The Pig`s Bladder of Morris` Men and their Fools
10/12/2013 15:41The Pig`s Bladder of Morris` Men and their Fools
Morris dancing is a traditional feature of English culture, which features the fool who is empowered to dance freestyle amongst the other men who`re engaged in ritualized steps. The Morris Men`s dance originated with the Moors in Spain and the `Moorish dance` was reportedly seen at the court of Henry VII at Christmas 1494. The main feature of the `Morris dance` is the fool`s belabouring the heads of onlookers with what is traditionally an inflated pig`s bladder tied to a stick, and that looks like a child`s balloon. The figure of the fool is archetypal. In Christian iconography the `ape of God`1 who apes what it can of the Almighty is depicted as the type of the fool, but the ape of God is Satan because apeing is perceived as being evil. True because apeing isn`t innovative or inventive, that is, the ape of God isn`t the creator, which means that it`s dangerous to prefer imitation and imitators to the real thing. Knowledge is wisdom and those who pretend to knowledge and don`t have it can`t operate the machinery.
In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the fool is an archetypal figure, because its role is to explain to the others that they`re fooling and being fooled while the fool only appears to be such. According to Jung figures like the fool represent developmental aspects of the human psyche, which emerge in the course of development to inspire growth, either as cultural figures or through the imaginative products of art. Emerging through dreams Jung describes such figures and symbols as the medium of the `collective archetypes of the unconscious`, which is the spiritual engine of the human mind. Jung defines the `Self` as the archetype of God attempting to become conscious and communicate with the human race through imagination and dreams. Morris dancing describes how Satanism has made an empty brainless balloon out of God`s species of woman, which is why the fool taps everyone in reach on the head with the pig`s bladder.
On 21st June in the English town of St. Albans the Midsummer Day dance begins at Sumpter`s Yard because a `sumpter` is a mule trainer and mules are bred for sterility, which makes it easier to train them for the work that they`re required for. Because Morris dancing takes place in market towns it`s about animal breeding, and the `ape of God`, that is, the fool, is there to remind the animals that they`re not human no matter how cleverly they imitate what intelligent people do. The aim of those who ape the creator is to breed the intelligent as mules, which are bred for sterility, because they`re for physical work. The intelligent are for brain work, but inventiveness doesn`t require breeding and so the `ape of God` breeds intelligent humans as mules. The mule trainer or `sumpter` makes intelligent humans work as mules, because they`re creative and productive, like God, that is, `woman`s seed`, because creativity and productivity is what humans are for from the apes` point of view. God is the consummate breeder because the creator isn`t for the enslaving of humans as mules, whereas from the apes` perspective the humans are their mules.
In Elizabethan playwright William Shakespeare`s A MIdsummer Night`s Dream (1590-6) the figure of Bottom is transformed by Robin Goodfellow at the behest of the king of the fairies, Oberon, and he is there when the queen, Titania, awakes from a sleep induced by Robin`s magic potion administered for the king so that she will be in love with the first person she sees upon awakening. Robin has transformed Bottom into a man with an ass`s head, which accords with the meaning of the Morris dance, that is, humans can be bred as mules who work as intelligent slaves. The name Robin was transcribed as `Hobin` occasionally and meant `horse`, which means Robin is just another type of Bottom because he`s a mule too in the service of the king of the fairies, Oberon. Titania`s making love with Bottom typifies the human predicament, which is that sexual reproduction between men and women makes asses of humans for the benefit of their enslavers.
In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, which suggests she has `seed` of her own, that is, penis` semen, and she does as `futanarian` woman with her own penis and `seed`. Woman is God`s `seed` and Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen, that is, the `serpent`s seed`, represents the antithetical position to that of the `ape of God` who is breeding itself in imitation of `woman`s seed` who are the humans. The Morris dancers` fool with the balloon on the stick represents the brain damage given to the human species by its breeders. Because women as the human `futanarian` race have been made almost extinct by men`s depredations upon the host womb of her species, Morris dancing represents the acknowledgement and awareness that they`re fools and the onlookers are fooled by the perception that they`re intelligent. God tells Eve in the Bible her `seed` will:
`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
The `futanarian` species of woman with her own human penis` semen for sexually reproducing her own brains` powers to liberate her through technological advances that can take her to the planets and stars of God` s heaven isn`t expected to be an `ape of God` from the perspective of the Almighty, that is, God wants her to develop her own brainpower so God can lift her foot from the Earth and she can be free of the `serpent`s seed` of men that, in Morris dancing, acknowledges its foolishness, but in such a secret way that noone is enlightened and so it remains an anachronistically entertaining reinforcement of the perpetuation of the enslavement of humanity as animals.
The pig`s bladder is what contains the urine of the animal rather than the semen, which indicates that the Morris men are laboring the point, that is, animal breeders aren`t human, because the `serpent`s seed` is men`s and women aren`t their species. The woman who is bred in brain damage because she doesn`t sexually reproduce her own brains` powers, although she could as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, is the brainless balloon of the Morris men and their `fool` is probably chosen as the most naïve amongst them so that the point can be labored through his naivete. The clever fool of course may belabor the Morris men with their own point, which is that the balloon on a stick is their own empty bladder. The woman they`re breeding with isn`t theirs but God`s, and so they`re impregnating her to no effect other than to increase the amount of brain damage already extant within the human gene pool. The large consumption of beer during Morris dancing events reinforces the picture of the fruitless nature of the breeding exercise from God`s point of view, that is, God`s `seed` is woman`s `futanarian` human species , so the breeding of the `serpent`s seed` of men with her is a precursor to emptying the pig`s bladder of urine – and that`s all:
`The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. The name written on her forehead was a mystery: Babylon the great the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Brain damaged women are the slave host wombs of the `serpent`s seed` of men, which maintains them for its war against the human race. In Morris dancing the fool represents the `ape of God` because the enslaver is breeding for brainlessness, symbolized by the pig`s bladder which the onlookers are belaboured with. War is a balloon on a stick, that is, the brainless balloons shoot at each other with their sticks and the balloons burst. Because the women are God`s `seed`, as the `futanarian` human species of God`s `seed` with her own penis` semen, she`s the `seed` God has `chosen` not to be a balloon on a stick, that is, she`s expected to raise her foot from the Earth by means of her own brains` power and leave Satanism behind her.
The original Morris dance was Moorish and has associations with slavery because the figure of the free fool is indicative of the role of intelligence within the breeding program, that is, if the individual isn`t freed by the dance of life slavery has triumphed and the human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` remains trapped in brain damaged impotence caused by her enforced monogamous relations with the `serpent`s seed` of men. Having much in common with `weapon dances`, such as the Moresca of Spain, which recalls the struggle between Moslems and Christians from the 12th to the 15th centuries, the `Morris` or `Moorish` dance can be viewed as the necessity imposed upon the slave to discover means for escape, which in the United States led to the practice of such `religions` as `voodoo` and other forms of shamanism amongst slaves brought against their will from the West Indies and the Caribbean, before Christian Gospel music became a more conservative method of asserting their human rights to those who`d enslaved them and which eventually resulted in their being freed from illegal ownership immediately after the American Civil War to abolish slavery (1861-5).
A small statue of a black Morris dancer amongst sixteen white dancers, sculpted in 1480 by German sculptor, Erasmus Grasser, gives a clue as to the role of the black fool as he who is free amongst men but can`t leave because he`s as foolish as they who haven`t allowed women to breed and be free of the `serpent`s seed` of men`s parasitism upon her host womb. The concept of breeding as being a hobby and not a serious activity is emboldened by the figure of the `hobby horse` in the dance. At Coombe Martin in Devon, England, someone is designated `the Earl of Rhone` and the fool and the hobby horse, who is a man in the guise of a horse, `capture` the Earl who is placed upon the back of a mule and shot at before being revived by the fool and the hobby horse, who place the Earl again upon the back of a mule, before the Earl is killed and thrown into the sea. The fool is in the role of Jesus, because Christ believes in Salvation, and the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, for sexually reproducing her own brains` powers to escape from brain damage:
`When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Mk: 12. 25)
For the Morris dancers, who represent the breeders, Salvation and Resurrection of `woman`s seed` is just Jesus` `hobby horse`,2 and not to be taken more seriously than as a breeding possibility, because Satan is the power of the `serpent`s seed` of men upon the Earth and not God`s `seed`. The Earl of Rhone represents the individual who thinks they can escape from being bred as an intelligent mule to serve the apes of God with its innovativeness, for example, humanity`s inventions of the internet or satellite television, which the brain damaged are able to create despite the apes handicapping the humans to maintain the `hobby horse`3 ridden by the simian intellects of her demonic slave drivers.
1 Clark, Stuart `The Devil, God`s Ape` in Thinking with Demons: The Idea of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe, Oxford University Press, 1999.
2 Because `hobbyhorse` symbolizes sex as animal instinct sublimated into various engaging pastimes, `hobby` has come to mean what is harmlessly obsessive.
