
It isn`t about Spying, it`s about Economics

24/06/2013 13:22

It isn`t about Spying, it`s about Economics

In Revelation `the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six`, which is 666 and the reverse of the telephone number of the police, that is, 999, which is even the emergency telephone code for Arabia because of the influence of the former British Empire and Commonwealth of economically cooperative states that emerged after colonial rule from London ended. In the USA the terrorist hijacking of civil aircraft to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York and precipitate a global conflict between the USA and Islam on 9/11 was a reversal of 911, which is the telephone number for their ambulance services, fire brigade and police.
 President George W. Bush`s declared `War On Terror` (2003-) intitiated a program of global surveillance, which amounted to a policing of the Earth`s inhabitants by spying networks such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Administration (NSA). Although the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre didn`t appear to be concerned with economics in fact it was an attempt to reestablish the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty that had been the paradigm of socio-economics since before the time of Jesus Christ. If the spy rings maintained pederasty the `number of the beast` would be explained as the number of the police reversed, that is, 999 and 911 become 666 and 9/11. George Orwell`s prophetic vision of a dystopian future in his science fiction novel Nineteen Eighty Four (1948) would have been fulfilled. `Big Brother` would be watching you to ensure your compliance.
 The foundations of Western civilization devolve from the Greek practice of institutionalized pederasty through the enslaving of the wombs of women to spread war and further its contagion. By the 20th century God had sent the `blood plague` of Revelation to convert men from their sin of pederasty, that is, HIV/AIDS, produced in the witchery of homosexuality`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in anal sex between themselves. Orwell`s `Big Brother` concept of compliance devolves into acceptance of pederasty as the socio-economic paradigm of breeding boy sons, that is, poisons, to devour the civilization, culture and art that woman is perforce enabled to do despite the depredations of men. According to Revelation woman gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, that is, Jesus in his `Second Coming`, despite the intentions of the `red dragon` to devour him. Because Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen, he was the first of the `woman`s seed` God promises a `new heaven and Earth` to while the `serpent`s seed` receive peridition as a punishment because they accept and support pederasty:
 `And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.` (Rev: 13. 17)
 Any ID signifying support for pederasty is the `mark of the beast`. Because women have a penis of their own as `futanarian` they`re `woman`s seed`. Capable of self-reproduction women constitute a separate species from men with the possibility of their own future socio-economic interdependence excluding of men and their enslavers` devouring pederasty of homosexuality, war and its contagions, such as the `killer disease` HIV/AIDS. Consequently, the `beast` of surveillance is calculated to delay the escape of woman as the human species. Taught pictorially that men are her partners rather than the parasites that have inveigled themselves into her `host` womb to emerge as her devourers, women don`t know.
 Through censorship of pictorial material in movies and other media to exclude depictions of women with a penis of their own and blinding her to her species` destiny by means of periodic bloodbaths designed to depict her devourers as heroes, such as the second Gulf war (2001-11) precipitated by 9/11, woman is kept in unconscious acceptance of her ignorance. Spending trillions of dollars on war machinery, men have delayed research into HIV/AIDS because a cure would remove one of the devices that ensures woman`s faithfulness to misogynist monogamy through fear.
 Long-lived women would be wiser and youthful if money were spent on medical advances rather than improved killing machinery. At the beginning of the 21st century the national debt of the USA was 16 trillion dollars and to recover that amount of depredation it would be logical to control the world wide web`s internet to siphon credit from the financial accounts of the unsuspecting. In Hungary the unit of currency was the filler and the forint, and there were 100 filler to 1 forint. Because the filler was phased out, it only existed as an invisible possibility with regard to financial calculations. When the Hungarian government decided to phase out the 1 and 2 forint coins, the 5 forint coin represented a further invisible calculation. If 5 rounded out the price there`d be 4 invisible forints potentially unclaimed, which meant that out of every 5 forints spent it`d be possible for a clever financial system to claim 4 as `residuals` each time a transaction involving 5 took place. Through such juggling of fiscal reality national debts can be made to disappear. With their spy resources the US could reduce their national debt overnight, and probably have. The populations of the globe remain as slaves to their ID-ology. Socio-culturally trapped in belief systems that occlude them from economic awareness, women are the producers of their own devourment:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 The mystery is how their species came to accept enslavement. In Christianity much is made of accepting the `host`, which tradition was instigated by Jesus` offering of `bread and wine` as the host to his guests the disciples in token of his `body and blood` at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension to heaven the following day. Jesus was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. The `bread and wine` is acceptably human food, whereas the devourer wants to devour the human, that is, the `body and blood` of Jesus and his mother. Jesus` teaching of fellowship at table rather than murder is his plea for acceptance of the `host` womb of `woman`s seed` and the man that has accepted her in humanity. On the morning before the day of his crucifixion, Jesus rebuked the disciples when they objected to a woman anointing his feet with expensive oil because he wasn`t worth it:
`Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6)
 The disciples were reputedly the best men of their generation and they were virtually ineducable misogynist boors verging on homosexual pederasty in their relations with their perforcedly celibate `host`, who wasn`t going to escape from them with a woman because they`d rather sell him for a few pieces of silver to the local Jewish police, the Pharisees, and  pass him on as `rough trade` to the notorious `beast` of Rome, who`d organise a sado-masochistic scene of homo-erotisicsm for them all to pretend not to be enjoying sexually while mocking him as weak and womanly:
` ... when I am weak, then I am strong.` (2 Cor: 12.10)
 Strength is in Jesus` perception that he`s `woman`s seed`, which means he`s woman, and that means she`s him. Women are perceived by their jailors to be the weaker, but they`re the `host` of the human or the parasite. Jesus` strength is to perceive that he couldn`t be stronger because he represents the human species, which is viewed as weak by its devouring parasites:
`Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39)
 Jesus` injunction derives from a request that he distill the essence of the law. You can`t accept woman as the `host` unless you love her. Jesus said that there`d be no giving or taking of marriage in heaven because men and women would be `as the angels` (Matt: 22. 30), which suggests transformation. If `woman`s seed` belongs in heaven she`d be `futanarian` with her own penis and so her womb would be the `hosts of God`, which is how the angels are described. Amongst the species of women there`d be no marriage, because men`s institution of slavery would be abolished, which constitutes heaven. But if there aren`t any pictures of women on a supervised internet and an entertainment industry geared to the rejection of `woman`s seed`, that is, her penis, the `beast` of spies continues to beckon hell on.
 It isn`t about pornography, it`s about slavery. If women don`t have their own penis anymore, the parasite has enslaved it, and her. According to the developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the instinctual libido of the penis is transformed into spiritual, that is, intellectual work, which constitutes the `woman`s seed` that has produced civilization, culture and art. The `serpent`s seed` are those men that destroy, and have destroyed, the products of `woman`s seed`, which they have enslaved as the parasites of her `host` womb, that is, the penis of woman has become the slave of the devourer. Jesus is the Redeemer because he was the human man able to recognize that he was `woman`s seed` and not of the serpent`s, which had enslaved the human species to devour her. His birth from the Virgin Mary was the declared divorce of woman`s human penis from the parasite`s; acceptance of which is Redemption through Jesus` teachings:
`Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.` (Rev: 21. 1-3)

The Cup and the Spear, the Phone and the Gun

22/06/2013 11:50

The Cup and the Spear, the Phone and the Gun


At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus offered `bread and wine` to his disciples as tokens of his `body and blood` , which represented his awareness that death was a devouring for men and fellowship at table was a solution to conflict. The custom was to eat and drink from the same vessel, and Jesus` bowl became sought after as a holy relic known as the Grail. In the Catholic Communion service the cup or chalice of the priest contains wine and the parishioner drinks and eats a wafer in a ritual acceptance of the `host`. Because Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen her womb is the `host` of the human. As Jesus had the Holy Spirit he was also the `host` and, as the first man born of woman alone, that was his teaching.
 In Revelation God gives a `new heaven and Earth` to `woman`s seed` because `futanarian` woman has a penis of her own and can self-fertilize and self-reproduce, which was what the Virgin Mary prefigured when she gave birth to Jesus uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` God warns Eve will have `perpetual enmity` (Gen: 3. 15) with her `seed`. God sends a `blood plague` corresponding to the 20th century`s HIV/AIDS to convert men from their sin:
`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
 Although `political correctness` says homosexual pederasty is merely a sexual abherration, history tells us that men have enslaved the `host` wombs of women to further their contagion of war and spread it further. The computer term for virus is a `Trojan horse`, because the Greeks `feigned friendship` for Troy when they left a huge hollow wooden horse outside the city`s walls which the Trojans took inside. The Greeks emerged like a virus to capture the city and enslave the `host` wombs of the women for homosexual pederasty and spread their plague further.
 Homosexuals are directly associated with systemic collapse, whether it be societal, psychological, physical, or technological. Their HIV/AIDS `killer disease` produced by mixing blood, shit and semen in the witchery of anal sex with each other even feigns friendship for the body`s white cells of the immune system. Just as the Greeks pretended friendliness before Troy before their virus emerged to kill the humans.
 If women are defined as the `host` of the human species and men are her parasites emerging to destroy what she is able to produce of civilization, culture and art despite their depredations upon her Earth, marriage with the human species is their invasion mode. Courtship is the main feature of knightly behaviour based on the fellowship of Jesus` disciples at the `Last Supper`; especially in the legends of King Arthur of le table ronde where the Holy Grail features as an almost unattainable achievement. Sir Perceval attains to the Grail because his name means the piercing of the veil of occlusion and the lance or spear is the symbol of the knight that permits his penetrating mind to grasp the meaning.
 In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the Grail or cup is viewed as representing the `Feeling` or heart function, which accords with traditional delineations of the Tarot deck of divinatory cards into four suits; cups, spears, wands and pentacles. Because there are four functions of consciousness, according to Jungian psychology, and the spear is representative of `Intuition`, so the individuated or developed personality would need `Intuition`, that is, the spear, to understand why courtship is important. Because Jesus was a man born of a virgin uncontaminated by men. The Grail is the wisdom born of the knowledge that women are self-reproductive, which means that men are either parasites or human; depending on how they behave towards women.
 In Jungian terms, the wand and the pentacle correspond to `Thinking` and `Sensation`, because the spear and the wand are the male and the female penis, so the cup and the pentacle are the vagina of the woman and the vagina of the `futanarian` woman with  a penis.  According to tradition the Tarot deck was a portable Torah or book of Judaic law which emerge from the burning of the library at Alexandria in antiquity. Used by divinators to predict the future, the major aracana of twenty-two cards correspond to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, but the pictorial symbolism focuses almost entirely on the division between male and female opposites, which isn`t Christian because Jesus` teachings are of the ascendency of the `futanarian` woman and `woman`s seed`.
 Jungian psychology associates `Feeling` with the mouth because it speaks for the heart, while `Intuition` is associated with the nose or smell because the invisible spirit informs. `Thinking`  is associated with the ears, because thought is influenced by speech, and `Sensation` is linked to the light of the sun and the eyes, because you can`t touch what can`t be perceived or spoken with. Divining what isn`t visible is what seers use the Tarot for, but the deck is self-limiting, because traditional packs deal only in male and female rather than man and human, while women with their own penis constitute an indpendent branch of the human species with its own socio-economic future.
 The Tarot is understandable as the Judaic book of the law of God because `woman`s seed` is the future discernible in what constitutes the deck. Jung gave alchemy as the precursor of medicine and psychology greater attention. The alchemical philosophers sought the `stone of the wise` and the `elixir of immortality`, and their visions of chemical processes involve the production of the hermaphrodite. If men want to maintain women as an enslaved species for their devourings in warfare against her, longevity through medicine isn`t what they want for her. She`d remember her own penis and leave for the planets and stars of God`s heavenly Empyrean irrespective of whether men wanted her or not. Alchemy, like the Tarot, is indicative of knowledge suppressed because it would mean the liberation of the repressed human species, that is, woman and woman with her own penis, if women`s future were directed by themselves.
  Jungian psychology argues that overemphasis upon the masculine Logos at the expense of Eros, that is, logic over relationship, doesn`t take sufficient account of woman. The knowledge of women as having a penis of their own as a species independent throws old light on men`s wars and aggression towards her and her Earth, which belongs to her by virtue of her being the human species and everything that`s human emerging from her womb thereupon.
 If the future of woman were deducible from the Tarot deck`s divinatory powers, the cup and the spear would represent the penis and vagina, while the wand and the pentacle, which is a star within a circle, would point to the future of women as `woman`s seed` with her own penis amongst the stars in heaven, while she remains `hidden` beneath the sun star of Earth:
`When the dragon saw that it had been thrown down to the earth, it pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle, so that she could fly to her place in the desert, where, far from the serpent, she was taken care of for a year, two years, and a half-year.` (Rev: 11. 13-14)
The woman has given birth to the `New Redeemer` while the dragon waited in vain to devour him.  In Revelation `the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six` (Rev: 13. 18). Because the future is determined by the telephone numbers of those who are in contact with you. Associated with the `Thinking` function or ear, when cupped to the ear the phone is associated with the heart or `Feeling` function, which Jung associates with the mouth and the speech coming from the heart`s feelings.
 Because the cup and the spear of `Intuition` belong together symbolically, the concept of the phone as a communicator between man, that is, the penis as spear, and woman, that is, the cup as vagina, is evident. But the spear is a primitive gun, and so the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty is represented in the modern era as the phone and the gun.
 The most mystical of the suits of the Tarot is the pentacle, which is associated with the function of `Sensation`. As a symbolic star the pentacle represents sight and seeing, which is why Jung associates it with the eyes. Because the speech of lovers has become the phone and the gun due to an overweighting in favour of Logos, that is, male technology, the closing of the eyes of its victims in homosexual pederasty is what the devouring `beast` of Revelation represents.
 Christianity is a further example of what the Greeks termed enantiodromia. Asked to accept the Holy Spirit, the individual who affirms his or her acceptance will invariably be told by the male priest that they`re not sure if the parishioner has truly taken Jesus into their heart. The men of the church have to be accepted by the parishioner because the churchgoer won`t be acceptable until the men are convinced that the male spirit has been accepted.
 Because women have their own penis they`re definable as `lesbians` by the Christian church, so that the priests` normalization program can prosper. If all women are perceived as lesbians, and men have to be accepted by the individual parishioner to be `normal`, Christianity is the homosexual pederasty it`s accused of in the newspapers and other mass media; men preying on other men and boys while the women help to convert the human species` `futanarian` spirit of the woman with her own penis to their way of thinking:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 Women who willingly give their `host` wombs to further homosexual pederasty, war and its contagions, are themselves harlots and abominations. Christians hide behind the liars` truth. A lesbian who goes to the church and is told she`s abherrant has her life path trammelled. Those who are spiritually arrogant tell her it was for her own good that they didn`t reveal to her that women have a penis of their own and so she`s `normal`. They`ve ruined a woman on the understanding that they`re heroic because they`ve risked going to hell for lying to her and she`s not to blame, so she won`t be going and they`re consequently heroes. But that`s false spirituality and God has decreed perdition, that is eternal unendurable pain, for liars who plot to murder the woman on the phone and pretend they`re speaking for God.

