Was Jesus Suicided?
17/07/2013 13:41
Was Jesus Suicided?
Jesus, at the height of his teaching and the success of his `Mission` to preach the Word of God, chose the path of suicide. The phenomenon is not unknown in history. Japanese mitsubishi `zero` suicide pilots crashed their planes into the decks of the US carriers of the Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, in 1945 and plunged the Earth into suicidal conflict, while the Arabian terrorist group, Al Qaeda, crashed hijacked planes into the World Trade Centre of New York to begin a further round of global suicide. Socio-historically `rough trade` was the goal of the terrorists, that is, pederasty, which was the basis of Western philosophy since the ancient Greeks enslaved the `host` wombs of women in institutionalized homosexuality to further the spread of war by means of its `boy sons`, which are its `poisons`. The biblical `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS, created by mixing blood, shit and semen in their anuses during men`s sterile anal sex together, is a `biological weapon` used to keep women in fear and faithfulness to monogamy`s enslaving and devouring parasitism:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
According to the Bible, after his death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, in his `Second Coming` Jesus was born from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which would be the United States symbolized as `Liberty` and wearing the flags of the red sun of Japan and the yellow moon of Al Qaeda as symbols of her victory in her birth waters of New York harbor.
Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was able to see that the disciple, Judas, who betrayed him to the Jewish police, the Pharisees, was a parasite being treacherous towards the host. Breaking bread and giving wine to the disciples as tokens of his body and blood, Jesus was making the observation that the parasites were eating the products of the woman`s host womb, that is, civilization, culture and art, which is why suicide is an aspect of parasitism. The parasite, symbolized in Revelation by the `red dragon` that waits in vain to devour Jesus as the `New Redeemer`, is a suicider, when it has no other egress. On the day before Jesus was due to be cruciifed the disciples berated a woman for wasting expensive perfume on a dead man`s feet, and Jesus` rebuked them mildly:
`Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6)
God`s punishment for the `serpent` seed` is eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, while Eve`s `seed` of woman `shall crush the head of the serpent with her heel as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) Earth for the `new heaven and Earth`. Because she doesn`t want to be suicided. HIV/AIDS is pederasty playing `Russian roulette` with human sex, and is deadly, not exciting, for those caught not using a condom to protect themselves against one of the devouring parasite`s `killer diseases`. Wasting the Earth`s resources in war rather than curing the disease of the killer by eradicating it, so that the woman can live is a task for her own brains. God tells Eve in the Bible her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, which suggests she has `seed` of her own, and Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen supports the suggestion. Women with a penis of their own are `futanarian` socio-economic independence for `woman`s seed` as the human species` breeding for brain power. Women who have been taught they`re brainless and accept it have had an attack of the brain eaters, and that`s why the species is `hidden`:
`And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.` (Rev: 12. 14)
Taught they`re protected and weak, women remain indolent and lazy, which is what the `woman`, Babylon, represents. Hollywood, Babylon, paints a picture of a protector in movies like Terminator (1984) and Die Hard (1988) that expensively devours the scene one after another in `action` scenarios of utmost devastation based on World War I (1914-8), World War II (1939-45), the Gulf wars (1990, 2001-), and the `War On Terror` (2003-), that is, in `scifi` terms `the war on Terra`, in which millions of women must be presumed to die while the babe on the arm of the hero looks on admiringly at the extinction of her species:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Babylon is the woman who`s accepted enslavement to her extinguisher, and 9/11 2001 `live on CNN` was small screen Babylon, Hollywood, which even made the terrorist attack into the `blockbuster` World Trade Centre (2005) in celebration of pederasty`s latest birth. Hijacking planes at Boston, Logan airport to kill the 21st century for `woman`s seed`, Al Qaeda were emulating the movie Logan`s Run (1976) in which all those who reach the age of 21 are doomed to be killed by `sandmen`. Announcing his support for Al Qaeda on national TV, Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, sought to continue the series` run of Logan`s Run (1977-8), which had been a `small screen` success for Hollywood, Babylon, but not big enough for pederasty, which was to further its plague aims.
