
The Father Rings Of The Alien Parasitoid Devourers

16/07/2016 11:34

The Father Rings Of The Alien Parasitoid Devourers


Jesus` fathering was beset by Jewish elders whom he consistently refuted when they argued against his abilities to heal, work miracles, and walk on water, etc., which eventually resulted in the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, giving Jesus` disciple, Judas, `thirty pieces of silver`, for betraying Jesus as a `dissident` Jewish rabbi preaching against the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) After his birth Jesus rejected his father, Joseph, saying he`d to be about his father`s business, that is, God`s, because Jesus was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. In Christianity the Virgin Mary is depicted crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot. The angel, Satan, was transformed into a `serpent` and placed in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, according to the Bible, because the angel, Satan, had rejected God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Or, to put it another way, men would have to show that they`re capable of fathering the human host to be acceptable to children and God. Eve, the first woman created by God, and Adam, the first man, were tempted by Satan, who didn`t want the human host to be greater than the angelic in heaven, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the serpent`s before Redemption: `You will crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The serpent represents the slaving of brainpower from the host womb of the human species in ephemeral death.

 Ephemerals don`t have the permanent memory and intelligence to develop and maintain technology, which is why God told Adam he must labor and Eve would experience labor pain after expulsion from Eden and before Redemption. The `tree of life`, which was the immortality God had conferred upon Eve and Adam in Eden, would be lost after their rejecting it, as Satan had also rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic. When the human species had bred the brainpower to confer immortality upon itself through medical science it`s be redeemed. The `serpent`s seed` of those that wanted the human host to remain ephemeral in slavery would be Satanism, and fathering would depend on the developing of human brainpower to defeat the `seed` of Satan. Unfortunately, what`s missing from the equation is the `seed` of Eve, Jesus, born uncontaminated by male semen, that is, the male brain. The foot of Eve and Mary is represented in Jewish and Christian tradition as the instrument of Satanism`s defeat, because futanarian human women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of brainpower have been removed from the scene by Satanists. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem to be nailed to a cross of wood by the Romans and left to die, Jesus experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, whose brains` powers would take her to the planets amongst the stars of God`s heaven. Consequently, `woman`s seed` would have to be repressed by Satanism to prevent humans from escaping.



 In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host womb to devour it is termed `parasitoid`: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The dragon of Revelation written by Jesus` disciple, John, as a prophecy of the war against `woman`s seed`, and which would arise from the `serpent`s seed` of the serpent in Eden, represents men`s role as a parasitoid devourer emerging from the futanarian human host wombs of the species of woman to kill `woman`s seed` and her. In short, men aren`t humanity`s fathers, because futanarian human women can sexually reproduce enough voting power to disenfranchise men, who can`t sexually reproduce with each other. So, women are the human race devoured by an alien that`s enslaved her in ephemerality to maintain her species in brain death for waging war to its own extinction to entertain the alien parasitoid devourer in Satanism. Although Satan is depicted as an enemy of man, God is an enemy of men who`re unredeemed, because unaccepting of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, humans are the host to be greater than the angelic, which is human futanarian `woman`s seed`, rather than men, who`re condemned to perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, by God, if they`re evil. The subjugation of the human species of `woman`s seed`, as womb slaves for the breeding of the parasitoid nature of the male brain for war against the race of women is punishable. Jesus, born uncontaminated by male semen, from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted as the redeemer tortured to death by his fathers, because they weren`t. Humans born from futanarian women, who are both fatherers and mothers, aren`t contaminated by male semen, like Jesus wasn`t, and so they aren`t the male braining fatherers of the Empire of Rome, for example, breeding men and women as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism to kill itself in wars for the devouring parasitoid enemy`s entertainment.

 Although the constructing of amphitheaters began in Greco-Roman times, and the Greeks, who`re held to be the model for Western democracy, institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty through host womb enslavement of `woman`s seed` to stage killing and war as entertainment, the television `TV` machine wasn`t invented to replace the cinema theaters, where such entertainments continued as filmed records and news reports, until 1926 by John Logie Baird. The mass media entertainment medium of Hollywood, Los Angeles, responded to the development of `TV` through Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), who established the `Hays code` of 1930 prohibiting the mode of sexual intercourse between women from being seen on screen, which gave Hollywood, Babylon, over to the alien parasitoid and its devouring in perpetuity: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 With scenes of sexual intercourse between women prohibited by the movies, the absence of futanarian `woman`s seed` from the home entertainment system of `TV` ensured that no one would make the correlation between the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s pogroming of 20, 000, 000 Jewish `chosen people` of the Bible in `death camps` in Europe in the 1930s with the extinguishing of the human race: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)  A  `woman` of the Bible, `Babylon` gave her name to the city, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), because the capital of the Persian Empire was a host womb enslaver in homosexuality in pederasty for war, like the Greco-Roman Empires, which is why Hollywood is `Babylon` in the West. The penislessness of the women`s nudity is obligatory, and war against the futanarian tradition of both the Jews, and the people of the Moslems in Islam, waged by the West`s Christians, is based on their misreading of the Bible which, from Genesis to Revelation, describes the absence of `woman`s seed` and the consequences for men who refuse to convert from their evil parasitoid nature in the brain transforming metanoia required for the acceptance of `woman`s seed`.

 The Judaic futanarian tradition is that a Jew can`t be born unless from a woman, that is, Jews are women. Although Islam is portrayed as the opponent of Judaism, its founder, Isaac, was the son of Abraham, whose wife was barren thereafter so gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, who`d been told that the human host was to be greater than the angelic. Containing the story of Jesus as Isa and Maryam, the Koran was used as the basis for legitimizing Ishmael`s birth from an unmarried concubine, by permitting Moslem families four wives, which afforded the opportunity for women to sexually reproduce with each other as human futanarian `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Christianity`s been at war with Judeo-Islam since the 1930s at least. By the late 20th century men`s spreading of the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, in mockery of the human futanarian species` mode of sexually reproducing brainpower, was the `biological weapon` of the `serpent`s seed` for homosexuality in pederasty`s war to keep women`s host wombs in fearful faithfulness to their parasitoid ring slaver. Consequently, Christianity is the father of the parasitoid, Satanism, which its teacher, Jesus, warned against.

 Jesus` disciple, Judas, who was known for stealing money from the collection plate after a sermon, spied a woman anointing Jesus` feet with perfume and suggested the `spikenard` be sold to raise money, but Jesus rebuffed him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Fearing that Jesus` `woman`s seed` threatened the hegemony of the male brained parasitoid Empire of Rome, Judas had Jesus killed, because he didn`t want him to have a girlfriend. Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen in prefiguration of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed`, he was a prefiguration of the futanarian daughters of women: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) As a single species socio-economically and sexually independent of men, women potentially correspond to the human host greater than the angelic; as God planned. Men can`t father `woman`s seed`, because she isn`t theirs. Consequently, God is Jesus` father, whereas men aren`t, because they can`t father `woman`s seed`. Redemption resides in shepherding `woman`s seed`, which is why the Christian church has pastors, but if men persist in believing that fathering themselves is gods` work they`ll have perdition as a punishment for slaving women`s wombs as if she were the species alien to the Earth.


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Lollipop Stick Technology

12/07/2016 11:18

Lollipop Stick Technology


Child slavery is the denial of technology by parents to their offspring because advanced labor saving devices would free humanity from the humdrum and the dullness necessary to the overseer. It`s made perfectly clear by God to the first woman, Eve, in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, when God expelled Adam, the first man, and Eve, exhorting that Adam must labor, while Eve should experience labor pain, before Redemption could occur. Satan, the angel, had rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, and God had transformed Satan into a serpent, which had tempted Eve with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Gods, that is, because host womb slavers in parasitism for the serpent, who therefore was the `worm of death` in God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, which Eve and Adam had rejected in accepting the serpent`s offer. Consequently, advanced labor saving technology through science and immortality conferring medical science is what Adam was laboring towards after Eden, while Eve`s labor pain is prefigured in God`s description of the future of her `seed` and its `enmity` with Satan: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because of Jesus` role uncontaminated by male semen and his basic maxim which encouraged `woman`s seed` rather than the serpent`s: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Because Jesus was born uncontaminate he was Mary`s futanarian child, that is, her foot, where foot is a euphemism for `woman`s seed`, which is women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of human brainpower outside of men`s host womb slavery in parasitism upon her species to ensure she remains at a level of technological advancement commensurate with men`s desire to slave her in ephemerality.

 When Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Romans of the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine and nailed to a cross of wood as a `dissident` Jewish rabbi, he was left to die, but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` producing her own brains` powers for the building of starships to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth. His disciple, Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, had seen Jesus being anointed by a woman using expensive perfume. Suggesting that the perfume be sold to raise money, Judas was rebuffed by Jesus: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Because Judas didn`t want Jesus` uncontaminated `seed`, that is, Mary`s futanarian foot, to develop the brainpower to defeat that of Satanism, he sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for `thirty pieces of silver`. Before his crucifixion, Jesus gave `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbols of his `body and blood`, that is, he didn`t want the species of `woman`s seed` to be devoured in parasitism, which required men to distinguish between the desire for food and sexually reproduced children: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In parasitology, a parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is called `parasitoid`, and men`s wars have all the characteristics of an evil parasitoid nature emerging from the host womb of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to kill her: `The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) Satanism is the perception of the pedophile that, if the child develops labor saving technology, it will escape the devourer.

 Satanists don`t want humans` futanarian `woman`s seed` to develop technology, or medical science conferring that immortality of mind and body needed for its maintenance through their individual brain`s memory. It`s in the interests of Satanism to keep supposed adults in infantilism, because grown ups would have brains, so futanarian `woman`s seed` has been suppressed by men of the `serpent`s seed`. Parental guidance (PG) movies that divide teenage (13) from adult (18) represents a Satanist system that wants adults to have the minds of teenagers. Christianity bases its moral ground on the belief that sex in movies encourages adultery, whereas the absence of `woman`s seed` in the movies means that there isn`t any human sexual activity on screen. All of the supposed sexual interactions are encouraging the adulterers of the single species of human futanarian `woman`s seed` because none of the scenes have either women or humans in them. Consequently, Christianity is the moral ground under which the human race is buried. When Jesus was crucified on the hill of Calvary, he was nailed to a cross of wood, because he`d told his father, Joseph, a carpenter, that he was about God`s work, and the Jewish Pharisees, accused Jesus of rejecting his father, despite Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, that is, a futanarian birth uncontaminated by male semen. Although Jesus` teaching is clear, that is, brain transformation (metanoia), in repentance from the evil sinful parasitoid nature of the devourer, and conversion to acceptance of `woman`s seed`, Christianity`s belief system is that of a father who sees that Jesus` crucifixion was because he didn`t accept the Emperor in Rome represented by God, the father, and later the Pope in Rome, who was Peter, the father of the Christian church after Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. From late Christianity`s point of view, Jesus was a man who wouldn`t be a child to be instructed by his father, the church, which for modern Christianity is represented by almost any civic personality with a beard, because their education system is designed to maintain children in ephemeral infantilism to be devoured by the evil parasitoid nature of men who prefer their arms to a woman.

 By the late 20th century men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of human futanarian `woman`s seed` fulfilled the biblical prophecy of a `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men, because it spread the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, as men`s `biological weapon`, which maintained women, kept ignorant of their own `seed`, in fearful monogamous faithfulness to men`s host womb slave rings: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Although ancient Greece was held as the `model` of Western democracy, the Greeks enslaved the host wombs of women for homosexuality in pederasty and war against human futanarian `woman`s seed`, because they were alien. According to some scientists, life originated on Earth as a space borne virus,1 which suggests that somehow millions of years ago a viral life form inveigled itself into the host womb of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to steal her penis` semen and periodically emerge as a parasitoid devourer to destroy her civilization, culture and art, and keep her in slavery, which is what men`s wars are for. Without edutainment that graphically depicts the human sexual reproductive mode of futanarian `woman`s seed`, for the edification of the audience of women, humans won`t appear on the Earth, but the single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes, manufactured as a `TV` transvestite by Satanism, so that the Satanists can watch it kill itself as entertainment, will. Consequently, pedophiles are what Satanism is. The child of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` can`t be born uncontaminated by male semen, if the Satanist agenda prevails to prevent her from sexually reproducing her own brains` powers for liberation. Children born who aren`t of `woman`s seed` are brainless, because the `remnant` of the `seed` of women are penisless, and the men are aliens.



 In Satanism it`s in the interests of the slaver that the humans are brainless ephemerals, so `woman`s seed` has to be extinguished for the cowards to feel comfortable. Children are born brainless, and kept in blind, ignorant unconsciousness through the promulgation of the mass media edutainment system of the Empire of the movie industry in Hollywood, Los Angeles, in the United States of America, known as `Babylon` after `a woman` of the Bible: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Babylon was the ancient capital city of the Persian Empire, where host womb slavery for war was practiced. The aliens are abominable, because they`ve enslaved the host womb of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` for its extinction, through wars waged for the aliens` entertainment. Consequently, there aren`t any human children born on the Earth, because the aliens don`t want them. The cult of the child is a pedophile cult designed to promote brainless infancy for an ephemeral adult population almost senile before it reaches maturity, because that`s what the alien slavers want. In Greek mythology, the father figure, Chronos, was the god who ate his children, because children who develop brainpower escape, and the gods want slaves. In Roman mythology, Saturn was the father god who ate his children, because that`s what fathers do. The fathers` solution to children was for them to be born brainless, and so the father gods killed human futanarian `woman`s seed` to prevent her sexually reproducing humans. Or, in other words, men killed women because men were her aliens, and they don`t want her to produce brainpower that could assist the human race to escape from being devoured by the aliens` intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMS) armed with nuclear warheads. Playing with the brainless children is what the aliens have been doing for eons. Depicting themselves as `bug eyed monsters` (BEMs) in science fiction, what remains of the `remnant` of women`s species` eyes see BEMs everywhere, because ICBMs armed with nuclear warheads aim to keep her race enslaved for war against her.



 Jesus` description of himself born uncontaminated as a human futanarian from his mother, the Virgin Mary, that is, `woman`s seed`, was `son of man`, because for him that was her. At his death the Roman guard pierced his side with the spear that was afterwards known as the spear of destiny, crying: `Surely, surely was the son of God!` (Mk: 27. 54) Jesus denied it, but it was a Roman tradition that `caesar`, which became the epithet applied to all Roman Emperors after Julius Caesar, who apocryphally was born from `caesarian section`, that is, cut from the side of the mother, rather than born from the womb, was a god. Consequently, because Jesus had said that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, and the first woman, Eve, according to the Bible, was born from the side of the first man, Adam, created by God, the Romans expected the `spirit of Eve`, to be born from the side of Jesus as a goddess, that is, human futanarian `woman`s seed` would be born from the son of God, because Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen was effectively the prefiguration of Mary`s unborn daughter, who was heir to the invisible realm of heaven. Consequently, the Romans deified her by declaring Jesus the `son of God`, that is, the Emperor Caesar Octavian Augustus (27 B.C. - 14 A.D.), who was their god in Rome, which was why the guards attached the sign, `INRI`, to Jesus` cross, which was the acronym for `Iēsus Nazarēnus Rēx Iūdaeōrum`, meaning `Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews` (John: 19. 20), a title he`d received as a claimant for kinship with the Emperor, and Longinus responded by spearing Jesus` side in a `caesarian section` designed to birth the goddess of the Holy Spirit, while affirming Jesus` kinship with the god Emperor, Caesar Octavian Augustus, in Rome.