3 Cawte, E. C. Ritual Animal Disguise, DS Brewer for the Folklore Society, London, 1978, pp. 8-9.
Feminism Doesn`t Like Women
05/12/2013 13:18Feminism Doesn`t Like Women
The sorites is an ancient form of argument whereby a proposition is proven by a logical series of inductions. The Cambridge professor of mathematics, Charles W. Dodgson, explicated the methodology of the sorites in his two novels for children written under the pseudonym, Lewis Carroll, Alice In Wonderland (1865) and Through The Looking Glass (1871), because it`s a reasoned form of teaching, rather than an instructional approach best suited to the learner who has a mind, rather than a thirsty sponge, which is often the only material available to primary educators who should know that satisfying a thirst for absorbing information is not what is required by the educated, but rather the provision of an independent tool for logical reasoning useful to the student:
`Serpents like eggs, girls like eggs, therefore girls are serpents.`1 (Ch.5)
Dodgson`s supposedly reasoned argument from Alice In Wonderland is that girls are serpents because they like eggs, but God tells Eve that the serpent in Eden will have `perpetual enmity` with her `seed`, and eggs, that is, ovum presumably, because girls are humans and not serpents, which places Dodgson in the misogynist camp blaming Eve for the expulsion of the original couple, Adam and Eve, from the garden of Paradise, for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent rather than obey God`s injunction upon her to only eat of the `tree of life`, which was immortality. In the Old Testament of the Bible God told Eve that the consequence of hers and Adam`s `sin` would be `death`, but there`d be Redemption for the human race.
The teacher of the `Word of God` in the New Testament of the Bible was Jesus Christ who, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was `woman`s seed`, and not the serpent`s, which means women`s `seed` aren`t the serpent`s, so Dodgson was in the `death camp` when it came to reasoning logically about women. The basic premise of Through The Looking Glass is that of the central protagonist, Alice, trying to learn the rules of a game of chess in which she seems to be one of the pieces. But the sorites form of logical reasoning would tell her that what`s missing from the mirror is her own penis` semen. Human `futanarian` women have their own penis` `seed` and so Alice represents the child who isn`t told and so remains trapped by men like Dodgson who believe in the `death camp` for her. God tells Eve she`ll:
`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
Because the `serpent`s seed` are men who have enslaved her host womb women have brain damage because they don`t sexually reproduce their own brainpower to save themselves and escape from their parasites that plan to exterminate her in their `death camps` if she doesn`t accept enslavement in the production of art, civilization and culture for men to destroy as aliens that once may have inveigled themselves into her host womb to replicate as parasitical devourers of humanity.
Feminism is a sorites in which women are equal to men, because they correspond physically, although women with their own penis` `seed` are capable of socio-economic independence from the `serpent`s seed` of men, who want to keep women as host wombs in parasitism. Women without penis` `seed` of their own are taught that the mirror complement to their bodies is male, which is obviously untrue if women have penis` semen of their own, and so women are made `schizophrenic` deniers of their own species in acceptance of an institutionalized framework for enslavement, that is, monogamous marriage, or `ownership of the means of production`. Feminism`s sorites isn`t true. The received wisdom is that pornography is degrading to women but magazines like Playboy (1953-) and Penthouse (1965-) featuring photographs of naked women without penis` `seed` of their own visible suggest that there aren`t any women because the feminists don`t want any.
The feminist argument is one of `political correctness` where women who`re `lesbian` are homosexual and so equal to men, whereas women who have sexual desire for other women are sexually normal because `futanarian` women have penis` `seed` of their own and so `PC` feminism isn`t correct. Men aren`t capable of sexually reproducing without women, whereas women are capable of sexually reproducing without men, which means they`re the humans and men are the aliens that have stolen the humans penis` semen and disenfranchised them from democratic control over the Earth`s peoples. Alice Through The Looking Glass depicts a girl who can`t react normally because she`s looking for her `futanarian` mirror image complement and she isn`t there:
`I've been searching for the daughter of the devil himself. I've been searching for an angel in white. I've been waiting for a woman who's a little of both and I can feel her but she's nowhere in sight.`
The lyric from the United States of America`s Eagles (1971-) rock group`s song, `One Of These Nights` (1975), could equally be applied to Dodgson`s mirrored game of chess in Alice Through The Looking Glass in which one of these knights could have helped Alice, but men `devil` the progress of young women to prevent them from seeing the `futanarian` counterpart of herself that will allow the breeding of her own brains` powers through her own penis` `seed`:
`'You've only a few yards to go,' he said, 'down the hill and over that little brook, and then you'll be a Queen.` (Ch.8)
But if she doesn`t have penis` `seed` of her own, she`ll be brainless. Spot the difference exercises are common in kindergartens to get children to find answers to puzzles, but the ability to recognize differences doesn`t develop inductive logic. If women aren`t taught that `futanarian` women have their own penis` `seed`, they`d need inductive logic to find that out for themselves, but all primary school teaching is devoted to Alice Through The Looking Glass exercises in which the differences can be recognized because they`re what`s absent from the picture given. Pupils have the ability to answer questions and ask for answers but have no inductive reasoning powers because they`ve perforce accepted the picture, which prevents them deducing anything more.
Primary education stunts the intellectual capacity of the student right at the outset if nooone is prepared to teach young women that the picture isn`t entirely what it seems. Students are taught that there are answers to questions, so questions are what they think are what they need to discover answers, but that`s an interrogator`s perspective, whereas the inductive reasoner who can logically find a solution to a problem by discovering its sorites, for example, is perceived as an intelligence agent or spy to be interrogated as to why they`re not satisfied with the picture as given. Those who want the given picture to be accepted are the teachers of the interrogative mode in language, while those who don`t are perceived as agent provocateur. Because the picture isn`t truly described what children are taught is to be interrogative rather than reasonable, which results in societal intimidation debilitating to humanity`s capacity for peace.
Teaching interrogative reasoning is to presuppose that the child isn`t to know what the true picture is like, because only inductive reasoning could tell the educated what the picture is concealing. If a woman is in two pictures with a long flowing skirt, and the task is to tell the examiner what the differences are between the identical pictures, the student can answer that the hairbrush is missing from this tableau while the mirror is missing from the other, but only an inductive reasoner could say that the woman on the left has a penis of her own beneath her `futanarian` skirt. The interrogative mode is what primary educators teach, but they`re trapped because they can`t explain that the woman on the left in the twin identical pictures could have a penis underneath her petticoats, because it`s a sexual taboo designed to prevent human women from becoming. The interrogative method presupposes something to be concealed, not discovered.
Jesus Christ was exposed as a `dissident` by Judas Iscariot, and tortured to death by the Romans, because he wasn`t to reveal, not because he was thought to be concealing something. Jesus` openness about his teaching method and goals were undisguisedly reasonable, which was why the Romans found it difficult to convict the Messiah of a crime. Jesus was a `dissident`, because he wanted to explain the picture for others, as `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who represented `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` because she could birth Jesus without being fertilized by a male. Because Rome represented slavery for the host womb of women, the Empire didn`t want the picture to be explained and so deployed the interrogative mode in torturing Jesus to death while actively silencing his teachings.
What Jesus Christ taught was inductive reasoning because he was a sorites. If the Messiah was born uncontaminated by male semen, individuals could be born without fertilization from the male penis, so women must have penis` `seed` of their own, which God tells Eve women will have after Eden when explaining her `seed` is to experience `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` of men. Jesus` preaching was against the interrogative method because indictive reasoning revealed God`s `seed`. Asked to explain why the Jewish Pharisees wanted him put to death, Jesus found that he couldn`t give an answer acceptable to the interrogative method and he was tortured to death, but he received Resurrection and Ascension to heaven from God because inductive reasoning was preferred to a picture painted by the liars of Rome:
`So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed him, `If you continue in my word, then you are truly disciples of mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.` They answered him, `We are Abraham's descendants and have never yet been enslaved to anyone; how is it that you say, 'You will become free '?` (John 8: 31-3)
Jesus` teaching of the inductive reasoning method frees the believer from the enslaving liars` picture, for example, explaining to young women that pictures of themselves naked are evil, feminism is telling the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` that she mustn`t sexually reproduce with herselves so humanity won`t be an intelligent race of anything other than `schizophrenic` lesbians, which levels the accusation at feminism that it has always strongly denied; it`s lesbianism.
The aim of criminals is to be able to steal without being seen, so blindness isn`t a metaphor with them. Feminism`s refusal to promulgate Jesus` teachings of `woman`s seed` falls into the same trap as organized religion, that is, keeping the young women in blindness and ignorance through media blackout, censorship, and sexual taboo, so they`ll never be able to sexually reproduce the human race from its own host wombs.
Vampires are depicted in movies and television as men in coffins who sleep during the day and arise at night to drink the blood of their victims as members of the undead who live as parasitical leeches. It`s a folkloristic metaphor for what the `serpent`s seed` of men do, which is keep women in unconsciousness so they don`t awake to what is being done to them. In the Bible a woman is depicted as giving birth to Jesus in his `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer` who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` (Rev: 12. 1-5) while a draco or vampire waits in vain to devour him. Playboy and Penthouse magazine are examples of `pornographic literature` made from paper, which is the wood pulp in the heart of the woman as the stake that men`s publishing industry has in her continuing as a blind, ignorant slave.
In television`s vampire lore, Sarah Michelle Gellar`s Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003), the wooden stake would kill the vampire, but men don`t want women to die so quickly. The stake is a transposition of the penis` `seed` of the `futanarian` woman, which can penetrate the hymens of her own human species to sexually reproduce women`s own brainpower. That`s humanity`s stake in the future, whereas men`s stake in women`s future is the wooden stake in her heart that doesn`t want immortality for her but ephemerality and death before rebirth in reincarnation and the continuation of the parasitical vampirist cycle of `perpetual enmity` that the `serpent`s seed` has been pursuing against the `seed` of Eve and her daughters since Eden:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Jesus preaches Resurrection for `woman`s seed` in the Bible because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen has been killed by men to prevent women from escaping their slavery by means of sexual reproduction as a species that would give her brainpower to be a species` family socio-economically and technologically independent of the `serpent`s seed` of men. Betrayed by his disciple, Judas Iscariot, despite Jesus` role as the good `host` at the `Last Supper`, at which he symbolically gave `bread and wine` as his `body and blood`(Matt: 26. 20-26), Christ was crucified but experienced Resurrection before his Ascension to heaven, which meant Judas had betrayed the host species of woman`s `seed` and her womb but God`s promise of Redemption and Resurrection would stand:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
It`s in the interests of the criminals to keep the children brain damaged so they can maintain their power, which means `futanarian` human `seed` of woman with her own penis` semen is taboo. In Hollywood, Babylon, the penis is so absent from the mainstream movie screen that a visitor from another world would be hard pressed to say that the film industry was for anything other than recording the self-extinction of the human race. Conversely, the aliens making the movies in Hollywood, Babylon, established since 1910 in Los Angeles, California, programmed the business with the exclusion of `woman`s seed`, at least since the `Hayes Code` of production was implemented in 1930, when it was taboo for a woman to raise her foot from off the floor in bedroom scenes.
