Men Are Dominant But Not The Species
28/07/2013 13:23
Men Are Dominant But Not The Species
`Men` is a noun and so is `dominant` but it`s a label and not a description. Men aren`t capable of reproduction, whereas women are. Women have their own penis` `seed` as `futanarian` and so men are for `Man`, that is, manufacturing and production for the human species, but not reproduction, which is `woman`s seed`, according to God, who tells Eve in the Bible she`ll have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` but:
`... will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
The serpent is the malfunction of the human species, which has enslaved the host wombs of women to further its plague aims of pederasty and war, which is described in the Bible as the `woman` Babylon, and is duplicated in Greek history where the host wombs of women were enslaved in institutionalized homosexuality for spreading war and the plague aims of the virus:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The plague aim of the virus is `war games`, which are its `play`, games, that is, war as plague aims. Conventional war is conventional marriage, where the battlefield technology is limited so that the wars can continue and the woman can`t escape to live. Fighting for a woman is perceived as heroic, whereas women are the human species with its own `futanarian` penis` `seed` and she should be helped in her battle for technology by `Man`, that is, the manufacturer, but men think of themselves as her dominant, so it`s difficult for her to win `the game` because she`s taught to rely on the technology of `Man`, that is, her manufacturer, which produces enslaving conflict and devouring war.
In Revelation is described the devouring `red dragon` waiting in vain for the child born to the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which is the malfunctioning manufactory, that is, `Man`, producing war as its dominant, so the woman and her child are devoured and can`t live until she escapes from what has become an enslaving parasite. Convinced of its role as `protector`, the manufacturer pursues a path of built-in redundance and obsolescence, because it isn`t directed as to what it should produce for woman as the human species so that she can function.
The motor vehicle is obsolete and was first mass produced by Henry Ford in 1908 as the `model-T` car, which hadn`t changed from a basic pedal design by the 21st century, and suggests pederasty and the refusal on the part of the manufactory, that is, `Man`, to develop higher levels of technology, because men want to control `Woman` thropugh `labour saving devices` rather than she receive liberty and freedom from them. From this perspective, a `labor saving device` is what prevents the human species from being born.
In 1941 Japan was the enemy of the United States at Pearl harbor when it sneakily attacked the US` Pacific fleet on 7 December with mitsubishi suicide `fighter` pilots crashing their `zero` planes into the decks of the US carriers, and on 9/11 2001 Al Qaeda terrorists crashed hijacked airliners suicidally into the World Trade Centre of New York city, built in 1970 at a high manufacturing cost in terms of labor and materials, to reestablish hostilities over the role and function of `labour saving devices`:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
In Revelation the `blood plague` is sent by God to convert men from the `brutality and violence` of `rough trade`, which is homosexuality`s description of itself. HIV/AIDS was the 20th century`s `killer disease`, created by men together mixing blood, shit and semen in anal sex between themselves, and the virus became the socio-economic paradigm of the computer age in which undeclared war existed between the United States and Japan. In ancient Greece institutionalized pederasty spread by means of contagion. Constructing a huge hollow wooden horse as a `friendship gift` the Greeks emerged inside the walls of Troy to enslave the host wombs of women and spread their contagion further.
Arabian visitors to the United States hijacked civil airliners and, like a `Trojan horse`, which is the commonest form of computer virus designed by `geeks`, crashed them into the World Trade Centre to precipitate global `rough trade`. `Liberty`, in New York harbor, had defeated the flags of the red sun of Japan after Pearl harbor and would defeat the flags of the yellow moon of Al Qaeda, that is, the `yellow peril` of Japan after its `proxy server`, Al Qaeda`s terrorist leader, Osama Ben Ladan, was killed by US Navy Seal Team Six on May 2, 2011, where he was discovered protectively close to the national Military Academy of Pakistan, the US` apparently staunch ally against Al Qaeda, `the base`, and its bases across the border in Afgahanistan.
`Liberty` is the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` giving birth to Jesus, in his `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer`, while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him. Reflecting upon the sun and moon in her birth waters, `Liberty` was giving birth, after Pearl harbor, to the `pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 45-6) , that is, the `Kingdom of God` upon the Earth, while she reflected on the sun and moon in New York harbor where Jesus Christ, the `Man of God` upon the Earth, again refused to accept being suicided by the enemy.