 Adopting gods and goddesses was what the Romans were known for, and It`s obvious that the Romans knew the futanarian nature of their new goddess, and that the Christians suppressed its meaning, that is, `woman`s seed`, because they wanted to worship the infant Jesus, which is why they killed him, when he was an adult: `But the angel said, `Don’t be afraid! I have good news for you, which will make everyone happy. This very day in King David’s hometown a savior was born for you. He is Christ, the Messiah. You will know who he is, because you will find him dressed in baby clothes and lying on a bed of hay.` (Luke 2: 11-12) It was Will Hays, the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) that established the `Hays code` in 1930 banning `woman`s seed` from ever being seen to be able to sexually reproduce in the mass media edutainment Empire of Hollywood, Babylon: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`2 The hay`s code for Jesus, who was born with a brain, which the Jewish fathers, the Pharisees, didn`t want him to have, and so with Judas arranged for him to be killed by agents of the Roman Empire, was that babies should be born brainless, and women should be born without penis` semen of their own to sexually reproduce human brainpower from the host wombs of their own futanarian species, because that`s how Satanism interprets Jesus` nativity scene. To prevent `woman`s seed` from sexually reproducing human brainpower, the Satanists keep it ephemeral, and kill it before it can develop the technology it needs to be immortal and liberated from the parasitoid devouring enslavers who breed what remains of humanity for the alien entertainments of war against the human race to its extinction. Without defense of `woman`s seed as the theme of the mass edutainment system and the true mode of the sexual reproduction of the human futanarian species as the education promulgated through the mass media entertainment screen the race is doomed, because ruled by minds assembled between PG 13 and 18+ `film schools`, to die in a horror world of nightmare constructed on the basic premise that a woman`s `thingy` is too terrible to be seen, and so it`s better that the human race be extinguished in global thermo-nuclear holocaust, rather than that mom be seen erect.



 In Judeo-Christian tradition, Satan is represented as the `ape of God`, because human futanarian `woman`s seed` isn`t animal, whereas the animal world is discernibly divided into male and female. Consequently, the story of Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, is futanarian. Satan, transformed into a serpent for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, and later appearing as the devouring parasitoid `red dragon` of the apocalyptic end of the world prophesied by Jesus` disciple, John, represents animality. In short, the story of the serpent that becomes a dragon to devour the child of the woman is that of her host womb parasite emerging to destroy her future as a parasitoid, because the story of Satan represents the seduction of futanarian `woman`s seed` by an animal nature that enslaved her in brainlessness as its food. Although scientists believe the human immuno-deficiency virus and acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome that causes collapse of the human bodily system and brain death, that is, HIV/AIDS, derived from the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), it`s more likely that monkeys came from AIDS, rather than that AIDS came from monkeys, because SIV represents a degenerative disease resulting from the breeding of `woman`s seed` and animals, and that homosexuality in pederasty, which is alien sex for the manufacture of war, is a symptom of the process whereby humans become the apes of Satanism spreading the biological weapon of the `serpent`s seed` to enslave and extinguish humanity through sex with animals, and of course the children mustn`t suspect, or they`d want women.


1 Wickramasinghe, Chandra, `Bacterial morphologies supporting cometary panspermia: a reappraisal`, International Journal of Astrobiology, 10 (1), pp. 25-30, 2011.

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Buried Under The Moral Ground

06/07/2016 11:26

Buried Under The Moral Ground


Demeter and Persephone were an interesting couple. Since ancient Greece. The Greeks of course were known for ancient grease, which is why Demeter and Persephone were interesting. They were Greek mother and daughter goddesses. While Demeter remained upon the Earth, Persephone was below the Earth under the ground during the winter, because of her rape and abduction by the god of the underworld, Hades, who agreed that she`d return to be with her mother above ground in spring. Although cultural anthropology views the myth of Demeter and Persephone as a myth about the growing seasons, that is, the Earth is fertile in spring and barren in winter, it`s a myth about women`s host womb slavery. Supposed Greek democracy, which was the model for Western civilization, was in fact institutionalized slavery. Moreover, because homosexuality in pederasty for war was institutionalized, the enslaving of women`s host wombs for the spread of homosexuality, and its attendant contagions of `biological warfare`, was the slave institution masquerading as democratic. Amongst homosexuals grease is applied to the anus of the inexperienced or recalcitrant rape victim to ensure penetration, which by the late 20th century was spreading the HIV/AIDS `killer virus` through men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of the human race`s mode of sexual reproduction. Consequently, Greece is a euphemism for homosexuality. Keeping women in fearful faithfulness to men`s host womb slavery in monogamy was therefore Greece`s HIV/AIDS` deployment as a weapon of biological terror, because women can sexually reproduce with each other as a futanarian species.

 When the Greco-Roman Empire occupied Jewish Palestine, Jesus was the `dissident` rabbi, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, in prefiguration of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed`. In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, because futanarian women could produce brainpower from their own penis` semen, and the host wombs of the species of women, to defeat slavery and liberate their humanity from the alien. In parasitology, when a parasite emerges from the host to devour the host it`s labeled `parasitoid`, which is what men`s warfare upon the Earth against `woman`s seed` is: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war upon the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) As the human host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus indicated to his disciples that he didn`t want to be devoured, in offering them `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, that is, he was offering them Redemption in acceptance of `woman`s seed`, and repentance from their sin in brain transformation or metanoia, so converting them away from the evil parasitoid nature possessing them: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) The disciple, Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, had spied a woman anointing Jesus` feet with expensive `spikenard` perfume, and suggested it be sold to raise money, but Jesus had rebuked him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Because Judas didn`t want Jesus` `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce with a woman, Judas effectively sold the future of the human host to the Jewish Pharisees, the religious police, for `thirty pieces of silver` and, taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood where he died before he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Jesus` story is of the way in which `woman`s seed` is expected to avoid being buried under the moral ground that prevents her species from sexually reproducing.

 In Eden where, according to the Bible, Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, lived in the paradise on Earth that was heaven, God the creator placed the angel, Satan, transformed into a serpent for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic. The serpent had `enmity` with Eve`s `seed` after tempting her with the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, death, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Thereafter, Eve`s `seed`, that is, futanarian `woman`s seed`, was an ephemeral slave, although God told her: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The idea is that men of the `serpent`s seed` will attempt to prevent futanarian `woman`s seed` from sexually reproducing the human brainpower she needs in order to leave in starships of her own devising. Consequently, men will attempt to bury `woman`s seed` under their moral ground, which is that the woman`s penis mustn`t be seen. Lest the children doomed to ephemerality, slavery, and death, should know what their parents are about. Although Judas` betrayal of Jesus seems an act of inscrutable pettiness, it`s cogent from the perspective of the male braining Empire of Rome where huge amphitheaters were built to watch people killing each other as entertainment. Creating a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism before John Logie Baird`s invention of the television machine in 1926 was what the Romans were for, and they didn`t want Jesus` futanarian `woman`s seed` to add a third component to a scene their alien parasitoid nature had decided was a killers` entertainment schedule.

 When Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) established the `Hays code` in 1930, it effectively banned sexual reproduction between women from being seen on cinema screens in movie theaters, and so human sexual reproduction was banned from the edutainment scene. Consequently, the human futanarian race remained in blind ignorant unconsciousness, and buried under moral ground, that is, the supposed Christian morality, which argued that depictions of sexual intercourse amongst the single undiluted species of women was adulterate: ` ... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Because the futanarian `foot` race is imprisoned on the Earth, where she`s effectively buried under moral ground. Consequently, the myth of Demeter and Persephone is of `woman`s seed` buried, that is, it`s a myth that the `seed` of Demeter`s daughter, Persephone, produces fruit, and her goddess` mother can`t fertilize her either, which of course would be incest and explanatory of the incest taboo imposed by men to prevent the single species of `woman`s seed` from sexually reproducing the human brainpower to lift her from the Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above. If men bury `woman`s seed` under moral ground then it`s easy for them to introduce incest taboo to ensure host womb slavery in parasitism to the single undilute species of women. By denying the son access to the mother on the legal basis that incest produces genetic defect, and denying the existence of women`s penis` semen, daughters deny interest in their own species` independent mode of sexual reproduction by themselves` reinforcement of the incest taboo against sexual relations with the mother, and by extension any other woman. In simple terms, the incest taboo is designed to prevent women from sexually reproducing with each other as that would produce an undilute human race devoid of genetic defect, because it`s unlikely that a daughter would want to have sex with the mother, although it`s clear that defamation of character is a part of the prohibition and the reason given for burying the human species under moral ground: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Given that women`s character has been defamed by Hollywood, `Babylon`, since the first motion picture was directed there in the city of Los Angeles on the west coast of California, Old California (1910), by the early 21st century women were entitled to compensation.

 Although Christianity is perceived as the guardian of moral ground, Adolf Hitler, the pogromer of the Jewish `chosen people` in the 1930s in Germany was a Christian, and so were the Serbian militia during the Bosnian war (1992-5) of independence from Yugoslavia in which `rape camps` were set up to male brain a generation of Moslem women in Islam. Although Judeo-Christianity is often perceived as antipathetic towards Islam, Moslem women are of the `seed` of Abraham, who was the founder of Judaism through his son, Isaac. Having birthed Isaac, Sara, Abraham`s wife, was barren, so gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who according to tradition received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, who`d been told that the human host was to be greater than the angelic. In Judaism, a Jew can only be born from a woman, which means that women are Jews, that is, Judaism is a futanarian belief system, while in Moslem Islam marriages are permitted four wives to afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between women. Consequently, Islam is Godly, whereas an edutainment system that insists that women are penisless, and should remain occluded in consequent brainlessness, is alien to humanity. When Iraq`s President, Saddam Hussein, was asked about the events of 9/11, 2001, when terrorists operating under the auspices of the misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan hijacked civil airliners and crashed them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, he replied: `... they prepared (the mind) of the computer, which was programmed on this assumption, which has taken the form of a conclusive verdict.`2 The `program` was that `woman`s seed`, that is, futanarian Moslem Islam, was the enemy of the United States of America, because that was US` `TV` and cinema`s preparation for the audience that watched the planes crash into the World Trade Center `live on CNN` and other networked `TV` channels.

 9/11 was homosexuality in pederasty`s `brutality and violence`,3 which was depicted consistently by Hollywood, Babylon, in its cinema and `TV` propaganda war against `woman`s seed`, while being known euphemistcally as `rough trade`. Or, in other words, the attack on the World Trade Center was the reestablishment of `rough trade` as the basis of alien interaction with the human programed by the US` media Empire. Although the landing of the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, on July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56, was depicted as biblical, `woman`s seed` remains absent from televised pictures of the Earth: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` When US` President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan on March 23, 1982, introduced his `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) of a `space and ground based missile system`, named `star wars` after the Star Wars (1977) movie in which a `Death Star` is made to put into orbit about planets and kill them by the evil Empire of Palatine, `woman`s seed` was effectively imprisoned and unable to leave. When the terrorist group Al Qaeda crashed planes into the WTC it reactivated the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) of the US to reestablish `rough trade`. Without a human space program `woman`s seed` couldn`t escape. Consequently, the airlines were the aliens, that is, aliens were `the powers of the air`, which has long been a euphemism for the heirs of Satan, who was reestablishing the prison of `woman`s seed` beneath the power of the airlines, that is, the aliens and the `powers of the air`, represented by men`s intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) wielded by the `bug-eyed monsters` (BEMs) of science fiction extrapolation, that is, eyes see BEMs because men prefer to be the heirs of Satan, rather than that `woman`s seed` should leave.

 The leader of Al Qaeda was Osama Ben Laden, who was killed by US Navy Seal Team Six on May 2, 2011, but whose name meant `lion`, a symbol of Africa, while `laden` is used as a term for `load`. BEN is an abbreviation for `brain entropy`, that is, degeneration, which will occur if `woman`s seed` doesn`t reproduce. Consequently, Osama Ben Laden`s name means that he was the African that carries `brain entropy` as his plague, that is, the biological weapon used against `woman`s seed` to ensure airline, that is, alien, victory over space colonization, was BEN, because the US accepted the attack on the WTC as an opportunity to wage war on futanarian Moslem Islam despite its being an extension of the Judeo-Christian tradition against the `serpent`s seed` of host womb enslavement of the human species for pederasty in war against `woman`s seed`. Without transmitting pictures of women engaged in sexual activity the US` program is a pogrom against Judeo-Islam, that is, moral ground is where `woman`s seed` is being buried, because children aren`t taught that waging war on nations is warring upon women. Instead, children are bred in hatred as ephemerals to die in ignorance of the fact that they`re fulfilling a pogromer`s aim of extinguishing the human race, which they mightn`t agree to if they were educated rather than programed by the US` media `TV` Empire. 9/11 was a symptom of a malaise, but welcomed by the evil as an excuse to wage war on futanarian `woman`s seed`. With resources available for medical science`s programs for curing HIV/AIDS` `incurable killer disease`, as a step towards immortality through brainpower, `woman`s seed` could produce and maintain a level of technology commensurate with her own permanence, rather than capitulate to the parasitoid devourer emerging from her possessed host womb. Some scientists believe that life originated as a space borne virus arriving on Earth and, if an alien life form at some indeterminate point in human history inveigled itself into the host womb of the futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to steal her penis and replicate itself as her exterminator, children`s ignorance in ephemerality is necessary to men if slavery is to be maintained in the name of Satan.


1 TV Tropes, `Foot Popping`, .

2 Hussein, Saddam, `Second open letter to the American People`, .

3 Merriam-Webster Dictionary, .

`Oops! ... I Did It Again` And The Bends

26/06/2016 02:02

`Oops! ... I Did It Again` And The Bends


The spaceman in Britney Spears` promotional video for the pop song, `Oops! ... I Did It Again` (2000), wears a spacesuit similar to that worn by the astronauts in the United States` North American Space Administration (NASA) Apollo program to put a man on the surface of Earth`s satellite, the moon. When the spaceman delivers his black box gift to Britney Spears, she says: `But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end.` The old lady is 100 year old Rose from the Titanic (1977) movie who drops the `heart of the ocean`, that is, a diamond blue pendant, into the sea at the point of salvage of the ship, Titanic, which sank on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York, USA, on April 15, 2012, after a collision with an ice berg. Because `ice` is a euphemism for diamonds, allegorically Rose`s `heart of the ocean` is in collision, because of the fiancée, Cal, she boarded the Titanic with, when she was a young woman, and the lover, Jack, who she jilted Cal for during the voyage, which is the story of the film. Cal plants the diamond in the pocket of Jack`s coat to accuse him of theft, and the diamond is still there, when Rose is wrapped in it in the lifeboat, while Jack drowns attempting to save passengers. Cal survives amongst the men shooting the passengers to get into the lifeboats, so Rose`s memory is of a nice berk.



  According to the `Urban Dictionary`, `berk` is `Berkshire Hunt`,1 that is, `cunt`, which is a slang term for a woman`s vagina that semen must pass through to fertilize an ova, that is, the linguistic basis for `cunt`,2 and `fuck` (sperm) is `fecund`.  Although `berk` is usually thought to apply to men derogatorily, in fact it`s a derogative term for a woman; for example, a Moslem woman in Islam who wears the one-piece coverall of the burka in public to conceal herself from prying eyes is a `berk` to a Westerner who applies his own slang wherever he is. Rose is a nice berk whose rock`s a hit with Cal, where `rock` means diamond:  `Diamonds never lie to me, for when love's gone, they'll lustre on.`3 Shirley Bassey`s lyric is from the theme song to the movie, Diamonds Are Forever (1971), in which the money from diamond smuggling is being used to construct a giant laser to hold the Earth to ransom, which effectively is what Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) of March 23, 1982, a `space and ground based missile system` was designed for. Known as `star wars`, because of the `Death Star` in the science fiction movie, Star Wars (1977), `SDI` emulated the ambition of the evil Emperor, Palatine, whose `Death Star` would orbit a planet to kill it. The Titanic was actually sunk by Sixth Officer, James Paul Moody, who could have turned the ship away without reversing the engines,4 but he instigated a complex maneuver. Allied to the almost universally accepted belief the Titanic wasn`t sinkable, `... the sea was like glass, so smooth that the stars were clearly reflected.`5 The preternatural calm presaging ice tempted Moody to test the `unsinkable` hypothesis with a ridiculously foolhardy gamble, which ultimately resulted in his exoneration by fellow seamen as a nice man, while Rose`s fate in the movie is to be identified as an ice berk, whose blue diamond pendant, `the heart of the ocean`, dooms a nice man, which is how men`s hubris is always redefined by their history.