The `foot` taboo continued until 1967 and was a program designed to prevent the `futanarian` human penis` `seed` of woman`s `foot`, which God told Eve would `crush the head of the serpent` as she and her daughters left Earth, from being perceived after 1967 as a means of sexually reproducing her own brains` power to facilitate her technological progress. Depicting imaginary aliens as invasive threats to the future of humanity in movies like War Of the Worlds (1953) the real aliens of Hollywood, Babylon, have represented themselves as heroic, whereas the true story behind movies like Troy (2004), with its tales of wily Ulysses and brave Achilles, is of the Greek institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs to further the spread of their contagion of homosexual pederasty and war.
Because the `serpent`s seed` are alien parasites waging war against the human species of `woman`s seed` and Hollywood, Babylon, is helping. The movie hero is a homosexual pederast who is keeping women unaware of their own human `futanarian` `seed` of woman with their own penis` semen for sexually reproducing her own independent socio-economy, which would mean `Woman` movies without the male `action` hero figures that preserve the delusion of men`s intrinsic significance for a species` host womb that doesn`t actually need its parasites because she has her own penis` `seed`:
` The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, `Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.``(John: 8. 3-5)
In the `eternal triangle` of the `best man` having sex with the bride before the wedding to the groom, the affair continues after the marriage and it`s in the interests of the criminals that the married man never becomes conscious, or indeed awake, that is, he is blind and ignorant, which is why Jesus had to respond carefully to his inquisitors when speaking to the woman, `Go now and leave your life of sin.` (John: 8. 11) Only if the husband remains blind and unconscious of his wife`s affair can she continue which means he`ll be made blind and unconscious by her lover, which is a recipe for the degeneration of the human species to the point at which everyone is blind because of thieves and adulterers who don`t want others to see.
Jesus` celibacy is depicted in Christianity as a major source of his appeal because it connotes virgin purity, which is what `futanarian` human woman`s penis` `seed` is associated with because of the purity of Christ`s mother, the Virgin Mary, whereas Onan, the character from the Old Testament who refuses to obey God`s command to impregnate his sister-in-law after the death of his brother, is deemed to have been killed by God because he would rather masturbate than fertilize the woman, which isn`t true. Onan was killed by God for disobedience, whereas common belief is that Onan was killed because he was a masturbator, which derives from the incorrect belief that masturbation results in blindness. It would if Onan had been killed for masturbation, just as Cain was increasing the level of species` blindness when he killed his brother, Abel, for being able to cook, while Cain preferred the easy life of the fruit picker, which is what thieves and adulterers are. The celibate purity of the groom kept in unconscious blindness by the best man, while he`s having an affair with the supposed future bride, is the stereotypical picture of the adulterer preying upon a victim preparing for his nuptials, which is how Jesus` Christ is described:
`Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!` (Rev: 19. 9)
Because Onan was killed by God for disobedience, rather than the commonly supposed masturbation, the celibate masturbator represents blindness and unconsciousness, before and after marriage, because thieves and adulterers prefer that for others, and that`s the basis of their criminal socio-economy. Jesus` crucifixion occurred because he taught that God wanted humans to see heaven and so was a `dissident` against the Empire of Rome in Palestine, which wanted to keep the people in ignorance of the truth about `woman`s seed` as a solution to the problem of their brain damaged status as victims of the `serpent`s seed` of men who don`t want the `futanarian` human penis` `seed` of women to sexually reproduce her own brains` power for the liberation of the human race, but prefer reincarnation of their blind and unconscious brain damaged victims to the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` that God has promised `life everlasting` to while the evil experience perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, as their punishment for enslaving the host wombs of women as her alien antagonists.
Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after death represents his victory over the `serpent`s seed` seeking to keep the human species in unconscious blindness and ignorance of their `futanarian` nature as women with their own penis` `seed` sundered from their own selves and heaven by an alien creature producing art, culture and civilization from the host womb of the human species to destroy in its periodic assaults upon her Earth in the wars of `perpetual enmity` God had warned Eve in Eden her `seed` would have with the serpent`s because that`s what her alien parasite`s `seed` is for. Applying the sorites method of inductive reasoning reveals it. Alien invasions are science fiction and so Hollywood, Babylon, following its logic of war in acceptance of homosexual pederasty, depicts heroic resistance against the aliens from outer space, so as to impress the human woman with her own almost extinguished penis` `seed`.
Defending her from its fictional creature that might conceivably, should it perhaps exist, seek to extinguish her human `seed`, the alien `male` counterpart of the human that has inveigled itself somehow into her host womb as a parasite to steal her own penis` `seed` and keep on injecting her with its replicative virus, presents her with its interrogative picture that defies inductive reason. The alien exhorts the human to believe in alien invasions while presenting itself as the hero of the Earth and imprisoning the woman so that her `seed` can`t leave. Perpetually interrogating her to see if she understands, the alien doesn`t want her to, and it continues to film her extinction in Hollywood, Babylon, as a socio-historical depiction of its wars against her, while plotting itself into her future as aliens attacking the Earth from outside as its military reserves in the gulf wars between humanity and its alien parasite:
`… across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.`2
The fascination of alien invasion began in the 1950s with movies like Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956) and novels like Robert A. Heinlein`s The Puppet Masters (1953) where alien parasites took over the bodies of humans. According to some critics the theme derived from fears in the United States of America that Communism would succeed in its avowed aim of undermining the socio-economic fabric of Capitalism. Communism was depicted as a `hive` mind of unindividuated creatures that were unfree of their masters. The basic theory of Communism was that `ownership of the means of production` should be in the hands of the `masters`, that is, the state, for the general good, while Capitalism believed that `ownership of the means of production` should be based on entrepreneurial individuality which would result in general societal improvements. Because women are the producers of the human species from their host wombs, marriage is `ownership of the means of production` by her parasites, which is the same in Communism as well as Capitalism unless women are accepted as a self-owning production. The cell phone prevents women from being self owners if they have to give their phone numbers to aliens, of course, which explains why the `number of the beast is the number of a man` (Rev: 13. 18) in the Bible. Humanity`s alien invaders are men engaged in homosexual pederasty`s `perpetual enmity` against `woman`s seed`:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` produced in mockery of human sexual reproduction in the anuses of homosexual pederasts engaged in mixing blood, shit and semen in Satanic ritual acts of bestiality are `the beast` of Revelation because it`s an alien `biological weapon` designed to keep the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` power from finding a a cure for the `killer disease` by keeping her in fearful faithfulness to the monogamous misogyny of her parasitical virus, men, rather than have her perceive by inductive reasoning that her self in the mirror lacks penis` semen of her own because the interrogative teaching method of Jesus` killers has told her she shouldn`t – and she does.
God sent `blood plague` to convert men, which means `blood feud` and vendetta against women, as an aspect of the HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` of homosexual pederasty`s war against woman`s human race, was the interrogative method deployed by God to discover whether or not the alien had understood? If men continue to divert resources away from medical care for the human species of woman into its wars of `perpetual enmity` there`ll be no forgiveness from God. Jesus was God` s sorites. If men couldn`t deploy inductive reasoning to discover God`s `Word` about `woman`s seed` and its future successful Resurrection In heaven, God`s interrogation had begun. Interrogated by the Romans, Jesus` teaching was a sorites. Immortality was promised to God`s `seed`, but the evil also would receive immortality in eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, which meant that immortality was for all. Jesus` interrogators were torturers, which is what the interrogative method is. Death was the consequence, but Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to God`s heaven. The sorites is inductive reasoning, and it`s God`s method, whereas interrogation is the method of the evil because it`s torture. But it`s imitation of perdition because the evil want to be God and methodical interrogative torment is what they`re for, whereas God`s perdition is for the evil and, as the evil didn`t want Jesus to answer, so God doesn`t want the evil to answer back either.
Having spoiled the picture for the human species and spoiled it institutionally in Hollywood, Babylon, God`s punishment upon the despoiling `serpent`s seed` is sure. Unable to see the human picture because of the occluding aliens of the `serpent`s seed` of men, God`s heaven is for the humans who perceive Jesus` sorites as the truth through inductive reasoning led by the spirit, while the interrogative method of the evil aliens is for those who want perdition for others, which is why the picture is a tempter`s. The temptation is to keep on improving the aliens, so there are many movie remakes; for example, War Of The Worlds (2005). The movie actors are the warlike aliens, whose looks have improved so that Hollywood, Babylon, can continue as the `serpent`s seed` recording its `perpetual enmity` with the Earth, while looking much more glamorous.