Suiciding The Infant

20/06/2013 13:04

Suiciding The Infant

The terrorist hijacked planes that crashed into the Twin Towers of New York`s Manhattan Island on 9/11, 2001, were an attack on the Earth`s socio-economy directed at the World Trade Centre because `rough trade` is fostered by homosexuals so that pederasty can maintain its grip on the human species:
`... brutality or sadism, or such homosexuals collectively.`1
 Usually war and agression is perceived as human nature, but such historical events as the rape of the Sabine women by the Romans and the siege of Troy by the Greeks, which was documented by the Greek poet Homer in his epic poem, The Iliad (710-760 BC)about the `towers of Ilium`, argue for a reinterpretation of `human`. In ancient Greece women were enslaved as `host` wombs for the spreading of homosexual pederasty, war, and its contagion, plague. The Greeks employed a huge hollow wooden horse as a `friendship gift` for the Trojans who took the horse into the city of Troy where they were betrayed as the  Greeks emerged to enslave the `host` wombs of the women and spread their contagion further:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`2
 In the 21st century Homer`s `towers of Ilium` were transposed into the Twin Towers of New York and Arabs posing as friends used `civil` airplanes as `Trojan horses` to spread the `virus` of `rough trade`, that is, a systemic attack in computer `geekspeak` terms, across the globe. By attacking the World Trade Centre homosexual pederasty precipitated the second Gulf War (2001-11) and US President George W. Bush`s proclaimed `War On Terror` (2003-), which put the human citizens of the planet under the watchful guards of the secret intelligence networks.
 At Hawaii`s Pearl harbour in 1941 it was the sucide pilots of the Imperial airforce of Japan with the red suns emblazoned on the bodies of their aircraft that  suicidally crashed their planes into the ships of the US Pacific fleet in a surprise attack equivalent to the Greeks` surprising Troy after feigning friendship.
 The `false friend` was the paradigm of the 20th century because of HIV/AIDS and the `killer disease` itself feigned friendship for the white cells of the body`s defense system before disabling it. The `blood plague` of Revelation, which is sent by God to convert men from their `sins` (16. 11) in the Christian Bible, is HIV/AIDS, because homosexual pederasty is suicidal.
 In Revelation `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer` while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him. If the sun is the red sun of Japan at Pearl harbour and the moon is the symbol of Al Qaeda, `Liberty` in her birth waters at New York harbor is `the woman` of Revelation, because 9/11 demonstrated that suicide was the spirit of homosexual pederasty that the `Second Coming` of Jesus as the `New Redeemer` would be expected to defeat. If so, woman would be the target of homosexual pederasty on 9/11, that is, men would be attempting to suicide her.
 As man born uncontaminated by male semen from the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ was the religious figure accepting of woman as the `host` of the human species, whereas men were perceived as parasites using women as their `host` womb from which to emerge and destroy. The Virgin Mary produced Jesus from her `host` womb by `immaculate conception and so he was `perfected`. Because women have a penis of their own as `futanarian`, they can reproduce without being contaminated by male semen, which identifies them as the `woman`s seed` of the Bible.
 God says `woman`s seed` shall be given a `new heaven and Earth`, while the `serpent`s seed`, that is, unredeemed men, receive unendurable eternal pain as their punishment for enslaving her to destroy what she is still able to produce from her `host` womb in the way of civilization, culture and art. WIth her own penis woman would have an indpendent socio-economic valence and so 9/11 was an attempt to `suicide` her by refocusing the planet on the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty, war, and its contagion, plague.
 WIthout money to invest in medical research women would remain ephemeral and conditioned to accept men`s breeding of themselves through her womb as a `host` for their parasitism. Longevity and rejuvenative treatments to maintain women`s bodies as youthful would ensure her awareness of herself as an independent species with her own penis and socio-economic valence, but money spent on the armies and weapons of pederasty and `rough trade` to destroy her Earth won`t cure the `killer disease`.
 In Genesis God tells the first woman Eve that she`ll `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` Earth (3. 15), which suggests men will try to keep what British fantasy writer C. S. Lewis presciently described as the `daughters of Eve`3 here as their slave. Promoting suicidal tendencies in women as the human species is what the parasites are about. In feminism lesbians and homosexual pederasts are deemed equal, and that`s accepted as `political correctness` in the USA but, from a woman`s perspective, it`s political suicide to deem the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war as an equal to the repressed human species of woman with its own penis and socio-economic future amongst the stars and planets of God`s heavenly realm.
 Most biblical commentators use the patriarchal figure of Abraham as the basis for a belief in the immortality of men, but God tells the founder of both Judaeo-Christianity through his son Isaac, and of the Moslem faith of Islam through the lineage of his son, Ishamael, that his `seed` shall be as numerous as the `dust of the Earth` and the `stars` (Gen: 13.16). Immortality is reserved for `woman`s seed` and men have to ask to be redeemed from their sins if they are to have any chance of going to heaven with the human species of woman. In Revelation there`s to be `war in heaven` with the `serpent`s seed` of men who won`t relinquish their enslaving of woman before a `new heaven and Earth` is given to her and hers.
 Catholicism`s focusing upon the `host` as the `bread and wine` offered to the disciples in token of Christ`s `body and blood` at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, signifies the `host` womb of Jesus` mother is that of the human:
`... the son of Man has the authority on Earth to forgive sins ... ` (Mk: 2. 10)
 In his Second Coming Jesus has a `double-edged sword out of his mouth` in Revelation, because he`s upon Earth to discriminate not forgive.  He`s there to make it clear that the evil shall experience perdition if they don`t convert from pederasty and the enslavement of the human species` host womb of woman for their devouring parasitism:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.`
 Human is definable as what gets along with humans, which is what Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` as his `body and blood` means. He knew he`d be betrayed by Judas to the Jewish Pharisees, and the Roman judge Pontius Pilate would sentence him to death as a dissident for his teachings, which meant that he and his mother, the Virgin Mary, that is, the human species, were on the devourers` menu and he wanted to make it clear to the future of Christianity that the human species weren`t for eating.
 Fellowships such as the legendary knights of Le Table Ronde of King Arthur of the Britons and their ladies were conceived as disciplined groups similar to those of the disciples, and persist as an ideal in the shape of such organizations as the Rotary Club of `dinner guesting` in which an association of diners give out invitations to desirable companions at table. Erstwhile men have been perceived as the humans, whereas women with a penis of their own as well as the womb of the hostess, as it were, can self-reproduce, while her parasite can`t.
 As Jesus indicates at the `Last Supper`, human is as human does, which excludes the behavioural mode of parasitical devourment as `natural` to humanity. While such characters described by Dr `Bones` McCoy as `pointy-eared`, Mr Spock, a Vulcan, and Klingon Lt. Whorff, are familiar to the public on the deck of the Starship Enterprise in the US TV series and movie franchise Star Trek (1966-), what isn`t perceived by men as `Man` may still be human because humans behave humanly, that is, as humane actors with regard to `other intelligent life forms`, whereas men still haven`t yet been able to be human with the species of woman, who perforce remains as their reluctant hostess upon her own Earth:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 Those women who willingly give their wombs as hosts of the alien enslavers and devourers are whores, and perdition awaits them as well as the parasites they harbor. The events of Pearl harbor where the Japanese `zero` pilots suicidally attacked the US to spread war and its contagiousness, and New York harbor where `Liberty` in her waters saw Al Qaeda`s suicidal terrorists crash their hijacked planes into the Twin Towers, represents the birthing of a human spirit through woman`s `host` womb that will reject her harbouring of a parasite that suicidally seeks to suicide her along with its programmed self-annihilation as humanity`s `killer disease`:
`Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.` (Matt: 28. 19)
2 Virgil, The Aeneid, Bk II 19 BC.
3 Lewis, C. S. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe from The Chronciles Of Narnia, Part One, Ch.7-8.

In The Evening

17/06/2013 14:52


In The Evening

The Bible begins by warning Adam and Eve not to consort with the serpent before they`re expelled from Eden and the immortality God has provided for them with the fruit of the tree of life after they accept the illusory power offered by the serpent from the fruit of the tree of good and evil:


`You shall be as gods.`


 God is omnipotent and good so the offer to Adam and Eve is to choose evil if they want to, and so death ensues because of war, plague, and famine, etc. In the final book of the Bible, the apocalyptic Revelation of St John the Divine, `blood plague` and the devouring `red dragon` are represented as the `serpent`s seed` grown in power since Eden. Western civilization, culture and art derive from ancient Greece where pederasty and the enslaving of women`s `host` wombs was the means by which men spread their contagion of war and plague. By the end of the 20th century pederasty had produced the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS by mixing blood, shit and semen in anal sex, which symptom of the basic social malaise in human society is called `blood plague` in Revelation sent by God to force men to convert from their sin:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 In ancient Greece the dramatist Sophocles wrote the drama Oedipus Rex on the theme of the blindness of man. Oedipus encounters the Sphinx outside the walls of the Egyptian city of Thebes. She has the breasts and face of a woman, the feet and body of a lioness, and the wings of an eagle:

`What goes on all fours in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?`1


  If Oedipus can answer the `riddle of the Sphinx`, Thebes will be saved from her depredations and he will be the ruler of the city. Consulting a seer Oedipus discovers the answer is `Man` and he succeeds. But men don`t walk on three legs. The only creature known to fit the description is a raptor, which is a reptile. A Tyrannosaurus Rex could be said to walk on three legs because of its saurian`s tale, which is a picture in conformity with God`s warning to Eve of the `perpetual enmity` between her seed and that of the `serpent`s seed` in Eden where she was told she`d `crush the head of the serpent with her heel` before she left for the `new heaven and Earth` promised to `woman`s seed` by God.


 The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, who gives birth to Jesus in his Second Coming as the `New Redeemer`, while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him, is carried to a place of safety after she is given `eagle`s wings`, which suggests a role for the winged Sphinx and her `riddle`. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from the Virgin Mary and women have a penis of their own as `futanarian`, which suggests Mary prefigures the socio-economic independence of the human species of women who don`t need men. Indeed, the Bible indicates that men are parasites entering into her `host` womb to emerge as her and the Earth`s destroyers and that`s why she is kept.

 Catholicism`s emphasis upon the `host` in the Communion service of transubstantiation, that is, spiritual transformation through the imbibing of `bread and wine` as tokens of Jesus` `body and blood`, which Christ offered to the disciples at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion to help them remember, is the concept that woman is the `host` of the human species and shouldn`t be devoured. Socio-historically men have prevented women from being able to remember or see that they`re the humans because of their ability to self-reproduce. Oedipus can`t see his saurian`s tail and that`s the meaning of the Sphinx`s riddle, who is woman and so terrible to those who threaten her human species.


 Jesus` teachings are of Redemption for men if they accept the `host`, that is, woman as the self-reproducing human species prefigured by his mother, the Virgin Mary. Moreover, if a man were a reptile, Redemption would remain possible, because human behaviour is universally understandable as what has humanity and is intelligently humane. Although the Sphinx has the body of a lioness and the wings of an eagle, these are the tools she needs to protect her woman`s face and breasts, which are those features presentable to man. The cosmos may contain much intelligent life, and as Captain J. T. Kirk (Church) of the Starship Enterprise in the original US television series of Star Trek (1966-9) discovered in ’Arena’ when he and the stranded reptiloid Captain, Gorn, are forced by the Metrons to fight each other to win freedom for one of them, human isn`t definable with reference solely to form: ’Like most humans, I seem to have an instinctive revulsion to reptiles.’2


  Woman is definable as the human species, whereas men`s desire to keep her in slavery and the promise of an early death has reduced her species to ignorance and blindness, so redefining the male as an alien predator. The figure of the Sphinx is of the intelligent woman who perceives that men are her devourers. With the body of a lioness and the wings of an eagle, the Sphinx is human in behavior and in defense of her humaness, which isn`t definable in terms of form.


 The Sphinx knows that a woman isn`t a man, and what a man is. Her feline and aquiline attributes suggest that human is definable as well behaved intelligence, which opens the door to men but also to other creatures of the cosmos, and that`s God. What is intelligent and doesn`t want to devour women is definable as human, which is why God is worshipped as intelligence not limited to form, but men keep woman in slavery and devour the civilization, culture and art that emerges from her `host` womb in its wars of `perpetual enmity` against the Earth she dwells upon.