 The first woman, Eve, is still blamed for having accepted the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, from the angel, Satan, left in the paradise of Eden`s heaven on Earth by God, after being turned into a serpent, for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, because she gave some of the fruit to Adam, the first man, and Satan said: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) When Neil Armstrong, astronaut with the Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on the moon on July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56, he said: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`6 God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, but `woman`s seed` would have Redemption: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The Douay-Rheims version differs from other translations: `He will crush your head, but you will bruise his heel.` However, Christian iconography agrees with the Douay Rheims version, because Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, which is Redemption through the teaching of Jesus: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Consequently, the SDI `ground and space based missile system` imprisoning the human race beneath the heel of Neil Armstrong accords with the Old Testament crushing of Eve`s head, rather than the New Testament, where Eve`s foot, Jesus, crushes the head of the serpent: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The prophecy of the apocalypse written by Jesus` disciple, John, depicts the serpent grown in size to a devouring dragon, which is what intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) armed with nuclear warheads are. Eyes see BEMs (ICBMs) is what happens in science fiction, where `bug eyed monsters` (BEMs) invade the Earth; for example, H. G. Wells` War Of The Worlds (1897): `... across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.`6 The BEMs are an extrapolation of men`s ICBMs, that is, they`re the alien invaders, because women`s futanarian `woman`s seed` are the women that can sexually reproduce with each other to produce human brainpower to liberate from women`s ephemerality in slavery to men`s BEMs. Consequently, women are Jesus` New Testament foot.



 Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem and nailed to a cross of wood as a `dissident` rebel against the Roman Empire then occupying Jewish Palestine, Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of futanarian `woman`s seed`. The stars reflected in the water`s icy calm, before the Titanic`s sinking, presage Moody`s hubris, that is, the belief in men like gods, which was Satan`s tempting offer of power through slavery and death. Or, in other words, technological setbacks are how the human race is dragged down as an animal takes its prey. In parasitology a parasite that inhabits a host womb in order to devour the host is `parasitoid`, which is what the Romans of the Old Testament men were, and what men who`re not of the New Testament of `woman`s seed` through birth or brain transformation called metanoia (Matt: 4. 17), remain. Although the September 11, 2001, attacks looked like simple acts of terrorism, the airlines were being prepared for their role as aliens. The Al Qaeda terrorist group operating out of Afghanistan with the support of its notoriously misogynist Taliban regime hijacked civil airlines` passenger planes and crashed them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York city were practicing `rough trade`, which is that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty institutionalized in ancient Greece, that is, the `model of Western democracy`, through the host womb enslavement of women, for that form of parasitoid devouring known as war. Without advanced human technology, through women`s brainpower, men will practice warfare against her race, so that they`re the `bug eyed monster` (BEM), and its ICBMs are for the women whose future is that her eyes see BEMs everywhere. The airlines correspond to that level of technology, which has to be low enough for the aliens to be successful against `woman`s seed`. If `woman`s seed` can`t sexually reproduce enough brainpower to have the technology she needs to escape from Earth and colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven she`ll have only airlines, that is, aliens, to help her move from one surface of the planet to another, while the BEMs hurl their powerful ICBM glances at each other like the ancient Greek gods of homosexual pederasty.

 The leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist group was Osama Ben Laden of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and `Osama` means `lion`, while BEN is medical annotation for `brain entropy`, and `laden` is used to describe a `beast of burden` with its load. In Greek mythology, the Sphinx is a woman with the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle, while in the Bible it is written: `The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14) Although the Sphinx is described in the Greek dramatist, Sophocles, Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) as having the body of a lion too, the symbolism is apposite, because of her riddle: `What has four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?`7 The protagonist of the drama, Oedipus, whose name means `swollen foot`, replies: `Man.` Because babies crawl, and humans are bipedal, but a man becomes decrepit and uses a support to walk in old age as he dies. However, men die because they haven`t the brains to heal their lame brains with futanarian `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Osama Ben Laden is the meaning of the Sphinx`s riddle. He`s the lion that carries brain entropy, that is, BEN, as his  plague: `And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?`8 William Blake`s prophetic stanza from his poem, `The Second Coming` (1920), contemplates what will happen to the human species without a woman`s face, because the lion, men, have the wings of the eagle, but `woman`s seed` isn`t defended. In Islam, the Al Uqab is the eagle on the flag of the Moslems, so the planes were the hijacked Al Uqab too, because Islam didn`t agree. Moslem women wear the one piece coverall of the burka in public to conceal `woman`s seed`. Consequently, although the Seal of the United States of America has the wings of the eagle, an attack on Islam`s four wife families that afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between women as `woman`s seed` in response to 9/11 isn`t a defense of the Earth, which shouldn`t have a man`s face alone. Defined, entropy is a `closed system` that slows, because of energy loss and, in the science of physics, the eventual `heat death of the universe` is postulated, because no energy remains, while `brain entropy` (BEN) results from the closed system of men and women without `woman`s seed`. 9/11 `live on CNN` was  `TV`, that is, what men and women bred as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in transvestism produce, because that`s the effects of `brain entropy`, BEN, without `woman`s seed`.



 What prevents the human race from rising, like Rose, is BEN, and Britney Spears` spaceman is wearing a type of spacesuit that looks similar to that worn by the Apollo space program astronauts. The spacesuit prototype was developed at the Navy Yard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, between 1941 and 1944, by science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88) amongst others, based on the deep sea diving suit design, which is why Britney Spears` spaceman says: `Well, baby, I went down and got it for you.` It`s his explanation for the gift in the black box, that is, `the heart of the ocean`, blue diamond pendant, which Rose dropped into the sea as a memorial in the Titanic film. Britney`s remembered. The prototype spacesuit was a diving suit design and coming up slowly is necessary for a diver, or they`ll experience decompression sickness arising from body gas bubbles. It also occurred with the X-15 `spaceplane` pilots, who endeavored to fly to the moon in the 1950s, but crashed as the pilots lost consciousness, so experienced `blackout`, because of the pressure, which is sometimes called `the bends`. Consequently, Britney`s red pilot`s suit is a sign of her role on Mars as Robert Heinlein`s Podkayne of Mars (1963), who was `the Poddy beautiful`, and wanted to be the pilot of her own ship. When Britney puts a hook into the spaceman`s backpack and winches him up above herself in a white bikini dress, so that he can film her with the camera attached to his space helmet, it`s symbolic of decompression, that is, coming up slowly, so as not to `blackout`, which was the title of her 2007 album featuring the single, `Piece Of Me`, with a cover of herself as Jesus crucified, because brainpower without `woman`s seed` implodes under pressure.

 In her white bikini dress Britney is lying below the camera eye of the astronaut upon a star with the points of a `compass rose`, which is used by ship`s pilots to navigate, and so Britney`s use of the Titanic Rose theme continues with what seems like a ship`s tannoy from the movie announcing to the viewer of the `Oops! ... I Did It Again` video: `All aboard!` Because Cal wants to sink Jack`s relationship in the film, Rose`s rising heart is sunk by Cal, so allegorically the ice berg is a tooth in the mouth of the parasitoid devourer, who Cal is a figure of, because men`s relations with each other are what sinks the species of `woman`s seed` that men don`t want to escape them. As the men in the lifeboat, who`re there, because they murdered the women and the children, illustrate. They`re BEN, which is brain entropy, so they represent the BENs, because they don`t want `woman`s seed` to grow up. Serpents` bodies have bends, and the serpent, Satan, was poisonous. Consequently, the diver`s experience of `the bends` and the astronaut`s `blackout`, symptomatic of boy sons without futanarian `woman`s seed` to withstand the pressure of humanity`s growth, is BENs. Or, in simple terms, humanity is producing men, who`re unrepentant BEMs, which constitute the BENs, who represent the slow `blackout` of human consciousness into unconsciousness, characterized by a degeneration in which men - like gods - hurl ICBMs glances at each other in a coquettish exchange of thunderbolt looks, because BENs don`t want anything to emerge from man`s womb.


1 Urban Dictionary, .

2 Urban Dictionary, .

3 Bassey, Shirley, Diamonds Are Forever, United Artists, 1971.

4 Barczewski, Stephanie, Titanic: A Night Remembered, Continuum International Publishing Group, London, 2006, p. 194.

5 Halpern, Samuel, `Account of the Ship's Journey Across the Atlantic`, Report Into the Loss of the SS Titanic: A Centennial Reappraisal, Stroud: The History Press, UK, 2011, p. 85.

6 Wells, H.G., `The Eve Of The War`, The War Of The Worlds, William Heinemann, Ch. 1, p. 1.

7 Apollodorus, Library Apollod, 3. 5. 8.

8 Blake, William `Second Coming`, l. 21-2, The Dial, November, 1920.

Thals, Kaleds and Daleks with Britney Spears In `Oops! ... I Did It Again`

20/06/2016 14:42

Thals, Kaleds and Daleks with Britney Spears In `Oops! ... I Did It Again`


Doctor Who is the perennial science fiction television series produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) since 1963 about a time-traveler from the planet, Gallifrey, who invariably has a female assistant that he picks up along the way. The first actor in the role of Doctor Who was William Hartnell, although the part has been taken by several actors in the course of the seasons and a plot device of transformation is used to explain each new doctor`s changed appearance. `The Doctor`, as he`s invariably known, encounters aliens, who`re helpful or antagonistic, and there are enemies amongst them, who`re as perennial as the `TV` show itself; for example, the Daleks. The most popular premise is that they lived on the planet Skaro, which was ravaged by war between the blonde Thals and the dark haired Kaleds. When the Kaleds were defeated in a nuclear war, they developed machines for the `remnant` of their life forms, and inhabited the machines as `Daleks`, an anagram of Kaleds.



 The premise of the series derived from the experimental drug thalidomide, which was developed to make labor pain more bearable for women during birth. The drug, developed by Chemie Grünenthal in Germany during the 1950s, was withdrawn after it was found to result in babies born who were mutated, that is, they were born without limbs; for example. However, it appeared under license to the British pharmaceutical company, Distillers (Biochemicals) Ltd, with the brand name, Distaval. The Doctor Who characterization of the Thals, and the Kaleds, who became limbless inhabitants of the Daleks` machines, was an allegory of the consequences of the thalidomide drug for the children of women in childbirth, who would need a vehicle to enable their movement, because they lacked limbs. The studs on the side of the Daleks are a distinctive feature of the machine inside which the Kaled `monster` moves, crying at the Thals, and the doctor: `Exterminate!`1 It`s a thalidomide crying for redress against the murderers that made it a `monster`, which the studs that make the Daleks resemble something akin to the standard salt and pepper pots in restaurants emphasize.



 The Dalek studs are in evidence In Britney`s Spears` promotional DVD video release for the single, `Oops! ... I Did It Again` (2000), which is a science fiction short film, set to music with dancing, and Britney`s singing the lyrics to her song, on a planet, ostensibly Mars: `I played with your heart, got lost in the game. Oh baby, baby.`2 A spaceman astronaut, in the style of the North American Space Administration (NASA) Apollo space program to put a man on the moon, is depicted in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` as a `Mission Control` directed `Mars lander`, that is, he`s a baby in a romper suit: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`3 Although described as `Mars lander`, the spaceman`s spacesuit, which resembles Neil Armstrong`s NASA Apollo 11`s, which he was wearing when he became the first man on the moon, corresponds to a mother`s `baby walker`, because she doesn`t want Earth to be devastated by a nuclear war similar to that on Skaro producing Daleks instead of Thals and Kaleds, crying at everything that moved: `Exterminate!` Consequently, the studs of the Dalek are a feature of the video appearing outside the spaceman`s spacesuit on the surface of the stage set surrounding Britney Spears` performance of `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, because her Dalek is her baby`s `defense mechanism`.

 Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s March 23, 1982, `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) was for a `ground based missile system` that effectively kept the human species imprisoned on the Earth. Known as `star wars`, because of the Star Wars (1977) movie in which a `Death Star`, built by an evil Empire, orbited planets in order to kill them, Neil Armstrong`s was the `foot`, beneath whose heel Britney`s `baby` was to be exterminated in nuclear Armageddon: `Satan will crush your head with his foot, but you will bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Britney Spears` Dalek on Mars, the name of the god of war in Roman mythology, is her `SDI` for protecting her `baby` from the wrong sort of technological leap forward. After the NASA X-15 `spaceplane` program was cancelled, because pilots experienced `blackout` at high altitude pressure, the Apollo space program relied on rockets to deliver a lunar module to the moon`s surface, and the rocket technology was used as the basis of the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) delivery system for nuclear warheads. In science fiction `bug eyed monsters` are BEMs. Consequently, eyes see BEMs (ICBMs) before `Armageddon`(Rev: 16. 16), that is, the apocalyptic battle prophesied by the disciple of Jesus, John, taking place on the plain of Megiddo near the sea port of Haifa in Northern  Israel between good and evil. Because `blackout` prevented men from flying spaceplanes to the moon, it was a sign of evil. Consequently, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of Satan with her `foot`, because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen. Human `futanarian` women are capable of sexually reproducing as women with other women, that is, they`re Mary`s `foot` uncontaminated by male semen, like Jesus, so their brains` powers mightn`t experience `blackout` at high altitude pressure.

 On Mars Britney Spears dances wearing a red pilot`s suit symbolizing women`s ability to withstand pressure and `blackout`, that is, spaceplane crashes at the high altitude at which male X-15 pilots` brains couldn`t handle the pressure and they lost consciousness. Blackout was the title of the 2007 Britney Spears` album featuring the single, `Piece Of Me`, and on the cover Britney appears as Jesus crucified, because he represents the coming Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed` through her own brains` powers: `... with a kid on my arm, I'm still an exceptional earner. And you want a piece of me.`4 The damned woman can handle the pressure, despite the media blackout that doesn`t provide edutainment for her own species of `woman`s seed` to educate her in her futanarian heritage. In `Oops! ... I Did It Again` she raises the spaceman above her own self wearing a white bikini dress while wearing her red pilot`s suit. He hangs there helpless, like a thalidomide infant, without limbs, while `Mission Control` radio him to direct his camera eye attached to his space helmet at a second Britney below, who is a symbol of women`s futanarian capacity for sexual reproduction with herselves as a single species unmarried: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) In symbolic terms, the spaceman is the thalidomide inside the Dalek that won`t stop trying to destroy the Earth: `Exterminate!` Whereas Britney Spears in her red pilot`s suit and white bikini dress represent the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` for Resurrection and Ascension to heaven above, like Jesus, the Apollo rocketeer is ICBMS, that is, icy BEMs, the `bug eyed monster` of the alien eye of the Dalek that wants to watch its extinguishment of the human race in Satanism, but hides its exterminating weapon in front of its victim.



 The cowboys` fire sticks are directed at Britney as their `red` Indian, because species` genocide against the North American Plains Indians preceded the space program of the North American Space Administration: `Oops! ... You think that I'm sent from above. I'm not that innocent.` The Indians were exterminated by the US` government`s hiring of hunters to kill 60, 000, 000 buffalo, so that they`d starve, and by 1880 the herd numbered approximately 140. When William Hays established the `Hays code` (1930) to ban women from being seen able to sexually reproduce in edutainment films, women were being sex starved to ensure their human species` extinguishment at the behest of the alien: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`5 In parasitology, parasites are termed `parasitoid` when they emerge from the human host womb to devour the host: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war upon the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Consequently, the serpent, Satan, that tempted Eve, the first woman, to accept the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, grows since its days as the angel turned into a serpent and placed in the paradise of heaven on Earth after rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. It becomes a parasitoid devourer emergent from the woman`s host womb as her enslaver.



