planes into the World Trade Centre to precipitate global `rough trade`, which is the euphemism for the `brutality and violence` of gay sex between men engaged in mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockeries of the human act of sexual reproduction that scientists discovered as a cause of the incurable `killer disease` of the 20th century. Incurable, because pederasty is the basis for war`s contagiousness, while HIV/AIDS constitutes a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to misogyny, monogamy, and parasitism upon the host womb of the human species of `futanarian` woman, who is able to sexually reproduce her own brains` power exponentially without men`s `seed` . As God taught to `woman`s seed`, through the birth of Jesus from the host womb of the Virgin Mary, the Christian Messiah`s mother.
The United States of America was duped by Al Qaeda into proliferating pederasty and war when the terrorists crashed hijacked planes into the World Trade Centre as a symbol promoting the `rough trade` of `brutality and violence` of homosexuality`s `blood plague` of vendetta. Jesus preached against `blood plague` with his maxim, `love your neighbor as you love yourself` (Mk: 12. 31), which abolished the Old Testament perspective of Judaism that sons are punished for the sins of their fathers, while identifying homosexuality`s wars of pederasty and its contagions as an international mafia of fathers punishing their sons for their own patriarchal sins in wars of `perpetual enmity` upon the Earth and its humans. Although the Nazi pogroms against the Jews were condemned by the free world, few realized that the chosen people are God`s women, because it isn`t possible to be born a Jew, unless born from a Jewish woman, which means women are Jews and God`s `chosen people`, while the Nazi and Imperial Japanese death camps of WWII for the Jews were but a usual manifestation of what men represent for her human race`s `woman`s seed`.
In feminism it`s politically correct or `PC` to function as a global police constable or P.C., but feminist thinking is that women are homosexuals if lesbian, which encourages schizophrenia amongst the Earth`s female population, because they`re not aware that women who are `futanarian` have their own penis` semen and so can sexually reproduce with what`s a closer approximation to their own species as seen in the mirror. Taught that they`re supposed to accept a man that looks nothing like what they see in the mirror, they begin the schizophrenic process of denying sexual feelings for their own likeness, while `lesbian` desire is the normal expression of their own human species` desire to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers to escape from her enslaving parasite, which she`s been taught is her sexual counterpart although it looks nothing like her own race and at best co-exists as an alien symbiote.
In asking the Earth to embrace politically correct feminism as the basis for political science, the United States of America has abandoned political truth, which is based on the notion of democracy for all, while women who`re capable of sexually reproducing with each other constitute 100% of the humans and men who can`t reproduce sexually with each other, but represent an incurable `killer disease` and biblical `blood plague`, are 0% of the humans without a woman. Democracies that exist as 50/50 arrangements are falsely constructed by parasitism engaged in preventing their voting stock from falling below the level needed to vote themselves war and women`s extinction as a race. Without a cure for the incurable `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS , human medical science remains at a level where ephemerality rather than immortality is the norm. If women don`t have longevity through science, they won`t have memory or knowledge of their own `futanarian` species of women with their own penis` semen to transmit wisdom to their daughters, but will continue as slaves in uneducated blindness and ignorance, while the next round of `rough trade` talks are being prepared by the international mafia of fathers punishing their sons for their sins. The statue of Liberty remains politically correct and politically true, because what lies beneath her skirts is latent and hidden, but women`s being kept in slavery by their own mothers preaching feminism and egalitarian equality based on brotherliness is neither correct nor true, though it could be construed as `politic`:
`Liberté, égalité, fraternité.`3
In the United States of America colleges have `fraternity` and `sorority` houses for younger men and women to live and meet socially. The statue of Liberty is politically correct for men because the slogan of the French Revolution (1789-99) that became the nation`s motto was `equality, liberty and fraternity`, while political truth resides in the figure of the female statue as an American symbol rather than a French icon. As `fraternity` houses are for men, they`re perceived as representing freedom, whereas women are sisters and unfree, because men are heroic revolutionaries, but that doesn`t bear political examination from a truly feminist perspective. Fraternity is the old Christian regard for `brotherliness`, which ignores the concept of `woman`s seed` and what it means as opposed to the `serpent`s seed`; although the `blood plague` of Revelation and HIV/AIDS directs attention towards the waging of homosexuality`s vendettas through pederasty and war`s contagiousness. Sorority is the `sisterliness` that comes from women`s embracing their own human `futanarian` sisters with their own penis` semen and capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` powers, but accusations of lesbianism and homosexuality against college sorority houses in the United States as a means of coercing females into abnormal sexual reproduction with aliens not of their own species is the schizophrenia practiced by men upon human women.
As Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, the secret teaching of the New Testament is `woman`s seed`. Because men have enslaved woman`s human race, she accepts being adulterate as normal for a species that otherwise would be pure and unadulterated through her own penis` semen`s capacity for sexually reproducing her own human mental and spiritual development. New Christianity perceives that women are sexually undetermined and prefer their own species if given the choice, which makes of them God`s `chosen people` if they choose God`s `seed` rather than the serpent`s. In censorship women remain unconscious and occluded so taboos on pornography assist the enslavers and parasitism, which doesn`t want her to develop as a species and escape.
Paradoxically, taboos against pornography for less than adults (18+) in England and elsewhere restricts women to the `serpent`s seed` of men as the only choice available for the uneducated, which works against her own species viability as the sole host womb for her own penis` `seed`. Without instructive sexual material termed `pornographic` by their society, young women will accept the heterosexuality of capitalist entrepeneurship where the married man is the `owner of the means of production`4 as the host wombs of women are the basis of enslavement in communism, or any other form of exploitative sunderist socio-economy.
In Arabia the concept of the `djinn` who emerges upon the rubbing of a magic lamp, or when his bottle is unstoppered, is the basis of many folktales, because genius is the result of the soul and spirit of the individual liberated from enslavement. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) sexual libido is the basis of mental development because energy is released towards the desired object, which is a woman, house, car, or whatever the subjectivity of the desirer wishes. According to Carl Jung a woman is the central desired object of a man`s libido because of the sexual urge towards living with a woman, for example, in a house which requires a greater exertion of energy to build. Consequently, the sexual impulse corresponds to the magic lamp or bottle from which the genius emerges to perform the tasks necessary to obtain comfort for a man and his woman. Because Jesus as the `Logos` or `Word` of God represents the possibility of a better life through technological advancement, Christ is a `genie` that has escaped from the bottle of the host womb of the human species without contamination, that is, enslaving through his being a child of parasitism. To prevent others from escaping from their bottled status in reincarnation men have had to discover a way of stoppering the bottle, so women as a `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed` are kept in censored unawareness. If women aren`t aware of their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own species of humans, men can stopper their hymens for the spread of their own `serpent`s seed` contagion of war and death.
Although there isn`t any scriptural basis for men`s being able to command the angels of God, many Christians believe the angelic host will be in their command at the apocalyptic battle between good and evil that precedes the `Last Judgement` before the good go to heaven and the evil are punished with eternal unendurable pain, which is Christianity`s belief. However, although God promises a `new heaven and Earth` to Eve`s `seed` , subsequent to the apocalyptic Revelation of St John in which `war in heaven` precedes the gift from God of a `new heaven and Earth`, the angels can`t be commanded by men, which suggests God doesn`t want men to command the new heavenly angelic host that`s to emerge from `futanarian` human women`s host wombs either.
In the Koran, the djinn, Shaitan, corresponds to the figure of Satan in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, who refused to bow before Adam, the first man, created by God. Cast down from heaven to Earth by God, Satan becomes the serpent in Eden, who tempts Eve to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is slavery and death. Satan receives eternal unendurable pain, according to the Bible, because he wasn`t able to understand that woman is the host womb of the future angelic host of God. Satan had thought men were to command the angels and foolishly rebelled, preferring the sundering of the human `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` `seed` from her own `futanarian` selves` capacity to sexually reproduce her own brains` power to liberate her from men`s enslavement of her host womb, and ephemerality in ignorance and occlusion; lest she understand her jailors.