Play games are what the `TV wars` of the Gulf taught, that is, the valuelessness of smaller life to those who feel themselves to be bigger, which means that the human species of `woman`s seed` is deemed small by the `serpent`s seed`. The size of the human body is of no matter to the parasite. Having invaded the host womb of the human species and killed her own penis` seed, the game the devourers play is watching ghoulishly at the haplessness of the humans` attempts to heroically self-destroy while the parasite controls its brains through the mass media and on televsion and in the movies.
Television is `TV` and male and female are perceived as transvestism, that is, `TV`, where the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` is depicted as `cross dressing`, because of Jesus` cross. Because Jesus was uncontaminated by male semen, born from the Virgin Mary, his mother, he was killed because he was `futanarian`, that is, he had her own penis` `seed`. From pederasty`s point of view, Jesus was `cross dressing`, that is, `salad dressing` for its `TV dinners`, because the `red dragon` of enslaving and devouring parasitism doesn`t want humans:
TV dinners I'm feelin' kinda rough. TV dinners this one's kinda tough. I like the enchiladas and the teriaki too. I even like the chicken if ... the sauce is not too blue.`1
In the Gospel of Luke it`s related how Jesus encountered Moses (9. 30-31), who was given the laws for humanity by God after the Jews escaped slavery in Egypt, and the laws were distilled by Jesus into `worship God` and `Love your neighbour as you love yourself,` (Matt: 22. 39), because you are your neighbour. Elijah, who preached against the worship of Ba`al, that is, the personification of the male as a bull, (Kings 1: 18. 21) also spoke with Jesus about how he was to die in Jerusalem, which means he was `suicided` by the prophets of the Old Testament who hadn`t understood that the law was about not taking what wasn`t yours, that is, property and life, which is what the worship of Ba`al as the male bully is. Consequently, Moses and Elijah were bullying Jesus to death:
` ... the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men.` (40)
Most commentaries perceive Moses and Elijah as `spirits`, but if they knew Jesus` fate they could have been what `scifi` describes as `time-travellers`, which means that they were telling Jesus what was going to happen. Even so it`s clear that Jesus was being suicided, because that`s what enslaving and devouring parasitism does about threats to its program. In the Song of Songs the wisdom of Solomon is described as `a woman`, who is `black`:
`How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes behind your veil are doves. Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from the hills of Gilead.` (4. 1)
She is black because the pupils of the eyes are, which means she`s there. What is coming down from the hills of Mt Gilead isn`t explained, but there`s a veil to be lifted. Arabian women wear the one piece coverall, the burkah, which is black and veiled so that her eyes can`t be seen by those she watches. Not allowed to drive cars, because of Arabia`s ban on her driving, men learn to drive carefully amid great concentration. It`s the path of a male only technology refusing to develop beyond its suicidal tendencies so the woman can free herself through her own species` penis` seed`s capacity for self-reproduction and enlarged brain power.
In the Bible Solomon has djinn, one of whom brings to him the throne of the Queen of Sheba, in a few moments, and afterwards he embarks upon an affair with her. In the Koran of Islam, which the Arabian women of the black burkah espouse as the holy book of the Moslems dictated to the Prophet Mohammed by the angels (610-30 CE), God is depicted as creating the djinn and mankind, and whereas mankind are able to choose between good and evil, djinn are depicted as both good and evil, which means that the djinn are creatures of nature, while mankind represent conscience.
