Women Are Dying Of Someone Else`s Disease And They`re Humans
13/07/2013 16:37
Women Are Dying Of Someone Else`s Disease And They`re Humans
Western civilization was founded by the ancient Greeks` institutionalized enslaving of women`s host wombs for pederasty and war, which spread as a contagion exactly like the HIV/AIDS virus. At the walls of the city of Troy, the Greeks employed a huge hollow wooden horse to leave as a `friendship gift` before the city and emerged to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women for pederasty and war`s spreading of the disease further when the `gift` was accepted within the city:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`1
In the United States a brand name for condoms is `Trojans` and the colloquialism `French letter` is used because the woman doesn`t want what`s in it. In the Bible God tells Eve to beware of the `serpent`s seed` with whom she`ll have `perpetual enmity`, because she`s `woman`s seed`, who will `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for a `new heaven and Earth`:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of hralots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The woman enslaved for pederasty is facilitating the devourment of the human species by what Revelation describes as the `red dragon` waiting in vain to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming`, born as the `New Redeemer` after his initial sojourn upon the Earth as the child of the Virgin Mary, his mother, uncontaminated by male semen. Tortured to death, Jesus had Ascension to heaven and, at the `Last Supper`, before his murder, Christ gave `bread and wine` as tokens of his `body and blood` to the disciples to remind them of the importance of a good host and that the host didn`t want to be devoured by parasites. In Revelation God sends the `blood plague`, which corresponds to the HIV/AIDS virus of the latter part of the 20th century that was created by mixing blood, shit and semen in anal sex between men who don`t want women:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Uncontaminated by male semen, born from the Virgin Mary, Jesus and his mother represent the `woman`s seed` insofar as she doesn`t need the `serpent`s seed` of male semen to reproduce, that is, she`s a self-reproducer. Women with a penis of their own and their own `seed` are termed `futanarian`, and men have emerged as parasites from woman`s host womb to enslave and devour the `futanarian` human species in its ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity` against the civilization, culture and art she`s been able to produce despite her parasites` depredations. The `futanarian` human species represents independent socio-economy exclusive of men, so because it`s a parasitical devourer men must find ways of keeping the host wombs of women enslaved so that they can continue to devour her in pederasty.
The HIV/AIDS virus is men`s `biological weapon` keeping women in faithfulness through fear to enslaving and devouring monogamous relations with the parasite that has feigned symbiosis. The virus functions in the same way because it feigns similitude with the `white cells` of the body`s immune system to kill it. The 21st century began with the viral expression of the parasites` desire to maintain the `rough trade` of pederasty and devouring war when Arabian `Al Qaeda` terrorists precipitated global conflict by hijacking airliners at Logan airport in the United States and crashing them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 9/11, 2001.
In computer terms, `geeks` had crashed the US` defense system by giving the `PC` a `virus. `PC` was the term for `personal computers` developed by what society came to know as its `geeks`, because of the technological productivity of what were perceived by their culture as peculiar interests. Having developed computer technology, the `geeks` almost immediately began to assert the parasites` paradigm of virality by giving the machines `Trojan viruses` to make them dysfunctional, which made `geeks` 20th century Greeks.
`PC` is often applied to the United States, because of its role as `global policeman`, so the `geek` programers of 9/11`s terrorist hijacked airliners crashing the US` defenses, that is, the feigned friendship of the viral Arabian guests for their host, represented the reestablishment of the `Trojan` horse` of Greek culture at the beginning of the 21st century, where `Greek` is a byword for the `rough trade` of pederasty amongst homosexuals. The destruction of the World Trade Centre despite the United States` global policing precipitated the `War On Terror` (2003-), which gave the police surveillance powers far beyond what they had ever known before. Consequently, the `number of the beast` in Revelation is 666, because it`s the reverse of the number of the police, that is, 999, in most of the world, apart from the United States, where it`s 911, which explains why 9/11 was chosen in mockery of the United States` `PC`.
`Peace E` was the slogan for the drug culture of ecstasy taking in which the sharing of bloody needles amongst those injecting drugs at rave parties and elsewhere was a sign of the 20th century`s infatuation with sex and flirting with death through HIV/AIDS` blood contamination. The love drug `E` was discovered to be an uninhibiter, which removed the barriers built by men as women`s parasites and liberated her latent sexuality towards her own species. Although Britney Spears wasn`t a part of the techno pop `E` scene as an artist, her album release, Blackout (2007), which contained the single CD `Piece Of Me`, addressed the issues:
`I'm Mrs 'You want a piece of me?' Tryin' and pissin' me off. Well get in line with the paparazzi who's flippin' me off.`
In the United States a piece is a gun and Jesus was betrayed by Judas, his disciple, for `thirty pieces of silver`, while the day before his death, the disciples had berated a woman for anointing Jesus` feet with expensive perfume that was wasted on Christ because he`d soon be dead. Jesus` reply was mild:
`Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6)
Britney Spears` Blackout album title meant that she had a problem with `censorship`. It isn`t possible to see if you`ve been shot with a piece, which means that `PC` is `Piece, see?` The cover of the Britney Spears` CD single `Piece Of Me` featured herself as Jesus upon the cross, because `PC` women were being betrayed by men who didn`t want them to know that they had a penis of their own, and preferred to show her their guns:
`Hopin' I'll resort to some havoc and end up settlin' in court. Now are you sure you want a piece of me?`
Hollywood is called `Babylon`, because mainstream media doesn`t want the human species of women to know that she`s in a movie with a devouring parasite that has stolen her penis and killed her fatherers, who were `futanarian` women with their own penis` seed, and men would rather that she was blind or censored through early death, resulting in species` memory loss, than that she develop technology and medicine to help herself `kick the habit`, before he injects her with some more of his `biological weapons`.