The Shaitan of Moslem tradition aren`t Satan, who is perceived as being a Shaitan, but the idea of the ireedeemable ego derives from the perception that a Shaitan represents the temptation towards sundering, whereas Satan, and Adam and Eve, represent sundering itself, because it`s men`s perception that other people are parts of themselves to be ordered as slaves. Because `futanarian` women have their own penis``seed`, woman is a separate independent species with one family spirit in biunity, which suggests that the biblical Genesis is the depiction of a sundering in which Eve is sundered from the side of Adam insofar as, according to the Bible, she emerges from his rib. Before that she was a part of Adam and the Shaitan, Satan, is the fallen aspect of God`s original intention as the creator. Satan is depicted as a `tragic figure` in epic poetry, for example, John Milton`s Paradise Lost (1667), because he was the Shaitan who hadn`t understood that men were never to command angels, who weren`t sundered from their selves by egoism`s desire to enslave the `other`, as Eve and her descendants were `other` to Adam and his descendants. God`s plan was that Adam and Eve should be one in their descendants who would be `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and spirit of God`s family unity:
`The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.`5
God commands the angels in heaven, whereas anyone who refuses to obey men isn`t an angel from men`s point of view, which means anybody who isn`t evincing an `angelic disposition` is to be enslaved from men`s perspective. Subconsciously aware of that, the Shaitan, known as `Satan` in Christian tradition, rebelled, because he wanted neither the angels, nor the subsequent angelic host born from the host wombs of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, to be the commanded slaves of men, but God doesn`t either. Satan didn`t understand that, in bowing before Adam, he was bowing before Eve, who would bow to God in her turn as queen of heaven and Earth with her own new `futanarian` angelic host by the command of God.
Persistence in sundering and the sunderer`s path is punished by God with unendurable eternal pain for the sunderers, because it`s enslavement for the humans. The Shaitan, `Satan`, is depicted in the Bible as receiving perdition, as a punishment from God, along with the Satanists in Satanism, because `futanarian` human woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexual reproduction of her own free selves is God`s plan for a `new heaven and Earth` after `war in heaven` between the hosts of God and the `serpent`s seed` of Satan who prefer slavery for humanity.
2 Orwell, George 1984, Secker and Warburg, June 8, 1949.
3 The statue of `Liberty Enlightening The World` was donated by the French sculptor, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, in 1886 to the new democracy of the United States of America, which had thrown off the yoke of British Imperialism after declaring independence from King George III`s Empire in 1776. In France `freedom, equality, and brotherliness` had been the slogan of the French Revolution (1789-99), which had occurred for similar reasons when the people rose against the aristocracy of King Louis XIV to found the Republic of France.
4 Mark, Karl Das Kapital, 1867-94.
5 Milton, John Paradise Lost, Samuel Simmons, 1668.
Human Economics
20/12/2015 05:50
Human Economics
The most well known depiction of the human system is the Hindu chakras of the body. There are seven chakras or levels of achieved conscious self-actualization through personal intellectual and spiritual growth or development in the chakra system which is represented by female and male figures and characters who are human and unhuman while some appear inhuman. Most interpretations of the inhuman characters and figures perceive psychological difficulties represented as personality problems encountered in the world by the individual who has the ego-personality seeking individuation, that is, developmental functionality. The chakra system appears in Buddhism and Hinduism which are the two more exotic religious belief systems of the Earth. Although Tibetan Buddhism is a variant of Indian Vajrayana, Buddhism generally posits the individual Buddha consciousness at the centre of a developing individuality seeking to escape those who represent obstacles to growth on the path to Redemption, Dharmachakra, while Hinduism depicts a system of interactions between characters at each chakra level that function either as guides or obstacles to growth.
Hinduism is complicated by the Indian caste system which delimits individuals at birth. Origination determines where individuals remain within the chakra levels. Recent socio-economic development in the sub-continent of India, which draw on the 20th century`s development of computer technology, permit researchers to draw parallels between the computer system and the chakra system. The human system contains demons, according to the chakra system, but the existence of the demons remains inexplicable except in terms of evil devilish characters who devil human progress, but the chakra system is illumined for students of feminism who discover that `futanarian` women have penis` semen and host wombs of their own which makes them potentially socio-economically independent of men. Human women with the capacity to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers wouldn`t have a chakra system identical to the system containing demons, which suggests men are their demons.
The analogy of the human system enslaved by demons who don`t want humans to function is translatable from economics and computers. The terrorist attack upon New York`s World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, represented `rough trade`,1 that is, the desire of Moslem extremists to reestablish `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuals who pay for entertainment. Western civilization was determined by ancient Greece which institutionalized homosexuality in order to enslave women`s host wombs for the spreading of the contagion of war. The hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Centre by Al Qaeda, the base`, were meant to be perceived as the war eagles of the Qerash tribe of Islam which traditionally has the eagle as its symbol on the Al Uqab flag in wartime. Because Saddam Hussein declared his support for `the base`, Al Qaeda, war began to depose the Iraqi dictator and defeat terrorist leader, Osama Ben Laden, who was finally killed by US Navy Seal Team Six in Pakistan, India`s neighbor. The Qerash at the World Trade Centre precipitated global `rough trade` insofar as war is a homosexual contagion, which is why the World Trade Centre was chosen. In the computer age the paradigm is the `Trojan horse` virus as a metaphor for the `biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sins:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
The `Trojan horse` was a device employed by the Greeks to attack the city of Troy. Feigning friendship for the Trojans the Greeks left a huge hollow wooden horse outside the gates of Troy which the Trojans took into the city where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women for pederasty and war`s contagions. The HIV/AIDS virus, which appeared in the late 20th century spread by homosexuals` mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, during mockeries of human sexual reproduction, constituted a `Greek` form of biological warfare, where `Greek` is a common euphemism for homosexuality and pederasty. Although computer science borrows the term `Trojan horse` to describe the modern successor of the Greeks, that is, the `geek`, who creates `bad machine code` to kill computer brains, the horse was `Greek`, while HIV/AIDS is a `Trojan horse` that feigns friendship for the white defending cells of the body`s immune system before killing the brain, which makes it homosexuality`s weapon against the machine brain humanity needs to assist its growth and development. Because `geeks` program software to destroy computer brains, which they call crashing the computer, the Qerash at the World Trade Centre was `geek` software programing aimed at preventing socio-economic growth in Hindu India. The name for the chakra at the base of the spine is Muladhara while the anus is situated between the Muladhara chakra and the Swadhisthana chakra in the Hindu description of the human body`s system. Because Jesus Christ was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the `perfect human`, homosexuality seems to have become the problem foreseen by God in Eden when he told Eve her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` although her `seed` will:
`... crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
Because `futanarian` women have their own penis` semen and host wombs as `futanarian` humans with her own capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` power for socio-economic independence and technological advance, she represents a chakra system that functions like a computer where input determines output, that is, if women sexually reproduce their own branpower for production, men will no longer be able to enslave her as her demons and devillers, which means escape for her from the inhuman system. As `the base`, Al Qaeda represent the Muladhara level of instinctual behaviouralism from which men don`t want humans to escape; especially women. When the Al Qaeda terrorists crashed their planes into the World Trade Centre on Manahattan island, symbolically the target was the Anahata chakra, which is at the heart in the Hindu system of raised consciousness, while the traditional name of New York, the `Big Apple`, corresponds to the Ajna chakra or `third eye` as the forebrain of the human individual where higher levels of consciousness are seated below the highest level of consciousness, Sahasrara, the chakra at the crown of the head indicating brain activation.