1 Apollodorus, Library Apollod, 3. 5. 8.

2 Shatner, William as Captain James T. Kirk in Season 1, Episode 18, ‘Arena’, Star trek: TOS, NBC, January 19, 1967.

Offense And The Terrorist

16/06/2013 13:52

Offense And The Terrorist

New York city didn`t have a problem until the Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into the Twin Towers, which is what terrorism is; telling people there`s a problem when there isn`t one: it`s what child abusers practice agains their victims. The supposed adult tells the child that it`s offended and the child perceives that it has done something wrong for which it should feel guilt and fear. 9/11 was `offense` and `defense` for the child of the United States of America, which reacted to the problem by invading Saddam Hussein`s Iraq rather than dealing with the Al Qaeda terrorist group in Afghanistan and elsewhere because it had perpetrated the assault.


 Having defeated Iraq after it invaded Kuwait in the Gulf war of 1990-1, President George W. Bush Jnr took exception to Saddam`s declaration that Al Qaeda could have bases in Iraq. But it was easier to attack a defeated opponent than take on Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, which was a historically impossible mission that had been attempted with disastrous consequences by the British Empire and even by the Russians at the height of the Soviet Empire and with similar failure. Although the US` Team 6 Navy unit eventually tracked Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Ladan from Afghanistan to his hideout in Pakistan next to the Military Academy in Kakul in 2011, his removal didn`t explain why the US hadn`t originally sent troops to Afghanistan, where Al Qaeda were based, but invaded Iraq instead because of personal insults and animosity between Saddam Hussein and the Bush dynasty.


 The US reacted as an abused child and Baghdad, where George W. Bush`s  shadow dad was, became the target. Because George Jnr hadn`t yet emerged from the shadow of his father George Snr, who was the victor in the first Gulf War. When 9/11 2001 occurred George Jnr transferred his desire to emerge from his father`s shadow into an ambition to kill Saddam Hussein and, in terms of the psychological transference, `bag dad` in Baghdad as a projection of his own shadow father.


 In the transference feelings are projected away from the object of the subjectivity of the perceiving individual onto an `other`. Saddam Hussein in Baghdad was, for George W. Bush, the father figure he could easily remove, while Osama Bin Ladan and Al Qaeda remained a more difficult proposition, so Bush took the quick route for a psychological fix to his problems with his shadow.


 US President Richard Nixon`s decision to carpet bomb Cambodia in 1969 because it could harbour Khmer Rouge to help the North Vietnamese was a similar quick fix for a leader having shadow problems with what he could perceive but `through a glass, darkly` (1 Cor: 13. 12). George Jnr`s response to his shadow represented another failure to deal with the actual rather than the projected. The war in Vietnam could hardly be construed as Homeland Defense, which was the main criticism against it, but dealing with problems associated with the shadow is what offense and defense are.


 Offense is the notion there`s a problem where there isn`t one, which is what terroism is, and that equates with feelings aroused in a child made to feel that they have to react guiltily to a wrong perpetrated against them by a parent, which can result in an ill conceived response from the child to the threat because of its inability to deal with obfuscatory shadow material arising in the infant`s consciousness after the offense. The ego is prevented from functioning successfully to discriminate between appropriate and inappropriate choices commensurate with the attack upon it.


 The socio-historical role of the US since its inception as a nation declaring its independence from Britain since 1776 is that of a powerful child still dealing with an offensive parent that promoted slavery. Although the French gave the statue of Liberty to the US it remains a symbol rather than a reality because its meaning isn`t understood. Western culture and civilization is based on the Graeco-Roman model of society that emerged as an enslaver of women`s host wombs in Greece`s Athens to spread its contagion of homosexual pederasty through war and plague.


 In the 21st century homosexual pederasty`s `killer disease` was created by mixing blood, shit and male semen in anal sex. HIV/AIDS is described in the Christian Bible as the `blood plague` of Revelation where the `red dragon` is depicted as humanity`s devourer. Pederasty is child abuse and the offense against the human species` nascent infancy is the meaning of the statue of Liberty. The figure of a woman bearing a torch sheds light on the darkness of the shadow, which is the offensiveness of pederasty. In Revelation Babylon is `the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth` (17. 5), because she is `a woman` enslaved by pederasty to spread its boy sons, that is, its poisons, through war and plague.


 Although she doesn`t represent Liberty, the prototypical mother Babylon isn`t volitionally evil because she depicts what men want women to be and they can choose if they have wisdom. On the Greek island of Lesbos was an entire society of women and so the term `lesbian` derives therefrom. However, women have their own penis and socio-economic basis for development independent of men as `futanarian`, which is what `lesbian` translates as for women who don`t know.


 In her birth waters the statue of Liberty at New York harbour represents woman waiting to emerge socio-historically from the shadow where men have kept her in blindness and ignorance. The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in Revelation gives birth to Redemption, because Liberty had victory over the `red sun` of Japan in 1945 and the `yellow moon` of Al Qaeda after 9/11.


 The World Trade Centre was chosen by the terrorists for their offensiveness because, in psychological terms, it represents an attempt to reestablish the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty`s use of women`s host wombs to spread its war and plague against her nascent socio-economic potential as a self-reproducing species independent of men as her enslaver-devourer.


 Liberty is a baby woman trying to be born in freedom from men`s abuse of her `host` womb, which is what the teachings of Jesus Christ are about. His mother was the prefiguration of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis who can reproduce independently of men. The Virgin Mary gave birth to the perfect man uncontaminated by male semen, and woman is the `host` womb that Jesus asks be accepted rather than abused and enslaved so that the human species isn`t devoured by its parasites.


 In Revelation Jesus is depicted as the `New Redeemer` born to the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him. In Genesis God tells Eve she`ll have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` until she leaves crushing `the head of the serpent with her heel` (3.15). In Revelation God promises a `new heaven and Earth` to `woman`s seed`, which suggests the human species is `futanarian` woman with her own penis and semen or `seed`. Although a man like Jesus can enter into heaven if he accepts woman, the parasites of pederasty will have the unendurable eternal pain of perdition as God`s punishment for their sins:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 George W. Bush`s declared `War On Terror` (2003-) activated the surveilance powers of the NSA, CIA, and FBI, amongst other secret or less secret organizations in the US, but also invoked others such as MI6 on the Thames in London, England, and GCHQ in Cheltenham, Gloucester, with a brief to spy on their own citizens internet activities. Equivalent to suggesting to the Earth`s community that it`s guilty of doing something it shouldn`t, such spying constitutes a form of offensive abuse and global terrorism against the Earth`s child that`s at least equal to 9/11.


 `PC` is `political correctness` but, if there`s no `PG` because the global policeman is a secret child abuser, which Revelation suggests because `the number of the beast is 666`, that is, the reverse of the 999 telephone number of the police in the rest of the world apart from the US, where it`s 911 mocked by 9/11, `PC` is open to criticism. In feminism it`s `politically correct` to label lesbians as homosexuals, whereas men can`t reproduce independently of women while women can continue as a species alone. The term `lesbian` is born of women`s being kept in ignorance and blinded to the knowledge that they are self-reproducers enslaved in pederasty for war against the civilization, culture and art that she`s able to produce from her `host` womb despite her parasites` depredations against her.


 Internet censorship is just one symptom of the aim to keep women enslaved to a false paradigm in which men are her protectors and marriage isn`t a slave ring, whereas the truth is that men are parasites imprisoning women in order to devour the products of their `host`. If 9/11 was designed to reimplement the paradigm of pederasty and enslavement of women`s `host` wombs for war and plague, the World Trade Centre was the reestablishment of rough trade in boys` abuse, and George W, Bush Jnr`s `War On Terror` through international surveillance of the Earth`s citizens was the predictable reaction of the US` strong infant to demand the installation of `kiddie alarms` that would keep woman a prisoner of her spy ring forever if she couldn`t see a picture of herself as she truly is due to her devouring parasites` censoring of the media they continue to control.



 In war rules of engagement are designed to allow someone to conventionally attack you, so it`s about conventional marriage insofar as it sanctions attacks upon the woman of the Earth who is defenseless against the offense because defense isn`t the object of the game played against her by men who want her to be easy meat for their devouring parasitism. The concept of defense presupposes offense but it doesn`t seem to have occurred to anthropologists that the women of the Earth don`t have any adequate defense systems because men want to continue being offensive. In conventional war, that is, the rules of engagement for women, shields are deliberately weakened so that they can be penetrated: although there`s no reason to presuppose that shields have to be penetrable. In sociological terms, `futanarian` woman, as the human species` independent reproductive valence, doesn`t need to be penetrated by the male penis becasue she can self-fertilize, so she`s deliberately weakened to be unable to withstand an assault, which is the paradigm of pederasty`s devouring war. God`s warning to Eve of her `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` and predicted war in heaven with the `red dragon` grown since Eden requires her to gird herself and prepare her defenses after 9/11, which proclaimed once more men`s desire to keep her `host` womb in enslavement to her devourer`s parasitism through its own fear of being found out.

Business, the Christian Church, and its Shrivelling Members

14/06/2013 14:53

Business, the Christian Church, and its Shrivelling Members

The basic economic unit of the 20th century was the automatic washing machine, which was the consequence of the United States` NASA program to land a man on the moon. Apollo 11 astronauts used a lander that even looked like an automatic washing machine with its single porthole. From a woman`s point of view, however, Neil Armstrong`s famous phrase didn`t mean liberty and freedom through the machine but enslavement:

`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1


 Standing in the waters of New York harbour, the statue of Liberty is a woman bearing the torchlight of freedom, but in socio-economic terms she`s waiting for a machine to wash her clothes for her rather than having to do it herself. According to Judaic tradition, the Meshiahn age is what is being prepared for, that is, the machine. In Christianity, Jesus is the Meshiah or Messiah because he`s man born of woman but not through contaminating male semen, which in the 20th century preferred itself in anal sex`s mixing of blood, shit and semen, which resulted in the plague of HIV/AIDS described in the Bible as the `blood plague` sent by God to convert men from their sins:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 In the apocalyptic Revelation, `Babylon the Great` is a `woman` who is defined as the `mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth` (Rev: 17. 5) because she is the result of men`s enslaving of woman for the purpose of spreading war and its contagions. In ancient Greece homosexual pederasty was the disease spread by the Greeks after enslaving the `host` wombs of women to further its plague by means of war. Jesus` teachings as the Meshiah were of the Logos, that is, the Word of God, which through God`s `host` wombs would provide the intellect and spirit of humanity with the machine technology it would need to liberate itself from men`s devouring parasitical pederasty.


 At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion and death due to one of his followers, Judas, selling him to the Roman security forces as a dissident, Christ showed the disciples `wine and bread` as symbols of his `body and blood`, which was later adopted as symbolic of the mysterious `host` of the Catholic Communion service in which parishioners receive the spirit of God by means of a wafer and a sip of wine from the priest`s chalice. In historical terms, the `host` is the womb of the human mothers of the Earth and Jesus` teachings advocate men`s elevation of woman rather than her enslavement. On the day before his crucifixion a woman had attempted to wash his feet, but the disciples had berated her for wasting expensive oil:

`Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6)


 Having contracted to waste Jesus for `thirty pieces of silver`, the disciples were now `targetting` a woman for wasting money they could have spent. Jesus` words of rebuke are the most powerful in the Bible because they represent God`s desire that `woman`s seed` should prevail. Because the Virgin Mary was the `host` for Jesus` birth, Christ is viewed as the `first man` since the creation of `sinless Adam` by God. Jesus is the continuing good `host` after God in Eden and subsequent to Christ`s emergence from the `host` womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, prior to his being tortured to death by unredeemed men at his crucifixion. Jesus is a good `host` to the disciples because he gives them food in fellowship that encourages them not to kill and eat each other, which is de facto the same thing. When Jesus instructs the disciples to leave the woman unremarked upon as she washes his feet, Christ is effectively saying he doesn`t want them to kill and eat her either.


 Adam and Eve were commanded to accept God as a good `host`in Eden when they received the `Tree of Life`, but the evil serpent tempted them with the `tree of the knowledge of the fruit of good and evil`, which in socio-historical terms means the wars of `perpetual enmity` with homosexual pederasty`s `serpent`s seed` and its various forms of death for humanity through its contamination of the `host` womb.


 Just as Christ`s mother was a good `host` because he was born uncontaminated, so Jesus` exhortation to accept `bread and wine` rather than his `body and blood` means to accept woman as a producer, but not of humans as food from her womb, which is equivalent to the parasitical activity of war and killing. Jesus and his mother were humans, whereas the `serpent`s seed` aren`t.


 In Revelation God gives a `new heaven and Earth` to `woman`s seed` after telling Eve in Eden she`ll `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15), which suggests men are the `serpent`s seed`, if they remain unredeemed, and God sentences them to perdition. Men have to accept the `host`, that is, woman, if they are to have Redemption from the sin of rejecting her in preference for each other.



 The `blood plague` of Revelation is HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` and a symptom of homosexual pederasty`s refusal to refrain from war and killing, which is usually represented as human behaviour in `action` movies such as Bruce Willis` Die Hard (1988) or Arnold Schwarzenegger`s Terminator (1984), whereas Willis` role is encouraging of suicidal extremism and Arnold`s is the part of the washing machine woman would have had if men hadn`t spent the Earth`s resources on killing her rather than preferring her.


 Women have their own penis as `futanarian` woman and so represent species` independence, which is what the Virgin Mary`s birthing of Jesus without male semen prefigures. Men are women`s parasites and the male penis is only the sign of their parasitical desire to emerge from the `host` womb of the woman to spread its `disaster movie` contagion further.


 Movies such as Die Hard encourage the parasite to suicide destructively, because that`s what parasites do in the body of the `host` organism. Schwarzenegger in Terminator is a better parasite rather than a better washing machine, because he`s destructive machinery, rather than a human machine, which is why Jesus corresponds to the Meshiah of Judaism and anticipates the Meshiahn, that is, the machine, which will care for the human because created by humans.


