Deconstructionalist Human
27/06/2013 20:36
Deconstructionalist Human
One of the more famous British comedians did what many have said they wanted to achieve, which is die on stage before a live audience. Tommy Cooper was a member of The Magic Circle, an organization for theatrical magicians with the motto `not apt to disclose secrets`, and Tommy used his knowledge to practice sleight of hand tricks during his performances:
`It`s not like this, it`s like that.`1
Humour is based on the perception of the comic that there`s something funny worth drawing attention to. Tommy died of a heart attack at Her Majesty`s Theatre in 1984 while recording a show for Britain`s London Weekend Television company. He collapsed to a sitting position while the audience guffawed. They saw the heart attack as part of the comedy monologue he was engaged in. The curtain came down and Tommy fell backwards until his upper body lay beneath the curtain with his feet sticking out. The laughter of the mirthful audience rose to a crescendo as Tommy`s shoulders were grabbed by someone behind the curtain and, as he was dragged without a struggle beneath the unflappable drapes, his feet disappeared as a finale.
Although the book of Revelation describes God promising a `new heaven and Earth` to `woman`s seed` after the Bible begins with God`s warning to Eve of the `serpent`s seed` and its `perpetual enmity` towards her `seed` (Gen: 3. 15), women with a penis of their own and socio-economic valence as an independent species are viewed as ridiculable by deconstructionalist humourists:
`Not like this, like that.`2
Structuralism was popularized by the French structural anthropologist, Claude Levi-Strauss, who observed that the structure of the brain and that of nature were identical or the world could not be perceived by humans. Because women have their own penis as `futanarian`, nature is represented by them and their `host` wombs as the human species or that from which her devouring parasite emerges in its ceaseless wars against her Earth. According to Levi-Strauss the green, orange and red of the traffic light system denotes a structuralist mirroring of the brain and nature. Blood red is for danger while orange denotes beginnings because of the sunrise and green is for go because it represents the growing verdancy of nature. In Revelation God sends a `blood plague`, that is, HIV/AIDS, to convert men from their sin, which is to see women as sport:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
A sport is a freak of nature and to sport means to ridicule, but women are the species of the planet Earth and so aren`t ridiculous. Media representations of humans don`t even consider women with a penis as necessary to the picture, and it becomes increasingly evident from observing movies and television that comedy particularly is designed to distract women`s attention from remember their own penis so men can continue to make sport of them:
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other, 'Does this taste funny to you?`
The cannibals are women, and so the human are eating each other, whereas what we are taught to think of as cannibalism is actually what men as the devouring parasites emerging from the woman`s host womb do with her. The foundations of Western civilization lay with Greece where women were enslaved by institutionalized homosexual pederasty to spread its contagion of war and parasitism. On 9/11, 2001 Arabians hijacked airliners and crashed them into the World Trade Centre in New York to reestablish `rough trade`, that is, war and plague through homosexual pederasty, and distract women from remembering their own penis` seed and their nurturing of the human species` socio-economic independence from its parasites.
There are few men on Earth, if men are defined as women who have a penis of their own. It is safe to assume that, taught to think of the parasites as men, the enemies of mankind have made sport of true men, that is, women with their own penis and seed, and have killed most of them, and that`s what the parasites breed for. Woman produces everything from her host womb, and the parasites have taken it over to periodically destroy the civilization, culture and art woman is able to create despite their depredations. It wants to keep her as an ephemeral slave without advanced medical treatments to enhance her longevity so that she can maintain true men, who are herself with a penis and seed of her own.
Jesus is a good host at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Asacension to heaven. He offers `bread and wine` in lieu of his `body and blood` to his disciples, because he doesn`t want the human species to be killed by the parasites, and the Catholic church uses the same metaphor in its Communion service where the parishioner receives bread and wine to instil the notion of fellowship rather than predatoriness.
Born from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen Jesus is the perfect male because he`s the first to be birthed by the human species. The transubstantiation of the `bread and the wine` into the `body and the blood` of the Catholic Communion service is the acknowledgement that the parasite would rather be human than animal. Jesus` teachings of Redemption are devoted to human behaviour. If males are alien parasites, human is a behavioural concept and not about form, which opens the path to heaven to any and all intelligent species that are demonstrably human in terms of God`s plan for humanity.