In Christianity the preacher is in a position to spread the `Word of God` through the Gospels, which are the testimonies of the disciples Matthew, Mark, Luke and John of the events independently witnessed of the life of Jesus Christ in corroboration. The individual member of the congregation is invited to hear the teachings of Jesus as disseminated by the preacher, which presupposes the capacity in the hearer to understand. If the preaching degenerates into an interrogation of the congregational adherent, the member of `the body of Christ` in the church is being tormented, which means the preacher is in the position of torturer but doesn`t have the authority from God to punish, which is solely God`s prerogative.
Because Jesus as a sorites invited inductive reasoning the role of the preacher is as a facilitator but no more. If the preacher doesn`t preach `woman`s seed` the congregation can`t receive the `Word of God` and the preaching is in danger of degenerating into an interrogation as to whether or not the individual members of the church congregation understand. Obviously they wouldn`t be able to without inductive reasoning and a sorites that would allow them to inductively reason, which is what the story of Jesus` life described in the Gospels is for: a sorites. If the preaching isn`t about `woman`s seed`, it`s an interrogation but, if the teaching relies on Jesus as a sorites, the individual member of the congregation has enough material to experience metanoia, that is, conversion, through inductive reasoning, which is that personal revelation of the meaning of God`s `Word` that most biblical commentators argue was felt by Saul:
` As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, `Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?` `Who are you, Lord?` Saul asked. `I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,` he replied.` (Acts 9: 3-5)
Saul can`t see for three days but afterwards `something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again.` (Acts 9. 18) Saul became Paul and preached Jesus as `the Son of God`, which Christ had expressly denied. Saul`s teachings led to the foundation of churches based on the worship of Jesus, which again was expressly rejected by Christ. Saul seems to have understood Jesus` appearance on the road to Damascus as an interrogation, that is, he was tortured into accepting Jesus as the `Son of God`, but metanoia is an inductive process whereby the individual comes to an understanding of Jesus through the meaning of his life as a sorites:
`Surely this was the Son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54)
The Roman centurion Longinus proclaimed Jesus as the `Son of God` after piercing his side with a spear after his death at the crucifixion, whereas Jesus has always called himself the `Son of Man`, which was a common phrase of the period indicative of a belief in mankind. In mockery of Jesus` teachings of Redemption and Resurrection the Roman guards had placed a sign above his head that read `King of the Jews`, so Longinus` proclamation may be comprehended as similarly mocking rather than as the centurion`s conversion. Because Longinus was a torturer, his declaration of Jesus as the `Son of God` requires the audience to understand, which makes it interrogatory and so falsely reasoned, which interpretation is borne out by Paul`s interrogative preaching of Jesus as the `Son of God` who is worshipped.
Both Longinus and Paul were Roman legionnaries and persecutors of Christians, so they serve but aren`t truth, which requires inductive reasoning. Longinus` spear was afterwards called `the spear of Destiny` because Eve was from the rib of Adam and, as the `Second Adam`, the wisdom of Eve, that is, the Holy Spirit, would be from the rib of Jesus. Such inductive reasoning isn`t interrogative, whereas the `spear of Destiny` was used by the Nazis as a symbol of their power to wage war and pogrom the `chosen people` in `death camps` during WWII, which effectively asked of the Earth the question: do you understand? As the symbol of the power of the Holy Spirit, the `spear of Destiny` represents inductive reasoning and not the fulfilment of the demands of the interrogators, which is what the Nazi `death camps` represented in the same way as Jesus` torture. He wasn`t being interrogated, he was being killed. But the Holy Spirit`s release from the side of the body of Jesus by the spear of Longinus is the power represented by the spear, which doesn`t have any of its own. What it represents is the desire to demand of others that they understand, whereas the Holy Spirit represents the desire to understand through inductive reasoning the `Word` of God in order to establish heaven on Earth, because acceptance of the Holy Spirit in Christianity is deemed as the prerequisite for Redemption.
1 .
2 Wells, H. G War Of The Worlds, Bk I, Ch. 1, 1898.
Incest With Adam And Eve
03/12/2013 08:18Incest With Adam And Eve
One of the more awkward posers for Bible commentators is the problem posed by incest which would have to occur between Adam and Eve and their children if the human race was to begin in sexual reproduction. Most Bible observers base their belief that the Adam and Eve story is a myth on the role of incest in the beginnings of human history because it isn`t thought to be genetically practicable for a species to have but the semen of a single individual as progenitor. In Eden the serpent tempting Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` is perceived to be a euphemism for sexual intercourse, that is, the couple leave Paradise when they begin to have sexual feelings for one another and this constitutes `disobedience` of God who tells them only to `eat of the fruit of the tree of immortality`, because the fruit of the `tree of knowledge` is death.
Only after Adam and Eve leave Eden do they sexually reproduce children and the story of Cain`s killing of Abel because he`s discovered the rudiments of cooking and so is more able than Cain, who picks fruit as an offering to God, because it`s an easy life, while Abel places meat upon the fire to offer its fragrance to the invisible creator and God`s sense of smell. In preventing human progress Cain has the role of the blinder, because that`s the role of the murderer in relation to human progress. A simpler metaphor is of the person who would be able by the power of the spirit within but they`re forced to have a cane to guide their way because they`re blind.
The daughters of Adam and Eve aren`t mentioned in such particularity but the story of the relationship between Onan and Tamar has been transformed into a myth similar to the Cain and Abel tale because common superstition associates masturbation with blindness and Onan was killed by God for `casting his seed upon the ground` rather than sexually reproducing with Tamar. Just as Cain`s murder of Abel is a blinding of the human in its progress, so God`s killing of Onan should be a smoothing of human progress because God is insisting on sexual reproduction between man and woman. But that ignores the role of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` born from Eve and her daughters. God tells Eve in Eden the serpent and its `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with her `seed`, which suggests Eve and her daughters have penis` semen of their own. That explains the role of incest in the history of social evolution because the incest taboo would have arisen to prevent marriage initially because the taking of a wife by a family member would have been perceived as excluding and enslavement, but later the incest taboo would have functioned to prevent `futanarian` woman with ther own penis` seed` from sexually reproducing with females within her own human family, which is what she was originally for.
Onan`s refusal to impregnate Tamar actually makes of him a Christ-like figure who`s practicing celibacy because he perceives that `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` are what the human species needs to fertilize her ovum. Onan`s perception is that masturbation is what human women`s sexual arousal of the male penis` `seed` produces, which is borne out by the popularity and plethora of `adult` magazines and videos featuring nubile women in the 20th century and beyond. Jesus` presumed celibacy, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven presupposes the end of mankind in favour of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen as the host womb of the future without the `serpent`s seed` of men.
In genetic terms the main concern is with consanguinity, that is, sexual relations between close members of the same family have been known to produce what are called `sports` in the animal kingdom, which are physical deformities, because the bloodline is too thin to bear replication, rather like a photocopier lacking `toner`. Similarity is the essence of the problem with the `copier` because women without a penis and men with a penis are dissimilar, but at the outset of a breeding program the blood is too thin unless `futanarian` women are born from the host wombs of the women without a penis, that is, the woman with a penis of her own and `seed` to sexually reproduce with other women are the basis of a healthy human society. As the desire of the males begins to outweigh the need to protect the more vulnerable females who prefer each other because in the mirror of their perceptions women are a separate species with her own penis` `seed`, men take wives by consent preferably but against the will of the women if necessary.
The simplest solution for the males is to kill the `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` to eliminate rivals for the host womb of the human species. The incest taboo then functions to prevent the women from escaping with each other as mother and daughter and to ensure that monogamy and marriage continues between men and women so that the slave society of possessor and possessed is perpetuated, which is why God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the serpent`s. The `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` has the capacity to sexually reproduce her own brains` power for technological advancement in socio-economic independence from men to reach for the planets and stars of God`s heaven:
`… [she] will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
God`s promise to Eve and her descendants is that her `futanarian` foot will triumph over the `serpent`s seed` of men that have enslaved her as their producer of art, civilization and culture, despite their depredations in which they crush the soul and spirit of God in their wars against her humanity. The daughters of Eve will leave Earth while the evil `serpent`s seed` of men will have perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, as their punishment for enslaving the host wombs of the human race for parasitism and the destruction of humanity.
God killed Onan to force men to sexually reproduce with women because men don`t like women, women like their own species of `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed`. Men are the `serpent`s seed` but that`s all God had left to work with after men had murdered the `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen in order to establish enslavement of her host womb and the parasitical behaviouralism of the desire of everyone for monogamous union, which is ownership of the `possessed` woman. God was wrathful because all Onan wanted to do with the woman Tamar was masturbate rather than sexually reproduce and men had killed the `futanarian` women who loved each other in order to enslave her womb as parasites inveigling themselves into a host to perpetuate their evil.
Both in Communism and Capitalism, the two great shibboleths of socio-history, possession of the woman constitutes `ownership of the means of production`, which is deemed essential by economists if consumption is to be enthroned at the centre of human industry. The flaw in the system was revealed in the late 20th century when men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anus resulted in the creation of the `killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, which was a form of consumption beginning at the base of the spine where the virus was injected by infected male penis` semen before systemic collapse ensued and brain death. In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved by men for the purpose of spreading institutionalized homosexual pederasty and war, which was their socio-economy`s consumption:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 17. 5)
In the Bible the `red dragon` is depicted waiting in vain to devour the child of a woman because `he will rule the nations with an iron scepter`. Men are the consuming dragons of humanity and the `New Redeemer` will rule against them. The woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` giving birth to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, in his `Second Coming`, while the dragon waits to devour her child, is the statue of Liberty in New York harbor, who defeated the red sun of the flag of Japan in WWII and the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda, `the base`, after the terrorist group attacked Manhattan island`s Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre to reestablish `rough trade`, that is, the homosexual pederasty of war`s `brutality and violence`, between Saddam Hussein`s Iraq, who`d offered bases to Al Qaeda, and the United States of America, which effectively ended with the killing of Al Qaeda leader, Osama Ben Ladan, by US Navy Seal Team Six on May 2, 2011, at his hideout in Pakistan.