In the science of particle physics the `wave function` is the basis of the `alternative worlds theory` familiar to readers of the literary genre of `science fiction`, which permits of genuine imagination on the subject of socio-economics. Physicists have observed that, at the quantum level, consciousness determines what can be observed, that is, particles change their course and choose what alternative possibility is arrived at when the scientist looks. If women are the human species, and men aren`t, because their sexual interactions with each other are sterile, whereas `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed represents socio-economic independence for the human species of `Woman`, the `wave function` of the Earth is `collapsed` by determined male egos. In simple terms, if men murder `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed and socio-economic valence for independence to enslave woman`s host womb, her wave function is collapsed. The `pearl of great price` won`t be produced in the germinating light as the `seed pearl` born in the image of the radiant sun from the womb of the Earth`s fecundity as the `angelic host` of the new human species` biunity. Consequently, the more developed `woman`s seed` is consciously `futanarian`, and Jesus Christ, born uncontaminated by male semen as `the first of woman`s seed`, is pre-determined to be the `New Redeemer` of women`s human species` future to which God promises:
`... a new heaven and Earth.` (Rev: 21. 1)
If women breed with each other as the human species of `futanarian` women with their own penis and those without, men can`t breed, which posits the unthinkable, that is, homosexual pederasty merely disguises that fact that men are parasitical organisms that somehow have invaded the host wombs of women to enslave and devour the civilization, culture and art she`s able to produce from her host womb for the human species despite the depredations of the alien in its wars and that she`s forced to harbor in her birth waters:
`... the virus was introduced to Earth on a comet or meteorite.`1
`SARS` was the inexplicable viral disease at the beginning of the 21st century and was called the `crown virus`. According to men`s reading of the Bible, `Man` is the `crown of creation`, whereas woman is the human species, if the host, that is, the Virgin Mary as self-reproducer, is accepted over men`s self-replicating virality. Malfunctioning `Man` perceives woman as the slave of itself, which means the production targets of its manufacturing are to repeat its obsolescence and redundance. The SARS `coronavirus` is God`s indicating to `Man` that, if it continues to enslave and devour the human species from her host womb outward, God will remove the crown from its head, which is `Kether`, the Earth, with its `roots in heaven` in the Judaic `Sefiroth` or `Tree Of Life`, and the `Kingdom of God` beneath, that is, `Malkuth`, because Earth is one amongst the planets and stars of heaven. If men refuse to develop, woman`s brain will be bred by her `futanarian` self with her own penis` `seed` and she`ll be the new head of technology and heir to God`s realm:
`The SARS coronavirus, sometimes shortened to SARS-CoV, is the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).`2
Like HIV/AIDS, which `feigns friendship` for the `white cells` of the `human immune system`, before killing the body, and so constitutes a paradigm for male activity in the enslaving homosexual pederasty of devouring war , the `crown virus` reulted in a lowering of the numbers of white cells or `lymphocytes` defending the body and results in its death, because men are an alien virus and that`s what viruses do. As the `first of woman`s seed`, Jesus` parasitology was to correct the malfunction of `spaceship Earth` by explaining that `Man` was woman`s manufactory and, as the host, she was to be respected. On the day before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, the disciples lambasted a woman for wasting expensive perfume on Jesus` dead man`s feet:
`Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6)
In the Bible `Man` is the `crown of creation`, but Jesus explains woman is the host womb for her manufacturer so God and `woman`s seed` can take away her crown from men, while if she has her own penis` seed she is both `Man` and manufactory as the socio-economically independent biunity of the `futanarian` human species. Giving `bread and wine` to his disciples as `tokens` of his `body and blood`, Jesus` protest is against his crucifiers and Judas Iscariot, the disciple who `feigned friendship` like a virus, to give him over to the Roman Empire for torture and murder in the devouring of pederasty. As the host, he was owed respect, and was demanding respect for his mother, the Virgin Mary, who bore him uncontaminated by the male semen of the `serpent`s seed`, that is, the enslavers of `Woman`. According to Jesus` teachings women are the breeders of the future angels of God:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. `(Matt: 22. 30)
If `woman`s seed` is the `futanarian` human species` `seed` with her own penis, Resurrection is for hers, which means God`s `seed` is the `angelic` woman`s, who is able to further God`s plan for biune `futanarian` humanity with her own capacity for self-reproduction and exponentially increased brain power. As a single species, without marriage in monogamous enslavement to her misogynist devourer, in its wars of `perpetual enmity` for itself as a parasite, she is its victim but not future `angelic host`.
1 Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe of the Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology, founded by Cardiff University and the University of Wales` College of Medicine, in a letter to prestigious British medical journal, The Lancet, May 2003.
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