Constructionality denotes intelligence. Although anthropology can`t apologize enough for failing to recognize woman as the human species on the planet Earth, structural anthropology does have the virtue that it allows of the perceptive tools to observe how nature and the brain interact to construct civilization, culture and art. Deconstructionalism doesn`t want things to be constructed because it doesn`t want human intelligence. Women are human, so men`s humour is designed to deconstruct nature`s picture and then human intelligence disappears to be replaced with ridicule for women as sports. War is just an elaborate form of hunting because it`s homosexual pederasty seeking the destruction of the civiization, culture and art that emerges from woman`s womb as a good host for their parasitical aim of killing her and the human species on its own planet Earth:
`Like this, not like that.`3
Parasites don`t like the human species and hunting sports is just one of the ways it sports with itself in its extinguishing of `woman`s seed`. Soccer players are either left or right footed generally and , because women with a penis are `futanarian`, thousands of men on the bitch each Saturday engaged in kicking her testicles about is just another of their sports. To be accepted by the host womb of the human species, men joke because they`re not true men, that is, they`re not women or women with a penis of their own as `woman`s seed`. Structured mass media entertainment in the form of movies or television series are designed to misdirect to prevent the woman from asking where her man is, that is, that version of herself who has a penis:
`Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39)
Jesus` teachings in Christianity are that you are the woman, which is a perception that should lead to the realization that, if the woman is you and you`re a male with a penis, then there could be a version of her with a penis of her own, which is why Christianity is trinitarian in its structure. The human species is threefold if the male parasite can be made human, whereas the woman with a penis can fertilize but needs a woman with a penis to fertilize her, which makes her species triune. Jesus` teachings are of the Holy Spirit as the teacher that taught him and will come after him in the invisible realm. It seems a logical supposition that the female with her own penis and seed is born along with her female counterpart, who doesn`t have a penis of her own. The `futanarian` remains invisible because she`s `hidden` from the parasites that would devour her, and so in the Bible it`s written:
`And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.` (Rev: 12. 14)
Because the Great Seal of the United States of America is the eagle, and `Liberty` is the woman of freedom, the sealed secret is the hidden `futanarian` woman, who true men, that is, women, would want to self-reproduce with and engage in socio-economic independence as the human species. The serpent`s seed` of pederasty and war doesn`t want her to escape. But God tells Eve she`ll `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` Earth. The divorce is described apocalyptically in Revelation as the ascendancy of the `beast`, followed by `war in heaven` to restore woman to slavery, and the inevitable victory and triumph of Jesus, God, and heaven`s angelic host:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
There`ll be no marriage in heaven, because God doesn`t want institutionalized enslavement for the human species of woman, and woman with her own penis, whereby the parasites calling themselves her male partners have civilizations, cultures and artistic products to destroy as sport. Without her parasite `woman`s seed` will be `as the angels`, according to Jesus, which means an increase in the number and understanding of God`s angels.
Deconstructionalist male humour is anti-women and anti-human, whereas constructionalist humour is human because it reveals the implicit deconstructionalist hate. Baseball celebrates seal clubbing because the Virgin Mary wanted to keep hers. Red signifies the breaking of the hymen but blood also attends childbirth, and the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer` in Revelation, that is, Jesus in his `Second Coming`, while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him. If the USA is represented by `Liberty` in her birth waters at New York harbor after the moon of Al Qaeda`s flags and the flags of the red sun of Japan at Pearl harbour where the becalmed US Pacific fleet was sneakily attacked by the Japanese in 1941 to precipitate another war, the USA represents Redemption.
Because the terrorists hijacked their planes at Boston, Logan airport, before crashing the airliners into the Twin Towers, the movie is Logan`s Run (1976) in which everybody who reaches the age of 21 is killed by sandmen, and the sign of their maturing is a red palm. Pederasty wanted to kill the 21st century for `woman`s seed` by precipitating another war. In constructionalist terms, red is the traffic light the deconstructionlist program understands.
Spending money on war rather than medicine decreases longevity and the possibility for women to pass on to their daughters knowledge of themselves as the human species, whereas the structuralist program is continuation from stop (red) through pause (amber) to go (green) before pausing, stopping and continuing again if obstacles to the progress of the human race are encountered. The male alien parasites are an obstacle to the human species, because they`ve only learned `stop` from nature`s structuralism. Because of sterile homosexual pederasty, men have even produced HIV/AIDS by mixing blood, shit and semen in anal sex in preference to women and as a `biological weapon` to preserve her parasites` `host` womb in faithful monogamous marriage with a male through fear.
Deconstructionalists have interpreted the traffic light system as the green of the Earth, the sun of the sky, and the female menstruation cycle, which cleans unfertilized eggs from the vagina, that is, the parasites don`t want the human species of women to reproduce, so the traffic light system is a metaphor for their devouring of the human race, which is still being taught to use pedal cars as a means of distracting it from the real issue of technological advancement being necessary to human development and progress so that woman can reach the planets and stars God has promised to her.
In some nations of the Earth women aren`t even allowed to use pedal cars and it becomes a dream, which is what men as the alien parasites do with humans. Ever denied but anticipated and dreamed of future is what Earth has come to represent for the species upon it. Homosexual pederasty`s brain doesn`t have the human brain`s structural identity with nature, and wants to change the human`s so that it corresponds to its. The devouring parasite wants to be able to recognize its human meal and doesn`t want its food to avoid it, so it`s maintaining the devoured in ignorance. The solution for the human is to reestablish the connection with mother Earth so that the human brain becomes once again structurally identical with nature and woman as the human species. The structure of the brain of the devouring parasite would no longer be able to effect a producer-devourer relationship between the brain of human nature and itself, and the recognizable alien would be exterminatable by the human.