 Men`s refusal to construct a machine to liberate the woman is their recognition that the `robot` of the future will replace them as redundant because women have their own reproductive valence as `futanarian`. It is in men`s interests not to develop, because they`re parasites and want to kill the `host`, that is, woman, and the body of the civilization, art and culture that has emerged from her womb in the course of the millennia.


 Observing that the washing machine could conceivably develop into a machine that could care for the human species, that is, woman, men cancelled the NASA space program, which had resulted in the technology necessary to build an automatic washing machine, in favour of enslaving the species as its devourer. The actual mass produced automatic washing machine is now merely a remaining sign of the human species` slavery to a falsely optimistic  vision of freedom through technological progress:

 `The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 17)


 666 is a reductive figure because women are enslaved by washing machines that still require their attendance. In the 21st century there are billions of individuals on the planet Earth, but the number of men is diminishing because they want to be the ones who own the slaves, that is, the women who don`t have machines that can wash their clothes without supervision, and that`s why the `number of the beast` is 666. Because it`s small number isn`t growing any bigger and diminishingly represents men`s desire to be the one who is the enslaver-devourer of the humans. The reductive argument is that such a one is bigger and stronger, which is why the `beasts` of 666 want to be thought of as men, whereas women`s penises are much larger on average than their parasites`.


 Even if a man were to be found with a penis larger than a woman`s it`s a reductive perspective because women have their own penis and `size isn`t important` when species` continuation and survival is essential. Futanarian women can fertilize themselves if they have to because they have all of the genitalia. Because women have vaginas and men don`t, men`s apparent physical bodily superiority is merely intimidatory, so the `female slaves` will comply without ever examining the concept of the woman with a penis as a species independent of men blinded to her own destiny through imprisonment, death, surveillance and propoganda.


 In feminism it`s `politically correct`, that is, `PC`, to define women as homosexual because they`re lesbians, whereas women who are attracted to their own species with its own penis are normal while men who are engaged in pederasty are woman`s enslavers for the purpose of making war upon her and spreading its contagions further.


 `PC` is the word used for policeman, because it`s `police constable` in the UK and former British Empire, which is now the Commonwealth of Queen Elizabeth II and her government in Whitehall. Because 999 is the number of the police, the `number of the beast`, 666, is its reverse, which means that God`s Revelation in the Bible foresaw woman as the human species jailed by her purported protectors. In the 1930s it was the Nazi pogroms against the Jews that were used as an excuse to find and exterminate women as a species with her own penis and socio-economic valence, but the concentration camp was first documented as a methodical pogrom during the British occupation of South Africa in the Boer war (1899-1902) against the Dutch settlers, and similar pogroms were intitiated late in the 20th century during the `ethnic cleansings` as the former Yugoslavia broke up into Moslem and Christian enclaves after the fall of Communism while differences between the elitist Arab rulers and native West Africans in Sudan resulted in similar pogroms in Dharfur and elsewhere that were identified as Moslem factional hatreds but women doubtless bore the brunt.


 The terrorist attack of 9/11 on the Twin Towers of New York mocked 911 as the number of the police in the USA. Because the destruction of the World Trade Centre was a return to the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty and war for the wombs of women enslaved to produce Gulf War II (2001-12), which followed as a direct consequence of the two hijacked civil airliners that were crashed into the WTC.


 Often called the `world`s policeman`, the USA`s feminist `PC` ideology of equality for pederasts and women forms the basis for an attempt to exterminate the human species by the `beasts` of Revelation because men accept themselves as human while the evidence contradicts the assumption. Jesus` teaching is that woman is the `host` for the human species and men are her parasites because she can self-reproduce. To kill the humans men have first jailed her.


 Having imprisoned the woman on the planet Earth and given her a washing machine as a sign of her enslavement, men have presented themselves as her heroes while preparing to eradicate her as her parasites. Blinding her to the reality of her own penis and independent socio-economic valence has been a sine qua non of the campaign. Surrounding women in the movies with death and destruction, like Linda Hamilton in Terminator, while the parasite Schwarzenegger destroys the carefully constructed environment, is typical of Hollywood, Babylon, and reflects the propoganda.


 Putting the token human at the centre of the devastation to pretend she`s being cared for while the evil aliens kill those we aren`t encouraged to care about is one form of propoganda. Pretty female newsreaders telling us stories of atrocities in Chechnya and Bosnia to make us feel comfortable in the knowledge she`s safe while her sister humans experience another pogrom is a form of the same propoganda, and so are television series like the British BBC`s drama of a WWII Japanese concentration camp, Tenko (1981-4), or Within These Walls (1974-8) starring Googie Withers as a female women`s prison governor, because men want to see women behind barbed wire and bars dying together as a prohibited `lesbian` species.



The normative argument is that humanity will survive together, but if men aren`t definable as human and are parasites seeking the extinction of women as the human species, Jesus` plan for Redemption is the single greatest endeavour in history. Because Christ recognized men aren`t human just because they`re born from women`s `host` wombs. Men have to respond appropriately to the host, or they`re irredeemably trapped in parasitism`s devouring of the human species.


 The consumption that began what the Bible foretells as the beginning of the reign of the devouring `red dragon` of Revelation (12.3) was identified by French seer Michel Nostradamus (1503-1566) in The Prophecies (10.72) as `terror from the skies`, which would occur at the dawn of the 21st century. Corresponding to the World Trade Centre conflagration of 9/11 perpetrated by the Arabian terrorist group Al Qaeda operating out of Afghanistan, the fulfilment of Nostradamus` prophecy suggests `Business and Christianity`, which is what the various orders of the masonic builders espouse, has an important future role. If the Earth and the humans upon it are to avoid being consumed by pederasty`s wars and its cancerous contagions such as HIV/AIDS, which derive directly from the despising of women`s `host` wombs to further the parasites` sterile program of homosexuality and its depredations:


`When the unnamed woman, most of her body tightly wrapped in a shawl, fell sideways after being shot several times in the head, the spectators chanted: `Long live the Afghan mujahideen! (Islamist fighters)`, a name the Taliban use for themselves.`2


 Although medical science is perceived as advancing, it isn`t in the interests of the parasite to promote longevity for the human species because memory and wisdom, together with education, would result in women`s remembering herself and her penis` independence, which would interfere with men, that is, her parasitical virality`s pogromming of her.


 The human has become the worm in the apple of economics so far as the parasites are concerned. Those who construct are perceived as baiting a hook as a worm for a `big fish`. Like Bill Gates at Microsoft, the giant US computer software company. Bill worked at his business for a generation, and so did Steve Jobs at Apple Macintosh. But the creator is perceived as a worm to be removed from the apple, as it were.


 Reincarnated in some other guise the creator begins anew and the latest construct is another `big apple` for the human worm to be extracted from once it has finished its task. Constant rebaiting of the worm, that is, the aspiring human, constitutes the activity of the real parasite who feigns interest in catching a `big fish` while merely concerned with baiting the human who believes it can escape the devouring maw of its enslaver.


 The terrorist attack on the `Big Apple` of New York was the removing of the worm from the apple of its creation, that is, the peaceful industrious human, to rebait the hook for pederasty`s devouring `big fish`, that is, war and its contagions. If the masons were concerned with building and longevity, women would be understood as the human species, whereas builders like Gates and Jobs are conceived as `apple worms` to be reincarnated to build more for devouring parasitism to consume.


 If masonry and the masons are truly concerned with building a future based on human longevity through `Business and Christianity`, first it must be recognized that Jesus` teachings are that women are the humans on the Earth. Because, without that dawning realization becoming the principle of the builders, God`s interest in the Earth will not be being served by those who proclaim themselves as God`s rather than gods:

`... only men can be made Masons.`3


 If men are masons but women are the human species` indpependence because of their own penis and self-reproductive valence as represented by the Virgin Mary`s birthing of Jesus without contamination by men`s semen, masonry isn`t concerned with housing humans upon the Earth, or off it either. The size of the male penis in respect of the female`s evinces the truth:

`The average length of an erect penis by age in inches and centimetres at 20 yrs and over is 6.1 inches (15.5 cm).`4


 Obviously 666 is an allusion to penis envy, because women are bigger than men`s standard 6 inches. The shrivelling of `Business and Christianity` church members is in direct proportion to the extent men reject women as the human `host`. The smallness of the male penis is commensurate to the parasites` desire for self-extinction while extinguishing the human species` penis of woman secretly and quietly by maintaining her in ignorance so that she doesn`t know enough to understand what`s occurring and plan her escape.


 Some women`s penises are long enough for them to perform oral sex on themselves easily as well as self-fertilization, which suggests they`re amazingly adaptive, virile and fertile. Because Jesus was celibate, the `Business and Christianity` of the masons operates on the assumption developmental functionality increases in direct proportion to the rate at which the penis shrinks from view.


 Having removed the female penis from most people`s view, the parasites have made the male penis taboo on the grounds that its visibility might threaten the builders` program. However, if great constructors such as George Soros, who played a significant role in the transition from communism to capitalism in Hungary (1984-9) or Donald Trump, New York city real-estate developer, are seen as worms to be removed from their apple so that the hook can be baited again for the devouring parasitism of pederasty`s war of `perpetual enmity` against the human species, the male penis is only the less visible symptom of the parasite`s all-devouring hunger.


 According to developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) functionality is directly attributable to the rate at which instinctual libido, which in the male is entirely penis related, is transformed into spiritual or intellectual energy. If that`s true then the size of the penis is important. Technological progress diminishes in inverse proportion to the degree of sexual interest, that is, if the male penis doesn`t want to be seen and it doesn`t want the female penis to be visible, it doesn`t want socio-economic growth, or `seed` as numberless as the `sands of the seashore`, or `the stars [and planets] of the heaven`, which is promised by God to Abraham (Gen: 22.17), founder of Judaeo-Christianity and Islam through his Moslem descendant Ishmael.


 Because God promises a `new heaven and Earth` to `woman`s seed` in Revelation and Jesus is her first man by virtue of his birth from the Virgin Mary as his female progenitor, it`s the sexual interest of the larger penis of the woman that the parasite wants to suppress because it represents a desire great enough to attain to the planets of the cosmos and escape her imprisonment and slavery.


 Unless the woman of the Earth can be guaranteed independence in the Meshiahn or machine age of liberation from drudgery, or her greater penis and capacity for libidic transformation can be harnessed by herself to facilitate technological advancements that will allow her to flee, men`s parasitism has doomed her human species to extinction.


1 July 20 1969.





Censorship and 911

09/05/2013 12:36

Censorship and 911


In the Bible the `number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six`, which is 666. The telephone number of the police in most of the world is 666 reversed, that is, 999. The former British Empire needed a recognizable number for its people to telephone in the event of a public emergency within the British Commonwealth of independent nations that emerged across the globe after Empire began to end when India gained its freedom in 1948 and the telephone number 999 was chosen as a simple formula.



 In the United States of America the telephone number of the police is 911 and that`s ironic after 9/11 because it represents a reversal equivalent to 999`s becoming 666. According to many Iraq`s dictator Saddam Hussein was the `beast` of Revelation because he supported the Al Qaeda terrorist group`s attack on New York when they hijacked passenger planes and crashed them into the World Trade Centre.



 The problem recognizably began in Eden when God told Eve she shall have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`. In ancient Greece men enslaved the `host` wombs of women to further their contagion of pederasty through war and enslavement of more wombs. In the Bible Jesus promises `woman`s seed` a `new heaven and Earth` and Christ was the first of `woman`s seed` because born from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen.



 Convicted by the Roman Empire for sedition, Jesus was effectively tortured to death by the `beast`, which is the number of the collective of men who turn on the products of the `host` wombs of women in order to kill and destroy the human species. The usual excuse is that it`s human nature, but the birth of Jesus from the Virgin Mary suggests `woman`s seed` is the semen she has to fertilize with her own penis, and women with a penis exist as `futanarian`, which means she can exist as the human species socio-economically independent of men. The `number of the beast is the number of a man` because a man is a `beast` if unredeemed from its parasitical devouring nature by its refusal to accept the teachings of Jesus Christ:


`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)



 HIV/AIDS is just one of the tools that the `beast` of pederasty uses to attack `woman`s seed`. By enforcing faithfulness in monogamy HIV/AIDS is the pederast`s virus that ensures woman`s enslavement to the good seed of men, whereas their socio-history tells us that their seed is bad while they endeavour to blind us to the truth that women have seed and a penis of their own. Death is blindness and the paucity of women with their own penis as visible agents on the world`s stage is a sign that the human species is nearly extinct.

 The parasite has feigned symbiosis and has taken control of the women`s host wombs to emerge, enslave and devour the true human species, which can`t see because it`s dead and dying due to the censor. 9/11 was the police censor telling the human species that this was what it wanted `live on CNN` because Hollywood, Babylon, had been promulgating such atrocious imagery since its inception at the beginning of the 20th century.



 The Al Qaeda terrorists from Arabia hijacked their planes at Boston, Logan, and in the future society of the movie Logan`s Run (1976) noone lives beyond their 21st. which is why the attack came at the beginning of the 21st century. Blind and dying the human species is kept by its parasitical devourer in ephemerality so that it can never be wise to its enslaver.



 Jesus` promise is of an eternal body for the resurrected who will `live as the angels in heaven` where there is `neither giving nor taking in marriage` because the human species of woman`s seed is triune and not monogamous. If a woman with a penis wants to fertilize a woman without a penis she can, but a woman with a penis is needed to fertilize her, which means that the society of women corresponds to the `Agape` of Christianity.



 Based on the extended family and the love relations that grow between the members of the human species within the family of woman, Agape is the paradigm for both `woman`s seed` and Christianity, which continues with the belief that men can be redeemed because Jesus` teachings say so. However, if men keep the human species in blindness through its promoting of a belief in shortened lifespans through worship of the false action heroes of Hollywood, Babylon, and fear of such `biological weapons` as HIV/AIDS, which forces the woman to accept her enslaving and devouring parasite, it`s being kept to embrace its final extinction as a pogromed race that accepts its devourer`s programming.