Although victory was achieved the consumption of resources by the United States` Military Industrial Complex (MIC) was debilitating. The Great Seal of the office of the Presidency of George W. Bush may have been able to declare its defence of the hymens of the `futanarian` women of the Moslem world through the deployment of its Navy Seals and in the name of the eagle emblazoned upon the Great Seal but it didn`t, which suggests that the identity of the biblical eagle protecting the woman in the desert after she gave birth was to remain a secret guarded by the consumers of the oil of Iraq in the socio-economy of the Middle East after the victory of the United States on behalf of Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors, that is, the petrol driven motor car companies consuming the Earth`s resources because men don`t want to develop to a technological level where women would have the freedom to leave in starships of their own devising, for example, because `futanarian` woman had remembered how to sexually reproduce her own brains` power, which requires the diverting of resources to the curing of consumption rather than its continuation:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
In the Bible God tells Eve she`ll have Redemption for her `seed` despite her disobedience in accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` rather than `the fruit of the tree of life` which is immortality, so the assumption must be that Eve`s `seed` will be immortal but that depends on her ability to use the Earth`s resources to ensure her longevity and youthfulness so that the knowledge of her species` semen will be passed on from mother to daughter throughout the generations of her lives. If she`s blinded by men to the existence of her own species `seed` and capacity to sexually reproduce her own brains` power to develop the technology of liberation, medical science won`t develop but the devouring consumption of war and human resources will go on apace. Without memory of her own human `futanarian` penis` semen women will succumb to men`s consumption of her so rejuvenation treatments from medical science will be necessary to preserve her memory as well as her body`s youth.
Men`s socio-economic system is that what is produced is for consumption, while Jesus` teachings are that what is produced is for keeping. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus` teachings are of `woman`s seed` and her Resurrection because God wants to keep her in heaven. The mother who burns her daughter`s supposed `pornography`, to prevent her from knowing about women`s `futanarian` penis` `seed`, is a consumptive who would consume her own species` future in order to damn women in blindness and ignorance while the `serpent`s seed` continue to breed further brain damage into Eve`s daughters as they don`t have the knowledge of the brains from her own penis` `seed` to prevent men`s contamination, whereas Jesus` envisions escape from it:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
Because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` constitutes the genuine human family with the incest taboo bred out of her system because it was merely a device to prevent men from attempting to breed with her at the beginning of God`s production program, in heaven woman`s family will be entirely human and herself. She won`t marry because marriage is slavery and ownership of her host womb. There the parasitical `serpent`s seed` reproduces itself by murder and rape to wage war against her in her blind unknowing. Warring against the human soul and God`s spirit - in and from her – which is the art, culture and civilization woman produces from her host womb, men destroy her in their wars of `perpetual enmity` against God and the angelic host she`ll ultimately enhance in heaven.
As a single biune species of human women with - and without - penis` semen of their own, but family by virtue of the physicality of the host womb each has, the incest taboo against sexual relationships amongst members of such an immense sorority house would no longer have any real meaning or purpose. The incest taboo had only existed to reinforce woman`s enslavement in monogamy and the consumptive devourings of her in the misogynistic parasites` hegemony over the socio-economy of the owned means of production, that is, the host womb of the women of the Earth, so that the alien organism of the `serpent`s seed` could pursue wars of `perpetual enmity` against the human race by means of such shibboleths as the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) of the United States of America, which actively worked against proper medical health care and the discovery of a cure for the HIV/AIDS virus because of resources diverted from the economics of the home.
The department of Homeland Defence was blamed for the terrorist attack`s success in the United States of America on 9/11, 2001, because `women and children first` is the maxim of all saving operations, especially at sea when the women and the children are always placed in the lifeboats irrespective of the number of available seats. In the movie Sophie`s Choice (1982), the Jewish woman, Oscar winning actress Meryl Streep,1 is `chosen` to decide whether or not to save her son or daughter when the guard at the gates of the `death camp` erected by the National Socialist Party (Nazi) of German leader, Adolf Hitler, for the extermination of God`s `chosen people` in World War II (1939-45). The Jewess chooses the daughter because Jewish women are taught that those who are born from their host wombs are Jews and no other, which means that women are Jews and no other.
The United States of America must divert resources away from the consuming and devouring dragon of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) to save the `futanarian` species of human women with their own penis` `seed` by rejuvenative treatments to ensure her mind and body remain youthful so she retains knowledge of her own race`s capacity to sexually reproduce her own brains` power to liberate herself from the clutches of the `serpent`s seed` through further technological achievements and advances. If the United States doesn`t allow Homeland Defence to protect the future of women and their children in this way the Department of Defence at the Pentagon can`t apportion blame to the defenders of the home if such an event as occurred on September 11, 2001, recurs, when a terrorist hijacked airplane crashed into the wall of the Pentagon itself in Arlington County, Virginia.
If shields are strong enough the tribe doesn`t need spears. Conventional war is like a conventional marriage. There are rules of engagement which delimit the strength of the shields and the strength of the spears so that war can occur. If a woman`s hymen is her shield, the male penis` semen is what spears are for, that is, the shields have been deliberately weakened in conventional marriage, as they`re weakened in conventional war, so the `serpent`s seed` can wage `biological war`, for example, in the form of HIV/AIDS` `killer disease`, which keeps women in fearful faithfulness to her misogynist enslaving parasitical alien devourers. Because `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` are the human race, their hymen is their species` shield and needs strength, not weakness, in conventionality. Only by diverting resources away from conventional defence towards conventional medical science can women`s shields function. Longevity through rejuvenative life-renewing medicine maintains bodily memory of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and capacity for sexually reproducing her own brainpower as a species, which is essential if she is to succeed as the human race. Because women`s hymens are their shields for woman it isn`t about penetration in the same way as it is for men, where war is for establishing homosexual pederasty`s enslavement of the host wombs of the conquered. If all of the human race had hymen, as `futanarian` women - with or without a penis of their own – psychology would be shield-based rather than spear, that is, penetration based.
In television series like Star Trek (1965-) the concept of the shield surrounding the starship is the basis for the science fiction. Most of the `action` is centred upon the notion that aliens want to penetrate the integrity of the shield in order to attack the ship, but that`s the convention of war and the marriage bed. There`s no conceivable reason other than the perpetuation of rape and war for the shields to be anything other than impregnable, unless you were the aliens preying upon and attacking the human race, which is why the shields of the Earth are conventionally weakened to afford the possibility of rape and war. Star Trek is conceived for boys by homosexual pederasts because the shields are conventionally weakened so that they can be penetrated, which perpetuates the false premise that shields are less important than spears whereas, for the human species of woman, spears are alien because they have penis` `seed` of their own.
Women only need shields because men are the aliens that prey upon her. Arms treaties are only agreements about the extent to which the aliens permit themselves penetration of the human species of `woman`s seed`. The hymen of the women is what the United States of America`s Homeland Defence should have been concerned with. Cure of the HIV/AIDS virus would be a move towards curing the problem of `rough trade` and the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexual pederasty and war, which was once again reestablished by the `rough`, that is, seemingly thoughtless, terrorist attack upon the World Trade Centre of New York, when hijacked planes were crashed into the Twin Towers on Manhattan island. Curing HIV/AIDS the focus should be upon the woman`s shields, rather than upon her penetrators in the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty and war, who have been traitors to the human race in weakening her shields and raising their spears against her.
The Al Qaeda terrorists were guests of the host, just as the disciple, Judas Iscariot, was the guest of the host, Jesus, at the `Last Supper`, before he betrayed Christ to the Romans as a `dissident` believer in `woman`s seed` from her own host womb as `futanarian` women, like his mother, the Virgin Mary, who`d borne the Messiah. Jesus` crucifixion occurred, despite his offering `bread and wine` in token of his `body and blood`, that is, as a motherly host to her guest, and the Al Qaeda terrorists similarly betrayed the host womb of the human species to reestablish the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty and war when the planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, but Judas wasn`t, which is why he may be understood as having betrayed the host womb of the human species, because the Messiah`s teachings were of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` human woman with her own penis` `seed`.
The Resurrection would have interfered with the enslaving of women`s host wombs by the Roman Empire, and subsequent devouring Imperialist powers, including Nazi Germany with its pogroms against the `chosen people` of `woman`s seed`. The `serpent`s seed` of men prefer reincarnation for women and themselves rather than longevity of memory in knowledge and wisdom of what the human race of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen is, that is, `woman`s seed`. Because the diverting of resources into immortality research, that is, medical science, would restore `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` to her role within a society that was no longer concerned with ephemeral issues, Jesus` envisioned technological Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, as the `Logos` or `Word of God`, would interfere with men`s enslaving and devouring of the human race. Because aliens would prefer the contagion of homosexual pederasty and war, men posing as heroes in their various nations are aliens maintaining a plentiful supply of human women sundered from their `futanarian` selves with their own penis` `seed` for their parasitism. Injecting the women with the `serpent`s seed` from the penis and semen they`ve stolen from her over the eons to infect her race with their viral strain, the alien organism has come to parasitically control the Earth and consume humanity as its invading virus.
1 The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences` (AMPAS) Awards, commonly known as `The Oscars` (1929-), because of the androgynous golden statuette in the Art Deco style, are given annually for cinematic achievement, to the Best Actress, for example, at a formal ceremony.