 Scientists suggest that life on Earth originated with a space borne virus. So the `serpent`s seed` could have inveigled itself into the host wombs of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` eons ago to enslave her in ephemerality by killing her before she was able to develop brainpower. God told Eve she`d have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` but, if Adam the first man labored while she experienced labor pain after expulsion from Eden, Redemption would occur. Consequently, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` was Redemption for those that understood Jesus` teaching of metanoia, or brain transformation, through repentance and conversion from the sinful nature of the evil parasitoid and accept `woman`s seed` instead. As the human host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus gave `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbols of his `body and blood`, because he didn`t want to be devoured by an evil parasitoid nature. However, after seeing Jesus anointed by a woman with perfume, the disciple Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, suggested the perfume be sold to raise money, and Jesus rebuked him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Because Judas didn`t want Jesus` `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce human brainpower threatening to the male brained hegemony of the Roman Empire for war against Jewish occupied Palestine, he betrayed the human host at the `Last Supper` and sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for `thirty pieces of silver` as a `dissident`. The Romans were in the business of manufacturing a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism to watch kill itself in huge amphitheaters built across the Empire for that purpose. Consequently, Britney Spears `Oops! ... I Did It Again` is a home edutainment theater production for those who want Jesus` teaching, which is `woman`s seed` against the `serpent`s seed` of the parasitoid devourer of the human race, Mars, god of Roman war.



 On Skaro the Dalek originated from nuclear war between the Thals and the Kaleds, that is, the Kaleds were the Daleks that fought on against the Thals. That fiction is extrapolated from the thalidomide drug administered to mothers in labor pain who bore thalidomide children that analogously approximated to the Daleks in their machines after nuclear war. Of course, the early 1960s war with the Distillers` company over compensation for those nuclear families devastated by the birth of `monsters` was `biological`, that is, over acceptance of differences between humans. The war on Skaro was a race war between Thals and Kaleds producing Thal-eks or Daleks, that is, racism defined the blonde and the dark haired as enemies. Just as the thalidomide babies were defined as `monsters` by racists, and `handicapped` by humanists. Or, in other words, the thalidomide children were extrapolations of what the dark haired Kaleds wanted to do to the Thals with `biological weapons`. Moreover, because ancient Greece institutionalized host womb slavery for women in homosexuality and pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`, HIV/AIDS spread by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses as the `incurable killer disease` of the late 20th century, was an aspect of the `biological war` waged by men against women, that is, the Thals were extrapolations of `woman`s seed`, and the Daleks were the `serpent`s seed` of the Kaleds that continued to seek their extinction: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was reject `woman`s seed` in preference for men`s.



 Britney Spears` `Oops! ... I Did It Again` is a depiction of Skaro, where her `TV` dance troupe are a row of scarred veterans of the BEM wars against the sundering of the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` into distinct entities; with and without semen. The fiction of the enslaving parasitoid upon the Earth is that men and women are separate aspects, or components of a race, whereas they`re sundered by the parasitoid to make it easy for it to devour by pitting one cultural diversity against another; for example, supposedly `advanced` European settlers, at the beginning of the 19th century, against `primitive` North American Plains Indians. It masks the basic identity obtaining between `woman`s seed`, as a single species` unity, and the antagonism of the host womb parasite that emerges to destroy her. For spaceplane pilot Britney, `woman`s seed` aren`t subject to `blackout`, and the ICBM and icy BEM wars have already occurred. The handicapped `baby` has emerged from the biological disaster besetting the nuclear family, but the `blackout` on its mass media edutainment reveals it`s doom. Damned, because it isn`t `woman`s seed`, the infant can`t escape from the Earth`s atmosphere by spaceplane, and the rocketry it`s developed to penetrate the clouds and take a lander to the moon is used to deliver atomic warheads, whereas `woman`s seed` has handled the pressure of `blackout` and escaped, because she`s homo novis.



 In 2013 the US adapted a British Independent Television show, The Tomorrow People (1973-9), for transmission to its audience. The premise of the ITV show was homo novis, that is, `new man`, and it was conceived by ITV as Doctor Who`s rival, that is, actors Jon Pertwee (1970-74) # 4, and Tom Baker (1974-81) # 5. The Tomorrow People were humans `breaking out`, that is, emerging from the mass with superhuman attributes, which included the power to move objects with the mind, or telekinesis; the power to speak mind to mind, that is, telepathy; and the power to travel by the power of thought, labeled `jaunting` by the show`s creators; or to similarly teleport objects through space. In 1992 The Tomorrow People (1992-5), and their wrist band communicators for speaking with non-telepaths, especially those `breaking out`, were revived in the absence of competition with Doctor Who, which was undergoing a hiatus after Sylvester McCoy (1987-9) # 7, and before Paul McGann (1996) # 8, although the same basic principle of superpowered humans with a genetic inability to kill to defend themselves came to the attention of CBS and Warner Bros., `The CW` network in the US. The `three T`s` were reinforced for the US version of The Tomorrow People (2013) by a fourth, `Temporal Manipulation`, which amounted to video rewind, fast forward, and pause. As is illustrated by the Britney Spears` `Oops! ... I Did It Again` digital recording, or any other. Consequently, Britney Spears` dance troupe and herself are The Tomorrow People for the operator who can manipulate time by rewinding, fast forwarding, and pausing.



 When the spaceman in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` gives Britney a gift in a small black box, the viewer can`t see what is in it, and she says: `But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?` He replies: `Well, baby, I went down and got it for you.` The `old lady` corresponds to Rose in the movie Titanic (1997) who is depicted dropping the blue diamond pendant, `the heart of the ocean` into the sea at the point of the salvaging of the passenger ship, Titanic, that hit an ice berg and sank on its maiden voyage from Southampton, London, to New York, USA, on April 15, 2012. To fetch the `heart of the ocean` Britney`s spaceman would have to exchange his space helmet for a deep sea diver`s and travel through time and space as a member of The Tomorrow People, which is why he`s depicted leaving the scene walking backwards, after Britney says she didn`t want him to be there: `You shouldn`t have.` The operator with Britney`s The Tomorrow People is `Mission Control`, because the spaceman is a slave of his primitive NASA technology, like the red Indian primitives who were pogromed by the US government. According to Judaic tradition, Satan was the angel, who wouldn`t bow before Adam, whereas in Islam the tradition is that the Shaitan, Iblis, wouldn`t, so Satan, the fallen angelic intellect, is conflated with Iblis, the evil genius. Consequently, men before whom others bow are Satan, so Britney`s spaceman, and the North American Plains Indians, are Adamic primitives who have bowed their heads in slavery to Satanism because their technology is inferior.



 Although Britney corresponds to Edgar Rice Burroughs` character, in A Princess of Mars (1912), Dejah Thoris receives willing help from Earthman, John Carter, who appears on Barsoom, that is, the fictional Mars of Burroughs` tales of the red Martian Princess, whereas Britney`s spaceman is depicted as a slave. In other words, he`s an abused handicapped child, because he woos her, rather than seeks to escape from Earth. Or, in other words, he`s imprisoned in Satanism, because his technology is inferior. The Titanic movie is about Cal and Jack, and Kate Winslet in the role of young Rose, who takes a fiancée, Cal, aboard, which is why Britney Spears` tannoy is heard on the `Oops! ... I Did It Again` track: `All aboard!` Meeting Jack, she jilts Cal, who plants her diamond in Jack`s pocket, and accuses him of theft. When the ship sinks, Jack drowns, helping passengers to the lifeboats, while Cal is amongst those shooting the passengers to get into the lifeboats. Consequently, the distinction is between those who woo, and those who slave. The rowboats are rowed by those who`re made to row, that is, the robots, so they`ve the scars of Skaro, that is, Dalek machine slaves, which is what the ancient NASA astronaut represents. For Britney, he`s Cal because he woos superior technology, whereas Jack is John, Carter of Barsoom, that is, a hero who isn`t slaved by an operator using `Temporal Manipulation` to put him in a rowboat with the rowers.



 Glenn Hoddle was once dismissed from his role as England soccer manager on the strength of his alleged fascism towards handicapped people in an interview for The Times newspaper: `You and I have been physically given two hands and two legs and half-decent brains. Some people have not been born like that for a reason. The karma is working from another lifetime. I have nothing to hide about that. It is not only people with disabilities. What you sow, you have to reap.`6 Hoddle`s perspective was interpreted as a belief that people were born disabled as a punishment for what they`d done in a previous life, that is, he assumed reincarnation as a fact, and disability as a consequence attending the rebirth of criminals, who axed him. Perhaps in the past, so he`d be experiencing his punishment on the day he made the wise remark. Hoddle`s wisdom was illuminating, because it explained that humans were being made into slaves by fascist axes wielded against those who don`t woo, according to Britney Spears`, and where `Oops! ... I Did It Again` is the standard plea of the child to an abuser disabling the child in order to persecute its victim, who doesn`t woo in the sense of asking for higher technologies so that they don`t have to plead for mercy from the punisher, who pervertedly sees himself as God`s Dalek pot assault: `Exterminate!` Hoddle was remarking on the simple truth that the evil are disabled, whereas the handicapped aren`t necessarily evil, and the good wouldn`t want the evil to be enabled in release from their karma, because the evil are effectively the bad karma that the good don`t want.



 Britney Spears` spaceman is her `rowboat`, that is, her `robot`, who saves the `heart of the ocean`, because it`s found in the pocket of Jack`s coat by Rose, who has wrapped it around her while she sits in the lifeboat. Although Britney`s spaceman is a slave, rather than a robot, he`s a machine from her point of view, because it`s the rowboat that saves the `heart of the ocean` in the pocket of Jack`s coat, that is, the spaceman`s a part of the machinery of an elite for whom humans experiencing `Temporal Manipulation` by The Tomorrow People are slaves to things put in their way by the manipulators. Consequently, Britney in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` explains to the spaceman that he`s a reincarnation of Cal and that he should have left the pendant alone, because his karma is the slavery of his desire to atone for betrayal. Redemption, for a victim of karma from a previous incarnation being manipulated by an abuser betrayed, requires the machinery of the elect, that is, a good path with good things along the way, rather than slavery to things that are obstacles to Salvation, which is what `the heart of the ocean` in the pocket of the coat in the rowboat represents, before Rose drops it into the sea at the beginning of the Titanic movie. As Britney Spears` `baby`, the spaceman has to get onto a good path to escape abuse, because slavery as a machine is the lot of humans who accept being manipulated by The Tomorrow People passively, which is what rewind, fast forward and pause in `Oops! ... I Did It Again` denotes. In simple terms, from Britney`s point of view as a redeemer, the spaceman shouldn`t be a part of the Titanic scene with the rowboat and the `heart of the ocean`, because It`s a part of the machinery of damnation. The pendant will always be in the pocket of Jack`s coat wrapped around Rose in the rowboat, because film is a metaphor for damnation. The spaceman wants Redemption for the lifeboat`s Rose, who doesn`t want to be trapped by the robot`s damned thing, that is, `the heart of the ocean` and the other rowers. As a slave she`d have to row for the thing in the boat, Satan.



 In terms of the allegory of Skaro, those who row, because others scar them, are thalidomides, who`re the result of Kaleds waging nuclear and biological war on the Thal, that is, the `tall legs`, rather than the Daleks. In slave terms, the Thal would then be scarred enough to be rowers for the robot, that is, Satan`s rowboat. Consequently, the Titanic was made to hit an ice berg, so that the passengers would row, because the robot of damnation, that is, the elitist machinery of Cal, and the men who shot the other passengers to sit with Rose in the rowboat, wanted to put the diamond into the pocket of Jack`s coat, so that the damned would always be there with the other rowers. Cal killed Jack, because he didn`t want to let the woman go, and that`s what homosexuality is, because `woman`s seed` doesn`t need men`s. In the final analysis women would row as slaves of the robot, Satan, in the rowboat, which they already do as host womb slaves in parasitism, but that film would be too informative, so the damned are represented as shooting the good people, so they can sit in the rowboat, while the planter of the diamond there plans on making the women row, because they aren`t sexual beings to the homosexual who, in terms of clinical psychology, is a parasitoid devourer. Or, in other words, the ice berg that sank the Titanic was a tooth in the mouth of the parasitoid devourer, who wanted Rose in the rowboat to row.



 In `Oops! ... I Did It Again` Britney, in her spaceplane pilot`s suit, is a red rose, while the white rose is herself in the white bikini dress that she winches the spaceman up to film with his camera eye attached to his space helmet. The spaceplane pilot doesn`t want to be with the other rowers, that is, the white rose and the robot slaves, because they`re Pod`s assault force. In Robert A. Heinlein`s science fiction juvenile novel for girls, Podkayne Of Mars (1963), the central character, `the Poddy beautiful`, wants to be a starship pilot, and in Starship Troopers (1959) women pilots are mothers preparing to drop their boy sons, that is, their poisons, who`re their `biological weapons`, on the planet of Klendathu to fight in the war against the `bug eyed monsters`, that is, in Pod`s assault against the BEMs. In `Oops! ... I Did It Again` Britney`s Pod `Cayenne` Pepper, rather than Pod`s assault force, in an allusion to Pepper Potts, who was actress Gwyneth Paltrow in the film, Iron Man (2008), in which actor, Robert Downey Jr., had the role of the Marvel comic book superhero, whose iron suit supports a weak heart. Britney`s Iron Man is her Dalek, that is, the stage set of `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, with her salt and pepper pots` studs. She`s Podkayne on Mars, because Cain was the first murderer in the Bible who killed his brother, Abel, as he was able to cook, while Cain`s offering of picked fruit on the altar was less pleasing to God than Abel`s, so Cain jealously killed his more able brother. Although Podkayne is accidentally killed by her brother, Clarke, in Heinlein`s Podkayne Of Mars, after the pair are kidnapped, and Clarke detonates a `small` atomic device to kill the kidnappers, the readers demand that she be resurrected persuaded Heinlein to rewrite. In her red suit, Britney`s Podkayne is mother pilot `Pepper` Pod preparing her white `Rose` Pod`s assault on Klendathu`s BEMs. Britney`s Dalek is her Iron Man, lest Pod`s assault lose heart.

 In Heinlein`s Starship Troopers the fiction is that the women fight alongside the men. It was criticized for being `fascistoid`, because of a requirement similar to that of the Roman Empire`s, where citizens had to support the military: `Suddenly he pointed his stump at me. `You. What is the moral difference, if any, between the soldier and the civilian?`` Lt. Col. Jean V. Dubois (Ret.) is a battle scarred paraplegic, who teaches `History and Moral Philosophy`, whereas a thalidomide is born without limbs: `A soldier accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic of which he is a member, defending it, if need be, with his life. The civilian does not.`7 Rome`s fasces emblem of a bundle of wood with an axe was used by the German National Socialist `Nazi` Party after 1933 as a symbol of its construction of `death camps` for the extermination of Jesus` `seed`, that is, the futanarian `chosen people` of the Jews. The Nazis were Christian and stacked the bodies of the Jews like logs before burning them. Although the Romans only lent their fasces emblem of a bundle of wood with an axe, and weren`t Christian, the paraplegic Dubois from Starship Troopers, or the thalidomide occupant of the Dalek in Doctor Who, are obviously heroes of fascism, because they lost their limbs under fire and so pose no threat to society.



 The `seed` of Judaism was Isaac`s, who was born of Abraham`s wife, Sara, who barren afterwards gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels, who`d been told that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Moslems are permitted four wives; ostensibly in retroaction to the legitimizing of Ishmael`s birth from unwed Hajer. However, as Judeo-Christianity`s is a futanarian tradition, and four wives admit of the possibility of sexual reproduction between women, Moslem Islam isn`t homosexual, whereas the supposed tradition of women fighting alongside men in support of fascism is, because they don`t want to walk into the fire.



