It isn`t about Spying, it`s about Economics
24/06/2013 13:22
It isn`t about Spying, it`s about Economics
In Revelation `the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six`, which is 666 and the reverse of the telephone number of the police, that is, 999, which is even the emergency telephone code for Arabia because of the influence of the former British Empire and Commonwealth of economically cooperative states that emerged after colonial rule from London ended. In the USA the terrorist hijacking of civil aircraft to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York and precipitate a global conflict between the USA and Islam on 9/11 was a reversal of 911, which is the telephone number for their ambulance services, fire brigade and police.
President George W. Bush`s declared `War On Terror` (2003-) intitiated a program of global surveillance, which amounted to a policing of the Earth`s inhabitants by spying networks such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Administration (NSA). Although the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre didn`t appear to be concerned with economics in fact it was an attempt to reestablish the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty that had been the paradigm of socio-economics since before the time of Jesus Christ. If the spy rings maintained pederasty the `number of the beast` would be explained as the number of the police reversed, that is, 999 and 911 become 666 and 9/11. George Orwell`s prophetic vision of a dystopian future in his science fiction novel Nineteen Eighty Four (1948) would have been fulfilled. `Big Brother` would be watching you to ensure your compliance.
The foundations of Western civilization devolve from the Greek practice of institutionalized pederasty through the enslaving of the wombs of women to spread war and further its contagion. By the 20th century God had sent the `blood plague` of Revelation to convert men from their sin of pederasty, that is, HIV/AIDS, produced in the witchery of homosexuality`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in anal sex between themselves. Orwell`s `Big Brother` concept of compliance devolves into acceptance of pederasty as the socio-economic paradigm of breeding boy sons, that is, poisons, to devour the civilization, culture and art that woman is perforce enabled to do despite the depredations of men. According to Revelation woman gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, that is, Jesus in his `Second Coming`, despite the intentions of the `red dragon` to devour him. Because Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen, he was the first of the `woman`s seed` God promises a `new heaven and Earth` to while the `serpent`s seed` receive peridition as a punishment because they accept and support pederasty:
`And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.` (Rev: 13. 17)
Any ID signifying support for pederasty is the `mark of the beast`. Because women have a penis of their own as `futanarian` they`re `woman`s seed`. Capable of self-reproduction women constitute a separate species from men with the possibility of their own future socio-economic interdependence excluding of men and their enslavers` devouring pederasty of homosexuality, war and its contagions, such as the `killer disease` HIV/AIDS. Consequently, the `beast` of surveillance is calculated to delay the escape of woman as the human species. Taught pictorially that men are her partners rather than the parasites that have inveigled themselves into her `host` womb to emerge as her devourers, women don`t know.
Through censorship of pictorial material in movies and other media to exclude depictions of women with a penis of their own and blinding her to her species` destiny by means of periodic bloodbaths designed to depict her devourers as heroes, such as the second Gulf war (2001-11) precipitated by 9/11, woman is kept in unconscious acceptance of her ignorance. Spending trillions of dollars on war machinery, men have delayed research into HIV/AIDS because a cure would remove one of the devices that ensures woman`s faithfulness to misogynist monogamy through fear.
Long-lived women would be wiser and youthful if money were spent on medical advances rather than improved killing machinery. At the beginning of the 21st century the national debt of the USA was 16 trillion dollars and to recover that amount of depredation it would be logical to control the world wide web`s internet to siphon credit from the financial accounts of the unsuspecting. In Hungary the unit of currency was the filler and the forint, and there were 100 filler to 1 forint. Because the filler was phased out, it only existed as an invisible possibility with regard to financial calculations. When the Hungarian government decided to phase out the 1 and 2 forint coins, the 5 forint coin represented a further invisible calculation. If 5 rounded out the price there`d be 4 invisible forints potentially unclaimed, which meant that out of every 5 forints spent it`d be possible for a clever financial system to claim 4 as `residuals` each time a transaction involving 5 took place. Through such juggling of fiscal reality national debts can be made to disappear. With their spy resources the US could reduce their national debt overnight, and probably have. The populations of the globe remain as slaves to their ID-ology. Socio-culturally trapped in belief systems that occlude them from economic awareness, women are the producers of their own devourment:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The mystery is how their species came to accept enslavement. In Christianity much is made of accepting the `host`, which tradition was instigated by Jesus` offering of `bread and wine` as the host to his guests the disciples in token of his `body and blood` at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension to heaven the following day. Jesus was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. The `bread and wine` is acceptably human food, whereas the devourer wants to devour the human, that is, the `body and blood` of Jesus and his mother. Jesus` teaching of fellowship at table rather than murder is his plea for acceptance of the `host` womb of `woman`s seed` and the man that has accepted her in humanity. On the morning before the day of his crucifixion, Jesus rebuked the disciples when they objected to a woman anointing his feet with expensive oil because he wasn`t worth it:
`Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6)
The disciples were reputedly the best men of their generation and they were virtually ineducable misogynist boors verging on homosexual pederasty in their relations with their perforcedly celibate `host`, who wasn`t going to escape from them with a woman because they`d rather sell him for a few pieces of silver to the local Jewish police, the Pharisees, and pass him on as `rough trade` to the notorious `beast` of Rome, who`d organise a sado-masochistic scene of homo-erotisicsm for them all to pretend not to be enjoying sexually while mocking him as weak and womanly:
` ... when I am weak, then I am strong.` (2 Cor: 12.10)
Strength is in Jesus` perception that he`s `woman`s seed`, which means he`s woman, and that means she`s him. Women are perceived by their jailors to be the weaker, but they`re the `host` of the human or the parasite. Jesus` strength is to perceive that he couldn`t be stronger because he represents the human species, which is viewed as weak by its devouring parasites:
`Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39)
Jesus` injunction derives from a request that he distill the essence of the law. You can`t accept woman as the `host` unless you love her. Jesus said that there`d be no giving or taking of marriage in heaven because men and women would be `as the angels` (Matt: 22. 30), which suggests transformation. If `woman`s seed` belongs in heaven she`d be `futanarian` with her own penis and so her womb would be the `hosts of God`, which is how the angels are described. Amongst the species of women there`d be no marriage, because men`s institution of slavery would be abolished, which constitutes heaven. But if there aren`t any pictures of women on a supervised internet and an entertainment industry geared to the rejection of `woman`s seed`, that is, her penis, the `beast` of spies continues to beckon hell on.
It isn`t about pornography, it`s about slavery. If women don`t have their own penis anymore, the parasite has enslaved it, and her. According to the developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the instinctual libido of the penis is transformed into spiritual, that is, intellectual work, which constitutes the `woman`s seed` that has produced civilization, culture and art. The `serpent`s seed` are those men that destroy, and have destroyed, the products of `woman`s seed`, which they have enslaved as the parasites of her `host` womb, that is, the penis of woman has become the slave of the devourer. Jesus is the Redeemer because he was the human man able to recognize that he was `woman`s seed` and not of the serpent`s, which had enslaved the human species to devour her. His birth from the Virgin Mary was the declared divorce of woman`s human penis from the parasite`s; acceptance of which is Redemption through Jesus` teachings:
`Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.` (Rev: 21. 1-3)