Hollywood Doesn`t Make Movies, It Plays A Mind Game
30/11/2013 12:32Hollywood Doesn`t Make Movies, It Plays A Mind Game
The 21st century began as the era of `Play Station`, `Nintendo`, `Game Boy` and `X-Box`, where computers were the focus for games of skill in which the individual player used controls affixed to the hardware to affect what they saw on the screen. Interactions between characters, generated by the program software, indicated a recognizable winning goal to the player, who was invited to affect the outcome of the scenes depicted by the game by means of the controls of the console in the player`s hands. The controls featured a `joystick` to guide whatever character, machine, animal, or other creature, was the player`s proxy, called the `avatar`, within the game`s system of movie-style experiential reference. The connection between Hollywood, Babylon, and the games` industry became apparent from the `small screen` of television when civil planes hijacked by terrorists were crashed into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre on Manhattan island `live on CNN` and other news channels. The planes weren`t going where the `players` wanted them to. The World Trade Centre was chosen because of `rough trade`, which is a global euphemism for the `brutality and violence` of homosexual pederasty, that is, war.
`Greek` had been the bane of art, culture and civilization since the enslavement of the host wombs of the Trojan women to spread their contagion of homosexual pederasty through war. The September 11 terrorist attack began the second Gulf war (2001-1) because dictator, Saddam Hussein, offered bases to the terrorists in Iraq. The planes functioned in the same way as the `Trojan horse` before the walls of Troy, which the Greeks emerged from once the huge hollow wooden structure was inside the city`s walls, to enslave the host wombs of the women and spread their contagion of war further. In computer technology a `Trojan horse` is a virus and so the precipitation of global `rough trade` by the terrorists on 9/11, 2001, was a virus spread by homosexual pederasty. In games` system parlance the players had infected the human immune system with the equivalent of the biblical `blood plague`, which could be interpreted as `blood feud` or vendetta, and is sent by God to convert men from their sin of homosexuality:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
The late 20th century `killer disaease` of HIV/AIDS created by men `s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of sexual reproduction, makes its way from the base of the spine to the brain to kill it, which is what Al Qaeda`s Afghanistan based terrorists attempted to do to the nascent humanity of the United States on 9/11. Because `Al Qaeda` means `the base`, and the `Greek` plague of HIV/AIDS enters the body at the anus, `the game` on 9/11 played by homosexual pederasty was to infect the United States of America with the desire for global war, and when President George W. Bush declared his open-ended `War On Terror` against terrorism from 2003, the terrorists had achieved their objective, which was the end of the possibility of freedom for women and what the Taliban political movement in Afghanistan had campaigned for:
`Complete ban on women's activity outside the home unless accompanied by a mahram (close male relative such as a father, brother or husband).`1
In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, which is what George W. Bush`s open-ended declaration of a `War On Terror` (2003-) announces. Jesus` teachings of Resurrection are concerned with `woman`s seed`, because he was born uncontaminated by male semen, that is, Redemption requires the rejection of homosexual pederasty and the acceptance of the idea of a heaven without men, which is why Jesus was called the `first of woman`s seed` before he was tortured and murdered by the `serpent`s seed` during the Roman armies` occupation of Palestine before his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
Women with penis` semen of their own have their own `seed` as `futanarian` women with their own penis and so means of sexually reproducing the brainpower of their own species for development and technological progress allowing her to conceive and build starships to escape the parasites preying on her host womb:
`… crush[ing] the head of the serpent with her [futanarian] foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
In heaven men will not be born unless from the host womb of the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` `seed`, which means the virus that`s infected her brains by inveigling itself into her host womb to steal her penis` semen and infect her with its devouring parasitism of war will be extinct. Hollywood, Babylon, depicts the history of the parasite on its `big screen` for film theatres agog at Brad Pitt in the role of the Greek hero, Achilles, before the gates in Troy, the movie. whereas celebrating the victory of the virus, as Hollywood did again with the movie, World Trade Centre (2006), is simply a celebration of `the whore` riding `the beast` that has enslaved her host womb for its murderousness:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The `game` in Hollywood is couched as a picture of the woman who isn`t allowed to get her foot off the floor in couch scenes. In accordance with the `Hays code` for production studios from 1930 until 1968, that is, long enough to `program` Hollywood as a `gay` sunderer, the penis of the `futanarian` human woman with her own capacity for sexual reproduction, would never be seen in movies. The human race wouldn`t even make it to the `floor` of the `cutting room`, which is the name for the process and the place where film material is edited out of the final product. If women`s penis isn`t visible in Hollywood, Babylon, she`s cut out of `Reality TV`, which features the lives of real people, and news reports won`t feature her species either, which means the alien homosexuals of pederasty and war in Hollywood, Babylon, are engaged with each other in playing with a game system designed to pogrom the human species and isn`t a film entertainment industry for humans. Involved in sundering the humans, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, Hollywood, Babylon, is defining the United States of America as the `serpent`s seed` opposed to `woman`s seed`, which is what God warned men against when he told Eve her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent` in Eden. Labelling women as abnormal if they`re sexually interested in each other is productive of racial schizophrenia for humans, that is, women who are the `futanarian` human race with their own penis` `seed`, because men are falsely perceived as being of woman`s species.
In the Middle East the United States of America is called `the Great Satan` because of its movie industry, which depicts `the whore` riding upon `the beast`, that is, without ever making it to the cutting room floor, the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` has been edited out of reality by her killers. Even the `killer disease` of homosexual pederasty, HIV/AIDS, may be understood as men`s indirect usage of a `biological weapon` to keep women in fearful faithfulness to her destroyers. In Arabia the Moslem marriage of one person with four wives gives ample opportunity for `futanarian` sexual reproduction because in public the women wear the one-piece coverall of the burkha, which permits of only their eyes being seen. Although the Great Seal of the United States of America may be equated with the defence of the woman who gives birth to Jesus in his Second Coming, the killing of Al Qaeda`s terrorist leader, Osama Ben Ladan, by Navy Seal Team Six on May 2, 2011, doesn`t indicate the United States` protection of the sealed hymens of the `futanarian` human race from contamination by male semen, which was what Jesus Christ`s birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, indicated the need for:
`And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.` (Rev: 12. 14)
Without a change in Hollywood, Babylon, the United States will continue to be perceived as `the Great Satan` because the movie industry depictes its favouritism for the sundering of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` so the film studios can continue churning out their epic historical dramas based on how they exterminated her. Unable to even glean knowledge of her own `futanarian` woman`s human sexual reproductive capacity through her own penis` semen, women remained blinded by Hollywood, Babylon, which had extinguished her upon the cutting room floor and was depicting its `final solution` to the `Jewish problem`. Just as the German Nationalist Socialist (Nazi) government of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s had waged war on the world (1939-45) to exterminate the `chosen people`, that is, the Jews, so Hollywood, Babylon, had singled out women. In Judaism women are the Jews because it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless from a Jewess. God` `seed` of woman is the human `futanarian` species` penis` semen, which the Nazis of Hollywood, Babylon, left on the cutting room floor of their editing studios generations ago in preparation for filming their genocidal pogrom against the human race of woman:
`California sunlight, sweet Calcutta rain, Honolulu Starbright - the song remains the same.`2
Led Zeppelin`s Hollywood, Babylon, movie The Song Remains The Same (1976) featured concert footage of the group performing on their American tour of 1973 and 1977 while the band were accused of being Satanists, but if sundering is Satanism then the United States of America`s people worship Satan through Hollywood, Babylon, which is why the cover of the album, The Song Remains The Same, features a dilapidated Ritz cinema in the middle of the desert where the woman who gives birth to Jesus in his Second Coming is taken by the eagle to wait while the war between the `serpent`s seed` and her `seed` rages upon the Earth. In the sleevenotes to the live album, How The West was Won (2003), a 1972 recorded performance from the L.A. Forum in Long Beach, California, Jimmy Page, guitarist, says the band are Satanists, which leaves it moot as to what that means and that`s why Led Zeppelin and other `heavy metal` bands are considered dangerous, because the glamour rides on them like Hollywood, Babylon`s `whore` upon `the beast`, and they don`t dare to explain themselves away to assist God`s `seed` of woman to develop and escape from Satanism:
`It is the springtime of my lovin'. The second season I am to know. Ya' are the sunlight in my growin'.`3
The `game` is `let`s pretend` in reincarnation, rather than Resurrection, because Jesus` Redemption is for `futanarian` woman with her own human penis` semen, while reincarnation is for the male parasite sundered from the woman, and so women don`t have the possibility of sexual reproduction with her own species` `seed` in sundered reincarnation, which is `the game` of Satanism`s reincarnating of God`s soul and spirit through the host womb of the human woman in order to kill God, who isn`t Hollywood, Babylon, but the producer of art, culture and civilization, through the desire of `woman`s seed` to live and prosper. Hollywood, Babylon, in enforcing `Hays code` related rules such as the woman`s foot will remain on the floor of the bedroom at all times, during the romantic scenes between the woman and her parasite, ensured that the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` and capacity for socio-economic independence from her parasite would never be able to raise her `foot` from the Earth to `crush the head` of the evil `serpent` before she left for the planets and stars promised to her by God in heaven.
Even in movies such as Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) and TV shows like Babylon 5 (1993-8) featuring actors in the role of friendly male aliens to disguise the absence of the `woman`s seed` from the picture, starships are crewed by the parasitical viral aliens masquerading as the humans. Before `woman`s seed` has a chance to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers and technologically innovative capacity to design and build her own starships, the parasitical `serpent`s seed` are putting themselves in the picture as a preliminary to the `war in heaven` with `woman`s seed` God has revealed will occur while men will receive perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, for attempting to keep the woman after she divorces the retrogressive infernality of the ape men`s desire to enslave her in technological stasis when she has left for eternal heaven in starships of her own devising.