`PC` was also the abbreviation used in the United States to define feminism, which was `politically correct` or `PC` because it accepted the definition of pederasty as equivalent to women`s self-love for her own `futanarian` human species that her homosexual parasites had defined as `lesbianism`. Feminists hadn`t conceived that, to be intellectually and socio-economically independent, women would have to develop their own species` brain power and that could only be done by self-reproducing as women with their own penis` seed exclusive of men`s parasitism.
Hollywood, Bablyon`s censoring of the penis, so that women don`t know that she has one, is equivalent to the parasites` declaring the human species extinct, while they make the movie of its devouring. Feminists are taught to perceive men as imprisoning because of their penis, but they`re not educated into the knowledge and awareness that women need brains of their own and so represent socio-economic independence for the human species, but for being enslaved by a devouring parasite that has feigned a symbiotic relation with her so that it can emerge from her host womb after having hijacked her penis to further enslave her and devour whatever the human produces. If the human race with its own `futanarian` penis and `woman`s seed` doesn`t breed itself, she`ll have no brains to employ herself in escaping from the evil `serpent`s seed` of the Earth`s devourers.
Pornography is perceived as being censorable because the men don`t want the women to know that they have a penis of their own as a socio-economically independent and viable self-reproducing future alternative to being eaten by parasites. Humans have only two physical valences, eating and fucking, and taboos which prevent the woman`s penis from being in the picture with women mean that eating is the valence that the parasitical devourers stress.
`Soft core` magazines featuring naked young women and those `hard core` products that feature women having sex with men tell the girls, who aren`t even supposed to be interested in their own human species` nude form, that they don`t have a penis of their own to reproduce with and so fucking is presented as slavery to them in US` publications like Playboy (1953-) and Penthouse (1965-) which means women can be made by men to perceive `futanarian` woman with `woman`s seed` as `alien`, whereas she has her own `host` womb and so is woman`s self-reproductive capability and enlargeable brain power to further her human species` escape to the planets and stars.
Because the human species` penis is repressed as taboo, pornography is food for the parasites` psyche, but `food for thought` to the human imagination, which women are taught isn`t for them because lesbianism is taboo too. Consciousness raising is something that feminism encourages, but consciousness expanding drugs like `E` prevail upon the young women to believe in `chemical love` and the hypnotic permissiveness that results in failure to use a condom and HIV/AIDS` virus transmissions of death from a `serpent` only concerned with its momentary ejaculation, which means that the human species has to be hypnagogically controlled by its parasites lest it awakens into an awareness of its condemned and captive state:
`I'm Mrs 'Most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets when getting the groceries, no, for real.. are you kidding me?`
20th century recording technology for music and films used magnetic tape, which is what men`s looks constitute and their victims can`t escape the `animal magnetism`. Their eyes are `magnetic strip`, because the women have to take their clothes off with them, whereas they have their own penis` seed and so don`t need men at all, which is why Adam and Eve felt naked in Eden after meeting the serpent there, who told them `You shall be as gods,` because they`d accepted enslavement and devourment for their species` progeny when accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent rather than the `fruit of the tree of life` that God gave. Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary, his mother, uncontaminated by male semen, was the path of Redemption from slavery and parasitical devourment by the `serpent`s seed`, because he was able to recognize that he was `woman`s seed` rather than her contaminant.
In Genesis Cain, the first murderer, slays Abel because Abel can cook, so is more able, which is what parasites do. If women had brains of their own because they bred as a species, men would be extinct as a non-reproducing parasite, and so they disable the human species so that they can enslave and devour her. Abel represented the spirit of the woman`s human species, because he could cook, and that`s why Cain killed it. Because it was a sign of human intelligence and the desire of a human to be a host for the spirit of God. In the Catholic Communion the priest`s ` giving `bread and wine` as the host rather than Jesus` `body and blood` signifies the desire of the human not to be eaten, but the concept of fucking so that the woman will have brains is so repressed in Christianity that the church is reduced to persuading its parishioners not to devour each other as its sole preoccupation.