Because Eve`s was the `Big Apple` the serpent gave her in Eden in exchange for the promise, `You shall be as gods,` (Gen: 3. 5) New York represents Redemption through work, which is what God told Adam and Eve they must do after God expelled the original pair from Eden after the serpent tempted them with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`. Because `futanarian` woman would have been born from Eve`s descendants after Eden, her absence suggests Adam`s male descendants enslaved Eve`s descendants in semen slavery after killing her own human species of independent woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, which God calls `woman`s seed` in the Bible and warns Eve of `perpetual enmity` between hers and the `serpent`s seed`. God sees that men will choose slavery and the homosexual power to make war through pederasty because Adam and Eve rejected God`s`tree of life`, that is, immortality, for evil. Although the `cities of the planes`, New York and Arlington, Virginia, where a third plane crashed into the US Defense Department, weren`t the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 16, 19), destroyed by God for homosexuality and pederasty, the analogy is plain. Men are a virus in the human system which they`ve enslaved since Eden and Adam`s `seed` is contaminated while Jesus, the `perfect human` born uncontaminated by male semen ,represents his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the true human host of `futanarian` women able to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers for genuine socio-economic growth.
In the Catholic Communion service Jesus is called the host, which is the `bread and wine` given to the parishioners as symbols of Jesus` `body and blood` he offered to his disciples at what is known as the `Last Supper` because he was betrayed after the meal by his false adherent, Judas Iscariot, who sold him to the Roman occupiers of Palestine who nailed him to a wooden cross and tortured him to death in return for the `thirty pieces of silver` they gave to Judas. Because Jesus represented the host of the human species uncontaminated by male semen, Judas was humanity`s species` betrayer. As the guests of the United States of America on 9/11, 2001, Al Qaeda, `the base`, represented species` betrayal, that is, Judas Iscariot`s treachery towards the host.The attack of `the base` upon the World Trade Centre crashed the US` defense system, so mimicking the behavior of the `geek` computer virus and `feigning friendship` as a `Greek` horse before Troy, which is in fact the name of a city in upstate New York, beyond the spires of modernity`s Ilium, while the terror also mimicked the HIV/AIDS` virus feigning friendship for the human body`s immune system before it crashes in brain death, because the establishment and reestablishment of war in pederasty is what the parasite is for.
The `serpent`s seed` of men have male brained the human race, so she can`t get her `futanarian` brains functioning, which God calls her `foot` and so the analogy is of the `foot race`. Consequently, the terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon on 15 April, 2013, was a further attempt to prevent the human footrace from being run. As 9/11, 2001, began at Boston Logan airport the movie was Logan`s Run because everyone must die in the film if they reach 21 years of age and the September 11 terrorist attack took place at the beginning of the 21st century when fears of women`s breeding their own brains in socio-economic potential for freedom were rife amongst men. In Islamic Arabia women wear the one piece coverall of the burkha to prevent prying eyes from seeing their form in public while the Moslem tradition is for four wives in a marriage which gives ample opoortunity for women to breed secretly. Al Qaeda, `the base`, were strong in Afghanistan where the Taliban Moslem fundamentalist regime held sway in misogyny. Although women in the West are depicted nude almost perfunctorily, Moslem women have a traditional framework of concealment behind which they breed, which suggests Western women are lied about.
The principle of William F. Nolan`s original novel, Logan`s Run (1967), is that there are scarce resources and people must accept euthanasia performed by `sandmen` on `runners` who seek to escape the killers. While the Boston Marathon `runners` wore `sandshoes` the analogy is plain. The `sandmen` don`t want the human species of `futanarian` woman to escape its enslaving of her and so economic resources must be made scarce by diverting resources that could be used for healthcare and rejuvenative processes resulting in longevity and immortality for `woman`s seed` into the military industrial complex (MIC) constructed to further war and human ephemerality in ignorant acceptance of men`s pederasty as the basis of all socio-economic processes. Because the World Trade Centre in Manahattan represented the Anahata chakra at the heart and the Ajna chakra or `Big Apple` of the brain, Al Qaeda, `the base`, represented the Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine where HIV/AIDS is transmitted as a virus to kill the brain, 9/11, 2001, and the bombing of the Boston Marathon on 15 April, 2013, was an attack upon those who desired a healthy body and brain for the human system, which in Hindu India is described computer-like as the chakra system, which is contaminated by male demons preventing the woman from inputting her own semen in order to develop her own brains for her own socio-economy and manufacturing plan for the future of her `futanarian` footrace.
The ancient seat of Babylon was Iraq where Saddam Hussein was the dictator supportive of Al Qaeda, `the base`, and his name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, while the Gulf war (2003-) to depose him occurred after 9/11, 2001, which was filmed as a Hollywood, Babylon `blockbuster` celebration of United States` heroism, prior to the invasion of Iraq to depose Saddam Hussein, who effectively had the role of the `small handsome man` seeking to crush the `futanarian` woman of the Earth with her own penis` semen and host womb before she crushed him; as Saddam Hussein`s name, `crusher`, suggests. In Hollywood, Babylon, the `one foot on the floor rule` was the Hays `production code` (1934-67) for women in bedroom scenes, because the `serpent`s seed` of men wanted to program women as `software` with the understanding that they didn`t sexually reproduce with each other. Consequently, Saddam Hussein was a Hollywood, Babylon, actor, prepared by the United States, who gave him the 3rd largest army in the world to wage war on Iran (1979-89) after the overthrow of the Shah in 1977 and the rise of Ayotollah Khomeini`s religious dictatorship. Because men have male brained women as projections of their desire as parasites to extinguish the human race in war against her Earth, Hollywood Babylon is the species` enemy parading nude women perfunctorily, who aren`t even women, to encourage male braining of the race in pederasty and war, so its parasite can continue devouring itself endlessly.
The chakra system of Hinduism is a depiction of how the parasite prevents the woman`s human `futanarian` braind and sexually reproductive system for the production of her own brains and manufacturing socio-economy from coming into being, which is the role of the demonic male characters within the schemata of interrelationships represented as occurring within the different chakras at each level of conscious awareness or achieved self-actualization. If the input into the chakra system is female semen, output is female brained, which means a different chakra system corresponding to Jesus` uncontaminated by male semen born from the Virgin Mary, his mother. Because of the caste system in Hinduism, where the `priest class` of the Brahmins, for example, are associated with the Ajna chakra level of activity, upward mobility in social terms is restricted. Consequently, socio-economic input corresponds to a restriction upon women`s semen being input into the human system in order to delimit what can be output, which is what the caste system is for. The `serpent`s seed` of men enslave the human system and prevent the `woman`s seed` from producing her own socio-economically independent species` future. If the caste system in Hinduism was broken, women would be liberated from drudgery through her own invention of labor saving devices announcing the dawn of a machine age in which she`s cared for by machine technology and so can devote her energies to self-improvement.
In the Bible God`s injunction against the `worship of false gods` is germane, but the term `guard` is juxtaposable in the 21st century, because guards are what the human species has had since the inception of `concentration camps` by the German National Socialist (Nazi) government in the 1930s as places in which Jews were held as God`s unwanted `chosen people` amongst the Nazis before the pogroms began turning the `concentration camps` into `death camps` in which six million Jews were exterminated throughout Europe during the German conquest in the Second World War (1939-45) they ultimately lost. Although the Jews are the `chosen people` of God, according to the Bible, it`s only possible to be born a Jew if born from a Jewess, that is, a woman, so the `chosen people` are women, which is why Eve was exhorted to remember her seed`s perpetual enmity with the serpent`s, while Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, a Jewess. The appearance of uniformed guards in shopping centres and public transport, banks, and apartment buildings, etc., are the `false gods` God warned the `chosen people` against worshipping, that is, the Nazis won, because the `serpent`s seed` of men preferred their methods. Humans would remain deprived of the intellectual capacity and resources to develop healthcare and ephemerality would be their condition prior to torture during slavery and final death in the manner of Jesus` crucifixion. The original pogrom against the Jewish women who might be capable of `futanarian` sexual reproduction through their own penis` semen and host wombs would be maintained after Nazism and the human species would remain enslaved in ephemerality and brain death corralled as `concentration camp` victims for what they might conceivably produce that didn`t threaten the `death camp guards`, that is, the `false gods` God had forbade the descendants of `woman` seed` to worship.