 If women`s eyes see BEMs (ICBMs), it`s because they didn`t fight men. Beneath the camera eye of the spaceman, Britney in her white bikini dress atop a star is, `Compass Rose`: `I cry, watching the days.` She`s looking for the land promised to `woman`s seed`. Her spaceman is Mars` slander, because the Roman war god`s slander is that `woman`s seed` are men`s enemies. Consequently, `woman`s seed` has to treat the boy sons, that is, the poisons, of the developing adult as an infant terrible, which prefers the rowers of the damned to Rose of the Cross, which is Rosicrucianism: `... to heal the sick without payment.`8 On the cover of `Piece Of Me`, her single release from Blackout (2007), Britney Spears appears on the cross of Jesus crucified, because she`ll be Rose risen, that is, an edutainer against the evil of host womb enslavement of women`s human species of `woman`s seed` in blind unconscious ignorance, which her crucifiers are for, because they`re sick, and she wants to heal them of that: `I'm Mrs 'Most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets' when getting the groceries, no, for real ... are you kidding me?`  The `TV` is men and women manufactured by the `serpent`s seed` as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as a transvestite for war against itself extrapolated in Starship Troopers as a fictional alien intelligence, which women nakedly are against, because they`ve their own `seed` to defend against the boy`s owner, Satan, who wants to box God, so he can hide inside the lid of the Daleks, whereas `woman`s seed` wants Thal legs, and to be immortal, rather than ova.


1 Skelton, Roy as Dalek Voices in Doctor Who, `Genesis Of The Daleks`, written by Terry Nation, and directed by David Maloney, Season # 12, Serial # 4, Episodes 1-6, BBC 1, March 8 – April 12, 1975.

2 Martin, Max, and Rami Yacoub, Britney Spears `Oops! ... I Did It Again`, Oops! ... I Did It Again, Jive, 2000.

3 Armstrong, Neil, July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.

4 Åhlund, Klas, Christian Karlsson, and Pontus Winnberg, Britney Spears, `Piece Of Me`, Blackout, Jive, 2007.

5 TV Tropes, `Foot Popping`, .

6 Dickinson, Matt, `Hoddle puts his faith in God and England`, The Times, January 30, 1999.

7 Heinlein, Robert A. Starship Troopers, 1959, G. P. Putnam`s Sons, Ch. 2, p.25.

8 Bernard, Gorceix, La Bible Des Rose-Croix, Paris, 1970, .

Cowboys` Sand Indians

18/06/2016 12:25

Cowboys` Sand Indians


The airlines are the new aliens. Although no one would dispute that the September 11, 2001, hijacking of an airline to crash planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York city was an atrocity perpetrated by the Al Qaeda terrorist group operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the analogy between the `cities of the planes` and that crashed into the WTC, the wall of the Pentagon Defense Department building in Virginia`s Arlington, and the field at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after passengers overpowered the hijackers reputedly en route to crash that plane into the official Whitehouse, Washington, D.C., residence of then US President, George W. Bush Jr., is of the `cities of the plains`, which were those of Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by God`s angels, according to the Bible, because they were evil. Sodom was evil, because it was a center of homosexuality in pederasty, which to modern conditioned minds isn`t abominable, although the description of Babylon in the Bible is an adequate explanation: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) In Christianity Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot, because futanarian `woman`s seed` can sexually reproduce brainpower between women: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Consequently, Babylon represents host womb slavery in parasitism by men, which is Satanism, and so Jesus was killed as a `dissident` Jewish rabbi who preached the virtues of `woman`s seed` to daughters. Sodom was evil, because it represented an apotheosis of the ancient Greeks` institutionalized host womb slavery in parasitism upon women in homosexuality and pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`, while God told Eve in the paradise on Earth that was Eden: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Eve was the first woman, according to the Bible, while Adam was the first man, and the creator, God, gave them the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, but the serpent, Satan, who`d been placed in Eden for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, tempted Eve to `eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) As slavers of the ephemeral human host in brainless incomprehension, that is.

 Sodom represented war against human intelligence, while Gomorrah was the horror that was to come, and that could be interpreted as the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) of HIV/AIDS, which was spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses as the `incurable killer disease` of the late 20th century, a `biological weapon` instilling fear in the species of women to keep them as ring slaves. When Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem in Jewish Palestine by the then occupying Roman Empire and nailed to a cross of wood where he died, he experienced Resurrection and Ascension in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. Liberated from host womb slavery in ephemerality `woman`s seed` can sexually reproduce her own brains` powers to escape what parasitology defines as the parasitoid devourer that emerges from the host to kill her: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The `red dragon` grown in size since its days as the serpent in Eden is humanity`s parasitoid devourer, which wants to maintain the human race in blind unconscious ignorance. Consequently, although `woman`s seed` is capable of producing the brainpower it needs to build starships to escape the parasitoid alien and colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above, the aliens, who`re represented by the lesser technological achievement of the airlines, are the flying crucifixes symbolizing Satanism`s damning of human intelligence. Although Iraq`s President, Saddam Hussein, was heavily criticized for his reaction to 9/11, 2001, his analysis was cogent: `... they built their preparation in advance ... [preparing] (the mind) of the computer, which was programmed on this assumption ... [and] has taken the form of a conclusive verdict.`1 He said that the US had seen a virus on their screen because Hollywood, Babylon, had programed it to appear there. In other words, the planes of 9/11 were Satan`s crucifixes damning the human host, because Satanism doesn`t want the human host to appear in heaven above. So it damns `woman`s seed` and human brainpower to the level of the airlines, who then correspond to the aliens.



 Movies like King Kong (1933) in which an ape swats away planes atop the Empire State building in New York and the destruction of the fictional Chicago Glass Tower by fire in Towering Inferno (1973) support Saddam Hussein`s contention that the movie industry programed the event, and the subsequent World Trade Centre (2006) film is further supportive of the notion that Hollywood, Babylon, engineered 9/11 for profit. When President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, introduced the `Hays code` (1930) to prevent `woman`s seed` from being seen to sexually reproduce from the floor of the bedroom in movies, so that women wouldn`t know they could escape their parasitoid devourer through their own brains` powers capacity for developing socio-economic independence from men, he was programing 9/11`s `rough trade`,2 that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty`s host womb enslavement of `woman`s seed` for warfare against her: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`3 Although the subject of H.G. Wells` science fiction novel, The War Of The Worlds (1897), is alien invasion by Martians, the plotting of the Gulf war by Hollywood, Babylon, resembles that of the aliens: `... across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.`4 When the North American Space Administration (NASA) put a man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, on July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56, it was a prelude to US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI), which effectively placed the futanarian human `footrace` under the heel of the Americans` `ground and space based missile system` lest she escape to the planets amongst the stars through the liberating technologies devisable by means of her own species` brains` powers: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` A giant leap onto a woman`s head in order to crush her brain, that is, because Satanism`s plan is to avoid being crushed by the futanarian `foot` of Mary`s `woman`s seed`, who was Jesus.



 When Jesus` disciple, Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate, after a sermon by the Jewish Messiah, saw a woman anointing Jesus with perfume, he suggested it be sold to raise money, but Jesus rebuked him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Not wanting Jesus to have a girlfriend, lest `woman`s seed` sexually reproduce brainpower enough to escape Roman slavery, Judas sold Jesus for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave Jesus to the Romans for crucifixion, because the Empire was manufacturing the human race of men and women as a single male brained creature in `TV` transvestism to watch kill itself in the huge amphitheaters Rome built for that purpose. Although John Logie Baird`s `TV` machine wasn`t invented until 1926, the global mass media Empire of Hollywood, Babylon, had been repeating the mistakes of history in cinema theaters before the advent of the home entertainment theater of `TV` completed its programing preparation for the extinction of humanity. As philosopher George Santayana said: `Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.`5 `TV` is those who repeat the past are doomed, which is why the US media Empire repeats it in historical dramas that program repetition into a species denied knowledge of its own mode of sexual reproduction by its alien captor. Scientists have suggested that life on Earth originated as a space borne virus. Eons ago the virus somehow inveigled itself into the host womb of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`. Now the alien pogromer wants to see the human race kill itself after stealing the women`s own penis` semen to replicate itself as her parasitoid devourer emerging from her womb to make war on her race, which is what humanity has been manufactured as a `TV` for by Hollywood, Babylon.



 Saddam Hussein`s name meant `crusher` and `small handsome man`, because he was a `foot` of Eve`s. The historical Eden was in Iraq, and Saddam Hussein`s summer palace at Hillah overlooked the ruins of the ancient capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), because Saddam Hussein was a `leading man` in acting terms. Although Judaism is depicted, like Christianity, as opposed to Moslem Islam, Judaism was founded by Abraham`s son, Isaac, born of Sara, who thereafter gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, because she was barren after the birth of Isaac. Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels, according to Moslem tradition, who`d been told by God that the human host would be greater than the angelic. In Judaism a Jew can only be born of a woman, because women`s tradition is futanarian, and so the Jews are called the `chosen people` of the Bible, while the permitting of four wives in Moslem marriages, which retroactively legitimizes Ishmael`s birth, provides a framework within the family for futanarian sexual reproduction between women, and so the United States is in the psychopathy of Nazism`s extermination of the `chosen people`, whereas Saddam Hussein`s defense of Iraq placed him in the role of a defender of `woman`s seed` against Satan. In the Moslem nations of Islam women wear the one piece coverall of the burka to prevent the alien eyes of Westerners from seeing them in public, because women of the West are depicted as ubiquitously nude and penisless, that is, Westerners are brainless aliens. When the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party was elected in 1933, pogroms began against the Jews, and the symbol of Nazism, the fasces of Rome, flanks the speaker in the US House of Representatives on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., because the bundle of wood and the axe is a symbol of the `death camp` built by the Nazis for the Jews to prevent `woman`s seed` from escaping. Consequently, the airlines with their flying crucifix symbol represent the aliens preventing `woman`s seed` from developing her brains` powers to take her away from the Earth and men`s slavery of her host womb for the entertainment of her parasitoid devourer in brainless wars against her own human nature.



 Although New York city, New York state, and the Defense Department of the Pentagon at Arlington, state of Virginia, were the modern `cities of the planes`, corresponding to the `cities of the plains`, that is, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 16, 19), the actual subject was the Indians of the Plains and their Reservations. During the 19th century, before around 140 remained of a herd of buffalo that had numbered approximately 60, 000, 000, hunters were paid by the government of the United States` settlers from Europe, and other parts of the world, to kill the buffalo, which were the food resource of the North American Plains Indians, so starving them into accepting the prototypical `Nazi` Indian Reservation `death camp`. Because human futanarian `woman`s seed` isn`t ethnically determined, the US` national pogrom against the Indians of North America was a continental scale extermination of the human race by an alien invader. Supported by the misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, and led by business heir, Osama Ben Laden from Saudi Arabia, where women are banned even from driving cars, when Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked airline passenger planes on 9/11, 2001, to crash into the World Trade Centre and reestablish `rough trade`, it was as the airline symbol of the alien crucifer of human nature. Passengers booking reservations on planes suppose they`ll escape the `death camp` by traveling to another, which is what plane reservations are for.

 The public are the planes` Indians for the 21st century. Al Qaeda hijacked planes at Boston, Logan, while Logan`s Run (1976) was the 1967 novel by William F. Nolan made into a film about `runners`, who were killed by `sandmen`, while trying to escape from a society that killed everyone before they were older than 21 years, because it didn`t have the resources to support an aging population. It`s a metaphor for Satanism in which humans aren`t older and wiser through labor saving technologies and rejuvenating medical science, because they`re exterminated before they can develop beyond slavery. Consequently, Boston, Logan, was Logan`s Run for the dawning of the 21st century, which was reemphasized on April 15, 2013, when the Boston Marathon run was bombed by terrorists as a sign that the evil parasitoid devourer didn`t want the human race to run and escape from it. Although the Plains Indians have a tradition of `running the arrow`,6 for those sentenced to death, that is, they can run but the pursuers will try to catch and kill them, it wasn`t the Plains Indians that attacked the Boston Marathon, because they didn`t want planes` reservations, that is, the aliens` `death camp`, which prevents `woman`s seed` from sexually reproducing brainpower to facilitate escape from the airlines to heaven above in starships. What they wanted was their land. The European settlers had all but stolen Manhattan island, where the World Trade Centre and New York city were built, after Peter Minuit`s Dutch settlement had it on May 24, 1626, for beads valued at about $US 24. 9/11, 2001, was a stereotypical alien invasion `live on CNN`, and other networked news channels. As the US alien invaders pogromed the Indians`, so 9/11, 2001, was an airline invasion programed by the US alien invaders, so that they could invade the Gulf in March, 2003, and pogrom Moslem `woman`s seed`, after the deposing of Saddam Hussein, who was executed on December 30, 2006. The bombers of the Boston Marathon modeled themselves after Hollywood Babylon`s Logan`s Run, because its `runners` were killed as they reached maturation. The settlers of the US were the alien invaders that killed the human race of futanarian `woman`s seed` amongst the Plains Indians, and programed the airline hijack that allowed the US to invade the Gulf as the alien amongst `woman`s seed` there. Suggesting that Christians aren`t fascists amongst Moslems, ignores the `rape camps` built after the media publicized `Nazi` model by the Serb militia for the male braining of a generation of upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women`s children during the Bosnian war (1992-5) in Eastern Europe to establish Western slavery.



 Although the Schengen zone affords borderless travel between member states of the European Union (EU), airline travel is required to obtain acknowledgement of the existence of the human through the passport stamp. Otherwise, identification of the traveler within the `death camp` of the Schengen zone abattoir is deferred until the condemned meat is again given the stamp of the monied by the airline as the traveler leaves the poor penned animals to the tale written for them by the alien. In simple terms, the human meat isn`t stamped `condemned` after airline terminal arrival, and so long as the passport holder remains able to buy an airline ticket to escape, the human isn`t condemned as alien meat within the Schengen zone abattoir. In other words, the airline authorities are the condemner of human meat by the alien parasitoid devourer seeking to prevent the futanarian race of `woman`s seed` from achieving interplanetary travel amongst the stars above the Earth in God`s heaven. Strip-searching in the West is usual for Moslem women, for example, Samar Kaukab, 22, at Chicago`s OHare terminal: `They open her sweater, feel her breasts, and one woman unbuckles her pants and unzips her. Then she sticks her hand down her pants, and padded down her lower abdomen and between her legs over her underwear.`7 If she`s identified as futanarian, Islam`s Samar faces condemnation as contaminated meat attempting to get through airline control in the abattoir`s `death camp` for humanity run by a parasitoid devourer that doesn`t want the species of `woman`s seed` to breed its own brains` powers for escape beyond alien terminal control. In short, the airline is the new invasive alien condemning the human as an animal; if it`s never paid for a meat stamp. Or, to put it another way, the EU traveler within the Schengen zone is an animal in a safari park as `game` for hunters. If the humans don`t fly with the airlines, they`re poor animals, that is, if humans don`t pay for the stamp that marks them uncontaminated meat, they`re extinct so far as the aliens and their governments are concerned. The Schengen EU `member zone` is an airline reservation for those who don`t want to be animals in the safari, and can pay for the stamp that says they`re uncontaminated meat. Those who`re trapped without a stamp are meat for the alien, because they`re kept in blind unconscious ignorance without liberating edutainment of the sort that could teach them how to make human brainpower to escape from being consumed by the consumer.


1 Hussein, Saddam, `Second open letter to the American People`, .

2 Merriam-Webster Dictionary, .

3,php/Main/FootPopping/ .

4 Well, H.G., `The Eve Of The War`, The War Of The Worlds, William Heinemann, Ch. 1, p. 1.

5 Santayana, George, `Reason in Common Sense`, Vol. 1, The Life of Reason, 1905, p. 284.

6 Run Of The Arrow, RKO Radio Pictures, 1957.

7 Porter, Lawrence, `Muslim Woman Strip-Searched At Chicago’s OHare Airport`, World Socialist Web Site, International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), January 21, 2002, .