 Global policing is the `beast` 666 rather than 999 because it`s a censoring based on what the devouring alien parasites want people to see. 9/11 was `bread and circuses`, which is a euphemism for entertainment for the masses to keep them in blindness and ignorance, which is what the Romans used to do with their `circuses` in Rome. Small scale wars fought in their arenas for the entertainment of the people; for example. In the modern age `circus` is a term for `spy ring`, which is appropriate because keeping people from being able to see the truth is what `circus` means. Jesus` crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is what the `circus` of Rome does. It attempts to prevent individuals from seeing.



 The concept of scaling heaven is a metaphor for those who want to see by means of force, and relates to Satan`s removal from the sight of God because the former archangel didn`t want to see mankind replacing the angels as the more important creature in the creation. Satan was forced from heaven by God because he refused to accept the human species as greater than the angels, but he was placed upon the Earth where he could see:


 `And straightway there fell from his eyes as it were scales, and he received his sight; and he arose and was baptized.` (Acts: 9. 18)



 Usually scales are associated with the serpent, which was the form Satan was made to adopt on Earth and in Eden where he effectively enslaved the human species by offering Adam and Eve intelligence rather than God and immortality, which is why spy rings are called intelligence agencies. They don`t want you to see God or have immortality, because then you`d be able to teach your descendants the truth, which is what Jesus tried to do.

 God condemned Satan for giving Adam and Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` but expelled the pair from Paradise on Earth so that they could learn to live by work, which was to be their Redemption because it represented the growth of human civilization from the `host` wombs of Eve and her daughters in spite of the attentions of the `serpent`s seed`, which denotes whatever evil emerged through the human species` contamination by Satan.



 Vision is controlled by censorship and although the United States of America espouses `Liberty` in the shape of the statue in New York harbor, the penis of the woman remains hidden beneath her skirts. In Hollywood, Babylon, the penis of the male is taboo because the penis of the woman might become visible if the penis was alluded to other than as a perfunctory adjunct to the action, which consists in fooling the human species into the belief that the woman is being heavily protected by the false bravery of the fictionalized `action hero` while entire planets and cities disappear from view in the parasite`s main concern with holocaust for the survivor`s edification.



 Although 9/11`s parallels seem to be with pederasty and the spread of terrorism as a viral contagion equivalent to HIV/AIDS, the breaching of the US` defense system, particularly at the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia, where a terrorist hijacked plane breached the walls of the Defense Department building when it crashed there on 9/11, was more in keeping with the spreading of a computer virus to crash a system. The subsequent Gulf war (2001-11) in which Saddam Hussein was deposed and Osama Ben Ladan, the leader of Al Qaeda, was assassinated, was the spreading of pederasty`s contagion of war and amounted to a `shill` in which the `serpent`s seed` attempted to keep the scales on the eyes of the humans to prevent them from seeing through the `bread and circuses` of their `TV war` to the truth that they were being slowly and carefully devoured by the aliens because they didn`t want us to wake up to our being eaten.



 If 9./11 was a game for those who believed they were attacking the human system, which is what the HIV/AIDS virus does by feigning friendship for the white cells of the body`s defense system before killing it, the breaching of the US` defense system by Arabians feigning friendship as `guests` of their `hosts`, that is, the United States of America, was a game for `gamers` who were equivalent to the virality of the `serpent`s seed` spreading its contagion as it always seeks to do.



 Gaming language such as `joysticks` and `kill limbs` for guns is paradigmatic of the parasite. When the penis is transmogrified into the gun, the `joystick` becomes the `kill limb` of the on screen `puppet` character who murders for the pleasure of the `gamer` at his games` console,  which is what Hollywood, Babylon, with its diet of murderous action heroes and villains has prepared the 21st century for. 9/11 was the visible symptom of what the gamers` virus is, because the male penis is plague aimed at the extinction of humanity.



 The human species is living under an occlusion in which it believes that its taboos and moralities are good, whereas its taboos against the penis` visibility are immoral insofar as they promote blinding, death, and ephemerality for the human species of `futanarian` woman with  a penis of her own and potential for socio-economic independence constantly thwarted in its attempts to live long and see heaven by an alien that wants to enslave and devour her as a blind, dying and ephemeral adjunct to its `game`.



 God`s `game` is clear insofar as `the most beautiful of all the angels`, that is, Satan, didn`t understand that he wasn`t aware of God`s plan in its fullness. Not wanting mankind was perceived by God as Satan`s sin, but God`s future for the human species didn`t include Satan`s seed, which were all of those men that subsequently didn`t accept `woman`s seed` after Adam and Eve`s expulsion from Eden, that is, the `hidden` seed of humanity, which is the human species as a self-reproducing independent female whose emergence is prefigured by Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen.



 All those that seek to prevent `woman`s seed` from emerging from the Earth are irredeemable, and Jesus` observation was that men couldn`t have Redemption if they didn`t know the truth. Men had to be forced to see, which is what a strong church is for. The `serpent`s seed` practices occlusion upon the human species, which means that it`s censoring is masked as policing, taboos and false morality preventing the true picture from being seen. Satan, whether mythic or not, represents the individual who would want `woman`s seed` if they knew she existed, but God`s punishment for Satan was because the angel wasn`t prepared to wait and see:


`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)



 Because `woman`s seed` is `futanarian` woman with her own penis and socio-economic potential for independence from her male parasite, that is, the `serpent` seed`, the hermaphrodite is an angel, according to scripture, which is what Satan couldn`t see when he was asked by God to bow1 before man and refused. Although many Christians hold this as an article of faith, the actual basis for such a belief comes from The Koran, which is the holy book of the Moslem peoples dictated by the angels to the Prophet Mohammed (609-32 CE) and it is a tradition amongst the women of Islam to be hidden from view because they are the species here and do not want to be devoured by the appetites of the Earth`s parasite.

 In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to Jesus in his `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer`, who `shall rule the nations with an iron scepter`, but the woman is given the `wings of an eagle` and taken to a `place of safety` to remain `hidden` while war is fought in heaven against Satan and the `serpent`s seed` before Satan ultimately receives perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, which is also the lot of the angels and men that fought for him, and `woman`s seed` finally receives a `new heaven and Earth` from God.



 Jesus` first birth was from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen, and his second is from the woman who is `hidden`, which means it`s her penis that isn`t seen and so the Arabian women are those who are most in the tradition of the Bible because they know what secret it is that they keep beneath their traditional costume of a one-piece coverall, the burkha, that permits nothing to be seen of them but they can still expect to see heaven.



  Satan`s is the story of `wait and see` because he`ll have unendurable pain forever if he doesn`t accept God`s omniscience. For Satan to continue attempting to put himself on the throne of God is to remain blind and ignorant with scales upon his eyes and those of his followers, and is why serpents have scales because Satan wanted to scale heaven. Satan is the human parable. Just as Jesus is depicted as dying for our sins, so Satan is represented as going to perdition instead of us, whereas Satan is a perspective. Those who accept `woman`s seed` have Redemption, whereas those who do not will have eternal unendurable pain because they`re evil, irrespective of Satan. Jesus explains it as `love your neighbor`, which he distils as `God`s law` because it`s the perception that humanity shares the same spirit. Those who accept God and Jesus` teachings share the Holy Spirit while those who do not are evil and hell is where they belong.



 If the angels are hermaphrodites then Satan`s is the perception that men and women mustn`t be as the angels in heaven, which is why the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed seems either hidden or extinct upon the Earth where the `serpent`s seed` traditionally holds sway by the power of Satan, who is the `god of this world`. However, if Satan is a `god` then he`s male, or at most a hermaphrodite weighted in favour of the male, that is, a `she-male`, rather than a `futanarian` woman with her own penis and species` seed. The concept of Satan is that the woman`s penis is male and so should be in hell because she`s Satan and men don`t want her to escape from the Earth, whereas God does.



 Christianity is based on the simple principle that Satan goes to hell forever and experiences eternal pain because he isn`t a man, whereas God`s perspective is that men aren`t human unless they accept woman`s penis and they can`t. So God has prepared the concept of the hermaphrodite angelic being for those who can accept. The Christian notion is that Satan is one spirit, and they are another, which precludes conversion for the penis of the woman who is Satan`s, because Christians don`t accept `woman`s seed`. So Christianity is Satanism because it doesn`t allow of the spirit of conversion to be applied to Satan, who is God`s `woman`s seed` with her own penis, and that`s God`s lesson, because God doesn`t care who`s evil and goes to hell, whereas men want Satan to, and she`s the woman`s penis.


 1 The Koran, 7. 11-12.

The church, masturbation, and blindness

02/05/2013 16:05

The church, masturbation, and blindness


Most people go to the church because they want to see. The basic principle is that churchmen will enable the churchgoer to see, which means that they`ll show the believer the path to heaven. In Christianity there`re demons, and the word `demonstrate` derives from the word `demon`, which has a different meaning from `show`.



 The concept of guidance is represented in Christianity by the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, which Jesus said would come to the Earth as the teacher and guide of humanity after his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. According to theologists, the Holy Spirit/Paraclete is the invisible aspect of the Christian Trinity that includes Jesus and God, which means that men can`t show people the path to heaven because it`s the role and function of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete.



 At the crucifixion Jesus side was pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus, and thereafter it was known as the Spear of Destiny, because Eve emerged from the side of the first man, that is, Adam, in the garden of Eden, and so the Holy Spirit/Paraclete is the `Second Eve`, or rather the wiser Eve, emerging invisibly from the side of Jesus as the `Second Adam` to be the teacher and guide of humanity.

 Because Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen, it`s possible to see what Jesus` Holy Spirit/Paraclete teaches. Jesus was `the first of woman`s seed`, and the central concept in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, is of the serpent who wants to see Adam and Eve naked and alone together. The serpent represents that which is demoniacal because it wants to `show` or demonstrate to the Edenic pair, which in the 21st century is what churchmen do, but that begs the question: what are they showing?



 As the `first of woman`s seed` born from the Virgin Mary, Jesus prefigures the woman who can give birth to herself, which is what `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own can physically do. Capable of reproducing, with a woman who doesn`t have a penis, or with a woman who does, because all women have wombs, `futanarian` women are capable of sexually reproducing themselves, by the simple expediency of bending their penis, which is longer and generally more flexible than men`s, into their own vaginas to fertilize their own ovum, and apart from anything else that makes them a better species` survival alternative.



 If the future of the human species is `futanarian` woman who can reproduce without men, that is, uncontaminated by male semen, that`s God`s plan, which is what the demoniacal churchmen don`t want the congregation to see, and so most preachings are based on the notion of the miserable sinner who can`t see because they`re evil rather than ignorant.



 In Revelation the `hidden` woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to Jesus as the `New Redeemer` in his `Second Coming`. She`s pregnant but there`s no sign of a fatherer, which is similar to the birth of Jesus from the Virgin Mary without contamination by male semen, and suggests that the woman who is `hidden` is `futanarian` and has fertilized herself, and that`s the secret the Holy Spirit/Paraclete has been invisibly guiding humanity towards understanding.



 Rather than show people the path to God, churchmen want to show them that they`re sinful, which means that it`s virtually impossible to get the churchmen off the path so that the individual can progress, because the churchmen are demoniacally obsessed with `showing`, and the larger and more spectacular the church demonstration, that is, with singing and oratory etc., the greater the churchmen, who have now placed themselves in the role of demons, perceive themselves to be; in relation to the people who want to see.



 In the 21st century women such as Janet Jackson on the April 2008 cover of Black Book magazine, Britney Spears on tour with Circus (2009), Shakira in She Wolf (2009) and Miley Cyrus in Can`t Be Tamed (2010) have all produced sexually provocative imagery of a woman in a cage, which seems to be a picture of imprisonment, but the size of a cage is relative. What the women are saying is that Eden was a cage and they felt safer there than with the demon, who wants to put them in a smaller cage and poke them with a stick to see what they will do next, which is effectively what church leaders do, and what Longinus` spear represents for irredeemable men who only want the humans to perform in their `circus`. The image of the woman in the cage, whether she be of the `rib of Adam` or not, is of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete by the side of Jesus, who can live alone uncontaminated by male semen as a species independent of men, who have become her parasitical demons rather than her breeding partners.



 To take the analogy further, if men have effected a symbiosis with women as a species, the serpent of Eden was one of them, and God`s observation to Eve that she should have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, in its wars against `woman`s seed`, suggests that the `red dragon` of Revelation that waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer` is the serpent of man that has grown in size until it feels ready to destroy the Earth and the art, culture and civilization that has effectively emerged from her `host` womb despite its parasitism because of the will of God, the Creator, that she should receive a `new heaven and Earth` while the evil receive perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, as a punishment for turning the womb of God into its `snuff movie` producer.



 The term `circus` is often used to denote `spying`, which is what people who want to see are forced to do if they`re not able to. In the Bible Onan is killed by God for refusing to impregnate Tamar. He `casts his seed upon the ground` rather than give her a child because he wants to admire her beauty and doesn`t want it to spoil. In the 21st century people no longer believe that masturbation makes you blind, as they used to, but the idea of blinding the masturbator remains, because he wants to spy on what he can`t have, and so provocatively sexual imagery of caged women, for example, encourage feelings of sexual possession and the masturbator`s power fantasy, which gives the torturer the opportunity to accuse the desireful of being `spies` and demanding punishment for the despised lovers of what ultimately is God`s artwork.