The breaking of the Hindu caste system to liberate the human system represented by the chakra ladder of consciousness raising represented a threat to the `death camp` system and so Al Qaeda, `the base`, supported by the misogynist leadership of the Taliban in Afghanistan, attacked the United States to reestablish Nazism. One of the first moves by the United States` government after 9/11, 2001, was to establish the internment camp for Moslems at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, which could have been useful as a means of discovering how the US Presidency could assist the women of Iraq and Afghanistan to throw off the yoke of their oppressors, but reports weren`t favourable of such an interpretation. The Great Seal of the United States` Presidency is the eagle, that is, a universal symbol of protection, while the eagle is an emblem of US Navy Seal Team Six who killed Osama Ben Laden in Pakistan, because the eagle and the seal represent defense of the sealed hymen of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, which the birth of Jesus as the `New Redeemer` in his `Second Coming` to the Earth represented when he was born from the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` to `rule the nations with an iron scepter`:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
The woman `clothed with the sun` may be interpreted as `Liberty` after her defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan in World War II after the Japanese attacked Pearl harbor, Hawaii, on 7 December 1941 to distract the United States` attention away from German Nazism in Europe. Because the moon is the symbol on the flag of Al Qaeda, `the base`, Jesus` birth from `Liberty`, the statue of the woman in New York harbor, is represented by Navy Seal Team Six`s killing of Osama Ben Laden, the terrorist leader, and the moon is the pearl reflected in her birth waters, where `pearl of great price` is the phrase used in the Bible to denote `heaven on Earth` and what`s to come after in heaven above amongst the stars and planets after woman`s `footrace` has made it to moonbase:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2
The words spoken by the USA`s Neil Armstrong, the first Apollo astronaut of the North American Space Administration (NASA) on the moon in 1969, was followed in 1982 by US President Ronald Reagan`s Strategic Defense Intiative (SDI), which plans to ring the globe with a missile defense system effectively keeping woman`s `futanarian` human race`s `foot` firmly planted upon the Earth, where it can be monitored in its attempts to grow up and depart its captivity. Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan was interning the human species for a `death camp` pogrom after the `concentration camp` had served its purposes of constructing a sufficiently powerful weapons` system to kill its arch enemy, humanity, when the `geeks` had improved upon the Greek model of male `seed` as a homosexual virus concerned to spread its contagion of pederasty and war`s capacity for extinction of the `chosen people`; the women.
Osama Ben Laden`s discovery at the Abbotabad compound near the Pakistan Military Academy puzzled observers, but it was perfectly logical if the action of his terrorist group, Al Qaeda, `the base`, on 9/11, 2001, was aimed at Hindu yoga meditation and the women who almost universally practice it in order to raise their levels of consciousness to higher planes of awareness. The crashing of planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre to precipitate global conflict and the reestablishing of homosexual pederasty`s `death camp` system for humanity represented Manahattan as the Anahata or heart chakra with Al Qaeda, `the base`, as the Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine where HIV/AIDS is injected into the anus as the `biological weapon` of the `serpent`s seed` to kill the brain. 9/11, 2001, was a `Trojan horse` virus designed to crash the defense system of the United States and kill the Ajna chakra of Hinduism, that is, the forebrain symbolized by New York`s `Big Apple` where the consciousness of `woman`s seed` was growing through Hindu yoga. Because India is the centre of Hinduism, Osama Ben Laden`s presence near the Military Academy of Moslem Pakistan, India`s traditionally antagonistic neighbor, is explicable as a Pakistani plot to prevent India from becoming a global superpower through its newly risen economic strength perhaps deriving from Hindu yogic practical applications of the ancient chakra meditation system.
India's consumer market, currently the world's eleventh largest,3 is expected to become the fifth-largest by 2030. Dependant on new technologies, like the computer based internet susceptible to contamination by the male virus, India surpassed Japan in 2013 to become the third largest telecommunications market in the world after China and the United States, which suggests a powerful resistance to viral contamination probably deriving from the Hindu emphasis upon the human chakra system of progress through self-actualization and individuality resistant to parasites preying on the brain, that is, brain enslavement perpetrated by the `serpent`s seed` of men as the basis of their socio-economic power. Indians are more accepting of technology because the computer system is closer to their understanding of the human system in which semen is sexually reproductive of brainpower, that is, input, and creative inventiveness is the output.
In Hinduism`s Tantric yoga sexuality is emphasized as a means of achieving enlightenment or nirvana, which is `heaven`, because input determines output, that is, the semen produces the brains of the producer, which decides what can be produced from a manufactory perspective, while human `futanarian` women with their own host wombs and penis` semen constitute the denied manufacturing output potential of a species independent socio-economically from the enslavement of male braining preventing her from thinking for herself about what she`d do with her own input and output from her processor, that is, her chakra system.
Moslem antipathy towards Hindu India is well known and disputes between the nations over the province of Kashmir have led to open conflict. The rise of India as an economic power fifth in global stature isn`t greeted with enthusiasm by Islamic extremism. Although Islam, which means `acceptance`, is closer to Judaeo-Christianity than first glance supposes, because the holy book of the Moslems, the Koran (610-30 C.E.), contains many of the stories of the Old Testament Jews featuring Moses, while the New Testament Jesus is represented as a teacher, Hinduism requires deeper scrutiny. In Islam Jesus ascends to heaven without death, while in Christianity his Ascension is illustrative of the need for Resurrection for `woman`s seed` and so he`s tortured and murdered by the Romans during the crucifixion, whereas the Moslems `accept` Resurrection for `woman`s seed` as a part of their belief system because they`re a `futanarian` people who traditionally have four wives in a private sexual relation that permits of female breeding with their own penis` semen and host wombs. Because Hinduism`s chakra system can be perceived as a computer processor in which the input of semen is followed by the brain`s output, Hinduism can provide a solution to male braining through the enslaving of women to the semen of men as the `serpent` seed`, which overcoming through meditation gurus in yoga attempt to teach. Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen as the `perfect human`, Hinduism is close in spirit to the main religions of the Earth, because it represents an understanding of the human system as a processor of humanity`s semen`s capacity to utilize its brainpower for productive purposes. The antipathy of Islamic extremism for Indian Hinduism is comprehendable as misogyny, where the `serpent`s seed` of men don`t want humans to escape brain slavery in ephemeral ignorance unaided by the diversion of resources away from education and healthcare into pederasty and the parasitical contagions of homosexual male braining and pederasty`s wars against `woman`s seed`. Whatever Laden was doing in Pakistan in the shelter of the Military Academy, infection of the chakra ladder of Hinduism by some form of `biological warfare` akin to HIV/AIDS seems a likely reason.
India is in the top twelve biotechnological nations with a `biotech` industry growing by 15.1 % in 2013 reflected in the economic success of the Nano microcar, which was launched in 2008 at a popular price of 2000 US $ with a name, Nano, that borrows from nanotechnology, that is, the science of small machines or micro-organisms used to function as micromachines to facilitate engineering at the biological and technological levels, for example, where the engineering of microchips is necessary for the improved functionality of portable computers. In the Pakistan military town of Abbotabad, the presence of Osama Ben Laden, before his assassination by US Navy Seal Team Six, suggests Moslem extremism`s aim of using `biotech` terrorism to stop Hinduism`s Indian women from raising their `foot`. Amongst Moslems it`s taboo to show the sole of the foot, because it`s impolite to remind each other of the treadmill, while slavery was only officially abolished in 1963 in Saudi Arabia, the spiritual capital of Moslem Islam, and women still aren`t allowed to put their foot to the pedals of motor cars because it`s a form of treadmill to which the individual is bound as though to a wheel, which is why the unfree are described in Hinduism as bound to the wheel of karma and car drivers are similarly bound. In Japan women`s `foot binding` was perpetrated as a fetish for generations, which was a reflection of men`s will that the woman remain upon the Earth and shouldn`t escape.