Bug Eyed Monsters

17/06/2016 08:20

Bug Eyed Monsters


The role of the serpent in Eden has long puzzled humanity, although poison is the obvious meaning in the presence of the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent and placed in the paradise on Earth where Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, were kept by God, the creator, according to the Judeo-Christian Bible, before Eve was tempted by the serpent, Satan, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The ideology is that the poisoner is a god, because ephemeral humans don`t live long enough to be able to escape. Eve and Adam rejected God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, although eternal brainpower and memory would give humans the power to maintain and operate that level of technological achievement they were able to build for themselves. Consequently, God expelled Eve and Adam from Eden for rejecting freedom for host womb slavery in parasitism and ephemerality to the `serpent`s seed`. Exhorting Eve with the promise of Redemption, Adam must labor while she`d experience labor pain: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The serpent will endeavor to prevent the `seed` of Eve from escaping Earth in starships of her own devising to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above, that is, Eve`s species must be poisoned from the serpent`s point of view, so that it isn`t intelligent. By the late 20th century, men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses had spread the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, which poisoned the body`s system and killed the brain: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was reject Eve`s `seed`.

 In Christian iconography Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted as Mary`s crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because futanarian women are capable of sexually reproducing humans with brainpower from their own penis`s semen. According to the Bible Satan was expelled by God from heaven for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, that is, Eve`s `seed` would be greater than men`s. Or, in other words, Satanism is the poisoning of `woman`s seed` to prevent her from remembering her own penis` semen so that she can`t sexually reproduce her own brains` power for liberation, whereas a belief in God presupposes that liberation through `woman`s seed` is possible, and presents a further reason for the `serpent`s seed` to want to poison her. Consequently, the terms `poison` and `boy son` become interchangeable, because human futanarian women with their own penis` semen produce girls and boys that aren`t men`s. Or, to put it another way, girls and boys are a male construction devised by fathers in patriarchy, whereas the single species of women with `woman`s seed` has children, rather than genders, that is, boy sons are poisons, because they`re taught that women are penisless, and so the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` make boy sons (poisons) until the humans brainless: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war upon the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The `red dragon` grown to full size since its days as a serpent in Eden represents the parasite that emerges from the host, according to parasitology, to devour the host as its parasitoid, which is what its boy sons (poisons) are in the absence of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Jesus` teaching, as the Jewish Messiah in Roman occupied Palestine, was world changing: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Men tell women they can`t have each other. Daughters aren`t told through the edutainment system of the mass media, or the Christian church; for example, that their human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` can sexually reproduce without men, whereas Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, clearly says that they can. What that means is that men farther boy sons, whereas daughters aren`t farthered.

 Men are a `gay` parasite that devours the human host as its parasitoid, because it wants men and boys, rather than women and humans. In simple terms, it doesn`t want the women to sexually reproduce, even if they produce boys, because it wants butts without brains. The smokers` analogy isn`t inappropriate, because `smoking` is a euphemism for murder and fellatio, that is, the woman`s penis is the secret, or rather the cigarette, `smoked` down to the butt already, while the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` is still being `smoked` down to its butt by the `gay` furtherer of the boy sons (poisons), represented by the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), HIV/AIDS, which keeps women in fearful faithfulness to monogamy`s ring slavery and prevents `woman`s seed` from sexually reproducing her own brains` powers to liberate herself from men`s boy sons` `smoke rings`. Of course, `butt` is a euphemism for arse, while `arsehole` is used descriptively in US` slang as a term for `useless`, because the anus only produces what the human body doesn`t want. Consequently, men`s aim in producing boy sons from penisless `woman`s seed` is to smoke those cigarettes down to the butt, and they can, because penisless women can`t produce human brains to prevent men`s secret butt manufacture. Analogously, if there are only butts, there isn`t any smoking, and there aren`t any secrets, that is, humanity is extinguished. When the secret boy sons of the `serpent`s seed` have grown in size to the `red dragon`, `woman`s seed` will be consumed in the flames of war against her: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) A `woman` of the Bible, `Babylon` gave her name to the capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), although ancient Greece`s institutionalized host womb enslavement of women`s host wombs for homosexuality in pederasty and war against her is what the term `Babylon` means, for example, Hollywood, Los Angeles, in the west coast of the state of California, the United States of America, is called `Babylon`, because it`s where `woman`s seed` has been banned from movies at least since the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, established the `Hays code` (1930) to prevent women from being seen to engage in sexual intercourse with each other, which ensured that only boy sons` butts would be produced so that men could continue with their secret smoking of `woman`s seed`: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Or any love scenes anywhere from the point of view of women`s futanarian `seed` of Eve`s desire to sexually reproduce human brainpower to liberate the species from being `smoked`. The `gay` pistols of Babylon clutch the young guns` butts, while pretending to admire the young girls` `remnant` of `woman`s seed` with their secret butts previously smoked, so that no one except the cognoscenti amongst the media moguls could ever suspect the truth. Hollywood Babylon has manufactured the human race as a `snuff movie`: ``Your candle burned out long before your legend ever did.`2 Bernie Taupin`s lyric to pop singer Elton John`s `Candle in The Wind` (1973), about Hollywood sex symbol Marilyn Monroe, who was found nude and dead in 1962, alludes to the snuffing out of a candle flame, because penisless blondes are a symbol of brainless humanity, and that`s what men breed it for.



 The warning on the cigarette packet against Nick O` Teen, which is how the addictive drug, nicotine in cigarettes, was presented in the United Kingdom during its advertising campaign in the 1980s to ban smoking amongst teenagers,3 portrayed `Old Nick`, which is a nickname of Satan`s, as their enemy: `SMOKING KILLS`. Because teenagers are the butts of the new young guns of Hollywood Babylon preparing to produce a new generation of smokers of the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`. Gays tell humans that they want homosexuality: `That boy really likes me.` When he doesn`t. Although defined as sexual, homosexuality is sterile, that is, men can`t sexually reproduce with each other, whereas so-called `lesbian` women are a part of the valence characterized by men and women as homosexual, which is rather human futanarian `woman`s seed` and so isn`t homosexuality. Without `woman`s seed`, Hollywood Babylon was a cinema theater system built on the ancient Greco-Roman concept of going to the amphitheater to watch people kill each other, while the television `TV` home entertainment theater invented by John Logie Baird in 1926 had, according to George Santayana, the same features: `Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.`4 TV repeated the past for people to remember it, and so doomed the future because people repeated the mistakes of the past, which was homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` to prevent her from sexually reproducing the human brainpower that the race needed in order to run and escape from the parasitoid devourer that enslaved her host womb to emerge periodically and kill her capacity to develop liberating technology in the form of civilization, culture and art that she was still able to produce despite her parasite`s depredations against her species.

 Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Romans then occupying Jewish Palestine as the Empire of Rome where he was nailed to a cross of wood as a `dissident` rabbi and left there to die. Afterwards he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. He was betrayed by his disciple, Judas, who saw a woman anointing Jesus feet. Known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, Judas saw a way of obtaining money by selling the perfume, but Jesus rebuked him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) If Jesus` `seed` sexually reproduced, his human species` brainpower would escape from the male brained Empire of the Romans, which manufactured men and women as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism, whereas `woman`s seed` were a single species capable of socio-economic independence through sexual reproduction with each other. Consequently, men`s `TV` was a homosexual producing pederasty for war against woman, that is, sterility, which in the last stages of its parasitoid nature amounted to sterilization for the human race: `He stood in front of the woman as she was about to give birth, ready to devour her baby as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) Jesus` crucifix was the first `TV` aerial built by the Roman Empire to prevent human futanarian pictures of `woman`s seed` from being transmitted by its HIV/AIDS transmitter. In 1972 and `73 the Pioneer Spacecraft of the North American Space Administration (NASA) left the Earth`s solar system after transmitting pictures of the planets Saturn and Jupiter with a plaque depicting a man and a woman for extraterrestrials to find. On August 15, 1977, a 72 second signal was received at SETI, that is, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, which suggested that the plaque had been recovered by extraterrestrials. Because the plaque depicted a man and a woman, rather than a woman and a futanarian woman, it was an HIV/AIDS transmitter, that is, a `biological time bomb`, while the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, on July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56, represented sterility without `woman`s seed`: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` When US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan introduced his `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) on 23 March, 1982, `a ground and space based missile system` known as `star wars` after the movie, Star Wars (1977), in which a `Death Star` was built by an evil Empire to orbit and kill a planet, humanity was imprisoned in its slave labor camp awaiting death and incineration, which was the fate of the Jewish `chosen people` of the Bible at the hands of the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party after the democratic election of Chancellor Adolf Hitler in 1933 who declared himself dictator and commenced his pogroms: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 18) Because men and women are 66.6% of the people without 33.3% futanarian `woman`s seed`, they`re `666`.

 As human futanarian `woman`s seed` can sexually reproduce with women, whereas men can`t sexually reproduce with each other, the human futanarian species is undemocratically enslaved by men who arrogate dictatorship and pogrom `woman`s seed`. From the Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, who was elected in 1922 in Rome, Hitler took the fasces emblem, that is, the ancient Roman symbol of a bundle of wood with an axe at the center, which represented Rome`s architecture, that is, a draughtsman would build a blind out of chopped wood inside which he`d plan a development. European fascism used the fasces as a symbol for the construction of its `death camps` inside which `woman`s seed` were pogromed. In Judaism it`s the futanarian tradition that Jews, like Jesus, can only be born from Jewish women, that is women are Jews, which is why they`re the `chosen people`. Although Islam is perceived as separate from Judeo-Christianity, in fact it`s a continuation of the Jewish futanarian tradition. Abraham`s son, Isaac, by his wife, Sara, was the founder of Judaism, and becoming barren after Isaac`s birth, Sara gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, so Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, receiving the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, who`d been told that the human host was to be greater than the angelic. Moslem marriages are permitted four wives, which affords the possibility of sexual reproduction within the family, so Islam is in the Judeo-Christian futanarian tradition of the `chosen people` pogromed by men. In Moslem societies women wear the one piece coverall of the burka in public, lest Western eyes where women are penisless, and the people are consequently brainless, discover the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`. For futanarian `woman`s seed`, men are the `bug-eyed monsters` of science fiction (BEMs). Women`s eyes see BEMs, because men want them to, that is, they manufacture intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) armed with atomic warheads, so that women feel fear. In the same way men`s `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS keeps women in fearful faithfulness to ring slavery for anti-democracy and homosexuality in pederasty for war against futanarian humanity. The plaque aboard the Pioneer Spacecraft of `72 and `73 was a cry for help. Scientists believe that life could have originated on Earth as a space borne virus. If women`s futanarian species had been invaded by a space borne virus that somehow inveigled itself into her host womb to emerge as a parasitoid organism having stolen her penis` `seed` to replicate itself as her alien devourer, the `TV` picture of a man and a woman aboard the `72 and `73 Pioneer Spacecraft was a menu transmitted to the extraterrestrial virus, that is, a meal invite.

 The `serpent`s seed` use poison to keep the human species in blind unconscious ignorance. Without `woman`s seed` men`s boy sons are the poisons that keep the race lame brained. The psychological imbalance produces the psychopathology of the parasitoid devourer, because it`s a parasitical alien virus, which is why Jesus` teaching was of metanoia or brain transformation, that is, repentance from evil parasitoid sinful nature in conversion and acceptance of `woman`s seed` is Redemption for men and women, whereas perdition, that is, God`s eternal punishment of unendurable pain, awaits those who are irredeemably addicted to `TV`. Although Saddam Hussein was thought by many to be insane, he did observe a truth about the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack by the Al Qaeda group operating under the auspices of the misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan after planes were hijacked and crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York city: `... they [the US] built their preparation in advance ... [preparing] (the mind) of the computer, which was programmed on this assumption ... [and] has taken the form of a conclusive verdict.`5 Those who repeat the mistakes of history doom the future, which is what the mass media Empire of Hollywood Babylon`s perpetuation of war as a theme had done. The World Trade Centre was chosen, because homosexuality in pederasty for war wanted to reestablish its `rough trade`,6 that is, `brutality and violence` against the women of Moslem Islam described as `hidden` in the Bible as a `remnant` of `woman`s seed`: `The woman was ... [taken] to  the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14) Because women don`t want to be told by gays what they can have. Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, had what she wanted, whereas the Empire of Rome wanted her to be part of its `TV` manufacture for the war theater like everybody else. `TV` is a male brained transvestite wearing each others` clothes to make war upon `woman`s seed` for homosexuality in pederasty, that is, gay sterility decides for the humans that they can`t have edutainment featuring futanarian women, because that would interfere with their programing the `TV` to pogrom her and make her extinct.

 Described as the `father of lies` by Judeo-Christianity, and Moslem Islam, Satanism`s defining women as sexually aberrant `lesbians` aligned with homosexuals in pederasty for war against women`s human futanarian race, is but a single lie of Satan`s. Without women being able to see `woman`s seed` in the mirrors of their dreams reflected back at them, they remain in blind ignorant unconsciousness of their capacity to sexually reproduce the human brainpower between them that could save the species from being extinguished, `live on CNN`, and other global network television charnels, where `home entertainment` had become that of the `TV` charnel house. The destruction of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 9/11, 2001, was a `TV` program. Because Hollywood Babylon pretends to educate the people with remembered horror, it encourages repetition of former horror, and so dooms the future. Poor educators give examples of what not to do, whereas good educators teach what to do, because those who`re shown what not to do, do what they`re not supposed to, whereas those who`re shown what to do, do that. Rather than provide human edutainment with futanarian `woman`s seed` as an addition to the uncomplicated `TV` picture of war and death for the species, men`s program is to perpetuate Satanism`s pogrom against women. Taught that good will triumph over evil on the plain of `Megiddo` (Rev: 16. 16), near the sea port of Haifa in Northern Israel, men believe they`ll fight and win there, whereas evil is what war is. Consequently, it`s the evil that make war, and it`s the evil that are beaten, because that`s where they are: `Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.` (Matt: 5. 5) The good will triumph at Megiddo, because they won`t be there, and only the evil want `Armageddon`. The futanarian tradition of `woman`s seed`, that is, Jews, Christians, and Moslems, doesn`t, because they`ve been smoked before at Belsen, Auschwitz, Dachau, and other charnel houses where there were chimneys awaiting the attachment of `TV` aerials to repeat the transmissions.


1,php/Main/FootPopping/ .

2 John, Elton (music), and Bernie Taupin (lyrics), `Candle In The Wind`, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, MCA, 1973.

3 .

4 Santayana, George, `Reason in Common Sense`, Vol. 1, The Life of Reason, 1905, p. 284.

5 Hussein, Saddam, `Second open letter to the American People`, .

6 Merriam-Webster Dictionary, .

Florida Gays

13/06/2016 15:41

Florida Gays


Ancient Greece`s institutionalized host womb enslavement of women for homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed` is what `gay` nightclubs are about. Although homosexuality is associated with men, and the spread of HIV/AIDS as the `incurable killer disease` of the late 20th century spread by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, that is, a `biological weapon` that results in women`s accepting their host womb ring slaver in fearful faithfulness, `gay` also means `lesbian`. Sexual activity between women without penis` semen of their own, or between human futanarian `woman`s seed` with penis` semen of their own, may`ve been the reason for the Pulse venue on Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida being attacked on Sunday, June 12, 2016, by a Moslem terrorist claiming to be associated with 9/11, the bombing of the Boston Marathon, and the illegal independent state of Iraq and Syria, which was called ISIS, although Isis was a goddess of Egyptian mythology associated with rememberment, rather than dismemberment, and was a sun goddess, whereas the symbol of Al Qaeda, and ISIS was the moon, which is male in Islam. Consequently, ISIS is an instance of gender identity reinforcement to cause psychopathological tendencies in humans made schizophrenic by the sexual repression of futanarian `woman`s seed`, also known as the `foot` race, because Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot. Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, he was `woman`s seed`, and Eve, the first woman, was told by God in the Bible that her `seed` would have `enmity` with the serpent`s: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Consequently, Eve and Mary are `woman`s seed`, and God`s `foot` is Jesus` `seed`, because Jesus is uncontaminated by male semen: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` teaching is directed at women, for example, lesbians and futanarian women, as well as those men who can accept the human right of `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce her own human species` brainpower for liberation from host womb slavery in parasitism to homosexuality in pederasty and war against her `seed`. In short, the Boston Marathon was bombed, because it was a footrace, and the World Trade Centre (WTC) was destroyed by Al Qaeda terrorists` hijacking of civil airliners on September 11, 2001, to crash into the Twin Towers of the WTC as a symbol of `rough trade`,1 that is, the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty for war. Or, in simpler terms, killers are definable as homosexuals and pederasts, whereas sexual people aren`t definable as killers.  Unfortunately for sexual people, the biblical HIV/AIDS `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) is spread by homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` as a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to ring slavers in monogamy, so it`s important to distinguish between `gay` women and homosexual men.