The Catholic church has been itself described as Babylon because, focusing entirely on eating and drinking, the Communion Service is perceived by the unconscious minds of the ignorant as a ritual devouring of `woman`s seed`, that is, the human species, whereas Satanism, which often depicts a woman with a penis at the centre of its symbolism, is widely associated with fucking and that`s how women with their own penis` seed get brains.
In 1950 the Catholic church made the Assumption of the Virgin Mary doctrine, that is, it`s assumed she`s in heaven because she belongs there, which is acknowledgement that women`s host wombs have been enslaved by her devouring parasites and so she is blameless. Unless she voluntarily accepts the role of pederasty`s mother, which is the `mystery` associated with Babylon. Why she accepts her role as `mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth`. Because she accepts slavery for others even though she and they could have freedom from the womb and freedom for the host. Although Jesus has Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, after his `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer`, born while the dragon waits in vain to devour in Revelation, God punishes the `serpent`s seed` with perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, because heaven is for woman.
The Catholic Service of Communion implements the transubstantiation of `bread and wine` into Jesus` `body and blood`, because Christ was the first of `woman`s seed` and, to get to heaven without being resurrected by God at the `Last Judgement`, as the `futanarian` human species of woman, a man would have to be reborn in the womb of the `futanarian` species of woman, which first requires Jesus` teachings of acceptance of the host womb of woman as the human species, so that knowledge of the processes of transformation are understandable to those who don`t want Redemption:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
As a single species women won`t marry, and according to Jesus the angels of God are the same species, that is, humanity is God`s new angelic host, which explains why Satan and the `fallen angels` who wouldn`t `bow before man`, according to the Koran of the Moslem faith, dictated to the Prophet Mohammed by God`s angels (610-30 CE), are for perdition, because they preferred enslavement and devourment for `woman`s seed`, before it bore fruit. Parasites worship eating, whereas humans prefer fucking, and the human species of `woman`s seed` needs to have sexual reproduction with her own `futanarian` women with a penis of their own and `seed`, so that it`ll have brains to withstand the parasites` attack when the `war in heaven` foretold in Revelation begins, and the `red dragon` and his devils with the `serpent`s seed` are finally cast into the pit.
Pornographic representations of women in the mass media are natural for `futanarian` woman with her own penis and human species` valence for socio-economic independence through self-reproduction, but`adults` are expected to understand that they`re men, whereas women are. Men can`t reproduce because they`re parasites, so pornography is a meat menu for the parasitical devourers, who know that they`re mocking the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis as `lesbian` meat for its consumption.
Consumption is the traditional medical term for any illness consuming the body, such as HIV/AIDS. If women`s consumer is men as her parasitical virus, the desire for the death of the human species is already programed into their cells. Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden by God. Adam was told to work and Eve was told to bear children, but she`d have pain. The `wages of sin is death` is proverbial and the human species` lifespan has grown shorter, because `woman`s seed` with her own penis is a threat to men`s enslaving of her, and so the penis is taboo. Women remain ephemeral hosts for parasitism because medical science is kept at a low level so that women`s memory is brief and unsuspecting. Eve`s pain is that she is perforce the producer of the `serpent`seed` since Eden, but Jesus` rebirth from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in Revelation is a symbolic one that offers hope to the future.
`Liberty` in New York harbor was present to see the silvery moon reflected in her birth waters as the yellow moons of the flags of Al Qadea precipitated the United States into a global conflict with Moslem terrorist nations, and she reflected upon the events of Pearl harbor in 1941 when Japanese suicide pilots crashed their planes into the unsuspecting US Pacific fleet at Hawaii. The assassination of terrorist Al Qaeda leader, Osama Ben Ladan, in Pakistan on May 2nd, 2011, and the surrender of the red suns of the flags of Japan in 1945 meant that `Liberty` was `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in the birth waters of the `New Redeemer` at the beginning of the 21st century in New York harbor`s mouth:
`A sharp sword came from his mouth, so that he might strike the nations with it. He will shepherd them with an iron scepter. He will also trample the winepress of the fierce anger of God, the Almighty.` (Rev: 19. 15-21)
The 9/11 terrorists adapted a Hollywood, Babylon feature film, Logan`s Run (1976), for their betrayal of their host, the United States, and express their virality in hijacking civil airliners at Logan airport and crashing them into the World Trade Centre to reestablish the `rough trade` of pederasty and war. In the movie Logan`s Run `sandmen` kill all those who have reached 21 years of age and so 9/11, 2001, was an attempt by Arabian `sandmen` to assassinate the 21st century at birth. But the symbolism of `Liberty` in her birth waters of New York harbor suggests that Jesus was speaking as God had spoken with HIV/AIDS, the `blood plague` of Revelation, that is, behind the acts of evil men was God`s `Word` and `Providence` revealed. The first of `woman`s seed` Jesus was thought to be the `Son of Man` and vin ordinaire but, if `Man` is women with her own penis` seed let men beware.
1 Virgil, The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 BC.