In India the Western tradition of Hollywood, Babylon, is mirrored in the Bollywood tradition of Hindi films made mainly in Mumbai, Maharashtra, which feature dancing women. Vishnu is the male protagonist of Hinduism who can be all of the women, which is what male braining is. Islamic extremism represents the misogynist notion that woman`s `foot` shouldn`t be raised, that is, her `futanarian` penis` semen and host womb is bound to the `karmic wheel` and death in slavery to pederasty`s wars against her. Osama Ben Laden`s presence in Pakistan`s military town of Abbotabad, near the nation`s Military Academy, before his assassination by Navy Seal Team Six of the United States, suggests Al Qaeda, `the base`, wanted Bollywood`s women to keep their foot on the floor in the same way Hollywood, Babylon, legislated woman`s foot should be on the floor in bedroom scenes during the enforcement of the Hays `production code (1934-67) that set the scene for the emergence of `small handsome man`, Saddam Hussein, to take centre stage as `crusher` in the Middle East theatre during the Gulf war that reestablished pederasty, `He shall bruise your head and you will strike his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Pediatrician is the term for a doctor of children, because `ped` is `foot` in Greek, that is, the source of a child`s developing power to progress. God`s observation to Eve as her pediatrician is that the serpent of Eden, God`s `fallen angel`, Satan, isn`t a child, but her `seed` is, because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb is crushed and can`t develop. In the Bible the serpent, Satan, is depicted as a dragon waiting in vain to devour the `New Redeemer`, Jesus, in his `Second Coming` having grown to full size since his days as the serpent in Eden, which is a metaphor for the male braining of `woman`s seed` by her parasitical devourer in semen slavery to pederasty and war:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The emblem of the Military Chaplain of the US army is the Dharmachakra of Buddhism, which is the `wheel of law` or Redemption through persistence in dispelling illusion. Because male braining in subjection to men`s `serpent`s seed` and sexual repression of woman`s `futanarian` human penis` semen and host womb is productive of ignorance and delusion, the Dharmachakra symbol of the US army`s Chaplain symbolizes acceptance of the necessity for removal of the deluder by soldierly means, which is what occurred when US Navy Seal Team Six killed Osama Ben Laden on 2 May, 2011, in Pakistan, because he and Saddam Hussein were the deluders or false Prophets of Islam, while Osama, whose name means `lion`, was closer in Moslem Pakistan to Indian Hinduism. Al Qaeda, `the base`, representing human baseness, stimulated it on 9/11, 2001, but US Navy Seal Team Six killed Osama before he could awaken India from its fascination with Bollywood`s dancers` camp concentration on their routine.
1 `Violent, often brutal sex acts, or a person, usually a male prostitute, who looks like they participate in such acts,` .
2 Armstrong, Neil 2:56 UTC July 21, 1969.
The Second Coming
20/12/2015 05:49The Second Coming
After Jesus` crucifixion and Resurrection he had Ascension to heaven. Tortured and murdered after being nailed to a wooden cross by the Roman legions in Palestine, Jesus` `Second Coming` was prophesied in the last book of the Bible, the Revelation of St. John the Divine in which Christ is born to `a woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` as the `New Redeemer`. Jesus` teachings aren`t of reincarnation but of Resurrection, which belies the `Second Coming` unless it`s understood that Christ remains in heaven though having a second sojourn upon the Earth. In the holy book of the Koran, the Moslem peoples` faith of Islam, which means `accept`, Jesus has Ascension to heaven without being tortured to death, but a living effigy of the Messiah is murdered upon the cross, which suggests Jesus can be in heaven without dying upon the Earth . That`s supported in Christianity by the belief that Jesus` Advent and Ascension is a single instant captured in eternity, and although Christ was born he is simultaneously in heaven:
`The ascension is one of these telling moments that links infinite place (heaven and earth), infinite time (the past, present and future), and infinite relationship (God and humankind and all creation), all coming together in Jesus.`1
According to biblical tradition, Satan was the angel cast down from heaven to the Earth by God because he refused to accept man. Consequently, he can`t be simultaneously upon Earth and in heaven. In Eden Satan had the form of the `serpent` tempting Eve to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The ascent of humanity after expulsion from Eden was dependent on work and childbirth. Jesus` teachings were that mankind must have Redemption before it would be possible for humanity to enter into heaven. According to God, Eve`s `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` between herself and the `serpent`s seed` and women have their own penis` semen as `futanarian` humans, which Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, emphasizes.
Eve was told she`d have pains in childbirth and Adam, the Anthropos or `original man` created by God, was told he`d have to work to live, and they`d die, whereas before their expulsion Eve and Adam had the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality. Because `the wages of sin is death`, that is, enslavement of the human race is dependent on its ephemerality, Jesus` teaching of heaven after the Resurrection is that there is no marriage there because it represents possession by the `serpent`s seed` of men of the host wombs of the `futanarian` woman with penis` `seed` of her own for the sexual reproduction of the human species` brainpower for liberating herself from ownership and slavery through technological development:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
Because the human species of woman with her own penis` semen should be in heaven, like Jesus, Resurrection and a `new heaven and Earth` promised to her by God while the `serpent`s seed` receive the punishment of eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, represents the reemergence of the `futanarian` woman upon the Earth and her continued existence simultaneously in heaven where she belongs without men unless they have Redemption, which is acceptance of `woman`s seed`, that is, Islam amongst the Moslem peoples of the Koran where women wear the one piece coverall of the burkha so that only their eyes can be seen and their `futanarian` penis` `seed` is hidden:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
After giving birth to Jesus in his `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer` the woman is hidden in the desert amongst the Moslem peoples of the Koran in Islamic acceptance of the will of God by those nations of the Earth symbolized by the eagle; for example, the eagle upon the Great Seal of the United States of America as the symbol of the authority of the President of the United States, who was George W. Bush Jnr during the war to depose Saddam Hussein of Iraq after he offered bases to Al Qaeda, `the base`, when that terrorist group hijacked civil aircraft on September 11, 2001, and crashed them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York to precipitate `another round of economic talks`. The Gulf war effectively ended when Osama Ben Laden, the Saudi Arabian leader of Al Qaeda, was killed by US Navy Seal Team Six, because symbolically it represented the eagles` defense of the hymen of the sealed woman of the Earth who was hidden in the desert, that is, at the heart of Islam, Mecca, where the shrine of Abraham is the most holy place on Earth for the Moslem peoples in Saudi Arabia.
In Revelation `war in heaven` between Satan`s `serpent`s seed` and the `seed` of the woman who`re persecuted upon the Earth by Satanists precedes God`s gift of a `new heaven and Earth` to humanity, as Satan`s `seed` are those who would attack themselves in heaven, because of envy. Jesus` Advent and Ascension depicts what humanity is for the `serpent`s seed`, which is something to be prevented from escaping through development, so being devilled by `devils`, who once were `angels of God`, is what the `serpent`s seed`, preventing woman as the human species from sexually reproducing her own brainpower for liberation through technological development, represent.
