Really Gay Everybody
29/06/2013 10:04
Really Gay Everybody
Basic gender theory on the planet Earth is `political correctness` or PC, which is also the abbreviated term used for personal computer and, in the United Kingdom and those places across the globe that have been influenced by Britain`s imperial history, PC is police constable, that is, policeman, while global policeman is the role of the United States since WWII (1939-45) through the world security council of the United Nations and the new paradigm of the late 20th century and 21st is that of police the virus.
HIV/AIDS was the result of homosexual pederasty`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in anal sex with each other to make a `biological weapon` that feigned friendship for the human system before revealing itself as a `killer disease`, which is what homosexual pederasty is. In ancient Greece pederasty was the institutionalized form of enslavement for women`s host wombs so that the parasites could spread their contagion of war and plague further. According to feminism it`s politically correct to define lesbian women and homosexuals as having socio-political equality, whereas women with a penis of their own as `futanarian` constitute an independent socio-economic future without men, who don`t have wombs and so can`t be deemed equal to women, while lesbians are demonstrating the sexual orientation of the human species for itself, which has to compete for electoral recognition with the homosexual parasites that have successfully inveigled themselves into the wombs of the host species of the Earth in the course of eons.
The events of 9/11 demonstrated the function of the virus of homosexual pederasty, which is described variously in the Book of the Revelation of St John the Divine in the Bible as `blood plague` and the devouring `red dragon` that waits in vain for the `New Redeemer` born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`. The hijacking of civil airliners, to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York on 9/11, 2001, was perpetrated by Al Qaeda terrorists, whose symbol is the moon. The other suicidal attack designed to plunge the globe into the `rough trade` of a war fought primarily by the United States in 1941 was the suicide attack upon the US Pacific fleet at Pear harbour by kamikaze zero `fighters` crashing their planes into the decks of the carriers there, and so `Liberty` is the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` after the removal by assassination of Al Qaeda leader Osama Ben Ladan at his hideout next to the Pakistan national Military Academy by US Seals of the Navy Team 6 Unit on May 2, 2011.
The attack on the World Trade Centre resulted in President George W. Bush`s declared `War On Terror` (2003-), which effectively recognized terrorism as a virus, and so it would be an intelligence war against homosexual pederasty that would involve a struggle for control over the instant global communications medium of the internet as well as of the mass media because devouring pederasty`s image had become perceived as acceptably human. In the Bible the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS is sent by God to convert men from their sin:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
9/11`s terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre was designed to restore `rough trade` and suicide humankind, because its parasite prefers devouring homosexual pederasty`s war and plague to the continued civilizations, cultures and art emerging from its host womb of woman`s human species, which God describes as the war of `perpetual enmity` between the `serpent`s seed` and `woman`s seed` before she shall `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) and receive a `new heaven and Earth`, while the `serpent`s seed` and the `red dragon` that intiates war in heaven against her to reestablish the slavery of pederasty receive eternal unendurable pain as their punishment from God:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
Jesus` words refer to the `futanarian` human species of woman who is politically and socio-economically indpendent and, as the same species, doesn`t require marriage because it`s a form of enslaving of her host womb by the parasite through fear in the case of HIV/AIDS` forcing her to accept faithfulness to men without knowledge or information from the internet or mass media images to inform her of her own species and independent human integrity apart from her devourers.
Focus on `same sex` marriages between men, on the one hand, and women on the other, represents the desire of pederasty to continue the division of the human species from itself on a `gay` planet where the woman`s penis is hidden from her. Uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary prefigures `woman`s seed`, that is, the self-reproductive `futanarian` human species of woman with a penis of her own and its ascendancy to the stars and planets.
In the early days of the founding of the USA from around 1600, it was sometimes necessary for the settlers from Europe to form a circle of wagons to defend the women against attacks by the defending original inhabitants, the North American plains` Indians. After the North American Space Administration (NASA) landed `the first man on the moon`, Neil Armstrong, on 20 July, 1969, and the initial successes of the space program, US President Ronald Reagan in 1982 began the implementation of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), which was a space and ground based missile system that was effectively a circle of wagons with the women in the middle facing the missiles.