 Throughout the 20th century the concept of the consumer as `spy` in the shop and the supermarket was encouraged by the belief that they should be carefully watched to ensure that they didn`t steal anything, which is what they were perceived as `spying` to do, and so the eyes of the security guards and the police defined the buyer as the `spy` rather than allow itself to be perceived as the devourer lying in wait for those who`d worked to purchase their daily needs from the retailer. By the 21st century an elaborate spy system had been globally implemented to accuse the consumer of `spying` and 9/11 precipitated the declaration of United States` President George W. Bush`s implementation of world surveillance in support of the `War On Terror` (2003-) by organisations like the National Security Administration (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).



In Revelation it`s described how noone can `buy or sell` without the `mark of the beast`, that is, 666, which is the reverse of the telephone number of the police in most of the world, that is, 999, but it`s 911 in America where 9/11 fostered the growing realization that the consumer won`t be able to live if the 24/7 security guards in the shops won`t allow them to. The security forces of the various nations upon the Earth have become the devourers of the lives of the people whose eyes are viewed as greedily envious of what belongs to others and so they`re targetted by the despisers who accuse them with their eyes of `spying` as a routine means of psychologically tormenting people with not being able to find what they`re looking for as blind seekers after a heaven that`s denied to them by the `concentration camp` guards who would rather exterminate the woman than let her buy anything she might find useful to assist in her plan to escape.



 Onan was killed by God because he perceived that reproduction wasn`t necessary if the woman was eternally beautiful, which would mean that Onan was a threat to the development of art, culture and civilization insofar as it emerged from the wombs of women. In the 21st century the plethora of sexual imagery is a masturbator`s paradise, but the socio-economy is based on work, which means the parasite doesn`t want the woman with a penis to see herself as a species, because she`d then work for herself. The enslaving and devouring parasite blinds the penis, which encourages further masturbation, because the `sinner` wants to see the sexual imagery of the woman, and then the churchmen `show` the guilty individual the path to God while secretly being the demons on the path to heaven because they`re the parasites that have blinded the humans to the simple truth that eating and orgasming is what human bodies are made to do.



 In ancient Greece society was based on the enslavement of women`s `host` wombs to further the spread of pederasty`s contagion of war further. The prototypical scenario is of the Greeks before Troy with the huge wooden horse that the Trojans took into their city as a friendship gift and the Greeks emerged to enslave the `host` wombs of the Trojan women to further spread pederasty`s contagion of war.



 By the 21st century the paradigm of pederasty and war as a virus` contagion was endemic. Mixing blood, shit and semen in the witchery of homosexuality`s sex between men`s penis and their anus, pederasty produced the child of its contaminated male semen, that is, HIV/AIDS` `killer disease`, which  feigns friendship for the body it kills. In simple terms, HIV/AIDS is a parody of the birth of Jesus, whose birth from the `futanarian` Virgin Mary represents the future of `woman`s seed`, with her own penis as an independent species uncontaminated by male semen, and its rejection of contamination by the male penis.



 Like the HIV/AIDS` `killer disease`, which is called `blood plague` in Revelation, and is perceived as sent by God as an instrument of conversion, the 9/11 terrorists feigned friendship for the body of the USA as tourists. Hijacking passenger planes and crashing them into New York`s World Trade Centre, they reestablished the `rough trade` of war and pederasty, which from a woman`s point of view is her species` contamination by male semen. 9/11 was the beginning of men`s expressing their virality, which is what the parasites do.



 In Arabia the women are `hidden` beneath their abiyahs, that is, the one piece coverall that conceals everything but their eyes, because they don`t want men to see them, which is why their traditional costume looks unusual to Western women who aren`t educated by their mothers in the `hidden` woman with a penis of her own as the `futanarian` species of humanity`s future independence from the `contamination`.



 If we interpet Jesus` birth as the first of woman`s seed, the birth of HIV/AIDS as the incurable killer disease of the 20th century is that `biological weapon` of `mass destruction`, which the Americans feared would be used against them and Israel in the Middle East, whereas it was produced by `black mass` worship, that is, in the practice of homosexuality in pederasty as a method of exterminating the human species before it could emerge from the wombs of women by keeping them faithful through fear to enslaving and devouring monogamous unions with their `churchmen`.



 At Boston Mass., the Arabian 9/11 terrorists hijacked the planes, and Logan was the airport because the movie Logan`s Run depicts a society in which people are killed before they`re older and wiser to object, which is what `futanarian` woman with her own penis would do if she knew of her own existence but men keep her in ignorance by fostering war and its contagions.



 The idiomatic phrase `ignorance is bliss` is equivalent to saying `bliss is blindness`, because those who don`t know are blind, and so the Earth is blinded by its parasites because they wants us to believe what we can see. Most people focus on the woman as the desirable object, even women, because whether they`re conscious or unconscious of it, women have their own penis as an independently reproductive species, and so find each other desireful. However, the narrowing of the gaze of the internet`s surfing masturbator to those tiny pictures of the nude women that can be seen there is a symptom of the socio-economy`s desire that the human should become blind to anything but the prettiness of the woman. The result is scenarios such as 9/11 `live on CNN` to improve the network`s ratings amongst TV stations competing for an audience.



 In Hollywood, Babylon, the pretty woman is often surrounded by devastation while her man contributes to the general destruction and the audience feels she is protected, for example, in films such as Gone With The Wind (1939) where the Southern United States goes to hell in the American Civil War to end its fight for black slavery (1661-5) and Scarlett O` Hara looks fine, or Barbarella (1968) where the collapse of civilization is a secondary consideration to Jane Fonda`s looking really sexy, or even Mars Attacks (1996), where the Earth is hilariously destroyed by evil aliens, one of whom brandishes a copy of Playboy and orders a dog`s head to be transplanted onto Sarah Jessica Parker`s nubile body to illustrate the point.



 Most people are now used to the sexy woman news presenter, and 9/11 `live on CNN` illustrates how, surrounded by disasters, the woman presenter remains unharmed, in the tradition of Hollywood, Babylon, where a pretty girl, such as Dakota Fanning in War Of The Worlds (2005) is delusorily protected by heroic action figures like Tom Cruise and the world is destroyed about her. 9/11 was the testing of the hypothesis that, as long as a pretty newsreader was visible, noone cared how much of the world was destroyed. so long as it wasn`t in the United States. As long as the desireful masturbator can see the woman`s tits and ass, he doesn`t mind if the world ends. As Britney Spears observes in Till The World Ends (2011) lulling the desireful masturbator and narrowing his focus till its gaze rests solely upon the attractiveness of the token female in the video is how the parasite works to promote its devourer`s vision:


`See the sunlight, we ain't stoppin',
Keep on dancing till the world ends.
If you feel it, let it happen,
Keep on dancing till the world ends.`



 Although there`s no actual blame attached to the act of masturbation, because it denotes the desire for woman, the agog masturbator is goggling, or `Googling`, as the internet porn surfer might be described with his desirefulness almost involuntarily directed by the unrestricted maw of his Google search engine, while the supposedly heroic males destroy the planet and the single girl is heavily defended. The masturbator is therefore guilty of desiring God but not acting to see more, or ensuring heaven can be seen outside of the tiny world of his personal computer screen.



 The so-called `adult` magazines that feature nude women represent the masturbator`s desire that she shouldn`t reproduce, because the penis of woman as an independently reproductive species isn`t present to the masturbating power fantasist who perceives the female as being at the mercy of his desirefulness that she shouldn`t escape, which is the scenario of the pretty young girl protected by the action hero figures of the movies while men implode and destroy the Earth as they collapse beneath the weight of their desire to protect women from sexually reproducing with herself as the Earth`s species opposed to the depredations of the alien parasites preying upon her, and the Earth of woman, as they emerge from their `host` wombs to devour it and her.



 Onan was on the verge of understanding that his penis was in the wrong place, because the woman Tamar should have been reproducing herself with her own penis, which means God killed Onan because he didn`t was on the brink of realizing that the species didn`t want to work for itself, so why should he? Onan was about to perceive himself as fertilizer and woman`s potential role as his slave, because she was the producer.



 If woman as a species with her own `futanarian` penis didn`t reproduce herself, either she lived as the slave of her parasite, or she didn`t want to live through reproduction, which begs the question: if women aren`t immortal, is God`s promise of bodily immortality without reproduction what women desire? Jesus Christ says people will be `as the angels` after bodily Resurrection and won`t be given to marriage, which is in accordance with the notion that reproduction isn`t on the agenda, but that doesn`t rule out physical pleasure and there are only two; eating and orgasm: which is what humans are made to do.



 In popular myth masturbator`s are punished by blindness, but pornography represents the perspective that the woman can`t see herself in order to reproduce with herself because she doesn`t have a penis of her own, and so the masturbator is contributing to men`s deriding of her as the human species` demons. All forms of pornography represent the role of the serious researcher, who is begun on a diet of attractive young women on TV and in movies, and graduates to the topless model in bikini briefs in the newspaper before finding the courage to buy the top shelf adult magazine in which the woman can be seen without her underwear, and the mystery deepens.



 Traditional pornography stops at heterosexual depictions of intercourse, which may include oral fellatio and cunnilingus. Although anal sex is the main focus of homosexual pornography, heterosexual sex also features it. Lesbian sex is more interesting for the penis, because it features only women and the aspect of envy is removed from the masturbator`s ambition, which is to have them all. Perceived as abnormally excluding, the masturbator actually has the correct perspective. The `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own, as the potentially independent human species, represents the woman who is alone with all of the other women. The aim of the homosexual parasite is to devour all of the women, which is what movies such as Cannibal Holocaust (1980), Hollywood, Babylon, 9/11 `live on CNN`, and pederasty and war`s `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS` paradigm of virality demonstrates.



 Because men aren`t women but their parasite, they`re not cannibals but devourers of the human species as the alien that preys upon her from its inception as a parasite within her `host` womb where it has denied woman the capacity to reproduce herself for the purpose of eating her. Maintaining its socio-economic perspective of keeping the Earth on a sufficiently low level of technological development that will prevent the humans species of woman from escaping to other planets amongst the stars so that it can eat her here rather than taking her out for a meal, the parasite`s modus operandi corresponds to that of the extraterrestrial invader so commonly ridiculed in movies such as Alien (1979) or Virus (1999), because the Earth has already been taken over by E.T The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) who appears cute and vulnerable to young, impressionable girls, who don`t know men at all:


`The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage. But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage. Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.` (Luke: 20. 34)



 Young women can never know men because woman, as the independent human species with her own `futanarian` penis, has been killed until she`s blind and ignorant of her captors. Her `churchmen` preach the path of the demon parasite, which is that she must take the path to heaven in monogamous union with a man, while Jesus maps out the path of Redemption for `woman`s seed`, and men assume that it`s theirs. If a `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own impregnates a woman without a penis, she can`t be impregnated without a second woman with her own penis, which means marriage between women is more like the Christian concept of `Agape`, that is, an extended familial love, and it isn`t monogamy.



 Because `woman`s seed` is the human species, according to God, the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for the Earth is, in biblical terms, Satan`s, who was the angel of God that rebelled and was cast down to the Earth to eventually experience perdition there. Because `woman`s seed` is the `futanarian` woman with her own penis as an independent species, she is Satan to men who don`t want her to escape from the Earth and spread her `seed` amongst the planets and stars as God has promised to her that she shall.



 Men embraced the role traditionally reserved for Satan because they wanted to keep the `woman`s seed` upon the Earth and force it to take them to heaven, and so the Bible says there`ll be `war in heaven` with men who refuse to accept the divorce between those who want to see God and those who don`t want them to, which is why the divorced men are evil. The `woman`s seed` is being told she isn`t wanted, but she can`t leave, because her tormentors are evicting her slowly, on the understanding that heaven awaits, while they pretend to be anticipating instructions from God and the angels to go with her.



 Reincarnation is the perception that the `woman`s seed` will be reborn so that she can never be evicted, and Resurrection `as the angels` is the Christian notion that `woman`s seed` aren`t the tormentors of Jesus` `seed`. Because they`re `futanarian` women who are capable of reproducing with their own penis as a species independent of men, like Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary. The removal of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete from the side of Jesus by the spear of Longinus cutting it open was an eviction process. Because men don`t want `woman`s seed` to be guided by the Holy Spirit/Paraclete without themselves as parasitical demons in attendance upon her future victimization.



 However, the Holy Spirit/Paraclete is the guide of `woman`s seed` as the `Second Eve` from the side of Jesus as the `Second Adam` and, according to Revelation, the `red dragon`, grown from the serpent in Eden, can`t devour the `New Redeemer`, Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, which means that the Resurrection of man and woman as `woman`s seed` is certain, because they accept their divorce from men who were their parasites and devourers.



 The internet affords the possibility of being able to do enough research into the human species to produce `e-fiction` rather than works of eviction in which women are forced to either stay with a man or leave them for another man, before they die and are reincarnated in a womb from which they are to be born into eviction again rather than move into their heavenly abode after the Resurrection as `woman`s seed`.



 The fiction of Eve may have been partially constructed by her because she accepted the urgings of the serpent in Eden to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` with the exhortation, `you shall be as gods`, but 2000 years after Jesus Christ, Eve-fiction couldn`t be suppressed, even after the Arabian terrorists took a bite out of the `Big Apple` of New York on 9/11.



 Men`s fiction is that they`re the species of the planet Earth, whereas they`re its parasites and devourers. Eve`s fiction is stronger. Her story is that men are for Redemption and Resurrection, as `woman`s seed`, irrespective of her own species` independence as `futanarian` woman with her own penis, and God has already told her the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` isn`t strong enough to devour the `New Redeemer` who shall `rule the natiosns with an iron scepter` so she`ll have a `new heaven and Earth`, and that`s how the Eve fiction ends. 

Playboy and Penthouse with the Non-Reproductive Organs

01/05/2013 11:06

Playboy and Penthouse with the Non-Reproductive Organs


Most of those with at least some idle curiosity will have spent time perusing copies of `lads mags` like Nuts and Zoo in the United Kingdom, Hustler in the United States, Cica in Eastern Europe and so on. Young women appear naked to arouse the male penis, and the dubious pleasure of masturbation. What most people aren`t aware of is the young woman with a penis of her own, who isn`t a lesbian but the natural expression of women as the human species capable of reproducing itself.