Because mankind is God`s developing child, whatever prevents the infant from growing and progressing is the `serpent`s seed` of men, because `woman`s seed` can sexually reproduce her own `futanarian` independent socio-economy without men. Consequently, 9/11, 2001, was an attempt to reestablish the socio-economics of war and death on the `Greek` model of institutionalized enslavement of the host wombs of women in homosexual pederasty to spread their contagion of war further. In the Bible the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) of Revelation is sent by God to convert men from their sin through metanoia, (Mk: 1. 4) which is brain conversion. It corresponds to the HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` virus spread, like biological warfare, by homosexuals` mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of human sexual reproduction:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Homosexual pederasty and war`s contagions aren`t a metaphor; that`s what men are for. Their socio-history reveals it as truth. The enslavement of the host wombs of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and capacity for liberation through her own socio-economic development and independent technological advance, so men can breed armies of young boys to kill each other is no longer mysterious:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Because men don`t have any host wombs of their own, save for the women`s they`ve enslaved, men don`t have any brains of their own, whereas women who have their own `futanarian` penis` `seed` to sexually reproduce brainpower do. Consequently, men correspond to the `serpent`s seed` of Satan if they don`t accept `woman`s seed` and Redemption: `When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke.` (Luke: 11. 14) The man couldn`t speak, because he was possessed, and Jesus cast out the demon as Satan was cast out of heaven by God for refusing to accept God`s new development. The man wasn`t able to develop, because the demon didn`t want him to. The crowd condemns Jesus for casting out demons by the power of Satan, but a woman amongst them disagrees:
`Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.` (Mk: 3. 27)
She encapsulates the meaning for both Christ and the crowd. Jesus` critics are the `serpent`s seed` and he`s the `woman`s seed` born uncontaminated by male semen, so Christ is from God and the critics aren`t, because they can`t be. Jesus Christ is the only man on the Earth, because he`s a woman`s man from the host womb of the human species without contamination by male `seed`, which is the Christian message kept from the congregation by pastors` sermons on the ineffability of God`s divine wisdom, whereas God`s plan for humanity is in fact explicated in the Bible as Eve`s `seed`, because she will:
`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
Her foot is the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers. Because Jesus` Advent and Ascension to heaven is a single moment in time and space, the Resurrection of `futanarian` woman on Earth and God`s gift to her of a `new heaven and Earth` is equivalent to her Advent and Ascension to heaven, which she didn`t leave. The `serpent`s seed` of Satan are those men who don`t want her to have Resurrection and leave for the planets and stars, because they want her to remain in slavery and ephemerality, without advanced medical science to ensure her longevity and dissemination of the stored and remembered knowledge of her `futanarian` species to her daughters.
From the beginning of the Bible in Genesis God tells Eve her `seed` will leave in spite of the `serpent`s seed` and its attempts to prevent her from escaping. Usually the `seed` of Eve is interpreted as mankind but `woman`s seed` is Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen, which means God`s `seed` is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen`s capacity for sexually reproducing independently of men, which is made explicit in the final book of the Bible, Revelation, where the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` corresponds to `Liberty`, that is, the statue of Liberty in New York harbor as a symbol of `futanarian` woman giving birth once again without male semen to Jesus in his `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer`.
The woman who gives birth to the `New Redeemer` in his `Second Coming` as Jesus Christ is `clothed with the sun` of her victory in World War II (1939-45) after the sneak attack upon the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, that is, the `pearl of great price`, which is `heaven on Earth`, by the flag of the red sun of the Japanese Empire on December 7, 1941, and her triumph over the yellow moon of the flag of Al Qaeda after the terrorist attack upon the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, which is the `pearl of great price` reflected in her birth waters of New York harbor after the removal of Osama Ben Laden on May 2, 2011, by US Navy Seal Team Six.
The World Trade Centre attack was the beginning of a further round of `rough trade` talks, where rough trade is the term used for the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuals who pay each other, that is, the subject of the discussion was the new socio-economics of woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexual reproduction. Hidden in the deserts of the Middle East beneath their burkhas, women were able to breed their own brainpower as the human species. The extreme misogynist Moslem fundamentalism of the Afghan Taliban, from which the terrorist group Al Qaeda emerged, had discovered her.
In Western democracies female nudity is common, but women aren`t, that is, women with their own `futanarian` penis` `seed`, and she poses a threat to male hegemony and enslavement of the host womb of humanity by the `serpent`s seed` of men. Free of socio-economic enslavement to war and pederasty, women`s host wombs reproducing human brains from her own penis` semen represents the new socio-economics, which the destruction of the Twin towers of New York`s World Trade Centre by Al Qaeda delayed. Reestablishing global `rough trade`, that is, `brutality and violence` in homosexual pederasty, Al Qaeda destroyed the twin pillars of Western civilization culture and art, that is, the World Trade Centre, as the symbol of `futanarian` woman with and without her own penis` semen, was seen to correspond to the five pillars of Islam in the Moslem faith by the terrorists.
The five pillars are pilgrimage to Mecca and the shrine of Abraham, the Kaaba, and the Al Qaeda terrorists were visitors to the United States who betrayed their host at the Twin Towers. Prayer and fasting are practiced to become closer to God, while `witnessing` is, `There is no God but God`, that is, belief in the oneness of God. The fifth pillar of Islam is `zakat` or charity, which the Al Qaeda terrorists could have felt justified their attacking the Twin Towers, that is, the West lacked charity. If God`s hand is to be seen in the events of 9/11, 2001, that is, the `cities of the plains`, which were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by God for sodomy (Gen: 16, 19), New York and Arlington, Virginia, where a terrorist hijacked plane crashed into the US Defense Department, the Pentagon, were the `cities of the planes` and God was warning men against prosecuting each other in acts of `brutality and violence` associated with homosexual pederasty and war.
A lack of understanding for the position of Moslem women within Islamic culture as `futanarian` humanity would be perceived by God, if not by Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and other fundamentalist groups, as uncharitable, because women in the West are depicted as extinct. Hollywood, Babylon, made a movie, World Trade Centre (2005), from the events of 9/11, 2001, and the movie production code (1937-68) forbade women to raise their foot from the floor in bedroom scenes with men until the possibility of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen being seen in films was inconceivable. The ancient seat of Saddam Hussein`s Iraq was Babylon who was a woman enslaved, according to the Bible, for the production of abominations from her host womb, that is, war and pederasty, which is why Saddam`s Babylon is Hollywood`s. The woman of the Earth can`t raise her `futanarian` species of humanity from the cutting room floor if she`d edited out of the movie by Hollywood, Babylon, which prefers war in homosexual pederasty and death to `Liberty`, symbolized by the statue of the woman in New York harbor bearing the torch of freedom, `Liberty enlightening the world`.
Earth is the planet that explains that it`s not gay because it is. Women are taught they`re 50% of the humans, but a woman with penis` semen of her own is 100%, while men can`t sexually reproduce without her and so constitute 0% and a virus, which in the 21st century is endemic in computers as `bad machine code` created by men who don`t want the system to function and `killer diseases` like HIV/AIDS` `blood plague`, which tells the white cells of the body`s immune system that it`s friendly before killing the body; like an unwitting host invites a terrorist to visit.
At the `Last Supper` Jesus was the host betrayed by Judas Iscariot to the Romans, and the ancient Greeks deployed a huge wooden horse as a `friendship gift` before the walls of Troy that the Trojans took into the city where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women to spread pederasty and war further. The Roman writer Virgil observes that the Trojans were warned, `Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`2 Amongst those who write `bad machine code` their viruses are `Trojan horses`, because of the `Trojan horse`, whereas `Greek` is a global euphemism for homosexual pederasty, which would explain the Twin Towers as a `system crash` for upstate New Yorkers living in Troy where `work like a Trojan` is proverbially laudable, that is, US `political correctness` allowed computer `geeks` to disguise `Greek` as `Trojan`, which meant that the system was programed not to reject homosexual pederasty and war.