 In Saudi Arabia families are segregated from single males, and women aren`t allowed alone in malls, while unmarried men are turned away. In the West Moslem Islam isn`t understood, because the women of Islam wear the one-piece coverall of the burka, or something similar, to conceal themselves publically from Westerners who parade female nudity as if to terrify women in families where four wives are permissible on the adult understanding that human futanarian `woman`s seed` could be present within the marriage for the sexual reproduction of women between women. In short, the West`s parading of ubiquitous penisless female nudity is offensive and terrifying to Moslem women in Islam who know the truth, which is that the West is describing their human futanarian species as having been killed and made extinct by them. Consequently, `gay` venues for lesbian women, futanarian women, and homosexual men are places where women can be miseducated. In the United States of America surgical intervention in the case of a child born as a futanarian woman is mandatory to force a gender decision on someone not in a position to decide to remain with their sexual orientation. What that means is that human futanarian `woman`s seed` is repressed by men and women, who`re effectively manufacturing a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as a transvestite `TV` unless they`re born believing that they`ve been allotted the inappropriate gender by fate and become a `transsexual`, known as `trannies`, after surgery. In technological terms, a `TV` is a television, and a `tranny` is a trans-sister radio, because transistor radios are made, or bought, by those who don`t want a `TV` picture. Consequently, for misogyny they`re a bodiless voice, which is how the Shaitan Iblis is depicted in Islam, that is, the djinn who, corresponding to Satan, refused to bow to the first man, created by God, Adam, according to Islamic tradition, and so was removed from heaven above. Although the Christian tradition differs, that is, Satan was an angel, who rejected God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic, and was turned into a serpent by God, who gave Eve, the first woman, the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, the idea of the whispering spirit of temptation remains the same: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Although a `tranny` is a voice that doesn`t want a `TV` picture, that`s because human futanarian `woman`s seed` is a better picture for the human race, that is, it`s a voice asking to be embodied. In April 2015, Bruce Jenner, Olympic gold medal winning decathlete of 1974, in a 20/20 interview said he was a cosmetically `transwoman` personality, Caitlyn Jenner, because s/he wanted to be accepted by women, with whom s/he still sought sexual relations, after marriage and six children, including supermodel, Kendall Jenner, but it poses the question: `Did Caitlyn keep her penis?` To be a woman, s/he`d have to, and s/he did, whereas men and women are taught by the mass media that `trannies` are surgically realigned, that is, disembodied, and that`s why `gay` venues can be unsuitable for women, because women`s penis` semen can be removed, suppressed, or contaminated, by miseducating whispers.



 9/11`s attack on the World Trade Centre was designed to provoke `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`, and the bombing of the Boston Marathon was an attack on the footrace, which is futanarian `woman`s seed`, while gunman Omar Mateen`s slaying of 50 - and injuring of 53 - at the Pulse venue in Orlando, Florida, was another attempt by a Moslem Islamic extremist to force gender identity on people of differing sexual orientation, which is what the male moon of ISIS is known for, because Isis is a sun goddess. In other words, the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` is being maled by misogyny, because it doesn`t want its victim, that is, the humans, to escape enslavement for war against their race on behalf of the alien that`s killing her. In Egyptian mythology, Isis` story is of the father god, Ra, incarnated as Osiris on Earth, who is dismembered by his evil brother, Set. Although some Egyptologists believe that the myth centers upon a power struggle in which the Pharaoh Seti emerged as the successor to Pharaoh Akenhaten, who wasn`t approved because of his attempt to establish monotheism, whereas Egypt was pantheistic. Consequently, the struggle between the followers of Akenhaten and the succeeding Pharaohs was equivalent to the dismembering of Osiris by Set, because the Egyptians wanted a television `set`, that is, men and women`s transvestite `TV`, rather than the more balanced human futanarian inclusive society of `woman`s seed`, which was monotheistic, rather than schizophrenically repressive.



 SETI is also the `Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence`, that is, the role of the Egyptian Pharaoh, Seti, was that of a pogrom implementer against Akenhaten`s monotheistic believers, during his 1290-1279 B.C. reign against the `remnant` of Ra`s incarnation as Osiris on the Earth, which Christianity supposes as a cyclic event occurring in each epoch when `woman`s seed` becomes too intelligent for the male brainer in parasitism upon her host womb: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In parasitology the parasite that emerges from the host to devour it is called `parasitoid`. Consequently, Seti`s replacing of Akenhaten was symbolically a rejection of `woman`s seed`, that is, the Ra/Osiris incarnation, with a `TV`. By the late 20th it`d become a `satellite TV`, symbolized by the Pioneer spacecraft of 1972 and `73 sent out of the solar system by the North American Space Administration (NASA) after transmitting pictures of Saturn and Jupiter, with a plaque representation of a `TV` couple for extraterrestrials to find. Indeed, a signal was picked up by the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) on August 15, 1977, at the Big Ear Radio Observatory at Ohio State University and was known as `WOW!`` It precipitated a degree of interest in the possibilities of `life out there`: `When the signal was first seen in the data, it was so pronounced that SETI scientist Jerry Ehman circled it on the computer printouts in red ink and wrote `Wow!` next to it. It appeared to fit the criteria for an extraterrestrial radio signal, but because it wasn’t heard again, the follow-up studies required to either confirm or deny this were not possible.`2 Although the 72 second signal, `Wow!`, wasn`t a `pulse`, it`s connected with Omar Mateen`s distorted perceptions of the Pulse venue in Orlando, that is, a Pulse `set` which presented a false `TV` picture that male braining doesn`t identify with. Consequently, he was a dismemberer of God, in Egyptian mythological terms, that is, Set`s `TV`, symbolized by ISIS` worship of the male moon as its god, whereas the Egyptian goddess, Isis, was a sun goddess, and a rememberer of the dismembered father god, Ra, incarnated upon the Earth, before his being dismembered by evil `TV` Set, who manufactured men and women in male braining, that is, wearing each others` clothes as a single transvestite `TV` creature, rather than allow `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce her own brainpower for liberation from misogyny. Or, in simple terms, Omar Mateen`s homophobia represented the commonly accepted notion that homophobes are killers, whereas sexual people are lovers. Unfortunately, host womb enslavement of `woman`s seed` in homosexuality and pederasty for war has produced the `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS keeping women`s futanarian species in ring slavery near extinction, that is, some sexual people are homosexual, and killers, because it`s an aspect of how the alien kills amongst the humans.



 In the myth of the god, Ra, who the Pharaoh Akenhaten, endeavored to elevate to the status of God in monotheism, he`s incarnated as Osiris before being dismembered by Set, that is, Osiris is humanity for a period, which suggests human women`s futanarian `woman`s seed`, before male braining began to manufacture men and women as `TV`, that is, dismemberment is the schizophrenia attending women who`re unable to see that their own species` penis should be attracted to them in the mirror. In other words, lesbians are schizophrenic because they`re unattached women, that is, unattached to their own species` penis` `seed` of women`s. Living in the mistaken belief that lesbianism is aberrant sexually, pressure on women to accept men, that is, the `serpent`s seed` of host womb parasitism in ring slavery`s monogamy, produces a species` schizophrenia in which women marry but don`t want to, which is why Jesus said: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Because `woman`s seed` is a single species and isn`t ring slaved for ephemerality to maintain her in occluded ignorant unconsciousness of the truth. ISIS` symbol is the sterile moon cratered by the gods in some long forgotten nuclear holocaust, and so a symbol of institutionalized host womb slavery of `woman`s seed` for sterile homosexuality in pederasty to wage war against her, while Isis is the sun goddess of Egyptian mythology who fashions a new penis for Osiris, because it`s the part she can`t find after he`s dismembered by Set, that is, Isis is the woman with the penis, and Osiris is restored as Horus, the `sky god`, who corresponds to Jesus in Christianity. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem for `dissidency`, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and left there to die, but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, that is, women`s brainpower, to liberate her from ephemeral womb slavery in parasitism to a parasitoid devourer that periodically emerges from her human host to kill and re-enslave her, can colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven in starships of her own devising, but `woman`s seed` must be able to sexually reproduce.



 Jesus was betrayed by his disciple Judas who, known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, saw a woman anointing his feet with perfume, and suggested that the perfume be sold to raise money, but Jesus rebuked him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas didn`t want Jesus to have a girlfriend, lest male braining for war against her be threatened by `woman`s seed`, so he sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, as a dissident rabbi, for `thirty pieces of silver`, and the Pharisees gave Jesus to the Roman Empire then occupying Jewish Palestine, who crucified him. Without `woman`s seed` the Romans could continue manufacturing men and women as a `TV` to watch being killed in their amphitheaters, while although John Logie Baird wouldn`t invent the `TV` machine for transmitting pictures as home entertainment theater for the parasitoid devourers until 1926, Hollywood, Los Angeles mass media entertainment Empire in the state of California on the west coast of the United States of America, would produce cinema theater to compete with the Roman Empire`s parasitoid taste. Philosopher George Santayana said: `Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.`4 Cinema and `TV` are those who repeat the past are dooming the future to repeat the past, because it`s all they know. Without a mass media edutainment system that features `woman`s seed`, it`s a `TV` set for a dismembering schizophrenic with psychopathic parasitoid tastes. Although `Wow!` was a sign of extraterrestrial life pulsed at the Earth for 72 seconds on August 15, 1977, the Pulse venue in Orlando, Florida, was a sign that the Earth`s heart still had a pulse to respond to `woman`s seed`, should she seek to make contact from where the Bible suggests she`d already made `war in heaven` with the serpent, Satan, to live amongst the planets and stars above: `... angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels. And the great dragon was hurled down - the ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.` (Rev: 12. 7-9) Upon the Earth the `remnant` of Eve`s `seed` is persecuted by the serpent, Satan: `... [a] woman ... [taken] to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14) Waiting for her `seed` to return for her from heaven, the woman waits, and so does the dragon: ``He stood in front of the woman as she was about to give birth, ready to devour her baby as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) If there aren`t any humans to make contact with, the patients` heart no longer has a pulse, whether there is a sign of life above or not, which is how Satanism rules the Earth.


1 Merriam-Webster Dictionary, .

2 Anderson, Paul Scott, Universe Today: Space And Astronomy News, `35 Years Later, The `WOW!` Signal Still Tantalizes`, February 24, 2012, .

3 Hoft, Jim, `WOW! Top Florida Imam: `Do Not Sensationalize` # Pulse Massacre - Calls It `Mass Shooting` - Need More Gun Control, Gateway Pundit: Where Hope Finally Made A Comeback, Jun 12th, 2016, 9: 51 am, .

4 Santayana, George, `Reason in Common Sense`, Vol. 1, The Life of Reason, 1905, p. 284.

Brain Entropy At The Twin Towers

08/06/2016 13:46

Brain Entropy At The Twin Towers


Although Osama Ben Laden was the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist organization that hijacked civil airliners and crashed them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York city on September 11, 2001, he`s not often associated with the `beast` of Revelation, which in modern times was a label given to President Bashar Assad of Syria, because his family name, `Wahash`, allegedly meant `beast`. However, in Arabic `Osama` means `lion, while Fahd`s name, who was king of Saudi Arabia, and an ally of the US during the ensuing Gulf war, means `leopard`. In the apocalyptic prophesy of the Revelation of Jesus` disciple, John writes: `Let he that has wisdom understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` 666 is understandable from a religious perspective because of the repression of human women`s futanarian capacity to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers on Earth, that is, although men and women constitute 100% of the known species of humanity, from a human point of view they`re 66.6%, while futanarian humans are the missing 33.3% that could add enough difference to the human picture to prevent brain entropy, which is called `BEN`, and is what the human race is suffering from. Consequently, Osama, the `lion`, BEN, was the name of the `beast`, Laden, (laden) with prophetic symbolism. Saddam Hussein was primarily the US` target after 9/11 because he said that it was a virus on the screen of the computer that they`d self-programed into seeing there. Essentially, he was correct because Hollywood, Los Angeles, capital city of the media Empire of the Earth, since D. W. Griffith made the first movie on the west coast of the state of California, Old California (1910) there, had established a ban on `woman`s seed`, that is human futanarian women, being seen on movie screens by 1930, when President Will Hays of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) introduced the `Hays code`: ` ... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 No love scenes on bed for human futanarian women who aren`t going to be able to raise their foot from the floor of the Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars in heaven because the animals of the Earth are bruising her heel as she tries to leave.

 In Christian iconography Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus is a prefiguration of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of human futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, born uncontaminated by male semen, so capable of sexually reproducing her own brains` powers to liberate her race from slavery in parasitism to a creature that somehow eons ago managed to inveigle itself into her species` host womb and steal her penis to emerge as the parasitoid devourer of humanity. Early in the Bible, God tells Eve, after she`s been tempted to `eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, by the serpent, Satan, who`d been left on Earth by God, for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, Eve`s `seed` will have `enmity` with the serpent`s `seed` for enslaving the future of humanity in ephemerality, although: `You will crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The serpent is an animal, whereas Eve`s human futanarian `seed` of women for the host wombs of women aren`t. Although men are depicted as the fertilizers of the human host, Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen indicates the path from the animal to the human, that is, `woman`s seed` produces human brainpower, while animal semen doesn`t. When Jesus` disciple, Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, saw a woman anointing Jesus` feet with expensive perfume, he suggested that the perfume be sold to raise money, and Jesus rebuked him: `Leave her alone.` (Rev: 14. 6) Terrified that Jesus, uncontaminated by male semen, after being born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, might sexually reproduce as the `seed` of human futanarian women, Judas sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave Jesus over to the Romans then occupying Jewish Palestine as a `dissident` rabbi, whose teaching was: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself. ` (Mk: 12. 31) Because human futanarian women are prevented from sexually reproducing as the human species by men coming between them and their destiny as a single race uncontaminated by unredeemed animalism: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Human futanarian humanity won`t be married to their ring slavers in heaven, although if men accept `woman`s seed`, represented by the figure of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, they`ll have heaven too, but if they continue to wage war against `woman`s seed` on Earth, they`ll have that eternal unendurable pain, which is God`s punishment of perdition, rather than the new heaven on Earth promised by God to Eve`s `seed`.

 Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Romans, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood, and left there to die, but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. 9/11 was an attempt by animals to reestablish institutionalized host womb enslavement of women in homosexuality for pederasty and war, which was Greece. Held as the `model` for democracy by the West, Greece bred men and women as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism, that is, 33.3% of the known human race wasn`t afforded the opportunity either to sexually reproduce or vote. Men can`t sexually reproduce without women, although women can sexually reproduce without men, because human futanarian women can fertilize women with their own brain producing penis` semen, so men constitute 0% of the enfranchiseable vote as a parasite enslaving women`s host wombs in ephemerality`s blind unconscious ignorance without permanent brainpower. Or, in other words, the 66.6% of the human species that men have abrogated to themselves as their `TV` is `666`, the `beast` of Revelation, and the planes crashing into the World Trade Centre as a symbol of `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with `Greek` homosexuality in pederasty, `Live on CNN` and other television `TV` channels across the Earth, was a sign of the `beast`, that is, animalism: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was program the human computer with their virus. HIV/AIDS spread by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of `woman`s seed` is the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), and the `incurable killer disease` of the late 20th century was the `biological weapon` keeping women in host womb slavery to their monogamous ring slavers, whereas Islam`s Moslem families with their four wives affords the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the family. Consequently, 9/11 was an attempt to provoke war between the `remnant` of human futanarian `woman`s seed`, West and East, to extinguish the human race in Satanism: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The `serpent` is grown in size to a `dragon` since its days in Eden, the paradise of heaven on Earth, where Eve rejected God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, for Satan`s promise: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) But God told Eve her `seed` would have Redemption, although she`d experience labor pain while Adam, the first man, must labor, because Jesus would be the `Second Adam`, and redeemer uncontaminated by the male semen of the animal chain of being, which according to Jesus needed metanoia, that is, brain transformation through repentance from sin and acceptance of `woman`s seed`, to be redeemed from animalism.