Solomon was asked by two women to judge between them about a child they both claimed to have birthed. When Solomon offered to cut the child in two and give a piece to each woman, one agreed while the other said `No`, so he gave the child to the mother. He only cared about mother nature, who wants her child. Jesus` born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is God`s nature, that is, `woman`s seed`, who wants her child. Solomon is criticized for his relations with the Queen of Sheba which bore fruit, but that`s mother nature. Futanarian women with their own penis` seed are God`s mothers of the future, because it`s a mother`s nature to want herself, whereas men`s pederastical wars of devourment against her enslaved species say he doesn`t want her. She shouldn`t feel cut up about being divorced as a single, reproductive, species, but go on.
Solomon`s solution to the `riddle` was to give the male child to the woman who said she didn`t want it to be cut in half, because she was mother nature, but he didn`t understand why either of the two women wanted it, it wasn`t one of theirs. The woman who said to `cut it in two` (Kings 1: 3. 25) was the species` representative, and didn`t want the male child. In Jesus` `Second Coming` he`s described as a male child born to the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, and a `futanarian` woman with her own penis` seed is male insofar as gender is linguistically defined. Because the sun and moon are traditionally a complexio oppositorum of male and female symbols coming together in the name Solomon, he was wise in nature.
Jesus was directed to his death by Moses and Elijah whereas a djinn brought Solomon the Queen of Sheba`s throne and afterwards he bred with her, because that`s mother nature. The djinn are depicted as demons in Christianity because of their power, but Moses and Elijah only used their power to send Jesus on their suicider`s path. They`re presented as more attractive because less powerful against the devouring and enslaving parasite:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his crucifixion and death follows upon his observations about wedlock. If `woman` seed` is to have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven at God`s `Last Judgement` while men receive perdition, there`ll only be women in heaven as a single `futanarian` species and so marriage will not occur. However, because God says a `new heaven and Earth` will be her reward, sexual reproduction in which she has her own brain power exclusive of the male parasite, suggests that mother nature will win over men`s preference for their suicider`s pathologic, which isn`t logical to the suicided, and might explain why Arabian women don`t permit themselves to drive. They`ve got more important concerns than playing with cars in a game where you die if you don`t concentrate on avoiding the other `players`:
`Get behind me, Satan!` (Matt: 4. 10)
Plague aims are the spirit of the 21st century where the parasites play games of viral destruction of the Earth and its humans. Greece`s most infamous war was against Troy where they feigned friendship for the Trojans by constructing a huge hollow wooden horse and leaving it as a friendship gift before the city walls. Emerging to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women for pederasty and war`s contagions, the `geeks` of the 20th century computer age used the paradigm of the `Trojan horse` as the name for the viruses they constructed to hide attacks on computer systems that, crashing, delayed the human endeavour. In the same way, the Arabian terrorists, feigning friendship for the United States on 9/11 2001 crashed the US` defense system and precipitated global conflict and pederasty`s contagiousness when they flew hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre to reestablish their `rough trade`. Feigning friendship for the white cells of the human body`s immune system before killing it is what homosexuality`s HIV/AIDS virus does:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`1
The plague aims of the parasite is to cause great harm through least effort. If the human species of `woman`s seed` perceives itself as split between men and women rather than parasite and human, the devouring and enslaving parasite has little to do except pogrom itself. That`s how they play games with their plague aims, which are to kill the human body of civilization, culture and art `woman`s seed` is able to produce from her host womb despite the depredations of what Revelation describes as the devouring `red dragon` doomed to perdition after Christ`s `Second Coming` and its defeat in the `war in heaven` to reestablish the enslaver`s devouring of the products of women`s host wombs.
Rather than develop advanced technology men prefer pet `trull` consumption, where `woman`s seed` remains the enslaved and devoured civilization, culture and art upon the Earth, because men don`t want their pet `trull` consumption to stop lest she escape in a better vehicle. A car`s window resembles a toe, and it`s toes hell that pet `trull` consumption and cars are for:
`... a prostitute; harlot.`2
Because the pederast doesn`t want the `woman`s seed` to be more than its `streetwalker`, and it made Jesus` cross.
1 Virgil, The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 BC.
2 https://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Trull .