In the USA `Trojan` is a condom brand name so the analogy of Troy and protection from homosexuality is widespread, but `geek` writers of `bad machine code` in labelling viruses as `Trojan` destabilized the body`s immune system if New York and the World Trade Centre is perceived as having been `crashed` on 9/11, 2001, by `bad machines` without the good `code` of the honored guest. The good code was programed out of the system by `geeks`, who wrote the `bad code` as `Trojan horse` instead of `Greek horse`, which would have helped to explain how it is that the word `geek` derives from `circus geek`, where humans eat the heads of chickens as an entertainment for spectators.
The World Trade Centre disaster was filmed as an entertainment by the Hollywood Babylon media and entertainment circus, because that`s what `geeks` do. If the correlation between `geek` and `Greek` were made, `geeks` would be perceived as `bad machine code` terrorists working `like Trojans` for homosexuality. The `Greek horses` ridden by Al Qaeda at the Twin Towers of New York and Arlington`s Pentagon, that is, the planes hijacked by the group on 9/11, 2001, to crash into the twin pillars of Western democracy, that is, socio-economics, to precipitate global `rough trade`, couldn`t be viewed as having been programed by devouring `geeks` in homosexual pederasty and warmongering.
1 7 - 5 June sermon.pdf .
2 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 B.C.
Why The Human Species Is A Killer`s Slave
20/12/2015 05:49Why The Human Species Is A Killer`s Slave
In Western societies women are depicted nude almost constantly in the media. Cinema, television, video, magazines and games for computers feature women represented nude and often engaged in sexual reproduction, whereas in Moslem nations where the path of Islam based on the holy book of the Koran (610-30 C. E.) transcribed on the instruction of the Prophet Mohammed six hundred years after Jesus Christ` teachings about the Bible of Judaism, the women of Islam are forbidden to appear nude and wear the black one-piece covering of the abiyah to conceal their bodies in public while privately they`re able to engage in sexual reproduction unseen. The idea of unseen sex is central to the story of Adam and Eve who were the first pair created by God but were perceived by the serpent, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) After accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` God had forbidden her and Adam, Eve ate and gave some to Adam. Because Adam and Eve had rejected the `tree of life` for death and godlike power, God expelled Adam and Eve from Eden, which was paradise or `heaven on Earth` before they disobeyed God.
What has puzzled biblical scholars is the godlike power given to Adam and Eve by the serpent, which God told Eve her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with before she `will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Eve`s `seed` can leave Earth if she relinquishes the godlike power of the `serpent`s seed`, because the `foot` is her true `futanarian` nature, which is `woman`s seed`, that is, woman with penis` semen and host wombs of her own. The fruit analogy is apposite because `futanarian woman was born after Adam and Eve left Eden, but she isn`t present in numbers on the Earth although her capacity for sexually reproducing her own species is exponentially far greater than men`s who can`t reproduce with each other. Consequently, humans are `fruit` with brains produced by a single penised male who doesn`t want the `futanarian` human brains for women to sexually reproduce because she`d develop advanced technologies and escape in starships, for example, after the creation of simpler labor saving technologies that freed her from drudgery and enslavement to the male brain, which is the godlike power given to Adam and Eve known as species` slavery. Rather than `foot`, that is, `futanarian` human woman with her own penis` `seed` for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` power, Adam and Eve represent the acceptance of slavery for the human race as `fruit` for whomsoever is its owner.
The discovery that women have their own penis` semen was prefigured by Jesus Christ born uncontaminated by male semen. Jesus was betrayed as a teacher at his `Last Supper` where he offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to the disciples as host, but Judas Iscariot sold him for `thirty pieces of silver` to the occupying forces of the Roman Empire in Palestine as a `dissident` who nailed him upon a wooden cross and tortured him to death until he died. After his death Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, whereas in Islam, which means` acceptance`, Jesus has Ascension without torture or death because Moslem women accept the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` as their teleological raison d'être. Judas` role at the `Last Supper` was as species` betrayer of the human host, because its enslaver sees the `body and blood` as fruit while Jesus Christ perceived the human host of `woman`s seed` as in need of sustenance so that she`d have strength for her journey on `foot` as her `futanarian` child. The idea there`s nothing in common between the Judaeo-Christian tradition and Moslem Islam is false. The temple of Abraham, in the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca is the holiest place on Earth to Moslems, while Isaac, his son, was of the lineage of those who founded Israel and Ishamael, his son, was of the lineage of those who founded Islam, while the Eid or `feast` following the Hajj or pilgrimage to the Ka`Ba in Mecca celebrates the sparing of Isaac, founder of Israel, by God after commanding Abraham to offer him as human sacrifice. Consequently, The Moslems of Islam celebrate the founding of Israel at the Eid Al Adha after the Hajj, which suggests closeness between Moslems, Jews and Christians and not antagonism. Because Moslem women traditionally wear clothing that conceals, their role is special within Christian tradition:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach. ` (Rev: 12. 14)
During the war to retake Kuwait (1990-1) from the Middle Eastern dictator Saddam Hussein`s invading Iraqi army, the Great Seal of the United States of America was prominently on display and featured the central emblem of the winged eagle, while the killing of Al Qaeda`s terrorist leader, Saudi Arabia`s Osama Ben Laden, by Navy Seal Team Six on 2 May, 2011, represented the defence of `woman`s seed` and the hymen of the concealed Moslem women of the Earth in the Middle East and `futanarian` women everywhere after the Gulf war (2003-) that had begun when `civil` aeroplanes were treacherously hijacked at Boston`s Logan airport by Al Qaeda operatives visiting the United States who then crashed them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 11 September, 2001, to precipitate another global conflict.
Beneath their burkhas, the Arabian women represent the `hidden` futanarian women of the Earth, while the woman of the Bible given eagle`s wings is she `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who bears the `New Redeemer`, Jesus Christ, in his `Second Coming` after Ascension to heaven, following his death and Resurrection after being born to his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen , as the forerunner of the new human species of woman`s `foot` race`, that is, her `futanarian` woman`s `seed`. Although Moslems are culturally and religiously different from Western women, the physical and biological differences between `futanarian` women within an Islamic framework of sexual reproduction that permits of four wives that might conceivably include `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs remains conjectural insofar as Moslem public marital arrangements derive from perceptions with regard to Eden, because they`re privately unseen, whereas Western women are told how they should appear physically through media representations. Consequently, It isn`t clear there are separate species of women, that is, Christians and Moslems, although discrimination is implied by the picture of Moslem women presented by the Western democracies as normative for women.
Because women are taught they`re sexually desirous of only the male penis and that they don`t have penis` semen of their own they live as schizophrenics separated even from the mirror of their own race`s desire for itself and labelled `lesbian` even if they masturbate over their own relfection as its painted everywhere for them to admire. If Moslem women are `futanarian` Western women are perceived as separate, that is, the human species of women is split into at least two parts, irrespective of differences between black women and white women based on colour. The word` futanari` is commonly used in Japan to define `manga` cartoons featuring women with their own penis` semen and host womb, while `fut` meaning `race` and `tanar` meaning `teacher` is Hungarian and means `species` teacher, which is what Jesus Christ was. Although `leszbika` means `bull woman` in Hungarian, it`s a euphemism for `lesbian` rather than `futanarian`, whereas in Japan women with their own penis` semen are different from women with testes visible, because they`re enclosed within the female body, which means there are at least three types of women. Asian women are thought of as being of a different race to Indian or African women, but that`s racism, whereas there are different types of human women, which is a distinction.
In Western culture it sometimes occurs that men want to have the attributes of women and so become transsexuals or `she-males` through surgical adaptation, which means the implanting of silicon to give the illusion of breasts and the removal of testicles and penis. Transsexual surgery is a difficult and dangerous procedure even before the construction of a non-functioning vagina. In Japan women`s testicles are within the body because Japanese women represents an evolutionarily desirable degree of protectivity with regard to the preservation of their species` sexually reproductive capacities, whereas most depictions of `futanarian` women feature women with visible testicles and so could be construed as `she-male` transsexuals, which fits the perversions of pornography common throughout Western culture. Because Japanese `futanarian` women usually don`t have testicles they`re unlikely to be `she-males`, which is a Western perversion, although it`s conceivable they`re a Japanese perversion of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen that has had her testicles removed. Because a discussion is possible, depravity is becoming the criteria for what is perceived as normative values amongst what remains of the human species on the planet Earth, that is, humans are being presented by their fruit farmers as freaks.