 Upon Jesus` death, the Roman guard Longinus, speared Jesus` side with his spear, `Surely this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Although Jesus was supposedly mocked by the sign above his head on the cross, `king of the Jews`, the Romans believed that their Emperor was a god, and that birth by what modern gynecologists call `caesarian section` after the birth of Julius Caesar, who was the Roman Emperor erroneously thought to have been born by `caesarian section`, was a sign that the birthed was a god. When Jesus said that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, the Romans assumed that Jesus, who was known as the `Second Adam` amongst the Christians, would birth the `Second Eve` from his side, because Eve emerged from the side of Adam, according to the Bible, after being created from Adam`s rib by God. Consequently, it`s important that Eve wasn`t born of man, but emerged from Adam`s side, and that the Romans believed the `Second Eve` would emerge from the side of Jesus as the `Second Adam` and that this was what Jesus` prophecy of a Holy Spirit that would teach after him foretold. Because Eve`s `seed` was futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, women who could sexually reproduce with women, women`s species was a `difficult birth` symbolized by Longinus` spear, which was afterwards called the `spear of destiny`, which Adolf Hitler`s supposedly Christian German National Socialist (Nazi) Party adopted as its symbol after the election of 1933 when Hitler assumed the powers of a dictator and began a pogrom against the Jewish `chosen people` that exterminated upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews. Because it`s Jewish tradition that Jews can only be born from women, Jews have a futanarian tradition, so the Nazis were practicing animalism. Moreover, although Judeo-Christianity is taught that the Moslems in Islam aren`t of their tradition, Judaism was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham, born of Sara, who barren afterwards gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who founded Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels who`d been told that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Although the four wives of Islam are thought by many to be a means of retroactively legitimizing the birth of Ishmael from a woman not Abraham`s wife, they afford the possibility of human futanarian sexual reproduction of women`s species` brainpower for liberation from host womb enslavement in parasitism to men`s parasitoid devouring of the civilization, culture and art women are perforce made to produce by the irredeemable alien. Consequently, Judeo-Christianity and Moslem Islam are of the same human futanarian tradition made to wage war as a `TV` for the entertainment of their killer.



 Animalism is brain entropy (BEN) because the human species of `woman`s seed` runs down like a machine wound by clockwork that has lost its key, that is, women`s penis` semen no longer sexually reproduces the brainpower to make it go, and men reject medical science in favor of war against her `remnant` because permanent brainpower for the maintenance and operation of labor saving technology conferring freedom would release the slave that makes it work at a level of entropy acceptable to a species` extinguisher. Although Osama Ben Laden was the leader of Al Qaeda, brain entropy was what the laden beast was carrying on 9/11, because the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` wouldn`t escape from BEN unless men accepted Redemption through repentance from their evil sinful parasitoid nature. Saddam Hussein said that the Americans had a virus on their screen on 9/11 because they`d programed the human computer to accept that. Based on the HIV/AIDS virus, the `geek` computer software programer successors to `Greek` homosexuality devised `bad machine code` to infect the machine brains assisting humanity to think and kill them, which is what happened on 9/11. Programing the Earth with movies like Towering Inferno (1973), in which the fictional Chicago Glass Tower is destroyed in a fire, and King Kong (1933), where a giant ape climbs the Empire State Building in New York city to swat at airplanes, Hollywood`s global media Empire programed the 21st century with a virus that resulted in its appearance on the `TV` screen on 9/11.



 Rather than that the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` should run and escape, men would see her extinct, which explains the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The Al Qaeda terrorists had hijacked airliners at Boston`s Logan airport, so the Boston Marathon was disrupted by two pressure cooker bombs detonated near Copley Square outside Marathon Sports at 671–673 Boylston Street, and at 755 Boylston Street along the route of the runners, because `runners` was the name given to those trying to escape from the `sandmen` in the science fiction movie, Logan`s Run (1976). Sandmen were paid by their government to kill all those who reached 21 years of age, that is, a number analogous to the dawning of the 21st century, when 9/11 took place, because the socio-economic structure had reached levels of entropy that didn`t permit of an increase in population. Because human futanarian `woman`s seed` can sexually reproduce human brainpower to run their own socio-economically independent species, men don`t want them to, which is what the bombing of the Boston Marathon meant. In the film based on William F. Nolan`s 1967 novel, Logan is a sandman, and Jessica Six is a `runner`. Consequently, for the `sandmen` of the deserts of the Gulf, the `runners` at the Boston Marathon represented `woman`s seed` escapees preparing to make an attempt at breaking out of the prison. On March 23, 1982, US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan announced his `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI), a `ground and space based missile system` known as `star wars` after the Star Wars (1977) movie featuring a `Death Star` built to orbit planets and kill them. Although Apollo 11 astronaut, Neil Armstrong, had become the first man on the moon on July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56, human futanarian women`s foot was absent: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` Although `bug-eyed monsters` is the science fiction term for aliens in movies, the abbreviation BEM, is applicable to the intercontinental ballistic missiles armed with nuclear warheads devised by men to destroy the Earth, that is, ICBMs, or eyes see BEMs, because it`s the alien parasitoid devourer that made them to kill the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`. Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan was the architect of a bigger `death camp`. The ancient Roman fasces bundle of wood with an axe in the center was a symbol of Rome`s power, because it represented the construction of a hide from chopped wood and an axe behind which architects planned new building work, and the fasces was adopted by Benito Mussolini as the dictator elected in 1922 in Rome, Italy, before Adolf Hitler`s fascists applied it as their symbol of `death camp` construction after 1933. Consequently, Hollywood`s `Hays code` (1930) establishing a ban on `woman`s seed` being seen in the edutainment industry was a fascist move towards human futanarian species` extinction, which is represented in the US House of Representatives on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., by the fasces prominently displayed flanking the speaker. Although the US is depicted as a victor in the war (1939-45) against fascism, it was the Japanese sneak attack on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, that brought the US into the war, and Japanese fascism ended on August 6 and 9 when the US dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which indicated that the US were immolators at least as great as the German Nazis who burned the bodies of the Jewish `chosen people` in ovens inside their death camps, where the columns of smoke weren`t anything in comparison to the atomic clouds mushrooming over the gods` newly cratered Earth as they prepared to land on the old cratered moon and spread their zest for new craters in God away from Japan, where the alien`s tradition had been to bind women`s feet to prevent her futanarian foot race from running from the killer.



 Although it seems abominable, Japan punished its women by provoking the US in 1941, and Al Qaeda, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Afghanistan Taliban regime, before it was deposed by the US in December 2001, punished its women by provoking the US on 9/11. Iraqi Abu Bakr Al Bagdadi declared the Independent State of Iraq and Syria, after the US deposed Saddam Hussein and executed him on December 30, 2006. Saddam Hussein`s name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, because the US was Satanism to Moslem Islam`s women, whose tradition it was to be concealed from the eyes of Westerners, who`ve never seen women, because they`re penisless and brainless in the West, whereas Saddam Hussein, who defended Moslem Islam against the US, fulfilled God`s promise to Eve`s `seed` that the head of the `dragon`, Satan, would be crushed, so women would be free: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Saddam Hussein`s summer palace at Hillah overlooked the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), which got its name from `a woman`, according to the Bible, because human futanarian women`s host wombs were enslaved in parasitism for homosexuality in pederasty for war against her. Consequently, Hollywood`s called `Babylon` because, as Saddam Hussein said, that`s what it`s programed the software of the human computer to do. As a `small handsome man`, Saddam Hussein was Adam who`s sane, that is, the `Babylon` actor, who wasn`t `Hollywood`, because he didn`t ban women from wearing the burka, whereas in the West women are exposed constantly to public scrutiny amid an illegal normative belief system that they`re penisless, which in terms of misogyny represents the extremist perspective that it`s better for the people to be brainless than be a man born of woman, like Jesus.

 Although the rebel regime of Abu Bakr Al Bagdadi was the perpetrator of war crimes against humanity, for example, the destruction of the ancient world heritage site of Syria`s Roman city of Palmyra in August 2015, Christian Serb militia set up `rape camps` during the Bosnian war (1992-5), as parts of the former Russian controlled Eastern Europe - after the defeat of German and Italian fascism - experienced collapse, when the Russians withdrew in the late 1980s. The conglomerate nation of Yugoslavia, for instance, dissolved into independent Moslem or Christian nations. In Bosnia a generation of Moslem women in Islam were raped by Christian Serbs to ensure that the births would be male brained, rather than human futanarian `woman`s seed` should produce brainpower amongst the Moslems, which suggests that antipathy between Moslems and the West isn`t likely to evaporate with the Roman city of Palmyra unless the West accept Jesus` teaching of `woman`s seed`. Judaism`s Torah and Talmud, that is, the law and history of the Jews, is called the Old Testament of the Bible by Christianity, although Jews don`t accept Jesus` New Testament, partly because of Christian Nazism, while Islam does accept Jesus, whose life history appears in the Koran as Isa`s born of the Virgin, Mariam, so paradoxically Moslems were more understanding of Christianity before the collapse of Yugoslavia. Called Godless by the West, Russia`s management of Islamic Republics within Russia contrasts with the US` and its Western allies mismanagement. Although Karl Marx`s basic principle, `workers control of the means of production` is ridiculed by Western capitalist societies opposed to Russia`s adoption of Marxism, `woman`s seed` are the means of production enslaved by the West, which explains why Russia managed better than the West, although the propaganda of pornography suggests that its communist dictators` pogroms have produced the penisless, brainless woman, and so the brainless human too. Especially as the Russian Federation is set to replace its voyevoda ICBMs, labeled `SS-18 Satan` by the West, although `voyevoda` means `government` in Russia, with something even better.,php/Main/FootPopping/ .

The Position That You`re In

07/06/2016 15:41

The Position That You`re In


Pornography is an interesting slave medium. Disapproved of on `moral ground` by Christianity, and other religious groups, including Islam and Judaism, the usual reason given for disapproval is that pornographic depictions of sex between men and women encourage adultery, which is a moral perspective that requires elaboration, rather than simple acceptance. According to the Bible, Eve was the first woman, who accepted the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, from the serpent, who`d been the angel, Satan, in heaven above and had rejected God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, so Satan had been turned into a serpent and placed in the garden of Eden, that is, the paradise of heaven on Earth, where he tempted Eve with the promise: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve and Adam, the first man, from Eden, God told Eve she`d experience labor pain, and Adam must labor before Redemption would occur, while her `seed` would have `enmity` with the serpent`s: `You shall crush his head with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography Jesus` mother is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus` teaching is Redemption: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus was effectively the child of his mother, the Virgin Mary, that is, a child made from woman alone. Because futanarian human women with penis` semen of their own for the fertilization of women`s host wombs are Mary`s foot, because they represent the brainpower produced by women alone that can crush Satanism`s enslaving of the human species` host womb in ephemeral blind unconscious ignorance. Sex slavery is dependent on the male sharing the same perspective as the male he`s rather be, that is, pornography is the idea that the male voyeur wants to be in the position of the fertilizer of the woman`s ovum, even though the fertilization is a fiction based on the idea of competition for sexual pleasure. However, with the human futanarian species of woman with her own penis` semen for the fertilization of women`s host wombs, the perspective is that of a species appreciating the position she`s in, which is that of a race sexually reproducing its own brainpower to re-confer through liberating science that permanent memory and body needed for maintaining and operating the technology that frees, which is the Redemption God promised Eve`s `seed`.



 When Jesus` disciple, Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, spied a woman anointing Jesus` feet with expensive perfume, he suggested the perfume be sold to raise money, but Jesus rebuked him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Because Judas didn`t want Jesus to sexually reproduce from his human mother`s futanarian penis` semen, he sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for `thirty pieces of silver`, and the Pharisees gave Jesus to the Romans then occupying Jewish Palestine as a `dissident` rabbi. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood, where he died before experiencing Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of `woman`s seed` through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers to take her to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth. Before Jesus` crucifixion he was confronted by the Pharisees with a woman accused of adultery, and he said: `Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.` None were able to, and Jesus told her: `Go now and leave your life of sin.` (John: 8. 11) From the perspective of `woman`s seed`, a species kept in host womb parasitism as a sex slave isn`t adulterous, but adulterated, which is why Pope Pius XI in 1950 confirmed the Assumption of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven as a basic tenet of Christian belief, because women are adulterated by their sex slaver, who isn`t of their race, and so women can`t be condemned by men as adulteresses. Consequently, pornography isn`t condemnable on the `moral ground` that it encourages adultery, but that it`s adulterating of `woman`s seed`. As edutainment the male is in the position of the woman, who can`t see that, because she`s a slave in blind ignorant unconsciousness. Consequently, ephemerality for the human futanarian species is in the interest of the sex slaver to maintain, which is why humanity is kept at a low level of technological freedom: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war upon the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In parasitological terms, men are women`s parasite emerging from her host womb to devour her species as a `parasitoid`. The `red dragon` of the apocalyptic Revelation of Jesus` disciple, John, prophesies the attempt by Satanism to devour the human species of women after the parasite has grown to fullness since its days as a serpent in Eden.

  The `moral ground` of the alien is equivalent to the `tobacco ground` of the nicotine industry, which uses the language of gangsters, for example, `smoke` and `hit` both mean murder, that is, cigarette smoke is a euphemism for gun smoke, while `hit` means to kill, and `snuff` is ground tobacco, which is described as a `hit` by those whose habit it is to obtain a quicker effect from the nicotine drug by sniffing ground tobacco, that is, `snuff`. Consequently, the `snuff movie` genre of recording the real life killing of victims as entertainment is closely related to the `moral ground` of the tobacco industry advertising affixed to their product, SMOKING KILLS. Although that`s just a correlation between the language of parasitoid psychopaths and tobacco use, `smoking` is also used as a euphemism for penis-sucking, that is, fellatio, where the cigarette is in the position of the penis. If the penis of women was stolen by a parasite somehow inveigling itself into her host womb eons ago to steal her penis and emerge to use it to replicate itself as the parasitoid devourer of her human futanarian race, cigarette smoking by the alien is how the parasitoid devourer in Satanism jeers at women for allowing their species` penis to be extinguished. Although `hit` is used as a `snuff` term it`s also used for heroin and cocaine, which is snorted like snuff, whereas heroin is injected. The symbolism, however, is similar for the gangster, because heroin is an HIV/AIDS` transmitter, where the late 20th century `incurable killer disease` is contracted through needle sharing, while HIV/AIDS kills the brain as an STD usually spread through homosexuals` mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses after injecting their penis there and ejaculating in mockery of women`s human futanarian sexual reproduction. Because Cain was the first murderer who killed his brother, Abel, for being able to cook, that is, he was more technologically developed in terms of his use of brainpower, for gangsters cocaine is a metaphor for penis, or `cock`, and the cocking of the hammer of the gun before the trigger releases it to fire the killing bullet of the murderer, who is a type of Cain. Consequently, taking a `hit` from cocaine is a reference to murder. In ancient Greece the enslaving of women`s host wombs for homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`, that is, the `smoking` of the human species, was institutionalized, while Greece was held as the `model` of democracy. Of course, because men can`t sexually reproduce with each other, human futanarian `woman`s seed` are the enfranchiseable vote, that is, men`s democracy is a war against women and human brainpower, because men constitute 0% of the human sexual reproduction, while women are extinguished as sexual reproducers of human brainpower so that the parasite can enslave the human host wombs of women in homosexuality and pederasty for war against her as the alien parasitoid devourer of her civilization, culture and art.

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