 Taught that lesbianism is wrong nearly all women are miseducated into believing that men are their species, whereas any woman with a penis of her own will tell you that her body in the mirror is sexually desirable to her, because her species looks like that for her own penis. Men are taught that they`re not sexually desirable to their penis, which is the truth. God says so in the Bible after telling Lot and his wife and family to get out of Sodom (Gen: 16, 19) because it`s a centre of homosexuality and pederasty. God destroys Sodom because of `sodomy`, which is the anal sex between men that produces the mixture of semen, blood and shit from which witchery HIV/AIDS developed as the 20th century`s incurable `killer disease`.



 No matter how long a man looks at himself in the mirror, with or without an erection, he won`t find any sexual egress. Because it`s the woman`s penis he`s attached to, and to reproduce the virus of himself as a parasite upon her `host` womb he needs to convince her to accept him. The fact that the male doesn`t and shouldn`t find itself desirable suggests that it`s not a species at all but a parasite that feigns symbiosis with the women in order to have egress through her womb to the creation of God in order to destroy what emerges from God, the Creator. Magazines like Playboy and Penthouse present women without a penis of their own as sexually inviting for the penis, but paradoxically not for the parasite, which doesn`t want the women, it just wants to replicate itself:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)



 In ancient Greece civilization was based on the enslavement of the `host` wombs of women to spread its  `Greek` contagion of pederasty and war further, which is what the male penis is for. The penis of the woman is hidden in places like Arabia where the women wear the one piece traditional garb that is a coverall so that only the eyes can be seen, and noone can tell by looking if they have a penis beneath their abiyah or not, which is what their customs are for.



 In the West the belief is that women are more liberated if they take their clothes off for the men`s girlie magazines, to arouse the male penis to masturbation, or sexual and/or reproductive intercourse with women. If sexual reproduction is how the male parasite spreads its contagions of pederasty and war, the soft porn pictures of young women, like Samantha Fox or Sophie Howard on Page 3 and Page 5 of UK newspapers such as The Sun and the Daily Mirror, are designed to help further its plague.



 The young women`s bodies are actually created by God for the sexual reproduction of her own species` penis. As God tells Eve in the Bible there`ll be `perpetual enmity` between `woman`s seed` and the `serpent`s seed` before men convert from evil or receive the punishment of perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, for enslaving the human species as a breeder of the contagions of pederasty and war:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)



 According to the Bible God gives `woman`s seed` a new heaven and Earth in Revelation, in fulfillment of God`s promise to Eve that `she shall crush the head of the serpent` before she leaves. Although there`s `war in heaven` the outcome is inevitable, because God is a human God and omnipotent. The `hidden` woman of the Earth gives birth to Jesus Christ, as the `New Redeemer` in his `Second Coming`, and `he shall rule the nations with an iron scepter` after his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. The New Testament of the Bible details the life of Jesus as the `first of woman`s seed` born to the Virgin Mary.  In prefiguration of the `woman`s seed` that can reproduce with herself sexually by means of her own seed or penis, the Virgin Mary`s capacity to reproduce parthenogenically, that is, without contamination by male semen, is called `futanarian` and is normal for women. In fact pornography is the lie that women can`t reproduce, because they`re forced to have sex with men`s penis.



 Adult magazines are often described, `tongue-in-cheek`, as `educational`, but sexual desire is sometimes fulfilled in masturbating while looking at pictures of naked young women, whether you`re male or female, and it is normal for women to sexually desire other women because, whether their penis is present or not, woman is her species. Few people look further than their shame over having to masturbate rather than indulge in sexual intercourse, or the taboo for young women against lesbianism, which is designed to keep them in ignorance over the existence of their own independent `futanarian` human species. It`s a liars` system in which girls and boys are encouraged to be happy with masturbation until they`re unable to resist the sexual stereotyping of their parasite`s monogamous possessiveness.



 In the Bible the serpent is described as the `father of lies`, while in Revelation it`s depicted as having grown to the size of a `red dragon`, which waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer`. If Holly Madison were to appear on the cover of Playboy playing with her own penis, the picture would change and the liar would be exposed as a parasite enslaving the `host` wombs of women for its contagions of pederasty and war, because the socio-economic picture of the planet Earth would necessarily be shaken to its roots. If women were presented as being desirable to herself as the species on the planet Earth seeking to escape from the devouring parasite that has imprisoned her here, freedom would be won for women and the human species. The ages of men in long and short trousers, refusing to own that they have a penis in mainstream Hollywood, Babylon, movies and elsewhere, because it might encourage the women to develop their own penis` socio-economic valence for reproduction and production, would be numbered:


`Let he that has wisdom understand, the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 17-8)



 A man is a beast because he`s an unredeemed parasite that lies and doesn`t accept the teachings of Jesus, the `first of woman`s seed`, born from the `futanarian` Virgin Mary, but promulgates lies and deceit to keep the human species in ephemeral blindness and ignorance so that it can`t escape from its devourer`s maw. God`s promise of immortality and an `eternal body` directly relates to the concept of education, that is, the wise old young looking woman, who isn`t a victim of the `killer disease`, which is her parasite`s desire that she shouldn`t live long enough to recognize and kill it, but rather should be concerned to look young and beautiful to sexually arouse the evil creature to mate with her and reproduce more of its devouring nature.



 Jesus advocates Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, whereas the evil parasite wants Reincarnation, that is, a steady supply of ephemerally young human women`s bodies with which to replicate itself into a hellish future of the womb of the Creator, God, being used to produce art, culture and civilization for the devouring parasite of pederasty and war to consume in an endless parody of consumerism. The `carrot and stick` for the donkey, that is, humanity, is the penis of the male and the desire for the beautiful woman:


`… an idiom that refers to a policy of offering a combination of rewards and punishment to induce behavior. It is named in reference to a cart driver dangling a carrot in front of a mule and holding a stick behind it. The mule would move towards the carrot because it wants the reward of food, while also moving away from the stick behind it, since it does not want the punishment of pain, thus drawing the cart.`1



 Woman is encouraged to believe in Reincarnation rather than immortality for her body, so that she can be kept in ignorance. Enslaved by an economic system designed to replicate the parasite that imprisons her for its replication, it devours the products of the Creator, God, in its serpent`s seed`s wars of `perpetual enmity` against her. Everything human emerges from the womb of the human species, which is what we have been taught to describe as `female`, but is simply human. And woman`s parasite is known for nothing but the destruction of the Earth.



 The parasite doesn`t want its fame to precede it, so robot space probes such as the 1972 and 1973 Pioneer spacecraft,2 which left the solar system after sending information back to Earth about Jupiter and Saturn respectively, left with a message to the stars in case they were ever intercepted by extraterrestrials. An engraved  plaque was constructed depicting a male and a female figure, amid a huge outcry over the fact that pictures of naked people might be seen by aliens. The penis of the male appears as if it were a shriveled wiener. The concept of sexual reproduction would involve presenting an erect male penis, which the infantile Earthlings weren`t able to countenance as a necessary adjunct to explaining their parasitical intentions as future devourers of the cosmos. On Earth the truth is similarly kept hidden from view by the lying serpent, who didn`t want the extraterrestrial intelligences to see how it reproduced because of the obvious perception that it was a picture either of an enslaved species, or a species that had somehow lost the capacity to reproduce itself, because the penis of the species couldn`t be seen.


1  Babylon`s whores and menu carte, .



Star Trek: The Good Kirk and The Noggered Kirk

30/04/2013 15:56

Star Trek: The Good Kirk and The Noggered Kirk


In episode five, of the US TV series Star Trek (1965-), The Enemy Within (1966) a `transporter malfunction` causes the splitting of Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise and the creation of a good Kirk and a not good Kirk. The not good Kirk runs amok aboard the Starship, and attempts to rape Yeoman Janice Rand, a female crew member:


 `He kissed me. He said he was the Captain. He didn`t have to order me. I didn`t know what to do.`



 The good Kirk is the ego perceiving his demon, that is, my not good me, as an extrapolation of Christian monogamy. In the depth psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the anima or soul is female, which means that the ego is married to the feminine principle. Although a woman`s spirit is perceived as a `throng of male admirers` and is called the animus, it rather corresponds to a negative imago within the psyche of the human species, which is represented by the figure of the not good Kirk in The Enemy Within. In Jungian psychology the anima is the psychopomp or guide to the development of the ego-consciousness of the unconscious or half awake individual. Perceiving the woman as the path of physical and spiritual desire, because she corresponds to the soul`s ambitions towards God and heaven, in a series of interactions Jung calls anima-projection, the soul is led onwards.



 If the woman doesn`t correspond to the image that the individual has of her through the projected anima`s desire, he readjusts his anima to coincide with the reality picture, and in this way the individual develops by means of the `projection making factor`. Though Jung describes the anima as contaminated by the shadow, which are the personality traits of the individual that, rather than see as the enemy within, the individual projects them upon others, because they correspond to the woman`s animus or the male imago, which is resistant to integration into consciousness.



 In Christianity Jesus is born without the contamination of male semen from the Virgin Mary because he doesn`t want the animus or male imago, and at the end of Jesus` story he isn`t surrounded by a throng of male admirers. His disciples have planned to kill him and he`s alone upon the cross dying because the animus or male imago isn`t concerned with admiration but torture and murder of the humans species. Jesus is described as the first of `woman`s seed` in the Bible after God`s warning Eve in Genesis of the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for hers, which suggests that she has seed of her own.



 In fact women do have their own penis, so the Virgin Mary is a prefiguration of the `futanarian` woman as an independent reproductive valence of woman as a species. According to Jung the collective shadow was responsible for the Nazis pogroms against the Jews in WWII. Only a Jewish woman can bear a Jewish child, which effectively means that the women of Judaism are the true Jews, and so the Nazi `extermination camps` for the `chosen people` were designed to extinguish woman as a species, because Judaism represents God`s plan for humans.



 In psychological terms, the animus of woman and the male imago of the devourer are the contamination that Jung calls the shadow, which it is necessary to integrate or absorb into consciousness before there can be collective development through the raising of the level of individual capability. Because Jesus represents the `first of woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen, his teachings of Redemption and the need to accept the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` represents a symbolic structure of shadow-animus integrations. At the `Last Supper` before his betrayal by the disciple Judas, Jesus shows the disciples bread and wine as symbols of his body and blood, which Catholicism gives to its believers in the Holy Communion service of transubstantiation as the wafer of bread and the wine from the chalice as transformational tokens. Together with the teachings of Jesus the symbols of the body and blood are Jesus` requirement that the individual should integrate the shadow-animus complex so that `woman`s seed` can be born. If women have a penis of their own, the human species is threefold. Women can reproduce without men, which means that men have the role of unredeemed petitioner unless they can demonstrate to God that they aren`t sick:


 `Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)



 In Revelation God sends a `blood plague`, which corresponds to the 21st century HIV/AIDS virus as the spirit of their biological contamination spread by homosexuals engaging in the witchery of the `biological warfare` of mixing blood, shit and semen to produce a `killer disease`. As an instrument of God the `blood plague` coerces men into converting from evil because they`ve embraced the ancient Greek model of pederasty`s enslaving of women as the `host` womb for spreading its contagion of war, whereas God`s promise to Eve in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, is she `shall crush the head of the serpent` as she leaves for the `new heaven and Earth` in the last book of the Bible, Revelation.



 Because the Virgin Mary produces a child uncontaminated by male semen that`s woman`s future. The Virgin Mary is not only the woman that can produce a male child without male semen, but woman as a species independent of men. In Eden the serpent wanted to see Adam and Eve, and he corresponds to the male spy. If women are a species with their own penis, the way of ridding herself of the male spies is not to give birth to them where they can see her. Moreover, if men are women`s parasites, at best they are a symbiosis preparing to devour her in their wars against the art, culture and civilization that she manages to produce from her womb despite her involuntary, or voluntary, enslavement to pederasty:


`… mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)



 God may be understood as a publisher, `In the beginning was the word, and the word was God.`  And God wants to publish his work. The socio-history of the human species may be understood as a paradigm struggling to emerge, where God`s plan is slowly revealed to humanity over the course of the several millennia that have occurred since Eden and the serpent`s tempting of Adam and Eve into working for it. Although Eve gives Adam the apple of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which the serpent tells her will make them `as gods`, Adam`s acceptance is her decision to give the serpent her womb. God`s solution is to take the womb away from the `serpent`s seed` by making `woman`s seed`, which is the `futanarian` woman who represents independence from men for woman as the new human species` future program for development. Man can be a part of that future but not unless redeemed.



 In Revelation Jesus` Second Coming depends on his being born from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, who gives birth to the `New Redeemer` and he `shall rule the nations with an iron scepter` while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him. The woman is taken to a place of safety upon `eagle`s wings` where she remains `hidden` during the war in heaven between the evil `serpent`s seed` and the `woman`s seed`, which inevitably results in perdition as God`s punishment for the evil and eternal heaven for the good. The wings of the eagle are given to her by God and may be understood as any protector who is symbolized by the eagle, for example, the United States, or any of the other nations upon the Earth where the eagle is their symbol:


`The eagle has landed.`1



 Although the Apollo 11 moon landing represented the first step of humankind to the stars, by 1986 United States` President Ronald Reagan`s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) had made it plain that the ground and space missile defense system, which was still being implemented well into the 21st century, was designed to keep women a prisoner upon the Earth while men as her breeding captors decided what she`d produce next for them to devour. The eagle wasn`t any longer protecting her, and the need for Jesus Christ, the `New Redeemer`, was evident, because the devouring `red dragon` of men`s wars against `woman`s seed` couldn`t harm Christ, according to biblical scripture. Consequently, Jesus was humanity`s only hope for the future and his advent was long awaited.