If women were immortal, she`d be breeding as her own `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed` which she sees in the mirror each day and so is able to recognize as her own human race sexually. Men prefer reincarnation because it gives an opportunity to convince the newborn women of their sexual interest, whereas they`re actually using her own penis` semen that they`ve stolen by inveigling themselves into her host womb as her parasite to reinject their parasitical organism into her host womb and further their wars against her sundered selves in what God warned Eve would be the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` against hers because the serpent prefers reincarnation to Resurrection.
Jesus` teachings were as the `Logos`, which is translated as `Word` of God. But technology is scientific medical advance in the treatment of the human so that longevity through rejuvenation is achievable, that is, immortality through acceptance and application of the spirit of `Logos`, which is Jesus` Holy Spirit left by Christ after his Ascension from the Earth. If immortality for `woman`s seed` is the aim of technology, reincarnation would be a thing of the past, because humans would live forever. Resurrection is the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` previously killed and culled by men. In heaven she`d be the host womb of the newborn `futanarian` humans and the men who had accepted Jesus` teachings of forgiveness and Redemption would be born in heaven, which is prefigured by Jesus` celibacy, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because his uncontaminated `seed` didn`t impregnate any woman`s host womb while he sojourned upon the Earth.
If they weren`t born in heaven after the war against Satan, the serpent of Eden and the `serpent`s seed` of men, perdition would be their lot. Hollywood, Babylon, in promulgating the myth of Satan as truth, that is, the `serpent`s seed` and the woman sundered from her own `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` semen as rightful sexual partners, maintains the United States of America`s role as `the Great Satan`, as it is called in the Middle East and elsewhere amongst the Earth`s nations:
`The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. She gave birth to a son, a male child, who `will rule all the nations with an iron scepter`.` (Rev: 12. 4-5)
The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is the statue of Liberty after her victory over the red sun of the flag of fascist Japan in World War II and again with the flag of the moon of Al Qaeda, `the base`, reflected in her birth waters of New York harbor after 9/11, 2001, and the assassination of the terrorist leader, Osama Ben Ladan in Pakistan on May 2, 2011. What she gave birth to was the Messiah in his `Second Coming`, according to scripture, and he will rule the Earth with an indomitable will to ensure that `woman`s seed` shall triumph over the `serpent`s seed`.
Already Hollywood, Babylon, had begun to promulgate the myth of Satanism in socio-historical documentary style epic movies, like The Heroes Of Desert Storm (1991), where the men of the United States defeat the many armed demon of the invading army of the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, and evict it from Kuwait. But the recorded victory of the sundered `serpent`s seed` from the human `futanarian` woman with her own species` penis` semen is `Pyrrhic`, a type of victory named after the Greek King Pyrrhus of Epirus, whose army suffered irreplaceable casualties in defeating the Romans at Heraclea in 280 BC and Asculum in 279 BC during the Pyrrhic War. The yanks are pricks, whichever `Pyrrhic` is leading them to victory, because wasters of the Earth`s and humanity`s resources to promote homosexual pederasty and war against the `futanarian` woman with her own species` `seed` and technologically advanced future from the host womb of her own brainpower is what pricks do. Unless the `New Redeemer` has the iron will and determination forecast by his predicted Advent the world will continue In its sundered path to damnation and hell in reincarnation. Without the support of Hollywood and the media `woman` will never raise her human foot from the `seed` bed of her Earth but God and Jesus have promised Resurrection for `woman`s seed` and so repentance and Redemption can be had but not in the movie houses or amongst the television companies if they continue to make games of war to resist her.
1 .
2 Page, Jimmy and Robert Plant Led Zeppelin `The Song Remains The Same` from Houses Of The Holy, 1973.
3 Page, Jimmy and Robert Plant `The Rain Song` from Houses Of The Holy, 1973.
Sunderer`s Day
28/11/2013 19:08Sunderer`s Day
The police are perceived as being the servants of the public because they protect property. The aim of the criminal is perceived as being that of the individual who doesn`t want to work for what they can obtain through societal means and so theft is the method they have chosen as the method for obtaining what others have worked for. So far so good. The police protect the individual from thieves who would steal what they have worked to have for themselves. But in the 20th century the police helped thieves to steal from those who had worked for what they had. This is identifiable as `police corruption`. In England during the 1980s, following TV shows like Starsky and Hutch (1975-9) in the United States and The Sweeney (1975-78) in the United Kingdom, which popularized `fire brigade policing`,1 the method was introduced based on the success of London`s `Flying Squad`,2 `the Sweeney`.
Responding to crimes committed was what it was felt the police should concentrate on. However, if there were no perceivable crimes committed the police wouldn`t have to respond and so `police corruption` becomes definable as crimes committed that the police don`t have to respond to because noone can see that a crime has been committed. Consequently, censorship and media blackout constitutes an arm of the police which functions to prevent the general public from seeing, which is a crime and definable as the result of `police corruption`, because the individual who can`t see isn`t able to report the existence either of a crime or of a criminal, and so certainly not able to report a crime being committed by a criminal to which the police might have to respond if the member of the general public could see well enough to perceive the crime that was being perpetrated by the criminals.
In the Old testament of the Bible Cain murdered Abel because Abel`s offering of meat upon a fire was more pleasing to God than Cain`s gathered fruit. Because Abel`s offering constituted human progress in cooking, Cain`s murder of Abel, that is, the able person, represented Cain`s slaying of the possibility of human progress, which is stealing the future of the human race by taking their life, which is why Cain represents the cane of a blind man who has murdered the able person so that the criminal can continue living without working. Blinded to the criminal activities of Cain, human activity remains at the level of the chimpanzee picking fruit from trees, while the able person is dissuaded from developing intelligence to the point of constructing a ladder to get at the fruit on the higher branches. God condemned all murderers after Cain to bear a mark, `the mark of Cain`, which conferred responsibility upon anyone they encountered to kill them.
In the New Testament of the Bible noone can buy or sell without the `mark of the beast`, which is worshipped, because the beast represents `security`. The `mark of Cain` and the `mark of the beast` are linked because noone can see that a crime has been committed. In the Old Testament Eve is told by God there`ll be `perpetual enmity` between the `serpent`s seed` and hers, although she`ll:
`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
Because Eve has her own `seed` it must be assumed that she`ll have daughters with their own penis` semen after she and Adam begin to sexually reproduce when they leave the Paradise of Eden because the primal pair had accepted the serpent`s offer to make them `as gods` through slavery. In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved by homosexual pederasts to spread their contagion of war further. Jesus` birth was uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, which made her `futanarian` woman with her own `seed` and so not a woman like Babylon, who represents the human host womb enslaved by the parasites of the `serpent`s seed` for pederasty and war:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The Virgin Mary is the woman who doesn`t want her child to be contaminated by male semen, that is, a man, because they have the `mark of Cain` and the `mark of the beast` who have killed the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen so she can`t develop her own socio-economic independence through the sexual reproduction of her own species` brainpower to see by the light of technological progress. Those who have the `mark of Cain` and `the beast` represent censorship and media blackout coordinated by the `security forces` so women don`t know. If the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` is dead she can`t see, which is what men as `worshippers` of `the beast` represent. That`s why `the whore` is depicted as riding upon `the beast`. If women have their own penis` semen and men can`t sexually reproduce without her, she`s 66% of the human population and so her absence from human art, civilization and culture suggests `the beast` has killed her and the whore is riding it as a willingly enslaved host womb so that it can continue to self-replicate its `beast` nature.
Jesus` teachings are of Redemption through metanoia, that is, repentance, and Resurrection. Born of the Virgin Mary, his mother, uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus` perception is that `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen was missing from the scene in Palestine during the Roman occupation because the host womb of the human species had been betrayed. At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, that is, torture and murder by the Romans, Christ demonstrated to his disciples how the host womb of the human race was betrayed. Giving `bread and wine` in token of his `body and blood` Jesus was the host betrayed by Judas Iscariot, his disciple, for `thirty pieces of silver`, to the Romans as a `dissident`, because he didn`t believe in host`s contaminated by men`s semen:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
The biblical `blood plague` sent by God to make men repent is HIV/AIDS because it`s spread by homosexual pederasty, which in ancient Greece was the basis of war. HIV/AIDS was men`s `biological weapon` to keep women in fearful faithfulness to their enslaving parasite, which is why God sent it as a plague to convert men from their sin (Rev: 15-16. 21), which was also the `original sin` of killing the human race`s `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and socio-economic potential for liberating herself through her own species` brains. Jesus` heaven doesn`t contain men at all, while offering Redemption through repentance, because heaven is depicted as entirely made up of human women with her own penis` `seed` and her host wombs as the vessels for the Ascension and Resurrection of her own species` selves:
`For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
As a single human family, women won`t marry, because ownership isn`t the issue. Only a parasite would want to own the host womb so it could slave the fruits thereof. In the Bible it is written, `let he that has wisdom understand, the number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six,` (Rev: 13. 18) because 66.6% of the human population should be `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` to begin with. If Eve`s daughter were a woman with a penis and semen of her own as God`s `seed` of woman, Adam would be 33% of the human race and unable to sexually reproduce without Eve, whereas Eve could sexually reproduce as the human with a woman who had a penis and semen of her own, which means that 66% and growing is the numbers of women upon the Earth that `the beast` doesn`t want because she`s the humans and knowledge of that would disenfranchise the `serpent`s seed` who rely on equality, that is, 50/50, for their position with her as the enfranchised veto.