The concept of `freak` is common from the `circus` where `geeks` ate chicken heads, while computer `geek` is a term applied to those programers who create `bad machine code` to kill the support brains of humanity`s intelligence, which the `geeks` call `crashing the system`. The prototypical system crash was perpetrated by the ancient Greeks who institutionalized homosexuality to further their goal of spreading the contagion of pederasty and war while enslaving the host wombs of women for that purpose. At the siege of Troy the Greeks left a huge hollow wooden horse that the Trojans took inside the city walls where the Greeks emerged as a virus to crash the system and enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of pederasty and war further, which is what the Al Qaeda terrorists did on 11 September, 2001, when they crashed the USA`s defence system to engineer the second Gulf war. Saddam Hussein applauded the Al Qaeda attack on New York as the Middle Eastern false Prophet of Islam. The hijacked planes of Al Qaeda were meant to be perceived as war eagles on the Al Uqab, which is the flag of the Prophet Mohammed, because the eagle of the Qerash tribe appears on the flag of the Prophet in times of war. Consequently, 9/11, 2001, was the Qerash at the World Trade Centre programed by the `geek` successors of the ancient Greeks to spread their contagion of pederasty and war, because women without their own penis` semen and host wombs are effectively the hosts of parasites that have enslaved the brains of the human species for the wars that Al Qaeda`s terrorism provoked. Because the 21st century paradigm of the computer `geek` is `bad machine code` termed `Trojan horse`, the 20th century paradigm of homosexuality`s pederasty and war is evident. HIV/AIDS was the `killer disease` of the late 20th century associated with the biblical `blood plague` sent by God to convert men from their sin of enslaving the human species` host wombs for war:
`Men cursed the God of heaven but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Feigning friendship for the defensive white cells of the human body`s immune system the HIV/AIDS virus kills the body much as the ancient Greeks feigned friendship for the Trojans before emerging from their huge hollow wooden horse and enslaving the Trojan women`s host wombs for pederasty and war, which effectively means brain death for the humans of Troy because `futanarian` woman with her own human penis` semen was no longer able to sexually reproduce her own human brains` power to escape her enemy and enslaver. Al Qaeda were functioning as computer `geeks` devouring the brains of the human race like chickens` heads to watch them run around headless and heedless `live on CNN` 9/11, 2001, and during the `TV war` of the Gulf afterwards. Because women who`re the brain enslaved humans of male penis` semen are effectively the projections of male brains and semen, war is a transvestite wearing men`s clothes and so `TV war` is the accurate description of what occurs during conflict between male brained women`s parasites emergent from her host womb:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Although Hollywood is often called Babylon, because war is its theme, Babylon was the ancient seat of Iraq, where Saddam Hussein, whose name means `small handsome man` and `crusher`, rose to power through assassination. Because of the biblical associations, `he shall bruise your head and you shall strike his heel`, which is what God told Eve her `seed` would do with the serpent, Saddam`s name is biblical, and Hollywood, Babylon, that is, he was an actor on the world`s stage for the `serpent`s seed` of men who don`t want the women`s brains to develop, although God`s exhortation to Eve is she `will crush the head of the serpent with her foot`. Saddam Hussein was the heel of the oppressor, but not the `foot`, which is Eve`s `seed`, that is, her `futanarian` human women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, because the heel of men is their `futanarian` male keeping the Earth enslaved for `fruit` rather than to help her raise her `foot`. In Hollywood, Babylon, the Hays code (1934-67) prevented women in bedroom scenes from raising their foot from the floor, because it was a metaphor for her enslavement to the penis` semen of men. By the time the Hays code was lifted women`s `futanarian` species was edited out of the human movie.
Amongst primitive isolated communities in the South Seas the phenomenon of the `Cargo Cult` is widespread. Societies who find a crashed plane have been found to have built a replica because they have some idea of how it was constructed, which is what the human race of `fruit` represent for the `futanarian` male who`s enslaved her brains for its entertainment in its `circus` freakshow where `geeks` programed her male brained heads to perform as a schizophrenic transvestite wearing men`s clothes in its parasitical `TV war` devourings of its headless human chickens:
`Lemmings have become the subject of a widely popular misconception that they commit mass suicide when they migrate. It is not a mass suicide, but the result of their migratory behavior.`1
Lemmings adhere to ancient migration patterns and so drown where bodies of water have appeared or appear to suicide where canyons have appeared along the route of their migrations. Because humans are male brained their behavior pattern is conditioned by homosexual pederasty and its contagion, war, because men correspond to the human race`s parasite that has inveigled itself into her host womb at some point in its past and taken over her sexual reproduction system for its purpose of parasitically devouring her. HIV/AIDS is male brainings biological warfare against the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen to keep her in fearful faithfulness to her monogamous male owner and enslaver. If HIV/AIDS was cured it would represent a breakthrough in medical science that would assist the humans species of woman`s host womb and penis` semen to achieve longevity, which would make it difficult for the `serpent`s seed` to keep reincarnating her as a slave of its `Cargo Cult` because a cure for the `killer disease` would liberate women, that is, the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed,` from being owned by the enslaving male parasitical devourer of her. If she isn`t freed, humanity will be like the lemmings, conditioned to suicide because of its programed behavior patterns that accord with the aims of the `circus` ringmaster.
`Circus` is a 20th century euphemism for spyrings. Because spies look to see, spyrings are constructed to prevent people from seeing, that is, they`re for blinding people to the truth, which is what male braining had done to the human species of `woman`s seed` who believe men are her progenitors while they`re her parasitical enslavers and devourers. Because `circus geeks` are the modern equivalent of ancient Greeks, who slew thousands of people in huge amphitheatres called `circuses` by the Romans, 9/11, 2001, was a `circus geek`, that is, a producer of Hollywood, Babylon, entertainment, and World Trade Centre (2005) was ultimately a Hollywood, Babylon, `blockbuster` film. Although governments and companies operate `spyrings` to glean information that would give them an advantage, 9/11, 2001, was a `spymaster` providing `bread and circuses`, which was the phrase used to define fears about what would happen in the case of democracy becoming universally applied during the 20th century as the masses voted `bread and circuses` for themselves , that is, basic necessities and extravagant entertainments, which would hamper human progress.
South American Indians have been known to construct a model of what seems to be a space shuttle in a period far earlier than the 20th century in which NASA`s space station service vessel was built, probably because the Amerindians had witnessed something like a space shuttle, which suggests Earth`s technology is periodically degenerated by its `futanarian` male `spymasters` so the `woman`s seed` will produce more `fruit` they`ve seen before or, what is less likely, haven`t seen previously, which may seem exciting but is nevertheless brain slavery in an otherwise pointless existence for humanity doomed to be perpetually reincarnated by a `Cargo Cult` focused solely on war and novelty.
For the male at the top of its self-proclaimed `food chain`, human sexual reproduction is important only insofar as it produces new `fruit`, but it`s not prepared to allow the human `futanarian` penis` semen of `women with their own host wombs to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers, because that would give her socio-economic independence and liberation from its slave ownership of her. Human women`s sexual reproduction is covertly despised, because it represents freedom for her from male brained enslavement of her own species` intellectual powers. Although `fruit` is the biblical analogy, brainlessness is more commonly associated with the pejorative `vegetable`, that is, men are growing human vegetables upon the Earth, who aren`t expected to be able to use their brains for anything other than the most menial of tasks. The future of the human species is novelty and war, because the women can`t breed.