In the Bible God tells Eve she`ll leave with her daughters, but men don`t want the divorce because from the host womb of their parasitism they emerge as her devouring monsters and they want to continue as that. The Earth is their `gay` prison, where `same sex` marriages are encouraged because they embrace the sterilty of death, which is what the parasite emerging from woman as the host womb represents to the civilization, culture and art she`s able to produce despite her parasites` devouring of her in its ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity`.
Jesus offers of `bread and wine` to the disciples as a good host in fellowship at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. The the `bread and wine` was a token of his `body and blood` because he didn`t want to be the host devoured by the parasites, whereas Judas sold him for `thirty pieces of silver` to his murderers, and the disciples rebuked a woman for anointing Jesus` feet with the expensive perfume spikenard on the day before his death because they thought it was a waste of money. Jesus mildly adminished them for abusing the host:
`Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6)
In the Catholic Communion service the host is given to each member of the congregation as the `bread and the wine`, which is expected to transform the recipient into a good host and is called `transubstantiation`. Catholicism gives the ceremony a mysteriousness and significance commensurate with its importance, which is the knowledge and wisdom that women are the hosts of the human species and unredeemed men are her parasitical devourers in enslavement of her host wombs.
In Revelation the `number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six`, which is the reverse of the telephone number of the emergency services throughout most of the world because of the former British Empire and its colonial domains before it became the Commonwealth of socio-economic cooperation, while 9/11`s terrorism was the reverse of the number of the emergency services in the USA where 911 is the telephone number reversed by the terrorists of Al Qaeda in their attack on the World Trade Centre to reimplement the `rough trade` pogrom of homosexual pederasty`s devouring parasitism upon the host wombs of women:
`Mystery, babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The mystery is that women can be found to willingly accept the enslavement of their species, but feminism`s declared view that homosexuals and women are equal equates with willingness. If we`re supposed to view women`s PC as her policing of her parasitical virus, the Twin Towers of New York were the destroyed symbol of her inability to protect the human system from parasitism. Although 9/11 was seen on the small screen of television news reporting from CNN and other channels, Hollywood`s Babylon is used to promoting virality. The penis is taboo in mainstream Hollywood movies, which makes it virtually impossible for women to even conceive of a relationship with herself as a member of the human species with its own penis and socio-economic valence of independent freedom from what she`s been taught is her male counterpart but that`s definable as her parasite.
Movies like the remake of King Kong (1933, 2005), which features a huge ape climbing to the top of the Empire State building in New York being attacked by airplanes, and Towering Inferno (1974), a movie about a building destroyed by fire while the emergency services endeavour to rescue the trapped,1 preprogram the events of 9/11 almost as blueprints. Because the terrorists hijacked their planes at Logan, Boston, parallels with the movie Logan`s Run (1976), in which all those above the age of 21 are killed by `sandmen`, are inescapable if it`s recalled that the attack on the World Trade Centre was an attempt to reestablish the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty`s war and plague to kill the movie of the 21st century for women and the human species before it began.
In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the imaginative engine of humankind are the archetypes of the collective unconscious that emerge in dreams, imagination and art as impulses to human development, but if men are the human species` parasite their appearance in the psyche is that of the devouring imago and explains the taboo in the mass media against the male penis` physical appearance, which might remind women of their own penis and lead to their psyches becoming independent. Or at least capable of formulating an escape plan as an initial stage in feminist awakening. Then the human species of woman with her own penis and independence could leave the Earth and its parasitical abominations to watching themselves devour each other on a staple diet of TV and other `gay` movie entertainments.
1 `A civic group opposed to the building of the World Trade Center published a nearly full-page advertisement in the New York Times [1968] warning that the new buildings will be so tall that a commercial airliner might crash into them.`