Voting themselves wars instead of medicine to cure the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, for example, the `serpent`s seed` continue their ceaseless wars of what God told Eve would be their `perpetual enmity` for her `seed`. Longevity for the woman and her knowledge of her own `seed` would mean that she`d remember herself and breed with her own penis` semen to reproduce herself and so the chimera of equality with men would disappear as the sexually reproductive human race outgrew the `serpent`s seed` with its preoccupations with pogroms against the art, civilization and culture women are able to produce from their host wombs despite its depredations in preference for anal sterility, plague and death through wars prosecuted against her spirit and God`s. If women`s host wombs were perceived to be for her own `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed`, she`d be 100% of the human voting population of the planet Earth, while men would be identifiable as a strain of virus that has somehow inveigled itself into her host womb.
The Earth`s `security` forces` function as blinders to keep women unconscious through censoring and media blackout, while they ensure her extinction by preventing her from sexually reproducing with herselves and so completing their pogrom upon what remains of humanity. Women are revealed as spies in their own house because men don`t want her to be able to see herself. Not even in the mirror is she able to see her own penis` `seed` while men explain that she`s schizophrenically abnormal if she prefers her own species in `lesbianism` because she has made a decision not to accept a parasite into her host womb.
The first Gulf war with Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq (1990-1), was paradigmatic insofar as the wife of the Emir of Kuwait didn`t want the parasitical invader in her house. The second Gulf war (2001-11) was precipitated by those who wanted `rough trade` to continue, that is, the `brutality and violence` of homosexual pederasty and war. On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked New York`s World Trade Centre to reestablish `rough trade` with Saddam Hussein`s Iraq because that`s why the parasite reproduces. By focusing on what parasites do, parasitism upon the host wombs of women was maintained. Although US Navy Seal `Team Six` killed terrorist leader, Osama Ben Ladan, in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, the will of `the eagle` of the `Great Seal` of the United States of America`s Presidency under George W. Bush doesn`t seem to have been concerned with the protection of the sealed hymens of the `hidden` woman of the Bible who is represented by the Arabian women in their one-piece coverall, the burkha, which hides everything but their eyes from public view and leaves the subject of whether or not they have `futanarian` human penis` semen of their own beneath a matter solely for themselves and each other:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken
care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
George Bush Snr was head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and in charge as President for the first Gulf war to eject Saddam Hussein`s invading army from Kuwait. The CIA was the second most prevalent security organization in the world, apart from the United States` own National Security Administration (NSA), which policed the internet as a part of George W. Bush`s `war On Terror` (2003-) but seems to have been responsible for keeping women in ignorance of their own `futanarian` human penis` `seed` against the will of God in the Bible, which is a betrayal of the basic precepts and tenets of the Constitution:
`We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.`2
Sundering is the antithesis of the `more perfect Union` described in the Constitution, but the worship of God on Sundays in most Christian churches across the Earth is what sunderers are for. If women with their own penis` semen represent the human species in its true form without the sunderers of `the beast` worshipping themselves on sunderer`s day, the Constitution of the United States of America is based on a false understanding of who `the people` are. If the role of the CIA and the NSA is to police the internet and the newsstands to prevent the human `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen from knowing that she can sexually reproduce to fulfil God`s promise to Eve that her `foot` will `crush the head of the serpent` of the Earth `as she leaves` in starships of her own brains` technological devising, they are `the mark of Cain` and the `mark of the beast` because they`re assisting the blinding of the woman as her murderers to prevent her from seeing the truth of God`s word in the Bible:
`In God we trust.`3
Sunday is the `day of rest`, according to the Bible where the descendants of Adam and eve are told they should keep the Sabbath holy because six days of work in each week is enough. God created the Earth in six days, but Cain wanted to work as little as possible, which is why he murdered Abel, because `cooking` looked like harder work than fruit picking. Cain`s blindness is congenital with men who would rather pick fruit from trees than be bothered with the laborious task of building starships; for example. That`s why Cain is a metaphor for the cane of the blind woman who can`t see. It`s the `mark of Cain`, and the `mark of the beast` is borne by those men who, blinders, don`t want the human race to see that`s what they do, because it`d interfere with their extermination pogrom if the victim woke up to what they`re doing.
Because the police want an easy life in which they only respond to crime, it`s in their interest not to have any visible signs of crime to respond to. Every day is sunderer`s day, because there isn`t any crime against women as the host womb of the human species if everyone is a sunderer worshipping `the beast` on every seventh Sunderer`s day. The crime is sundering the human species from knowledge of itself through media blackout and censorship which requires the compliance of the security agencies. Because women aren`t supposed to know of their own human `futanarian` penis` `seed` and capacity for socio-economic liberation through breeding their own brains` powers as a species, the supposed security agents, which include the top shelf magazine newsagents` displays of the `futanarian` human species of women without their visible capacity for fertilization through their own penis` semen, are colluding to ensure that the human race remains sundered in parasitism.
The worshippers of sunderism on Sundays are the police as `the beast` because the animals are what are separate from the human race of women with their own human penis` semen and capacity for freeing themselves from the yoke of enslavement by breeding their own brains` power for socio-economic and technological independence. Whatever the enslaved species of woman is able to produce from her host womb, the sunderers don`t have to work for, which is what they give thanks for in the church on Sundays. Because sundering is the only crime on the Earth and it`s not illegal for the worshippers of `the beast`, `police corruption` consists in supporting censorship and media blackouts on sundering by those with the `mark of Cain`, because it`s easier work to help the blind become more so than to be concerned about the able brother and so, as on every other day, it`s arrest for the 7th Cavalry on Sunderer`s day, because the woman isn`t to be rescued by `fire brigade policing` or any other emergency service.
The number of the police and the emergency services in the United States of America is 911, which became a number fraught with terror on September 11, 2001, because the terrorists hijacking of planes to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York`s Manhattan island was known as 9/11. The number of the police and the emergency services in most of the rest of the world is 999 because of the influence of the British Empire (1583-), where 999 is the reverse of the `number of the beast`, that is, 666 in the Bible. Because the number `666` means 66.6% `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen as the basis for human reproduction between adults, 999 denotes the 99.9% men needed by `the beast` for its parasitism to continue, that is, 0.1% females to 99.9% males would be enough for the `serpent`s seed` to breed with the enslaved host wombs of women without human development in technology to interfere with the program.
Because 9/11 was the reestablishment of `rough trade`, that is, the homosexual pederasty of war`s `brutality and violence`, the World Trade Centre (WTC) terrorist attack was `the beast` 99.9%. The United States` Military Industrial Complex (MIC) was the basis of economic growth during the Gulf wars, while attempts to improve health care floundered, because it isn`t thought useful to maintain an ageing population of retired geriatrics. Longevity is linked to youthfulness and so a refusal by the world`s richest governments to prolong life is a rejection of immortality through rejuvenation, although immortal life is God`s promise in the Bible. Because `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` need to sexually reproduce their own brains` power for socio-economic freedom and technological advancements in medical science, for example, fulfilment of the biblical promise of immortality seems dependent on the independence of `woman`s seed` from men. Eternal youth for the beautiful and the good is God`s plan, thwarted by the ugly, who prefer slavery and devouring war for the human species, which suggests `woman`s seed` is going to be independent, in accordance with God`s will, whatever the `serpent`s seed` do.
If Adam and Eve`s daughter had been a `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, she and her mother would have been 66.6% of the human race, and if Eve`s daughter had sexually reproduced a further woman, Adam would have made up only 25% of the humans, with no possibility of sexually reproducing unless the women wanted him to or he could force them, which of course would be the beginnings of slavery. If the `futanarian` human species of woman successfully refused to sexually reproduce with men, their share of the human population would rise from 66.6% to 100% in very short order. What women are taught is the male half of the human race is actually a parasitical organism using women`s host wombs to prey upon her species, so women would be quite right to refuse sexual fertilization in favour of her own `futanarian` human women with their own penis` `seed` for sexually reproducing their own brains` power in socio-economic independence from their parasite, which was first identified by God as the `serpent in Eden` that had `tempted Eve` to eat of the forbidden `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` where the punishment for disobedience was death.
Enslavement of the host wombs of the `futanarian` human species of woman is evil, and the consequence is death because it`s in the interests of the enslaver that women don`t live for longer than it takes to produce more male parasites. From the point of view of a parasite that has enslaved the host wombs of the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` so it can use her own stolen penis to inject itself into her as a virus, she`s a host womb for the parasite and that`s all. But God began the machinery of Redemption when expelling Adam and Eve from Eden. Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen and his subsequent Ascension to heaven after Resurrection prefigures the absence of men who aren`t virgins, whereas the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which became Catholic dogma in 1950, supposes women to have always been virgin, because they represent the `seed` of their own `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` semen who was killed by men but is to have Resurrection in heavenly virginity. The new `angelic host` of the human species of `futanarian` woman will be born from her womb there, and so Jesus` life of celibate virginity, before his Resurrection, not only prefigures Christ`s Ascension. As a man who refused to contaminate woman with his penis` semen, in accordance with Jesus` understanding of what it meant to be man born of a virgin, that is, an exhortation from God not to contaminate the woman, Christ`s celibacy points forward towards the new birth of `woman`s seed` from the host wombs of `futanarian` women and a heaven without men.
1 .
2 London`s `Flying Squad`, known as `The Sweeney`, because of Sweeney Todd, the fictional `demon barber`, who was the murderer in the Victorian `penny dreadful` novel, The String Of Pearls (1846-7), and sold his victims in meat pies.
3 June 21, 1788.
4 Official motto of the United States of America, 1956.
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