 Although many expected the `New Redeemer` to be a person, Jesus` Holy Spirit/Paraclete as the `third person` of the Christian Trinity after God and Christ, suggests that the `New Redeemer` might be a spiritual power rather than a physical presence. This accords with Jung`s approach to depth psychology, where the spiritualized anima or soul finds correspondence, in Christian tradition, to the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as the inner guide to the path of heaven.



 In the story of Jesus his side is cut open by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus after Jesus` crucifixion and death, and before Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to God. Because Jesus, as the `Second Adam`, is the first of `woman`s seed`, and Eve was created by God from the side of Adam, the Holy Spirit/Paraclete corresponds to the woman from the side of Jesus who would have emerged invisibly into the spiritual realm as the disseminator of Jesus` teachings in the form of the wiser `Second Eve` when Jesus` side was cut open by the Roman`s spear:


`Surely this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27.54)



 In Scotland the word for church is `kirk`, which means that Captain James T. Kirk is the `churchman` aboard the Starship Enterprise in the TV series Star Trek. The meaning of the Bible is that women have a penis of their own and they want to escape, but men want to keep them in ignorance and so they don`t teach them the truth. They want to begin from the beginning, `In the beginning was the word, and the word was God.` Humans are ephemeral because men want infants to teach, whereas God promises immortality and heaven to `woman`s seed`, because older and wiser is better for those who don`t want to be devoured by a parasite that doesn`t want them to live long enough to recognize and kill it. Captain Kirk`s encounter with himself in The Enemy Within is his experience with the parasite.



 Obviously the encounter is a schizophrenic one, but Christian, because Kirk is the churchman. If women have a penis of their own but are taught that they`re lesbians if they find themselves sexually desirable in the mirrors of their dreams, that`s inductive of schizophrenia. Moreover, if a woman with a penis sees herself in the mirror of her desires she can see what she wants, whereas the mirror for men shows them what they shouldn`t want, while homosexuality proclaims that they do want it, and so the physical form of the current human species and education system is inductive of schizophrenic tendencies, which have long been regarded by psychiatry as the basis of the psychotic and psychopathic behavior that Kirk demonstrates in The Enemy Within as the individual that wants Yeoman Janice Rand sexually but not in monogamy.



 Because women have a penis of their own as `futanarian`, a woman who needs fertilization for her ova can receive it from a woman, but the woman with her own penis can`t receive fertilization from a woman without and so a third woman with a penis is necessary to the relationship, which effectively means an end to monogamy if Christianity accepts God`s plan for `woman`s seed`. Although Kirk`s behavior is schizoid, he represents his church`s failure to embrace what Christians called `Agape`, that is, love from an extended family, which can only be had from an understanding of the future of `woman`s seed` as `futanarian`, and that requires educated preachers. Kirk represents the idea that there can be no good men, because they`re parasitical by nature. They can be forced to be good, which is the role of the Captain, but the paradigm is of the prison, whereas the escape of `woman`s seed` from her imprisonment upon the Earth is God`s plan.



 That the mind is a prison is examined in episode one of Star Trek, The Cage (1965-) where Pike, the first Captain of the Starship Enterprise, and the woman Veena, were kept by an alien species, the Talosians. Pike and Veena are caged but free, which was God`s plan in Eden. On  the holo deck of the Starship Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-) the crew can experience total freedom in a safe environment, which corresponds to God`s plan for `woman`s seed`. If women aren`t educated in their role as the human species, their minds are effectively imprisoned in a cage, whereas the Talosians of The Cage and the technology of the holo deck in Star Trek: The Next Generation represent God`s freedom. Technology is the liberator of the human, which means it`s in the interests of the enslaving and devouring parasite to keep the human species on a low technological level of development without education, information, or indeed brains. So the next generations can be taught slavery to a parasite and its promise of an early death:


`I am Captain Kirk!`



 The constant asserting of the parasite`s identity as the real Kirk represents the Christian perspective that those who accept the Holy Spirit/Paraclete want to be good and so aren`t concerned with the taking of the lives of others, which is what Kirk`s parasite represents. In The Enemy Within Kirk is reunited with his evil self by putting both himself and the evil Kirk inside the transporter and `reversing` the series of events that caused the mishap. However, the solution is Scottish Presbyterian in the sense that the ego of Kirk has control over his evil nature but he isn`t good, which is what the church asserts is unchangeable and contraverts Jesus` position. The church only asserts that people can be made to be good, while Jesus` teachings and God`s are that good is desirable:


`… they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven.` (Mark: 12. 25)



 Just as the parasite wanted to be in Eden with Adam and Eve so it wants to be in heaven, which is why Jesus explains that, in God`s new heaven and Earth after the Last Judgement of God upon humanity, there`ll be no marriage, but `woman`s seed` will be `like the angels` because Kirk`s perceptions of `me`, and `not good me`, that is, monogamy, will `cease to exist` because `woman`s seed` won`t be married to her parasite. Because women look like each other and have their own penis, the perception that the other is alien isn`t part of their perspective, whereas the `me`, `not good me`, that is, the perspective of monogamy, is that `woman`s seed` are the aliens to men because they don`t look like men. Or, in simpler terms, men are indeed aliens to women, whereas women aren`t a species alien to itself.



 Men`s systems would have women understand they should be alienated from themselves as lesbians. In feminism women are equal to men because they might be homosexuals, while pederasty and the enslavement of women`s `host` wombs to spread its contagions further doesn`t reflect woman`s penis` desire for her own species, which is developmental; as the art, culture and civilization she manages to produce from her womb indicates:


`You want to kill me, don`t you?`



 Kirk`s observation to his `demon` is a double blind, which is how men`s television pictures for humans are constructed. He doesn`t want his evil self to die, and he doesn`t want it to kill him, because he needs it, `Can half a man live?` The parasite wants to go on and will find a way to espouse itself as a good plague carrier, but it can`t reproduce without a `host`, `I want to live!` Just as it can`t convince without a good `host` body to accept it:


 `I don`t want to die!`



 In The Enemy Within Kirk convinces his parasite to live as a part of him, because he`s a good `host` to a parasite, `You will. Both of us [will live].` Although God`s word isn`t spread through pederasty and war`s contagions, the churchmen of the Kirk`s crew harbor their parasites` devouring intentions, because they are good at disguising their parasites` true nature rather than being good `woman`s seed`.



 The parasites` heroes are actors, because they have to convince the `host` wombs of women to accept it, whereas women have their own penis and so don`t need them. The mystique of the Hollywood actor is his penis which is never seen, because the act is designed to make men attractive to a species that doesn`t know it as her devouring parasite. Why won`t it show her what it has in its pants? In the 21st century many women don`t even know that other women have their own penis in theirs.



 Episode one of Star Trek, The Cage, ends with the Edenic couple, Pike and Veena, disappearing into freedom controlled by the Talosian gods, while The Enemy Within concludes with the reestablishing of the veneer of seeming for the parasites that remain hidden beneath the surface of their willing hosts, who continue to act as people of good character:


`Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It`s five year mission; to seek out new life and new civilizations: to boldly go where no man has gone before.`



 Because they don`t want the first of `woman`s seed`, that is, Jesus as the `New Redeemer` of the human species, to be there amongst the stars of heaven interfering with the ambitions of their enslaving and devouring parasitism:


 `We come in peace.`2



 The term for `not good` parasitism in publishing is `noggered` because it`s the maintaining of woman`s perspective on her parasite in monogamy, that is, `my not good me` is always with her even though it`s her demon. With a very few exceptions, for example, Joanna Russ` Female Man (1974) the media and publishing industries are devoid of images of `woman`s seed`, that is, woman as an independent species with her own penis as the `futanarian` future of humanity:


`I did not and do not want to be a 'feminine' version or a diluted version or a special version or a subsidiary version or an ancillary version, or an adapted version …`3



 The notion of a human species published without men is only God`s so far, while pastors continue to preach, `In the beginning was the word and the word was God.` (Gen: 1.1) In Revelation God`s promise of a new heaven and Earth for `woman`s seed` is fulfilled, but pastors don`t get beyond telling us to read the Bible and study the word of God from the beginning, because they don`t understand it themselves. If they did they`d begin with the obvious statement that the Bible is the story of how women with their own penis formed an escape plan so that they wouldn`t be devoured by the Earth`s parasites, which seeks to be published forever with `woman`s seed` as a `noggered` Kirk. In episode thirty-two, second series, Star Trek, The Changeling (1967), a deep space probe describes its mission:


 `My function is to probe for biological infestations. To destroy that which is not perfect. I am Nomad.`



 Nomad has the role of God in the episode where Kirk, as the representative parasite, refuses sterilization for the crew, who Nomad has identified as units of `biological infestations`, which produces a reaction from Kirk similar to that of homosexuals when they were blamed for spreading pederasty`s contagion of the HIV/AIDS virus as an effective reinforcer of woman`s faithfulness to her demonic enslaving and devouring parasite in the monogamous unions of the late 20th century:


`You are flawed and imperfect, and you have not corrected by sterilization. You have made three errors.`



 Just as with The Enemy Within Kirk`s solution is to defend parasitism on the understanding that he`s a good man, whereas Nomad is fulfilling the requirements of its creator that the biological infestation, which is the parasitical virality of men in symbiotic relations with women`s `host` wombs, until they`re ready to kill and destroy her art, culture and civilization, should be sterilized.



 In Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) the theme is repeated when Voyager 6, the 20th century deep space probe, now calling itself V`Ger, returns to Earth directed by an intelligence not originating there. A robot peripheral is sent by V`Ger and it looks exactly like Ilia, played strikingly bald by actress Persis Khambatta, a former Miss World beauty queen from India, and the Enterprise`s navigator:


`… [Captain William] Decker offers himself to V'Ger; he merges with the Ilia probe and V'Ger, creating a new form of life that disappears into another dimension.`4



 He`s `noggered` V`Ger who is Ilia, the beauty queen from India, that is, the movie is an extrapolation from The Changeling in which monogamy is forced upon the other worldly intelligence that represents God so that the virus` contagion of enslaving and devouring pederasty and war can continue. The film demonstrates the parasite`s resourcefulness in persuading the `other` to accept it as a symbiote, whereas the actual socio-history of the human species is characterized by men`s destructivity towards the Earth and the `woman`s seed` striving to live upon it. Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a propaganda movie for the good `host` who is persuasive in having `woman`s seed` commit suicide because that`s what parasites do.



 In Revelation Jesus is reborn from the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet because she`s `Liberty` in New York harbor after the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda`s terrorist attack upon the United States. Arabian hijackers crashed passenger planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on Manhattan Island on 9/11, 2001, which precipitated the second Gulf war (2001-11). That suicidal attack was mirrored in the waters of `Liberty` in 1941 when the red suns of the flags of Japan were seen on the sides of the MItsubishi `zero` fighters as their pilots crashed their exploding planes into the decks of the US Pacific fleet at Hawaii.



 The spirit of pederasty is reflected in such things as computer viruses modeled on the HIV/AIDS `killer disease`,  which ensures the breakdown of human systems by alien intrusions feigning intelligence. According to Revelation the `New Redeemer` can`t be devoured by the `red dragon` and the `hidden` woman will be protected by him, because she represents the intelligence of God`s plan for the human species. Although Jesus is often depicted as a suicide, he wasn`t. But his path to the hill of his crucifixion at Calvary just outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem demonstrated how suicide is the way that the parasite would choose for us. Jesus` disciples were good actors, but betrayed Christ to the Jewish police, the Pharisees, as soon as it became possible, because that`s what good actors who are parasites do. They persuade the focus of their desire that they are good, and then they persuade him or her to commit suicide, which is what Jesus` story tells us:


`Jim Jones was the founder and leader of the Peoples Temple, best known for the suicide in 1978, of 909 of its members.`5



 Although Jesus, the first of `woman`s seed`, didn`t advocate suicide, his story is used to promote it. Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple demonstrated the classic behavior of the demoniacally possessed parasite advocating suicide for `woman`s seed`, because that`s what parasites do. The terrorist attack on New York`s World Trade Centre when hijackers crashed passenger planes into the Twin Towers there reestablished the `rough trade` of pederasty and war`s contagions, which submerged for the future all signs of the penis of `woman`s seed` while the world was agog at heroes in trousers in the Gulf mirrored by trousered Hollywood superstars exerting their heroic influence on screen to force our attention away from life with women because the nose bag of the devourer needed to be filled:


`I don't think we handled the aftermath of the fall of Baghdad as well as we might have. But that's now history.`6


  Victorious United States` General, Colin Powell, after the nose bag of the devouring dad, Saddam Hussein, had been removed, represented the reaction of the human to the `beast`, which is identified in Greek and Roman mythology, respectively, as Chronos and Saturn, while in Christianity Saturn is Satan, the devouring `red dragon`. In mythology Chronos and Saturn are depicted devouring their children, including Zeus and Jupiter, who represented the upcoming new age in ancient times, while Satan is the `red dragon` in Revelation seeking in vain to devour the `New Redeemer` as the herald of the new age of `woman`s seed`. In historical terms, the nose bag of the devourer, war, could have been replaced with the sweet smell of success for the human species, where the `Big Apple` of New York, representing the garnered wisdom of Eve since Eden, would continue to grow, but without knowledge of `woman`s seed` being disseminated to women as the `futanarian` future of the human species, the `Big Apple` would again be for the warhorse:


`… before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death…` (Rev: 6. 7)


1 Armstrong, Neil July 20, 4.18 pm EDT.


2 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left a tiny, fragile silicon disc with microscopic goodwill messages, including `We come in peace for all mankind.`


3, Russ, Joanna The Female Man, Bantham, 1975, 214 pp, p.206.







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